going vegetarian in 2013



  • dark_light
    I tried being a vegetarian and a vegan but I didn't even lasted a day :'(
  • Syreeta6
    Syreeta6 Posts: 377 Member
    I'm going partly vegetarian... meaning meat isn't really part of my routine anymore. However, I still like meat, and I will eat it when I go out or to someone's house (my parents, for example).

    Best of luck to you, and have a happy year!

    Same here, my hubby has recently returned to vegetarianism so I am mostly by default (since I do most of the cooking). When he did it the first time I actually had fun searching for new recipes to try, it's not bad and I love mushrooms now.
  • Bentley2718
    Bentley2718 Posts: 1,690 Member
    I was a veggie for about a year and really messed up my body. I am not knocking it by any means but if you want to be a vegetarian you really have to watch what you eat to make sure you are getting the nutrition that you need! That's where I failed. Now I try to get meat and dairy from places where I know the animals were not harmed.

    1) Being killed = harmed. I think you mean not maltreated while they are alive.

    2) You do not have to "really watch what you eat" to be a health vegetarian, any more than you have to watch what you eat if you want to be a healthy omnivore. Veggies, whole grains, beans, nuts, fruit. If you are ovo-lacto add in eggs and dairy (not too much cheese), and you're go to go. Where a lot of people go wrong is that they replace all the meat in their diet with pasta and cheese, of course you're going to get sick, anyone would.
  • Dementedllama
    Dementedllama Posts: 177 Member
    YAY congrats! I went vegetarian last year. I don't miss the meat at all.
  • saltedcaramel86
    saltedcaramel86 Posts: 238 Member
    I've been a vegetarian for about 8 or 9 years now... (I've lost count of the years). It was one of the best decisions I have ever made. I do not miss meat at all. Sometimes, I do have a slight temptation; however, it is not enough to drive me to eat meat.

    I do not preach to people about not eating meat. It is not my place to say nor judge. Those are one of the annoying stigmas of being a vegetarian; people assuming that you're trying to convert them into vegetarianism.

    Basically this, except I only became pesca-vegetarian since beginning of this year and hope to make the full transition in 2013. It's also made cooking more imaginative and exciting.
  • Syreeta6
    Syreeta6 Posts: 377 Member
    I will say this I do get annoyed by the same basic and lack of vegetarian dishes restaurants offer. They could be more accommodating.
  • lydia_the_tattooed_lady
    I've been vegetarian over 3 years now :) I'd been borderline for years and I'm glad I made the switch. The hardest part is eating out with friends and meals with family. There are few options. Usually I play it safe and just eat ahead :)
  • _VoV
    _VoV Posts: 1,494 Member
    I'm wishing you a very easy transition to vegetarian-eating. I've been a vegetarian since 1973, and love the way it makes me feel. Friend me if you would like a veggie friend.

    VoV is an awesome veg*n friend!

    Thanks, Mellisant. You are too!
  • amandaj1966
    amandaj1966 Posts: 342 Member
    I haven't eaten meat for 3 years, was a vegetarian for a few years before I had my children but went back to eating meat when they were younger. I do eat fish maybe once a week but would rather not. At the moment its easier for my family and friends that I eat fish but I know its only a matter of time and I will give that up to.

    All the best with your journey to being a vegetarian. xx
  • rlmiller73190
    rlmiller73190 Posts: 342 Member
    Good luck! I'll be celebrating 4 years in february on the same day I run my half marathon! I LOVE being a vegetarian. I started out doing it as something just to try; it has since evolved into a celebration of my love for the environment (if you do enough research and buy locally grown produce/milks/etc., it lowers your carbon foot print) and my love for animals. I felt amazing when I first switched over, and I still feel great! I don't really eat eggs, unless it's in a pastry or something, and I don't drink milk, but I'll eat ice cream and cheese (just personal preferences). Good luck!!!
  • _VoV
    _VoV Posts: 1,494 Member
    I will say this I do get annoyed by the same basic and lack of vegetarian dishes restaurants offer. They could be more accommodating.

    I totally agree! I sometimes ask for a modified plate. Example: A few side dishes from various plates already on the menu. Or, perhaps a couple of appetizers instead of a main dish. That said, there are times it gets frustrating, particularly if chicken broth is in everything including the salad dressing.

    And speaking of salad: why don't restaurants get that vegetarians aren't always in the mood for salad? Sometimes we want hearty comfort foods too, like creamy soups, pot pies, and stews.
  • laf0195
    laf0195 Posts: 71 Member
    I'd really love to go vegetarian, but I don't want to juggle the transition while losing weight. My biggest reason for not starting now is that I live with my mom, and can't see putting my need for a whole separate diet on the grocery list. However, I stopped eating red meat over two years ago, and haven't regretted it a bit. I intend to slowly give up meat while incorporating nutritious vegetarian foods into my diet over the course of this or next year.

    Good luck with your new lifestyle. I hope you love it! :)
  • Mads1997
    Mads1997 Posts: 1,494 Member
    I'm going partly vegetarian... meaning meat isn't really part of my routine anymore. However, I still like meat, and I will eat it when I go out or to someone's house (my parents, for example).

    Best of luck to you, and have a happy year!

    Is this like being partly alcoholic? either you are vegetarian or not.

    Me I love my red meat could never give it up, although I have switched from beef to kangaroo a bit.
  • EvelynBfly78
    EvelynBfly78 Posts: 240 Member
    I gave up chicken & fish a few months ago (beef, seafood, etc went a long time ago). I don't miss them. Becoming an ovo-lacto-vegetarian has improved how I feel healthwise tremendously. For me that heavy feeling that goes along with eating any kind of meat has gone. I would like to be vegan but I'm finding it hard to do away with milk & eggs (along with the picture in my mind of suffering animals)
    There are lots of creative vegetarian recipes to try. Some of my favorites are 3-Bean Chili, Kasha Salad & Lentil Soup.

    Good Luck in achieving your new goal to become vegetarian!
  • ArianaLuvsMe101
    I was a beg from the time I was born cause I had allergies to all meat except chicken breast, rarely!
  • Bentley2718
    Bentley2718 Posts: 1,690 Member
    I will say this I do get annoyed by the same basic and lack of vegetarian dishes restaurants offer. They could be more accommodating.

    I totally agree! I sometimes ask for a modified plate. Example: A few side dishes from various plates already on the menu. Or, perhaps a couple of appetizers instead of a main dish. That said, there are times it gets frustrating, particularly if chicken broth is in everything including the salad dressing.

    And speaking of salad: why don't restaurants get that vegetarians aren't always in the mood for salad? Sometimes we want hearty comfort foods too, like creamy soups, pot pies, and stews.

    I *hate* ordering salads at restaurants, mostly because I resent the assumption that I can "just order a salad." Plus, by the time you take the meat, cheese, and buttered croutons off, you're left with a really pathetic salad.
  • NeverGivesUp
    NeverGivesUp Posts: 960 Member
    I have been a pescetarian for over 30 years. I was only 10 when I made that decision and never looked back, not even once. Enjoy your new lifestyle!! Do what is right for you, are you going to be lacto ovo or vegan?. That is the biggest challenge in the food journey, figuring out what is actually right for you. Sounds like you are doing well with that, good luck to you Happy New Year. It is a good time to start because the date when you became a vegetarian will be easy for you to remember lol.
  • Bentley2718
    Bentley2718 Posts: 1,690 Member
    I gave up chicken & fish a few months ago (beef, seafood, etc went a long time ago). I don't miss them. Becoming an ovo-lacto-vegetarian has improved how I feel healthwise tremendously. For me that heavy feeling that goes along with eating any kind of meat has gone. I would like to be vegan but I'm finding it hard to do away with milk & eggs (along with the picture in my mind of suffering animals)
    There are lots of creative vegetarian recipes to try. Some of my favorites are 3-Bean Chili, Kasha Salad & Lentil Soup.

    Good Luck in achieving your new goal to become vegetarian!

    I found a gradual approach helped me give up dairy and eggs. Over a couple of years I found and adapted to other foods to fill the places those foods filled in my diet. For example, switching from regular milk to almond milk, or eating more beans since I no longer got my protein from yogurt. Even if you are never a "perfect" vegan, I think that any reduction is a positive thing.
  • NeverGivesUp
    NeverGivesUp Posts: 960 Member
    I will say this I do get annoyed by the same basic and lack of vegetarian dishes restaurants offer. They could be more accommodating.

    I totally agree! I sometimes ask for a modified plate. Example: A few side dishes from various plates already on the menu. Or, perhaps a couple of appetizers instead of a main dish. That said, there are times it gets frustrating, particularly if chicken broth is in everything including the salad dressing.

    And speaking of salad: why don't restaurants get that vegetarians aren't always in the mood for salad? Sometimes we want hearty comfort foods too, like creamy soups, pot pies, and stews.

    haha try gluten free and pescetarian. I usually just order steamed brocolli and grilled fish. Actually, I don't go out to eat very often anymore.
  • Taem2
    Taem2 Posts: 47 Member
    Becoming a vegetarian or vegan is tough. Whatever your source of calories, it is about calories in and calories out. It is easier for a vegetarian/vegan because there is a lot less fat consumption (9 claories a gram).

    I have been listening and studying both vegan and low carb "experts" and I ultimately decided to go starch-based (McDougall diet and Jeff Novick).

    If you are seriously interested in your health (as well as weight loss) here are some videos that will help you.

    Eating packaged foods.

    If you want to learn about starch-based diets:

    McDougall's Maximum Weight Loss:

    The psychology of losing weight:

    There are more videos but I believe these are very important videos to watch anyone who wants to transition from a meat to non-meat diet.

    Feel free to message me for more information, please watch your fat and sodium intake when eating refined foods (package foods).

    Time to go for my run!