Senior Golden Sneakers ~~~March~~~Welcome all young and old

CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
edited September 20 in Fitness and Exercise
Welcome to the March thread, Hope this bring all of you reach your goal this year,. My thoughts are for Sandy and her cousins. Sorry I mispelled his name Sandy Sorry , Brayden But you guys know me I can't spell or type
And also for Barbiecat in reaching her goal this year. What a thrilled for all of us to see her and Jake reaching their goal. We have some more Pretty close to it., No I am not one of them. But I am working on it.

I will post the Birthday list tonight and I still need Sandie and maybe one or two more. Let me know and I will get it on next month list.
Marie HERE IS TO A GREAT MONTH. ~~~~~~~~~~~~


Sorry about been early. Don't know where my mind was.



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :heart: :drinker: :heart: :drinker: :heart: :drinker:

    Beth Feb 24, 1971
    Doodlesll---March 12, 1940
    Sandy---March 10, 1942
    Barbiecat ---March 25, 1946
    Birdie---March 30, 1948
    Barbs----April 6, 1954
    Elli---May 16, 1952
    Jersey [ toby } May 18,1946
    Phoebe---July 26
    Sandie--Aug. 1st.
    Jeffrey---Sept. 25, 1953
    Jake---Oct., 10, 1945
    Marie---Nov. 7, 1930
    Gayla---Nov. 20, 1949
    Ellen Aug 29
    Mary Ann --- April 30
    viliberty --Sept 18
    Get Healthy==April 16

    Posted for March
    Here is a list of our members and there Birthday.
    And we have quite a few coming up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Marie, thanks for adding the new thread, even though we are a day early.:laugh: Weekends are so busy no one will probably notice. :bigsmile:

    Jamie is the granddaughter of my aunt so I am not sure what she is to me, unfortunately I have never met her only through face book. Somehow she found me and we just stay connected. She is not related to the baby Brayden I am talking about but she found out about him through the foundation she started for the disease she was operated on her brain. I asked her if she was related to Brayden and this was her response. Bethany is Brayden's mother.

    Bethany is from Oklahoma, in Texas with her mom. They found us after Brayden was diagnosed with Chiari III. I have Chiari I - and III is the most severe. The prognosis isn't good on Brayden - as they don't normally make it past birth, but if they do it's only for a few months. His brain and brain stem have grow outside his head (he has a sac like bubble on the back of his head) and it's pretty much inoperable.

    Sadly, we have another mom who has a 4mth old, and 2 more mom's that are 4 & 5 months pregnant. We are going to be starting a special program or fund through the foundation.

    Because it was such a sad story and because most thought he wouldn't make it past his birth I was hoping for a miracle.Who knows maybe one will still happen. :heart:

    I hope I didn't confuse everyone and make them think this was a relative of mine, but babies are so special too me , I just got vested in this story and can't let go.

    On my own life I did a great job today in exercising for 85 minutes and gaining 400 calories. I got involved watching some show about hoarding and couldn't believe that people actually live that. Unfortunately, it is an illness and I hope both families that I saw on the show get some help. So I am under calories and had a good day.

    Life is good.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good morning all, This is a short month and I tried to make it even shorter, Now we are off to March and hopefeully warmer weather for all. this has been a cold winter for me. Usally we have some 70's thrown in a few days but not this year. We finally made it to 60 yesterday. And I was still cold. Can't give up the sweatshirts yet

    Sammy and I got out for a little walk yesterday and made him so happy. Me too.

    thanks Sandie and Toby for getting your birthdate to me. Next month I will take the inactive one off the list. We have lots of birthdays this month.

    Sandy, you are such a kind lady. We have a Jamie in our family also or will have. He profose to my grandaughter on Valentine day. She went to St Louis this weekend to look for a wedding dress. He seems like a real nice guy.

    When is Gayla due back?
    Been hearing from Phoebe on face book pretty regular. I have gotten to know my granddaughters more on facebook. They post pretty regular.
    Alice is working on a Family . com to have us a site for our Family But having a hard time getting them all together. It real be nice when she gets it all set up. We can post pictures , have a calendar with all of our birthdays. there addresses and Phone numbers and e-mail . I belong to one that my Ex inlaws have. It is nice to go back and look at old pictures and talk to one another. And keep up with the Family news.

    Have a wonderful day all.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Sunday!!

    Been kind of a tough weekend, but things will get better. My step son is spiraling out of control with his drinking and my husband is having a hard time understanding it all. My DIL called here last night saying she was done and that he came home so drunk again she wanted his father there to see him. My husband went and tried to convince his son he needed help and should go to rehab but I doubt since he was so drunk he understood any of it. We will be going there for dinner again today so hopefully my husband can get through to him while he is sober. (at least I hope he will be sober) I went through this with my own son so I know how my husband feels but neither he or my DIL understand that alcoholism is a disease and they didn't cause it, they can't cure it and they can't control it. I just hope he wants help before it is too late.
    I seem to be the voice of doom and gloom lately, sorry about that.

    I feel great, been on track with diet and exercise, sun is shining and my life is good and I am grateful. :heart:

    Hope everyone is having a great weekend filled with love and happiness. :bigsmile:

    :love: :love: :love: :love: :love:

  • Hi Everyone!

    I am ok and doing fine. It was a real tough week here with Day's mom and life in general. I will get on tomorrow and catch everyone up! Take care!

  • isandi
    isandi Posts: 162 Member
    Hi all,
    Day 2 of in 9home detox! Stayed at 1200 calories and again we did not kill each other.!...15 more squares done...19 to go! Going out of the house tomorrow to go to CURVES! THEN BACK TO DETOX! LOL!

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,149 Member
    :flowerforyou: I had a committee meeting to go to today that required getting up early, driving an hour, meeting a friend, riding an hour, spending three hours at the meeting, going out to lunch at a Vietnamese restaurant, riding for an hour, getting my car and driving for an hour and getting home at 4:30.........I had grilled chicken, tofu, rice, and salad, ate only half and brought the rest home, I resisted the spring rolls, fried egg rolls, Vietnamese coffee, and a bunch of other tempting even though my calories are higher than usual, there's not the damage that I could have done. :bigsmile:

    :blushing: :blushing: :blushing: :blushing: :blushing: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: One of my goals for March is to redouble my efforts nurture my marriage.......Jake and I are participating in a CD series called "Become Passion" which is about making your marriage stronger and we're listening carefully and doing everything that is suggested.

    :flowerforyou: We're watching a recording of the USA vs Canada gold medal hockey game and taking turns riding the exercise bike. :heart: :heart: :heart: hugs:heart::heart: Barbie
  • Jake45
    Jake45 Posts: 146 Member
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: No need to send out the bloodhounds......the rumors of my disappearance have been greatly exaggerated.:laugh: :laugh: I have been busy cheering for Canada in the Olympics
    :smile: Jake
  • TexasAngelBeth
    TexasAngelBeth Posts: 315 Member
    Hi All... 20 days until the Shamrock Half Marathon!!! I am so NOT ready and I leave for training in Floriday at the end of the week. Oh well I will jsut gut it out like I always do :)

    Barbie - the whole issue with a geographic bachelor is well known but this one has a wife here where I met him!

    Marie - I am heading to Wichita Falls in May for my sons graduation from High School I may drive if I do maybe we can meet up.

    Jake - SO HAPPY YOUR WELL!!!!

    Jeffery - Hope things are calmer at your house

    Sandy - you crack me up...and slim or slime they are all bad when applied to him

    Everyone else If I missed you I am sorry I am heading to a meeting and will try and catch up later
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Beth that would make me very happy. Hope you do drive.

  • jeffrey71
    jeffrey71 Posts: 432
    Good afternnon everyone!

    It was a heck of a week. Day's mother was having a lot of isues that bore down on us. We coped! I had to go to Detroit for a presentation. And my work contract is expiring soon and the company is not putting any addtional dollars into the project. So I probably will be done soon. My brother is having cateract surgery but the doctor that ran the eye center took off with all the assets of the clinic. They got him and brought him back but in the mean time my brothers insurance cut off all payment to the clinic. So now he is waiting. My SIL is not doing well. My cousin now has cancer, ovarian, and my wife's cousin has gall bladder/liver cancer in stage 4. Top that all off, my wife's other cousin is diabetic and is now needing a kidney transplant. That my friends was my week! BUT! We will survive, we will go on, and we will laugh out loud again! It is just life, abeit a crappy week, just life!

    Our daughters are fine and doing well. Sam will be home next week! I have been working out and running more and more. It is a good escape for a bit. My distances are better but my time is not so good. I have been working on my bike as time allows and it is starting to look like something.

    Sandy I hope all went well over the weekend.

    Jake and Barbie I always enjoy sharing your days.

    Marie what is going on at your house this week?

    Beth you will do fine! Have you ever read "Zen for Runners"? Good book. Barnes and Nobels and nice to hear from you!

    Sandi keep at it! Quilting too!

    Gayla! You back yet??? Where the pics and the recap of the cruise!

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    I'm with you Jeffrey, all these things that try to bring us down we can just let go. The main purpose is to take care of ourselves and make sure we are happy, healthy and spiritual. We can deal with so much if we just take our own inventory and make sure what we do is right for us. :heart: The kids that are good to us are important and those that appreciate us are even better. :laugh:
    I am happy that you aren't letting those negative things get you down, I wonder if you belong to some sort of 12 step program as I do. :bigsmile: You have more than your share to deal with but with your attitude things will some how be okay for you. :love:

    Beth, the ultimate thing to happen is for you and Jeffrey to be in the same race. Jeffrey, maybe you should enlist. :laugh:

    Jake, how did you know we were just about set to release the dogs? Daisy was willing and able along with Bradley. :laugh:
    Bradley would have checked to see if you had an extra food and Daisy would have licked you to death. :laugh: Glad you are feeling better and getting back into the swing of things. So sorry about your mother. :brokenheart:

    I bought another Wii exercise DVD this time Wii Fit Plus. I tried my DIL and it was fun and kept track of exercise. Not as many calories that I would have liked but it was a fun way to burn some to at least keep me motivated. Variety is the spice of life and so is exercise, since I get bored with the same one all the time. I am under calories and have room for a snack tonight so things are good.

    Hope you are all on track and staying motivated.

  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone! We got back this afternoon after a wonderful, amazing fantabulous time. Another week would have been great but I am happy to have what we did. The week was warm, enjoyed the sun. Sorry this is so short but I will be back tomorrow. I hope all is well here, I haven't had a chance to read the news yet.
    Take care and keep smiling. Gayla :heart:
  • viliberty
    viliberty Posts: 74
    Hi, everyone! It was a beatiful day here until late afternoon. Now it is pretty chilly. Spokane is going from Autunm directly into spring. No winter this year.

    A little trouble in my family, too. My niece in Oregon lost her husband this morning. He has been bedridden at home for a long time, not able to get up or speak. It was a shock to them anyway, because they have hung on to his getting better for so long, . They have teenage cildren, so it will be extra hard for the family. She does have a good support system in family and church.

    I have my great grand daughter this evening. She is such a riot. People don't believe her when she says she is four, and look to us for confirmation. And she is just barely four at that. She tried to get her cat to do something the other day, and when he wouldn't, she changed his name from Purrry to Stupid Cat. She will probably change it back later.....

    Her father lives a state away and she never sees him or has contact. She told me the other day that every kid needs a dad, and she picked Grandpa. So now she tells people he is her dad. What an honor!

    I adjusted my calorie goal down a bit. I hope I can do this! Dermatologist cancer. Life is good!

    Everyone take care. Have a good evening. God Bless!
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Welcome back Gayla, you deserved a fun time, and I'm glad you had one!!
    just a quick hello, supposed to leave in the morning. Just had time today for laundry and groceries.
    Hi Marie! take care
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hello All,

    I got tired of having to search for the thread, so finally thought "Duh --why don't you POST something, so the thread will appear in your topics?"

    So here I am. Very busy yesterday, ferrying my mom's cousin back and forth so she could have dinner with us. I made dinner, and decided it would be a less stressful day if the doggies werent' invited, so they stayed home. Bradley thanked me by getting into my work totebag and polishing off about 5 sandwich thins--what a brat!! Fortunately, I have another bag in reserve!!

    Oh, I also re-adjusted my ticker because I had a bad month in February and went backwards, so I thought my ticker needed to be a more realistic representation of what was going on.

    Have to get going and do some things around here before it gets too late. So long for now.

  • isandi
    isandi Posts: 162 Member
    Hi all,
    Finished all the squares today! All 19 of them. Did not make it to Curves but we are going tomorrow. Went to Quick Trip today and did not get a diet soda...had peach tea! Still no sweets but did have some white stuff for dinner. Get to get out of detox tomorrow.

    Sounds like life is going on as usual...full of not so good surprises but life is good and we will all carry on and do what we have to do!

    Gail, glad you had a fun trip...we will love hearing about it!

    Take care everyone and
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,149 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: We are behind the times and watching the gold medal men's curling from the Olympics.:laugh:

    :flowerforyou: I got the income tax papers mailed to the accountant today so I feel like a huge weight has been removed from my shoulders:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: I'm doing the happy dance.

    :flowerforyou: We are enjoying spring-like weather.......Jake cut the grass and I took the dogs to the dog park wearing a down vest instead of a winter coat and wool scarf.

    :flowerforyou: Jeffrey, you have a super attitude about all the illness in your family.......all that exercise must contribute to your ability to handle stress.

    :flowerforyou: Sandi, how much of your new healthy habits will you continue now that you detox is over?

    :flowerforyou: Gayla, welcome back from your trip....I've missed you.:heart::heart: hugs:heart::heart: Barbie

    it's late and I'm off to bed......:heart::heart: :heart: hugs, Barbie
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    It is Tuesday, card day.:happy: After cards we will go to lunch with my husband, where I normally have some sort of fish that is the special. :drinker: I love Tuesdays because my card friend who is 87 is a special man and the three of us became really good friends. :heart: He is still sharp most days and unfortunately he is still driving. He is a little unsteady on his feet but refuses to use a can or walker. He is an ex marine and very stubborn and demanding but with a heart of gold. He is from Texas and a true southern gentleman.:love: I think he is from Texarkana Marie.

    Barbie, I am jealous of your weather, I can't wait for spring so I can take Daisy to the dog park without freezing. :grumble: Glad you are able to relieve some stress now that your income tax is done. :smile:

    Gayla, welcome back we have missed you so much. The cruise sounds like it was wonderful, so how did Neil do?
    Once you get caught up give all the details, inquiring minds want to know. :laugh:

    Sandi, good for you on the detox. I have never done that and not sure I would know how. Glad you are able to stay off the pop, I think that will help a lot, better if you substituted water. :blushing:

    Barb, that Bradley is a trouble maker just like our Daisy. We left her alone for a couple of hours last week and when we got home she had my Monk series of DVD's all over the floor. She chewed the box but thank goodness she didn't damage the DVD's themselves. We have to make sure there is nothing on any table or area that she can reach when we leave or she will get it to punish us for leaving her. She can be such a brat. :laugh: :laugh:

    Time to get ready for the "big" game, will check in later.

  • jeffrey71
    jeffrey71 Posts: 432
    Good Morning!

    It has been quiet for 3 days! Yeaaaaaaa!

    Sandy my version of a 12 step program is usually to work with them for 11 steps and if that did not work then stomp the crap out of them on the 12th! LOL We are fine and doing well. I have just learned though my life that being happy just makes it all better and easier. I take count of all my blessing DAILY without exception and it seems to keep me focused. Thanks for caring...

    Gayla I want details! Stories! Photos! What did you do? I want to know it all! (glad your back too!)

    Barbie I think the workouts do help. It is time that is just for me and my world. The Zen thing!

    Sandi glad you are doing well.

    Viliberty press on! You are doing great. Sorry about your niece and her loss. But I am smiling about the little one!

    Barb good to hear from you.

    PJ stay in touch and have a good trip!

    Marie are you getting outside yet?

    Last night I ran 4 miles again and then went directly to the bike for 7 miles. I took a 120 second break between the running and the bike. I held my bike pedal (cadence) at 92 per minute for the 7 miles. It was a good challenge and the knee came through at about 75%. Next week I am ramping up more. The first big race is in June and I have a long way to go. Tonight will be an easy one, core strength for an hour then an hour of cardio and then a few miles on the bike to wake the knee up!

    Hey Elli! Where you at?

    Beth DO NOT make me come and find you! :) Hope your training is going well.

    If I missed anyone it was unintentional!

    Have a great day!

    Keep a smiling!

This discussion has been closed.