What's the worst thing said about your weight ?



  • DorkothyParker
    DorkothyParker Posts: 618 Member
    I am 5'4" and was 125 lbs and a US size 4 at the time. I walked into a little shop in S. Korea and was quickly shooed away by a little ajjuma proclaiming, "No, no. Small. No," while holding up some little beanpaste girl mini skirt.

    I felt giant.
  • CynthiaGetsFitClinard
    Someone asking if I was pregnant, and I wasn't.
  • brassballa
    brassballa Posts: 81 Member
    I have been an athlete my hole life so i eat a lot well when i was in high school I had gained some weight i was in between seasons for track and i did not run cross country that year well i gained some weight becuase i still ate the same way ......I went to my grandmothers for christmas and we where in a conversation and i said i could not wait for track season and i was ready ....she patted me on the leg and said oh you are are you!......back story she had been weighing me once a week for as long as i can remember started out as a kid to see how much i had grown then it went into how much weight i had gained. and at the age of 12 she was telling me if I lost 5 lbs i would look great in a bikini. .......lol Great! hhuh
  • hollyjane77
    The worst used to be the people who'd ask if I was pregnant or when I was due... that tied with my grandmother's never ending commentary on size. This was all recently topped by a nurse at my doctors office. She weighed me and said "Oh! You don't want to look!!!" before I looked down at the number. As if I'm not already painfully aware of how much I weigh! (Way to keep it professional, b****).
  • laurie62ann
    laurie62ann Posts: 433 Member
    Don't you hate it when people tell you not to get "too skinny"! I mean...what in the hell is too skinny? I am far from it! Nor do I plan to ever be there!

    I totally agree!! I've heard this too much in the last couple months. Really what is too SKINNY??
  • DeMarraDontStop
    DeMarraDontStop Posts: 342 Member
    when lost weight, "looking like a crackhead"
  • determined_erin
    determined_erin Posts: 571 Member
    I've been badly bullied about it my whole life. One comment that stands out is when I was in 6th grade and sun burnt. The girl said, "Skin doesn't burn only fat does." Then she proceeded to comment on my weight making sun burn puns.
  • Jory2pointOh
    I was once told that a guy could only sleep with me but not date me because he couldn't take me out in public or around his friends cuz I was too fat.
  • cubbies77
    cubbies77 Posts: 607 Member
    Every time I called my mother to tell her I was dating someone, she'd ask, "And he doesn't mind that you're heavy," in this hushed tone, as if it was some miraculous thing of which we dare not speak.

    I got really pissed at her the last time this happened (three years ago, when I met my current boyfriend). She said, "Oh, I didn't mean it like that. I just meant I'm happy he can see past your weight to the beautiful, funny person inside. I'm relieved you found someone who doesn't care about looks."

    Yeah, MUCH better, Mom. :huh:
  • RobinC37
    RobinC37 Posts: 242 Member
    My best friend told me once he would have dated me if I was thin, and also told me I had a pretty face and would "probably be hot when I finish losing weight"

    He's really shallow and hasn't had a lot of luck with women though, so I can brush it off. He's also very matter of fact and blunt. He has been a major positive influence in my life and is my go to person for fitness tips though. His harshness has brought me out of the depths of despair before.

    My father means well, but always gets me souvenir t-shirts that are XLs when I now wear mediums. I see him probably once a week, but he still sees me as really fat I guess :( Also, every time we talk on the phone he asks if I've been working out. For the past 6 years, the answer has been yes.
  • Orchidgirl87
    Orchidgirl87 Posts: 9 Member
    I've been told I'm too fat to find a good guy, that I'm probably easy because fat girls will give it up to anyone, that I should just give up looking for the love of my life and just settle, that I would be a downgrade for whoever settles for me.

    I have been told something simliar by my current Fiance. Sadly I haven't gained much weight since we got together 4 years ago, but he did tell me that no attractive looking guy would ever want to be with me and that if we ever did break up that I would probably be alone. Also he comments on how hot skinny girls are around me all the time b/c he knows how it makes me feel :(
  • majorbaka
    majorbaka Posts: 23 Member
    A guy - looking at a photo of me from around 8 years earlier - when I was studying karate in Japan 5 times a week and pretty fit - told me it looks like you've grown another face!

    This was over in Switzerland and English not his native language but it stuck with me - and was probably true!

    The worst I couldn't share in a forum!
  • lotusspark
    One of my stepkids once said I would probablly eat my hubby..for what that's worth.
  • Jenmccabe
    Jenmccabe Posts: 15 Member
    I was working as a courtesy clerk many moons ago and I had a customer look at me and say "so how far along are you?" and kindly I said " I'm not pregnant" and her comment back was " Oh well you're a little big in the stomach that's why I asked" .. I was thinking REALLY?!!!
  • avababy05
    avababy05 Posts: 930 Member
    Any number of things when I was in high school.But that's water under the bridge now and I love going to reunions and shooting down the guys who wouldn't give me the time of day before.But,I find it incredibly sad reading some of the things parents say to their children.My 7 year old daughter loves her food but,because of our family history,I find a way to add more excercise we can do together .She's not overweight but I want to keep her active to avoid it.I would never say any of the hurtful things I've been reading.
  • SquidandWhale
    I was the only overweight one in my family--my dad was overweight as a kid, but not as an adult--and neither of my parents ever made me feel truly horrendous about my weight. Occasionally I'd get comments/suggestions, but they were truly coming from a place of worry, rather than scorn or shallowness. However, my grandmother was/is such an effing jerk to me. The worst thing she ever did to me was when I was 11, at a family reunion. I was talking to three of my cousins (all normal weight), when she came up to us and told us to mingle. We all turned around to do just that, only she pulled me aside and said, "Not you, Melissa." True, I was fat, but one of my cousins was going through a rebellious 13-year-old phase wherein she showed up with her nose pierced, a huge hickey on her neck, and a pack-a-day habit that was somehow preferable to fat me? I'm still furious about this.

    She said horrible things to my dad when he was younger and overweight, just as her mother said horrible things to her. The sad thing is that she'll complain about the mean things Nanny said to her without having the insight to realize that she's done the exact same thing to my father and I. When I was younger, it got bad enough that my sister, bless her, would wear baggy clothes to deflect her attention some.

    I might have forgiven her for the things she's done to me, but she feels as though she's entitled to speak her mind even if it hurts someone's feelings, and I find that despicable. At Christmas she mentioned to my dad that my mom had really packed on the pounds, and my mom overheard it.
  • witeowl
    witeowl Posts: 89
    I was at the grocery store with a cart full of healthy food (was on a health kick and weight was pouring off me at the time, ironically enough). I was taking my time in selecting a new body soap when a random guy stopped, pointed at the shelves of soaps in front of me, and said... "You know, you can't eat any of that stuff."

    I was absolutely stunned and just stared mutely as he nonchalantly wandered off.
  • sugarlemonpie
    sugarlemonpie Posts: 311 Member
    It wasn't to me, but my mom never forgot the time she went to visit family after just giving birth a few months ago to my older brother, and the first thing her brother said when he saw her was "You really need to lose weight."

    For me it was more of the guys in school pretending to hit on me and ask me out or something, then laugh at me in the hallways.
  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Are u pregnant?
  • sugarlemonpie
    sugarlemonpie Posts: 311 Member
    Actually, I just remembered the worst one. I was at Walmart with one of my friends, who was bigger than me but we were both active and going for walks and to the gym and trying to lose weight. Some older guy, a total stranger, sees us in an aisle and goes "Look at the two piggies!" I was like "What did you say?" and walked after him while he laughed and left the store. My friend didn't hear him, but even to this day I am still angry at how someone could just do that. And I was feeling good about myself and losing weight! People are ridiculous.