What is the worst comment you ever got about your weight?



  • Jade1964
    Jade1964 Posts: 111 Member
    funny this comment wasn't even at my heaviest....

    I had gotten out of the car to go into the store and some young guys in a truck were moo'g at me like a cow as I walked in the store.
  • allstarlolo
    I was riding the train home from work in Chicago (the L) and two drunk boys got on and started talking about how disgusting and fat I was (230 lbs, 5'5"). Loudly. This lasted about five minutes, and everyone in my train car could hear them. I pretended not to hear them, and that I wasn't bothered by it, but I have never felt so low or cried so hard when I got home.
  • JosieJo2000
    JosieJo2000 Posts: 162 Member
    I was at my lowest point, 2 children with disabilities, living in a house that should have been condemned, husband deployed overseas, overweight, back injury, depression. A friend visited our city from overseas and insisted we catch up. It was very difficult to organise, but I did, and made the effort to have lunch with her with the kids in tow.

    Fast forward a couple of years and we caught up again. I'd lost the weight and was training for a triathlon. She looked at me and said "OMG!! You are HALF the size you were when I last saw you! A third the size! I mean, you were HUGE!! I couldn't believe how big you were". I nearly cried because she was telling me that the day I made all that effort to see her all she saw was my size, and held onto that for years. Our friendship was never the same after that.
  • sarahmichelle91xx
    sarahmichelle91xx Posts: 113 Member
    I've been called fat by my super skinny sister my whole life, that doesn't get to me anymore and no one else has said anything to me.
  • whitneyps7
    whitneyps7 Posts: 409 Member
    got asked if i was pregnant and another time i ordered chili cheese fries and some chicken friend chicken after gambling till 3 am. my friend who like 310 was like no wonder your clothes dont fit anymore...:/ geez thanks
  • K_Smith86
    K_Smith86 Posts: 123
    I've gotten quite a few mean comments that have stuck with me for quite a long time.

    In gradeschool, I think probably 5th grade or so, I had just been at this school for a year, and had found it difficult to make friends. The school I was at previously was a lower income school, and this new one was on a side of town known for having a lot of rich families. Anyway. Kids were particularly mean at this school. One day at recess, a bunch of kids came up to me while I was on the swing and told me they had a nickname for me. It was "About to burstin' Kirsten!" I didn't let them see it bother me, but after they ran off laughing, shouting their new found name for me, I ran into the school and locked myself in a bathroom stall and cried so hard I threw up. Needless to say I ended up going home that day.

    My aunt on my dad's side of the family has always made comments to me about my weight, always has. I can't help that I have a large frame and am tall. I carry my weight well, I just could stand to lose about 100 lbs. (Hey, it's what happens when you turn to food for comfort.)

    I've also gotten the "you'd be so much prettier if you lost 'x' amount of pounds." Or the "Well you're the reason it broke! If you didn't weigh so much, things wouldn't break!" And other variations of said comment.
  • aylajane
    aylajane Posts: 979 Member
    When I was 4 years old, my grandmother would tell me as we were walking down an asphalt street that I made the little tar bumps in the road when I walked because I was too fat... Yeah, 4 years old and I remember!

    A guy once commented about me "blowing up" (i had gained 20 pounds during our relationship because we only sat around drinking mtn dew, eating pizza and watching movies) and he lost interest in me... He was overweight as well, and I commented back something about "clearly YOUR body is a temple..." idiot.
  • xFitnessFlirt
    the one i got is I'm only fat because of my surgery scar from cancer. Ok my cancer has nothing to do with my weight, yes I have a scar across the waist and it doesnt stop me from losing weight.
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    My dad said I looked like a sack of potatoes. I was 11. Ever since then I've been overweight and VERY conscious about it!
  • tastywhalebacon_
    when the preschoolers at work would ask if i had a baby in my belly. i always told them that it was a food baby, it was made up of diet coke and cheeseburgers.
  • Erisad
    Erisad Posts: 1,580
    "You'll never get a boyfriend/married looking like that."
  • _AllieCat_
    _AllieCat_ Posts: 515 Member
    All my life until I lost weight I heard:
    Cow, fatty, fat *kitten*, she probably sat on it..thats why it broke, fat cow, if only I was skinny, I am smaller then you, a guy asked me out as joke but I told him off ahaha. After I lost that weight those people were nice to me but I'm like F*** you. I don't put up with insults anymore...they make me laugh. I have good self esteem now though it's getting better since I'm still on my path to get to where I want not where others want me to be, it's body.

    I went through very similar experiences in High School. I had lost around 50-60 pounds from my freshman to sophomore year and people treated me so differently it made me sick. People/children are cruel.
  • ashesmf
    ashesmf Posts: 100 Member
    A co-worker once made fun of the fact that I was on a diet. She said, "You want me to help you lose weight? Just stop bending your elbow so much shoveling that food in."

    A friend also pointed out a guy that liked obese women and then said he'd really like you.

    Someone once told my gorgeous niece that if she didn't stop eating she was going to end up like me.

    One thing that has probably affected me most is how my Dad constantly complemented other girls. He used to tell his best friend, "I can believe {your daughter} came from you! She's just so pretty!" He never said any of those things to me.
  • cjs3001
    cjs3001 Posts: 273 Member
    Our very very blunt Greek consultant at work that always gave out chocolate and wine for Christmas for us all. Christmas 2011 she said 'I'm not going to give you any chocolate because, you know, I want you to...' and rubbed my stomach whilst pushing me out of her office. Another time at work one of our seniors had a medical issue that meant he was away for about a year and came back to see us all and my boss mentioned my name and he said 'What, the fat one?' and my boss said 'No, not any more!' which she then told me as if I should take it as a great compliment and not make me think that everyone just referred to me as the fat one. Bleh.
  • k8ecakes
    Woman at a park asked me if I was pregnant. "No", i replied. "Well, you look like you've had 3 kids".

    Gee, thanks.

    Also, I bought a bra at Victorias secret and was walking to my car and a group of men drove by and was like "why don't you shop at a store you can fit into fat *kitten*!" And then were making noises and honking as I walked to my car. That one just made me sigh... What jerks.
  • pappillion67
    i have always gotton comments on my butt.......lately my step daughtr, said my butt was huge.. wow did that sting...shes 14, and i know shes a kid, but it still hurt ...
  • Maidofmer
    Maidofmer Posts: 908 Member
    you carry your weight well. really? you cant just say I look nice?
  • Maidofmer
    Maidofmer Posts: 908 Member
    Our very very blunt Greek consultant at work that always gave out chocolate and wine for Christmas for us all. Christmas 2011 she said 'I'm not going to give you any chocolate because, you know, I want you to...' and rubbed my stomach whilst pushing me out of her office. Another time at work one of our seniors had a medical issue that meant he was away for about a year and came back to see us all and my boss mentioned my name and he said 'What, the fat one?' and my boss said 'No, not any more!' which she then told me as if I should take it as a great compliment and not make me think that everyone just referred to me as the fat one. Bleh.

    I had aboss like that. my first job when I was 15, I worked at a Chinese restaurant, and I was 230, and my boss says, on your break I want you to run to the store. I said im not doing that on my break, and he said, you need to run so you wont be fat anymore.
  • Wazeal
    Wazeal Posts: 7 Member
    My ex sat beside me and said "I hate fat people and I have to look at you." Yet he would bring in donuts and other horrible foods when I was on diets and losing weight. He also would only take me out to fast food restaurants with 2 for 1 coupons. Notice he is my ex!
    I have never been so happy.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,135 Member
    When I was 14, I rode my bike around the neighborhood. One of my classmate's 2 brothers called me pig on patrol and oinked. This is why I don't go to the gym.