30 Day Shred



  • TaniaB_79
    TaniaB_79 Posts: 52 Member
    Is anyone wearing a heart rate monitor. Whats your calorie burn in 30 day shred?

    I wear one. The first couple of days I burned around 235 calories, but the last couple of days only 215.

    I'm at 215 now as well, only doing it 5 out of 7 days generally though as also doing step or the burn fat, boost metabolism DVD so I don't get bored (I'll need to stick at level 1 for more than 7 days although almost ready to go upto level 2 now)
  • vickipatterson462
    vickipatterson462 Posts: 16 Member
    I will be on day 4 today, I skipped yesterday and jogged instead. It really helped with my endurance for the jog! For some reason, for me, day 2 was easier than day 3, but from what I hear the third day of any workout is harder because you're just then really feeling the soreness from day 1. We'll see how day 4 goes today! Keep up the good work!! :)
  • vickipatterson462
    vickipatterson462 Posts: 16 Member
    Good for you!! :smile: I hope I get similar results!
  • mf0u1098
    mf0u1098 Posts: 61 Member
    OMFG!!! I just attempted D1L1 and.............OMFG!!! I did as much as I could but it was soooooo hard! I obviously have no upper body strength whatsoever, every time I lift my arms they judder! I was fine with the cardio and the abs but the strength training just near killed me! Bit of a wake up call to be honest and at least I now know what I need to concentrate on.
  • LMadams8519
    LMadams8519 Posts: 13 Member
    Just finished day 1 of 30ds....wow, I had to rest a few times. Tomorrow I hope to push through a little more....I am really out of shape lol. When you log your exercise for 30ds, how to you put it in?

    Also, I'm fairly new to this site, so add me as a friend :happy: thanks!
  • luckyduck768
    luckyduck768 Posts: 40 Member
    I'm on day 3 tomorrow! We can do it!!!
  • TaniaB_79
    TaniaB_79 Posts: 52 Member
    Just finished day 1 of 30ds....wow, I had to rest a few times. Tomorrow I hope to push through a little more....I am really out of shape lol. When you log your exercise for 30ds, how to you put it in?

    Also, I'm fairly new to this site, so add me as a friend :happy: thanks!

    I logged 18 minutes of circuit, general under exercise. I now have a heart rate monitor (was 215 calories the last couple of days), like you I had to rest a couple times on Day 1, that jumping rope was what got me, but today (Day 10) I've got all the way through reasonably comfortably and have dropped to 198 calories burnt so think I'll attempt Level 2 tomorrow.
  • lorindaleigh
    lorindaleigh Posts: 87 Member
    I am exactly half way through, right smack in the middle of level 2. It's pretty tough. I wish I hadn't skipped out 2 weeks during the holidays. I'm sure I ruined my progress. Stick with it, level one will get easier and then it's on to level 2 and soreness again. My glutes and thighs were hurting and my arms are always shaky and weak for a little while afterwards. I hope you took before pics and measurements. If not, DO IT NOW!

    ETA: with all the different moves she makes me do, I still find that faux jump roping crap to be the hardest. Seems so simple but I have a hard time doing it without stopping. Me and jumping don't get along.

    me too! I struggle with both jumping jacks and jump roping. It just feels terrible, not painful but like something painful is about to happen. I think its the combination of my weak knee and metal plates/screws in my ankle.
  • Im on day 6 and its getting easier thank goodness.
    My arms still kill doing the push ups and the arterial raises, but cardio wise i can see my stamina growing.

    I also do Davina's Cardio - Box 4-5 times per week.

    So far on 30 DS i have lost 2 inches around my tummy and my weight has stayed the same.

    Feel free to add me :)
  • ingeh
    ingeh Posts: 513 Member
    Iv just this second finished day 5 of level one. I can actually do the jumping jacks as of yesterday lol. Iv lost 2lbs this week and measurements are the same so far. Want to lose 2 inches off waist and 2 inches off of hips too.
  • coz1979
    coz1979 Posts: 120
    Im on day 7 level 1! Its getting a little easier. My weigh is tomorrow hopefully lost some weight
  • Kzoppa
    Kzoppa Posts: 7 Member
    I need to find mine again and start back at it. I was so sore the first week but I toughed it out and was feeling pretty good!! Definitely saw a change in my arms and legs.
  • linsey76A
    linsey76A Posts: 102
    i will b doing day 3 of level one today. wow, is this girl SORE! lol
  • cairee
    cairee Posts: 95 Member
    if you are doing a proper warm up, cool down and stretching before and after you should not be sore. if you're sore then spend more time on the warm up and stretches
  • tjk71
    tjk71 Posts: 167
    I'm on day 2 level 2....I love it! Haven't lost and lbs though....will take measurements at the end. Definately feel more toned.
  • paulaviki
    paulaviki Posts: 678 Member
    This is the second time I've done 30DS and last time I lost 5lbs and about 8 inches.

    I'm on day 6 of level 1, needs to measure myself this week as I forgot at the start but you definitely notice the inch loss doing this rather than the weight loss!
  • breasonable
    breasonable Posts: 115 Member
    Hi ladies, I am on day 13 so day 3 of level 2.. I have to say I love level 2... I like the work out better. It is harder but I like it.. I am in a group called 30 day shred. come join us. Anyways the first week I lost a 1/2 inch off everything. I measure again Monday. I cant wait to see ... Good luck to all!!!
  • Ickle_Pickle
    Ickle_Pickle Posts: 12 Member
    I missed today oops. Had my nieces naming ceremony and my little one is still up crying and I just don't have the energy to be doing it at 9pm. Back on it tomorrow! God I ache today.
  • First weigh in on Day 7 of Level 1 (but taking a rest day) Really disheartened! According to scales I have put on 2lb, BMI gone up by 1, body fat percentage is higher!? Water percentage was down by 1%. I don't understand :(
  • ive finally started losing! hallelujah! im on day 6 of level 2 and ive lost 2lbs and about 3 inches all around my body yayyy! i know its not drastic amounts but when youve plateaued for a long time its the best feeling in the world! i seriously thought nothing would kick this plateau ive been on, but 30DS combined with the precise calorie counting food diary on this website is working for me! i wish i found this site sooner! happy i stuck with the shred as well instead of giving up when i gained a few pounds on level 1! cant wait to get to the end to see results, and also a question, what do people recommend doing once you finish the shred? i was thinking of getting the banish fat boost metabolism dvd, is that any good?