What is the worst comment you ever got about your weight?



  • Gerald_King
    Gerald_King Posts: 2,031 Member
    My wifes mother used to bring the bathroom scales out when her friends came round and used to say to my wife come on jump on the scales and let them all see how fat you are today
  • bettacheckyoself
    no comment.
  • Maidofmer
    Maidofmer Posts: 908 Member
    this was more of a payback. I've always been big, and my sister has too, but she likes to dress like shes a Victoria secret model. she always called me names, and when I started losing weight, she wouldn't let up. One day, she was wearing this outfit, tank top and shorts, way too small for her, to the point her boobs were almost popping out, as well as her sides and the shorts were disappearing.. The shorts said Hawaii on the butt, and after she said something bad to me in front of our grandpa, he looked to her as she was walking away and said, "Looks like the islands are spreading out more." I laughed so hard I fell out of a chair.
  • Funsoaps
    Funsoaps Posts: 514 Member
    I haven't had much in terms of that, everybody is so nice to me, even strangers...I usually get that people don't belileve I weigh as much as I do because I don't look like it.

    But from some close friends..."What happened?". "Youre big or you're getting big".

    From some family members "you USED to be so thin/fit"

    From aquantainces "you used to be anorexic"
  • PinkyKiwii
    PinkyKiwii Posts: 512 Member
    I cant decide which was the "worst"

    I think they are all equally baaaaaaaaad
  • skylarvii
    skylarvii Posts: 1 Member
    I had a boyfriend who said, "You're surprisingly not awkward for a big girl" Needless to say, he ain't the guy I married.
  • imfivebyfive
    After I lost a lot of weight one time someone told me I looked like a concentration camp survivor. That was pretty rude.
  • sjj0223
    sjj0223 Posts: 26
    I lost 15+ pounds in a very short time and lots of people asked me if I was sick!
  • juiletflt
    juiletflt Posts: 159
    Besides being asked if I was pregnant several times, the one that hurts the most was when my mom and I went shopping a few years ago, she held up a piece of clothing and said "if you get this big, i will lock you in a closet until you aren't". The worse part was that was my size.
  • michellevine1
    michellevine1 Posts: 185 Member
    The one i hated the most was you would be so pretty if you werent so heavy....that stuck with me for a LONG time.

    This for me too! Ouch that did HURT.
  • Hbazzell
    Hbazzell Posts: 899 Member
  • AudreyinNC
    funny this comment wasn't even at my heaviest....

    I had gotten out of the car to go into the store and some young guys in a truck were moo'g at me like a cow as I walked in the store.

    The art of teaching our young sons shivalry, and how to be a gentleman is long gone......All these stories make me want to cry.
    If this were my child I would be mortified and ashamed.
  • MelissaE27
    MelissaE27 Posts: 682 Member
    My ex husband the day after I had his baby.. *if you want me to have sex with you again you better lose the whale blubber and fast*...
  • lovechicagobears
    lovechicagobears Posts: 289 Member
    I was working in a haunted forest, and they had me positioned in the graveyard. I had hit my heaviest weight, and I was wearing a white nightgown to look like I'd died in my sleep 100 years ago.

    I was sitting on the ground, leaning against a gravestone, waiting to "come to life" and crawl at people. One of the frat boys walking by said, "Obesity. That's what killed you." A few of his friends started snickering, and a couple girls in the group said, "Oh my GOD! Ken!!!" like they were shocked and appalled, but they were laughing too.

    I was too shocked to move or say anything. As soon as they passed, I started crying really hard. I wanted to go tear their faces off. (I cry to release anger.) My friend had heard them and came through a crew passage to give me a hug.

    Later that night, I changed into a black outfit and put on a wolf mask. A few groups said, "Whoa. That's a big dude," as they walked by.

    I quit that night.
  • mem50
    mem50 Posts: 1,384 Member
    At the time this happened I was about 170 and "firm" This was before I hit 300. I decided to get dolled up for my man. I came in the room thinking I looked hot and he just looked me up and down and says....

    "You look ridiculous"

    Personally I was expecting a different response. Never wore lingerie for him again.

    P.S. I dumped his sorry butt and found a man that really loves me.
  • jennieo213
    jennieo213 Posts: 19 Member
    Are you expecting? Asked by the clerk at a store when I was paying for a bottle of wine!!
  • arlenem1974
    arlenem1974 Posts: 437 Member
    was at a restaurant celebrating my aunts 80th birthday when one of my other aunts said in front of about 30 other family members jeez you really gained weight. Like I dident know that already.
  • koshkasmum
    koshkasmum Posts: 276 Member
    I always loved the "are you expecting?" or "When are you due?" questions - devastating as I cannot have kids. I took to answering with an icy stare and "I"m not pregnant, I'm just Fat." Made me feel a bit better on two counts as people invariable backed off...
  • jennieo213
    jennieo213 Posts: 19 Member
    Quote "I was riding the train home from work in Chicago (the L) and two drunk boys got on and started talking about how disgusting and fat I was (230 lbs, 5'5"). Loudly. This lasted about five minutes, and everyone in my train car could hear them. I pretended not to hear them, and that I wasn't bothered by it, but I have never felt so low or cried so hard when I got home."

    That is horrible...but what makes me even more sad is that no one that was witnessing this happen said anything!
  • harderpa
    harderpa Posts: 153 Member
    I guess I don't have it that bad, but I am real hard on myself and when I try to say something my fiancee isn't supportive. I asked him to help me and he just says exercise then. I was however, modeling when I was 17 and only 150 which was small for me considering I have large breast and told me I could only ever be a plus size model. Or how about without breast your weight would make you ugly.