What's the worst thing said about your weight ?



  • clarkeje1
    clarkeje1 Posts: 1,638 Member
    You are pleasantly plump.
    Lay off the fried fish.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    In middle school we had an assembly with a film about anorexia and bulimia. After school, kids on the bus were pointing and saying I looked just the girl from the film - all skinny and pale. I was extremely shy. It was super embarassing and I was ashamed that people thought I had an eating disorder when I didn't! (I've always been and still am naturally slimmer than my peers.) :embarassed:
  • redbreastedsapsucker
    redbreastedsapsucker Posts: 42 Member
    My daughter said my double chin is disgusting!!
  • MicroHez
    MicroHez Posts: 125 Member
    A co-worker of mine was in her like 7th or 8th month of her 2nd pregnancy. She is naturally thin as a rail due to a hyperactive thyroid. We were walking down the hall together and she said "Look, Heather, I'm almost as big as you now."

  • MorbidMander
    MorbidMander Posts: 349 Member
    I remember in elementary school I got called tubby. That's the only one I can remember. The other fat comments/abusive in general, came from my uncle (who is a c*nt to be fair). I remember he looked at one of my photos that was hanging up and said, "Oh, who's that ugly girl?" there where other fat comments that I can't really remember/didn't give a crap enough to store in my brain.
    However, it's kinda funny now, because I am pretty smoking now and get hit on quite a lot... and well...he is fat and balding. C:
  • sunshine11111
    sunshine11111 Posts: 48 Member
    My ex- boyfriend told me once, "You know what men really want? A girl that looks good that they can show off to their friends."
  • lightdiva1
    lightdiva1 Posts: 935 Member
    What has been the most hurtful coming out of someone's mouth regardless of whether it is directed at me or someone else is this, ".I never got THAT big." As if being "that big" means your less of a person. Somehow worth less, or worthless, or otherwise not worthy of happiness.

    Now when I hear this kind of talk, regardless of whether the comment is made to me, about me, or someone else I speak out. Weight does not make a person worth more or less, and does not define them. Those who determine what "THAT BIG" is and how awful it is need a check up from the neck up.
  • benflando
    benflando Posts: 193
    I was said to be "Rounding" which pissed the fuark outta me. Now I'm ripped. Thank you to the person that said that to me.
  • casi_ann
    casi_ann Posts: 423 Member
    My mother aways calls me fat since I was 8 years old. She did this too when I was 95lbs and I suffered from anorexia. She aways says nobody want a fat girl and nobody will want me. And maybe she's right because well, I'm 21 and nobody wanted me in my whole life.

    Amelia, You are only 21 years old and you are beautiful. Hang in there. Someday you will meet someone that is perfect for you.
  • cicisiam
    cicisiam Posts: 491 Member
    I myself have said the most brutally honest things to myself after viewng myself in pictures. Otherwise just a couple of exes comments like "Whale" Or "Butt as big as Alaska" Or the best from a obese ex that informed me it made intimacy a problem logistics wise and was the reason for lack of attention. Uh..??? Could his own selfish behaviors and own weight issues have also been the problem? Yea..walked away on that one for good. I am my own worst honest critic.
  • bethanykf
    bethanykf Posts: 68
    A client at the mental health center where I work who was at least twice my age told me that she recently lost a ton of weight and she'd bring the clothes that were now too big for her in for me... I responded saying that I was working on a healthy lifestyle myself so I wouldn't need them.

    It was such an insignificant thing, but it has stuck with me even 4 years later.

    There was also an instance where my mom was insisting that I didn't wear a 1x shirt - she was sure I wore a 3x. After I moped around for awhile I went on to lose 70 lbs... my lowest weight in years. Unfortunately I gained it all back and more so now I'm doing it to show myself I can and not to show my mom that I don't wear the shirt size she thinks... lol
  • thesiberianwind
    I think the worst have been comments not directed AT me, but ABOUT me. My stepdaughter is at an unhealthy weight, and refuses to eat healthy (there's other issues like anxiety and such going on).

    My husband said that the pants of mine (jeans) that he put on by accident didn't fit and were falling off. (He's not exactly at his ideal weight either.) He's also said that if I don't like some pants or a skirt or whatever that my family or his buys for me, I could always give it to his daughter to wear, 'cause we must wear the same size.

    I try not to let it hurt. It's his engineering brain that isn't connecting with his conscience.
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    I remember when I was 12, my mother's stepfather told me he could use the fat on my body as his car tires
  • chrissi024
    chrissi024 Posts: 12 Member
    "Aww! When is the little Balboa due?" I guess I hold my fat very attractively because she thought I was preggo. She was bigger than me too which pissed me off.
  • NZRose7
    NZRose7 Posts: 21 Member
    When I was a kid a friends mother said I had legs like tree stumps. As an adult, "she'd be really hot if she were slim. People just don't realize that comments like that, regardless of how its said with what intentions, really hurt and stay with you for life. I've also been in the company of people who saw an overweight person walking along and started saying all kinds of mean things about her, and I'm thinking, if you think that about her, what do you think about me?