If a bear was chasing you, how far could you run?



  • roadmapmaker
    roadmapmaker Posts: 120 Member
    you only need to run faster than the person behind you! sorry just the classic colorado answer sometimes the bear is replaced with a mountain lion. yes it just happened at christmas! :happy:
  • Cheval13
    Cheval13 Posts: 392 Member
    just FYI, you can't outrun a bear. I would back away slowly, or climb a tree that takes me more than 10 M high.
    As far as how far I could run if my life was in danger, it depends on whether or not I have shoes on. :) With shoes... probably 20+. Without shoes... 15 if I'm lucky (and very, very afraid for my life)
  • treetop57
    treetop57 Posts: 1,578 Member
  • DuhhMuffin
    I don't think I'd make it very far xD

    But I've never been in a situation where I was afraid for my life, so I can't say for sure!
  • Topher1978
    Topher1978 Posts: 975 Member
    Until I was eaten.
    _SABOTEUR_ Posts: 6,833 Member
    In the gay community I am a bear, so I guess i wouldn't have to run. :laugh: :wink:
  • amili045
    if you have no choice... and have the option... go downhill. the bears front legs are smaller then its back and its a lot harder for them :P but you probably wont get far anyway haha
  • lorib75
    lorib75 Posts: 490 Member
    You shouldn't run from Bears! :bigsmile:
  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,237 Member

    That's funny. A lot of reading to get to the funny, but funny anyway.

    I'd be a bear brunch buffet. I can run for a long time-but nowhere near as fast as a bear.
  • rob1976
    rob1976 Posts: 1,328 Member
    All the way to wear they find my partiallly eaten corpse...
  • Fitstephy
    as far away as I could because I HATE beer. it's nasty.
  • MichaelYoung1976
    Further (and faster) than the person who is with me.
  • _the_feniks_
    _the_feniks_ Posts: 3,443 Member
    Never run from a bear, you punch it in the nose. Duh. :indifferent:
  • AverageUkDude
    AverageUkDude Posts: 371 Member
    2 years ago 19 miles wouldn't have been a problem. Today I honestly dont know as I concentrate on strength work these days uhmm....
  • ShellyBell999
    ShellyBell999 Posts: 1,482 Member

    I'm gonna die!!! :sad: :sad: :sad:
  • Stephen_L
    Stephen_L Posts: 7 Member
    Phewww!!!! no bear here, though. But here in Malaysia we have tigers and elephants, and the threat only applicable to those hardcores trekkers and adventurers in thick rainforest jungle.

    Outrun them? nah.
  • watfordjc
    watfordjc Posts: 304 Member
    Aren't you supposed to stop, turn in its direction slowly, and start singing to it? (Where did I hear/read that?)

    Would a bear be able to get me to sing in public? Hmmm... if I throw my electronic cigarette at it and it bites it, anyone know what the LD50 of nicotine is for a bear? If I fill it up before I leave, would 72mg be enough to at least make it stop trying to hurt me and switch to vomiting mode?

    Zombies... for that I'd run into dense wood (best place for low branches to give them a knock to the head and re-kill them), across a road, or get across a canal lock and hope someone has a barge pole I can knock them into the water with. Was going to say towards other people or a crowded place, but the only thing worse than being chased by 1 zombie is being chased by a 100 zombies.
  • samantha1242
    samantha1242 Posts: 816 Member
    If you go out in the woods today you're in for a big surprise...

    I used to think this everyday when I lived up North in bear country. But you aren't really supposed to run away from a bear, so even if I could run far I doubt I would make it less then 10 feet. :)
  • Fitstephy
    I just realized I thought it said "beer" and not "bear"
  • rkr22401
    rkr22401 Posts: 216 Member
    I could run from the bear for the rest of my life...however, I don't think that would be a long time in this scenario.