What is the worst comment you ever got about your weight?



  • little_lisid
    little_lisid Posts: 47 Member
    Gee people really suck. What this thread shows to me is that I either have thick skin, poor hearing or a really crapy memory....either that or I come across as nuts enough for no one to say it to my face (I was a very aggressive/forceful child/teenager/adult, heck still am :). I've been overweight since about grade 5 and can't remember negative comments at all. I can remember my older sister coping it constantly from everywhere. I even remember beating someone up over it as a kid, defending her. Weird, going to have to ask her if it happened to me too...curious.
  • SoberMomRocks
    My sister was always thin and beautiful...me...not so much. I had a great aunt that used to say, "Isn't Cathy beautiful and isn't it fortunate that Sherry is smart." I was like...12. Who does that?
  • jerknoir
    jerknoir Posts: 96 Member
    About four years ago I had to be put in an outpatient program for my eating disorder. I gained 20lb and bodily I became healthy again, but I was miserable inside. My boyfriend at the time had been with me throughout my descent, was as unsupportive of my recovery as I was all the way, and one night when I started crying on the phone, he says to his 102lb girlfriend, "I liked you better when you were skinny." I'm not sure if I'll ever shake those words, no matter how many years I go without contacting the prick.
  • seresha
    seresha Posts: 65
    I think probably the worst for myself was when I was at an local fair and I wanted to get on this ride. When I went to get on the guy said I was too big and made me walk off while everyone stared at me and ot was probably the single most embarrasing moment of my life:/
  • KoGettinFit
    KoGettinFit Posts: 51 Member
    My s-i-l asked me on Christmas last year what size I wore & upon answering her she said "Wow, I thought you were bigger than that, b/c you look bigger than me!" I was immediately *ISSED OFF, embarrassed, & ready to cry & punch her all at the same time:explode: :sad: :cry: !!!
    This Christmas I was 36lbs lighter & a few sizes smaller. The reaction I got from another s-i-l was "DANG GIRL, you look GOOD!"
    Now that is a MUCH better feeling :happy:
  • nguk123
    nguk123 Posts: 223
    My girls call me fat but that is because I let them. My middle one says that she is glad that I am fat because she is starting to get overweight and she said that she would be sad if she was the only one with a jiggle tummy.
    I don't know how old your children are or what the takeaway from this info was intended to be, but I want to ask whether you have any opinions/emotions as relates to your daughters weight gain and her attitudes to health and fitness.
  • vice350z
    vice350z Posts: 1,066 Member
    Years ago when i was over 300lbs, my friend was having a picnic. I show up at his house, walk up to his door and knock. I see a bunch of people inside already. His then about 5 year old daughter runs up to the door, runs back to to other room where her dad and other guests are and says "daddy...there's a fat man at the door"

    Yeah, that stung. The mom tried telling me "oh she was just kidding"....uh, no, young kids like that are as honest as people get when it comes to blurting out crap lol.
  • Kelly_Runs_NC
    Kelly_Runs_NC Posts: 474 Member
    "You're not as skinny as you used to be!!"...that was a life-changing day for me I think looking back at it.
  • bdreilly84
    Somebody asked me when I was due and asked if I was having twins......I was not pregnant but was so humiliated I lied about it and said I was 16 weeks with one!!!!!
  • Velum_cado
    Velum_cado Posts: 1,608 Member
    When I was in the 4th grade my teacher made fun of my weight in front of the whole class. :\
  • vice350z
    vice350z Posts: 1,066 Member
    I think probably the worst for myself was when I was at an local fair and I wanted to get on this ride. When I went to get on the guy said I was too big and made me walk off while everyone stared at me and ot was probably the single most embarrasing moment of my life:/

    Also back in my over 300lb days, I went to Six Flags in NJ and was a little nervous to get on the Batman ride cuz I knew I was a lot fatter than i was years ago when I was last at 6Flags...i get on, the harness closes down on me but they couldn't get the seatbelt thing to latch...they were pushing down on the harness to try to get it to reach, i just said "yeah, this aint working, let me off"...and walked off in shame.

    I still tried another ride..it was a bleachers type ride where you sat and the thing just went around like a ferris wheel. Everything locks down and I'm like "whew"...latches all pop up...."uh oh"...we get told to pull down safety latch...locks...pops. The ride guy looks at his little board of where the problem is and points me out saying I have to get off cuz its not locking. I had to walk away in front of all the people on the ride and the long *kitten* line of people waiting. Ugh it was horrible.

    I saw another fat guy in line and just thought "good luck, brah"

    I was able to ride the Superman ride but the harness locked in at the very last hole.

    Being fat sucks.
  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    My orthopedic surgeon used to tell me that the only way to reduce back pain from scoliosis was to lose weight. Which was true, but I was 16 and at a healthy BMI at the time. Not so helpful for the average teenaged girl's body image.
  • xSakura
    xSakura Posts: 288 Member
    "Wow, she's put on a lot of weight"

    I know that comment probably isn't as bad as some, but when your main reason of being the weight you are is due to 7 months untreated Hypothyroisism, it's not nice. People are too quick to judge these days..
  • Wol5894
    Wol5894 Posts: 127 Member
    Somebody asked me when I was due and asked if I was having twins......I was not pregnant but was so humiliated I lied about it and said I was 16 weeks with one!!!!!

    That's what happened to me, except I told them I was 24 weeks pregnant, even though I wasn't pregnant at all. I felt SO humiliated that it haunted me for years.
  • Denise1224
    Denise1224 Posts: 150 Member
    I was thinking about what I hate about being fat because of a previous post and it got me wondering about other people's worse comment. Here is the one I remember from when I was 30lbs lighter than I am currently.

    I have a brother who is about 400 lbs and he does NOT wash as well as he should (YUCK) and his wife was complaining that my brother stunk because of his fat rolls and then she looked at me and said "you know what I mean Beck, your big". I just stood there for a few minutes and couldn't even think, then I said " No Tonya, I don't know what you mean because I wash everyday and here is the secret to not stinking, I use SOAP".

    My SIL is an idiot but it still stung!

    OUCH yea that one is bad!!! The one I remember was when I was about 10 lbs lighter than I am now I was in the breakroom at work heating up my lunch (lots of other people around because it was lunch time) and another coworker blurts out "Are you pregnant?" ... my reply was "No I'm just fat but hey thanks for pointing it out to everyone for me" ... GAH people can be sooo stupid!
  • SwimFan1981
    SwimFan1981 Posts: 1,430 Member
    My ex husband the day after I had his baby.. *if you want me to have sex with you again you better lose the whale blubber and fast*...
    What an absolute moron...
  • Mistyblu08
    Mistyblu08 Posts: 580 Member
    Well my mom has told me that I am getting fat but the clincher was when for xmas this year I got a pair of size 18 jeans from my sister and her two girls as a "joke" how sweet are they? The funny part is- they could all stand to lose some weight themselves!

    On the flip side- back when I was close to the recomended weight for my height 125lbs they said I looked anorexic!!! lmbo ok like make up your damn mind- came to the conclusion - I worry about what I think about me not what others think about me :)
  • reasnableblonde
    reasnableblonde Posts: 212 Member
    Was out for a run and took a lap to walk and some jack yelled out the window, ` it's gonna take more then walking.` It wasn't as personal as some of your guys comments, but it's probably the meanest thing anyones ever said to me. ( plus it was at a valley wide so I'm pretty sure he had his kid or Lil brother in his car cause he was leaving the baseball game, hate a kid to see or think bulling is ok)
    Worst part is its didn't push me it make not wanna workout in public and it took me a good year to get back out there and go for runs. On well that guy can suck it cause now I bet I can run miles around him!
    Oh almost forgot the worst! Apparently my half sis told my mom she could see how my life would end up and I would just keep gaining weight and gaining weight and my husband would leave me! Who the f says that especially family! I try not to hold to much of a grudge since at the time she was just deciding to leave her husband and she's not exactly in shape and I know she was projecting. Went six months without telling her I lost a pound, there's a pic of us at thanksgiving (when she finally saw my loss) on my page, she doesn't look super happy but I was :)

    You look fantastic and have every reason to be happy! :flowerforyou:
  • theycallmegirl
    My very skinny friend said to me "you are so lucky you have a butt" I did NOT take this as a compliment
  • mousepaws22
    mousepaws22 Posts: 380 Member
    My sister told me that having a fat bridesmaid was ruining her wedding, I said fine, I won't be a bridesmaid then. But apparently that would ruin her wedding, so I couldn't win. I'm sure I'll get hassle from her becasue I've ruined the photos when she gets them back.