What's the worst thing said about your weight ?



  • changejen2013
    I've heard that being fat made me unattractive. While I can understand that from one point of view as possibly being true....I never got THAT big. I have some weight but at 190lbs and 5'9...I hide most weight well...just see my avatar picture!
  • Mverdecia1
    My EX boyfriend said that he was worried to continue dating me because he did not want to end up married to a "fat woman"
  • RangerJess
    One of my coworkers once told me "you need to stop eating!" My cousin said that a man would never want me because I'm too fat. (My boyfriend still wants to kick his butt!).

    It bothers me a lot at the time, but talking with real friends help. Now I try not and let it bother me.
  • ianlikesholidays
    ianlikesholidays Posts: 75 Member
    I was called a Fat *kitten* on holiday. Unfortunately it was true !!!
  • al369
    al369 Posts: 170 Member
    I'll just ignore all of primary and high school and skip to adulthood.

    Mostly comments from BFs telling me that I needed to lose weight or that I shouldn't/couldn't wear some style of clothing because I was too fat for it.
  • toscarthearmada
    toscarthearmada Posts: 382 Member
    I had a guy tell me "You're fat, I'm just not into that." =/ Jerkface.
  • CarlaMichelle
    CarlaMichelle Posts: 67 Member
    After losing 25 pounds in 2012 I heard that my MIL, after seeing me at christmas, said that if i put my mind to it i could lose weight... WTH?
  • mandy0688
    mandy0688 Posts: 335 Member
    Are you pregnant? (I wasn't)
    When I smoked, i was always getting jumped on because they thought i was pregnant and I was getting a lecture on how the side effects would harm my baby. (I never was pregnant and I just quit smoking)
    Kids would point at their parents and say mom she is big. They would mouth they were sorry and run off. I would cry later.
    People would just stare at my stomach.
    My psycologist nurse would weigh me and because the pills they prescribed made me gain weight, she would keep saying things about my weight. You keep gainng, are you pregnant. It took all I had to say no the damn pills yall prescribe is making me fat *****!
  • UKMarjie
    UKMarjie Posts: 257 Member
    1)When I was fit and thin I would get called 'large marge' because it rhymed with my name...

    2) I am originally from the city of Montreal which is known for its fashionable women. Someone's husband (who is an utter prat and so full of bull**** he could sell services as fertilizer) said: Really, YOU are from Montreal?! It is no wonder you struggled to get a date in that city...you aren't a typical Montreal girl! Me = gutted. and then Me = really mad that I bought into his crap

    I am, however, lucky in that he is not my husband - he proceeded to say of his overweight wife 'none of my montreal friends could believe that I married her...she was not the kind of girl they figured I would get with - you know me being a promoter and well...'<awesome.
  • ArianaLuvsMe101
    My dad/mom said I was a fat Hulk...
  • DarkFlutter
    DarkFlutter Posts: 408 Member
    In middle school, the kids on the bus would call me a hippo and tell me to eat the grass clippings on our lawn.
    I will NEVER forget that!
  • Juliejustsaying
    Juliejustsaying Posts: 2,332 Member
    I've been told I'm too fat to find a good guy, that I'm probably easy because fat girls will give it up to anyone, that I should just give up looking for the love of my life and just settle, that I would be a downgrade for whoever settles for me.

    WTF???? I'd punch them.

    No one ever said anything to me...they're afraid of me...
  • SilverLotusGirl
    SilverLotusGirl Posts: 537 Member
    That as big as I was I shouldn't get cold outside, That I had no right be attracted to someone due to their weight, and that I had a pretty face for being so fat
  • Trishkit
    Trishkit Posts: 290 Member
    Don't you hate it when people tell you not to get "too skinny"! I mean...what in the hell is too skinny? I am far from it! Nor do I plan to ever be there!
    Yes! A couple of years ago I'd managed to get down to 167 (from 210), which is still on the high end of overweight for my height (just shy of 5' 3"), and my MIL was constantly saying that I should stop before I became skin and bones! And I was like, I'll stop in another 37 lbs! Of course, (and nothing against her) she's a very large woman, so to her I probably honestly looked like I was skin and bones.
  • JanaCanada
    JanaCanada Posts: 917 Member
    I can't believe some of these posts (correction: I believe they were said, but I'm shaking my head at the ignorance of those idiots who said them!). What is WRONG with people that they carry around sooo much hate in their hearts?? Must be quite a burden to be them!

    OP, I am so sorry your BF's father is an ignoramous. Truthfully, I wouldn't even waste my time getting to know anyone with that much poison running through their veins.
  • UKMarjie
    UKMarjie Posts: 257 Member
    People suck.
  • MsDover
    MsDover Posts: 395 Member
    The worst thing I can say about my weight? Well, right now, nothing. I'm just about at goal, BUT.... when I was 70 pounds heavier there was a LOT to say. Joint pain, sleep apnea, lack of libido, inability to climb even a short light of stairs without losing my breath, etc., etc., etc. ... ad infinitum. Feelin' pretty freakin' good now. :drinker:
  • Itsallbs15
    Itsallbs15 Posts: 262 Member
    I can't even remember specifics. It just seems like high school was one long blur of a group of guys moo-ing at me.

    I know this feeling all to well. Then there was that added insult from my brother about how my dad didn't need to go milk the cows (my dad worked on a dairy farm), all he had to do was squeeze me.
  • UKMarjie
    UKMarjie Posts: 257 Member
    You know what really irks me. It is a form of harassment which is totally socially acceptable. You can say anything you like to people who are even the slightest bit overweight. It is like you are dehumanized...that being said I reckon the same could be true of very slim people (skinny) because if you are on either end of the scale you are fair game for comments.
  • Yolanda4160
    Yolanda4160 Posts: 170 Member
    Recently, a customer (whom I haven't seen in at least 9 mths) says to me: " How you been? I see you had that baby." Me "what baby? My daughter is 3 and a half?!" Him "what?" Me " ohhhhhh, you thought I was pregnant?! No sir, I was just fat." :ohwell: