What's the worst thing said about your weight ?



  • lifeskittles
    lifeskittles Posts: 438 Member
    Its so frustrating because now that I've lost weight the bigger people around me criticize me for wanting to get into shape. Like I'm gloating because I'm not at where I want to be. For not wanting to be judged some people do a LOT of judging!
  • lazyspice
    lazyspice Posts: 8,515 Member
    I've never had anything really bad said to my face but when I was in my teens I overheard a couple of men talking about me in a pub.

    I was probably about 150-160lb at the time (I wish I was that "fat" now!) and one said to the other "really pretty face, shame she's so fat".

    I managed to bump into him a bit later so he spilled his drink down himself - a bit petty but it made me feel better!
  • Rottnme
    Rottnme Posts: 167 Member
    the chicks don't dig me.
  • edjlowe
    edjlowe Posts: 17
    my family tell me mean thongs about my weight all the time like im gonna always be fat and its no use in trying to lose weight im just gonn again it all back....... but i just keep my head up and keep smiling.........:laugh:
  • Tannedtiffers
    Tannedtiffers Posts: 558 Member
    this is since I've lost weight ~

    That my legs and booty will never, ever be small so why keep trying

    That they didn't wanna lose weight if their skin on their stomach, inner thighs, and arms looked like mine :(

    People AND family suck.
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    My ex boyfriend told me that the reason I've been with my current partner so long is because I must sit on him to stop him from leaving. To be honest, it just made me laugh. I've said much worse about myself!
  • Erin_goBrahScience
    Erin_goBrahScience Posts: 1,215 Member
    You know what really irks me. It is a form of harassment which is totally socially acceptable. You can say anything you like to people who are even the slightest bit overweight. It is like you are dehumanized...that being said I reckon the same could be true of very slim people (skinny) because if you are on either end of the scale you are fair game for comments.

    I have struggled with weight for as long as I can remember (even when I wasn't fat I thought I was fat). On the flip side my sister is super skinny. One day we were talking about this, and she provided the following insight; she said that when people talk about someone being fat it's usually behind their back. When you are super thin, people have no filter telling you to eat, or calling you annorexic. They think it's funny or complementary, and she feels it is offensive.
  • rosesamantha43
    A few days after having my daughter her dad told me he would be so glad when I get my sexy figure back that I looked nasty
  • DuhhMuffin
    I have struggled with weight for as long as I can remember (even when I wasn't fat I thought I was fat). On the flip side my sister is super skinny. One day we were talking about this, and she provided the following insight; she said that when people talk about someone being fat it's usually behind their back. When you are super thin, people have no filter telling you to eat, or calling you annorexic. They think it's funny or complementary, and she feels it is offensive.

    Same here. I'm 5'4'', and I thought I was fat when I weighed 130 lbs. No matter how skinny I am, I'll always think I'm fat, I fear.
  • jarredondo
    jarredondo Posts: 297 Member
    When I was younger I was told I needed to gain some weight because "skinny girls don't look good with big butts". Wish I had that problem now but at the time that was rather hurtful. I felt like I didn't look good at any weight.
  • fatjavotte
    fatjavotte Posts: 96 Member
    Once, at a supermarket, a woman told her daughter "no, honey, you can't have sweets, or you'll end up fat and ugly like that lady".
    The most hurtful ones were from my parents, when I was a (not remotely fat) child. I have tears in my eyes thinking about it.
  • liittlesparrow
    liittlesparrow Posts: 209 Member
    This is actually something I realized just last night.

    Back when I was about 14, my family took a trip to Mexico. I remember we were walking down the road one day when two local men were walking down the street opposite of us. They started snorting at us like pigs. I didn't know what it meant and my step-mom and step-sister said they probably were "cat-calling" us, like pretty much what they do in the states when they see a sexually attractive woman. I don't know what made me think about it last night (I'm 22 now), but I realized they weren't cat-calling anyone... They were calling me fat. Our obvious language barrier left them to say it the only way they knew how, which is making pig noises. I knew they did it at me, because my S-mom and S-sister are verrrry small.

    I was on the heavy side when I was 14. Pushing almost 170 lbs. I was fat. But 8 years later, I finally realized that was the first time I was openly called fat. It still hurt my feelings.
  • wannabtight
    wannabtight Posts: 187 Member
    Being asked if I am pregnant or when am I due? My response "I'm not pregnant just fat"
  • Yolanda4160
    Yolanda4160 Posts: 170 Member
    Once, at a supermarket, a woman told her daughter "no, honey, you can't have sweets, or you'll end up fat and ugly like that lady".
    The most hurtful ones were from my parents, when I was a (not remotely fat) child. I have tears in my eyes thinking about it.

    Oh my! this is horrible! what a hateful thing to say! people are so cruel and ignorant!
  • bubbaduts
    bubbaduts Posts: 196 Member
    Honestly, the worst things said about my weight have been said BY me in my own head. :grumble:

  • dcglobalgirl
    dcglobalgirl Posts: 207 Member
    I haven't ever had a lot of bad comments but I do remember when I was 8, I was wearing a green velour jumpsuit (yes, I'm *that* old!) that was too tight and my family said in a joking way that I looked like a cute, little sausage.

    Nobody ever says mean things but my mom is always assessing me "you're looking really good", "you look so much better when you're thinner", "you could be so pretty if you'd lose xx lbs", "you really need to work on your weight", "do you need to eat that?".

    When I was a freshman in high school, I do remember a girl behind me saying that I "shouldn't swish my fat *kitten* around, wearing the same jeans everyday" (they were the only ones that fit)
  • zeeee
    zeeee Posts: 4 Member
    I've had lots of horrible things said to me, but the one that hurt the worst was when I accidentally took someone's parking place and he yelled from his car window calling me a cow. Some random guy making some random comment cut me to my soul.
  • bubbaduts
    bubbaduts Posts: 196 Member
    this too my "heavier" friends tell me i should stop before i float away.... you have got to be kidding me
    Its so frustrating because now that I've lost weight the bigger people around me criticize me for wanting to get into shape. Like I'm gloating because I'm not at where I want to be. For not wanting to be judged some people do a LOT of judging!
  • DuhhMuffin
    I haven't ever had a lot of bad comments but I do remember when I was 8, I was wearing a green velour jumpsuit (yes, I'm *that* old!) that was too tight and my family said in a joking way that I looked like a cute, little sausage.

    Nobody ever says mean things but my mom is always assessing me "you're looking really good", "you look so much better when you're thinner", "you could be so pretty if you'd lose xx lbs", "you really need to work on your weight", "do you need to eat that?".

    When I was a freshman in high school, I do remember a girl behind me saying that I "shouldn't swish my fat *kitten* around, wearing the same jeans everyday" (they were the only ones that fit)

    I think my mom is almost as big a critic as I am -___- I know that feel.
  • jakidb
    jakidb Posts: 1,010 Member
    I would have to say ... "you're pretty now JUST WAIT until you get that weight off"
    I really don't like that :(

    Though that may be a fact, a person likes to feel "pretty" regardless of their weight--that's my opinion and should be accepted AS IS