Senior Golden Sneakers ~~~March~~~Welcome all young and old



  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Today's yoga was done with poodles and a cat......with Bernie participating there was always someone stepping on me :laugh: :laugh: ....

    :flowerforyou: Barb, what's for dinner at dad and mom's house? Should we all come to dinner?:laugh:

    :heart: :heart: hugs:heart::heart: Barbie

    You may have created a new type of "Step Aerobics Yoga" featuring yourself as the "mat":noway: --Can the three little piggies come and help you film the infomercial?:laugh: :laugh:

    To answer your question and Elli's--The little piggies came to dinner with me tonight, and we tried a new strategy. It's called \'no dogs allowed in the kitchen while momma is cooking." This is because it is a very small space and tripping over a critter would be dangerous to me and the critter. I had to issue some "reminders" but amazingly, everyone pretty much obeyed--even my mom!!!:laugh: :laugh: I only had to shoo her out once this time!!

    We had penne pasta, with marinara sauce, and ground beef. Also a spinach salad with tomatoes and avocado, grilled veggies ) carrots, red pepper, and zucchini) and crispy french bread. I am still at their place as this is written, so dessert hasn't yet been made, but my dad will eat anything as long as it includes ice cream and chocolate sauce. I am probably having some strawberries and a couple of chocolate covered peppermint sticks and calling quits.

    The marinara was a make it up as you go along affair: sweet onions and crimini mushrooms grilled in olive oil to start; 1 can of Hunts Four Cheese spaghetti sauce; a can of diced tomatoes; some Italian seasoning and some garlic powder. Then let it simmer while the pasta cooked and I did the other prep. I didn't have any complaints and there are sufficient leftovers for another meal. I kept the ground beef separate from the sauce so we can add some shrimp and do another meal. I thought "chicken" but my dad is threatening to crow like a rooster if he has any more chicken, :noway: :huh: :laugh: so there goes my plan for a Costco Rotisserie birdie later this week:ohwell:

    The piggies were surprisingly good tonight. No big outbursts during dinner. Limited begging, and NO barking during dinner, so they may be invited back again!! I am sure I will be, since I am the cook!!!

    I also had lunch at Applebee's today, and if you happen to be there before 3p, you can order off their two-fer menu, and get a great meal for $5.99. I had tomato basil soup and a grilled shrimp spinach salad without any dressing, and the shrimp grilled w/o seasoning. Relatively low in sodium (not sure I believe the info in MFP about the soup only having 8 mg of sodium, but it didn't taste too salty. They do serve it with croutons and parm cheese, so next time I will know to ask for them on the side. I haven't logged dinner yet, but I should be under for the day since the piglets and I walked for 45 minutes earlier today.

    Nice weather, mid-60's (F) some sun, but a fair amount of overcast at times. Hurry spring!!!

    Hi Marie--Hope you are having good weather, so you and Sammy can get out at walk a bit.

    Jeffrey-- Thinking of you.

    Phoebe--Let us know where you have been wandering.

    Beth--Are you still involved in your building project at the base?

    Irene--Glad you got the pipes close to fixed and took care of all that pesky bookwork. Welcome home.

    Everyone else--Keep smiling:bigsmile: It will make everyone wonder what you are up to:wink::happy:

    So long for now.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    I am so tired and trying to go to bed for an hour but thought I would drop in and tell you I had a wonderful time at the casino and came home even with my money. :laugh: We had fun but wish we had more time, next time we will go without a time limit.

    Had a bad night of sleep and not sure why, I tossed and turned until nearly 3am and had to be up at 7. I did have coffee at my step son's yesterday but it was fairly early so I didn't think it would bother me, it evidently did.

    Although I didn't exercise to day I did stay under calories and that makes me feel good. Tomorrow is my card day and then lunch, so I will probably check in later in the day.

    Hope everyone is well.

  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone! We just got home from a Dr. appt. for Neil. He took the cast off and his foot looks nice but there is a wee patch of infection so he is back on antibiotics. That explains why it was sore last night. He put him into a boot instead of another cast so that I can change the dressing daily. He wants to see him immediately if it starts looking worse, otherwise we will see him in a week. Neil had a hard time settling last night so we both had a short night. He is snoring away as I type and I am going to have a little lie-down right away. I have picked up Dave's sore throat. I thought I had escaped it but woke up with it today. My nose is still running pretty much steady. I only hope that Neil doesn't get it.

    Irene -- You will have a wonderful time on your cruise. I, too, get that feeling a week or so before I leave on a trip of why am I doing this? But the why is easy -- it is relaxing and fun and you deserve it!

    Everyone else, thinking of you and will try to get back later today. Take care and keep smiling. Gayla :heart:
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Won at my card game, $30 then went to lunch where I had tilopia and rice. Picked up Bryanna for her drivers Ed and then again for dance. Plan on chilling on the couch unless I can muster up some energy to do the bike.

    We had a beautiful day today with sunshine and temps in the 60's. Tomorrow is supposed to be the same. YEAH!!

    Gayla, sorry Neil has the start of an infection, but also happy he got his cast off. Wouldn't it be nice to have some days where he is pain free? I hope you are taking care of yourself and get better soon.

    Barb, you are a very busy beaver and an excellent cook. I hope your parents appreciate all you do for them.

    Elli, how fun will that be going to see Disney on Ice with the kids? I have been there, done that and you will love it. You will have so much fun being a grandma, and you deserve it.

    Irene, glad you got your pipes fixed and are back home. My son has a Portland address so I am not sure where he lives in reference to your house. He is on Bronson Crest Loop if that means anything. He and his wife used to both work for Intel but he is now a computer troubleshooter and she is still with Intel.

    Hope all is getting better for you Jeffrey.

    Marie, isn't the warm weather just wonderful. I can't wait to sit outside with Daisy.

    That's all for now.

  • viliberty
    viliberty Posts: 74
    Won at my card game, $30 then went to lunch where I had tilopia and rice. Picked up Bryanna for her drivers Ed and then again for dance. Plan on chilling on the couch unless I can muster up some energy to do the bike.

    We had a beautiful day today with sunshine and temps in the 60's. Tomorrow is supposed to be the same. YEAH!!

    Gayla, sorry Neil has the start of an infection, but also happy he got his cast off. Wouldn't it be nice to have some days where he is pain free? I hope you are taking care of yourself and get better soon.

    Barb, you are a very busy beaver and an excellent cook. I hope your parents appreciate all you do for them.

    Elli, how fun will that be going to see Disney on Ice with the kids? I have been there, done that and you will love it. You will have so much fun being a grandma, and you deserve it.

    Irene, glad you got your pipes fixed and are back home. My son has a Portland address so I am not sure where he lives in reference to your house. He is on Bronson Crest Loop if that means anything. He and his wife used to both work for Intel but he is now a computer troubleshooter and she is still with Intel.

    Hope all is getting better for you Jeffrey.

    Marie, isn't the warm weather just wonderful. I can't wait to sit outside with Daisy.

    That's all for now.


    My son lives in Beaverton, Cedar Hills Blvd. Our house is in Cornelius. That is about 30 miles west of Portland.
  • jeffrey71
    jeffrey71 Posts: 432
    Hi everyone!

    We are fine, just still a big mess. When I get a chance I will post the update and happenings. Pray for my SIL.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,149 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: I just have a minute to report that I did yoga again today----this makes 4 days in a row...there was less assistance from poodles today....I guess they're getting used to it.:laugh: I stayed under my calories today even with a great dinner with a sweet potato:bigsmile: :heart: :heart: :heart: hugs:heart::heart: :heart: Barbie
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Just got a minute before Jerry yelled LETS GO. For it is grocer shopping day.

    Just wanted to wish you all a very Happy St. Patty day. And eat those greens today and everyday.

    Gayla, sorry to hear Neil is unconfortable The Med should kick in a make him feel better. He has the best nurse there is. I was wondering how he was doing. Does the Fr. think it was a sucess and he will be able to wear regular shoes/ That will be wonderful.

    Be back later

    :heart: :drinker: Marie:drinker: :heart:
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Happy St. Patrick's Day!!! Marie I love the new picture of Sammy, it is so cute!! :bigsmile:

    Another beautiful sunny day here which makes me think of Jeffrey and pray that they are all coping with their problems. Our prayers are with you Jeffrey and somehow you will persevere. :heart:

    Gayla, I hope Neil is doing better today and the infection is clear. Poor guy has been through so much he deserves a break. :love:

    Irene, my son said your son is not to far from him they go down that street a lot. Small world isn't it? :tongue:

    I plan on exercising today and keeping within my calories. Just when I am ready to post another pound lost, it comes back up, I wish it would just stay put where it belongs. :laugh: I wait to see if it stays the same for three days before changing my ticker, but so far it doesn't cooperate. I am determined to meet my goal by swim suit season. YIKES!!

    Hope everyone has the luck of the Irish today!!

  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    I can't believe I just did this again -- Pressed the wrong button and lost my post. I am sure there must be some way to recover it but I don't know how. So, I will cut to the chase and not dress this up with all my chatter.
    Neil is doing fine although still sore. His pain seems well controlled with Tylenol and movies. I will change his dressing this afternoon and see if it is looking better. His doc. is very happy with the way the foot looks other than the infection and still hopeful he will wear regular shoes.

    Jeffrey -- Thinking of you and prayers for your family.

    Marie -- What are you eating today in the green department?

    Sandy -- We, too, are enjoying sunshine and warmth. Our snow is quickly disappearing.

    Barbie -- Good for you with the yoga. I bet you are enjoying walking in the warmer weather.

    Take care everyone and keep smiling. Gayla :heart: :smile:
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Well, now i gained another pound to go along with ny nausea and headaches! :angry: And i've been staying within my calories and working out like crazy. Even when i feel too bad to do yoga i've been going to the gym. DARN! I'm going to see my PA tomorrow.

    Jeffrey - you're in our thoughts and prayers.

    We're having beautiful weather here too - going for a walk with the dogs in a few minutes!

    Gayla - don't you HATE that???? When you lose the whole post??????? Glad Neil is doing better! SUCH a trooper! Of course, he has YOU!

    Barbie - yay for yoga with critters!!!!!!!!!!

    Sandy - you're doing so GREAT!

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Gayla, next time that happens try hitting the back button on the top of your screen to see if it brings the post back. Sorry, that's all I got!!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :drinker: :heart: :drinker: :heart: :drinker: :heart:
    Gayla, For my dinner tonight ihad Grilled Samon, steam cabbage and brocoli. and 1/2 corn.
    Plan on a green milk shake for bedtime. I have some green tea that I may used.

    I am always thinking of you guys wiith love.
    If you didn't wear green today here is a pinch from the:devil:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,149 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    Happy St. Patrick's Day to all. We wore green to line dance today and someone brought brownies with green frosting and apple juice for a snack. I brought my own Isagenix bar and didn't eat the brownie treat. We danced to a lot of Irish music along with the new dances we've been learning.

    :flowerforyou: Jake is feeling better so we bundled up and took the dogs for a 20 minute walk on the trail. It looks sunny and nice but was really only about 53 degrees and windy when we went out at 2 PM.

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: I did yoga with poodles again today.......just wearing my regular clothes w/o shoes seems to be the formula for including it in my day. Later I'll ride the exercise bike

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Elli, I'm so sorry you've gained a pound and still aren't feeling your best.....seeing a healthcare professional sounds like a good idea

    :flowerforyou: Gayla, Tylenol and movies sounds a great prescription for the relief of's good that Neil enjoys movies.

    :flowerforyou: Jeffrey, I'm thinking healing and peaceful thoughts for you.

    :flowerforyou: marie, your dinner sounds great.

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Sandy, Do you have a new swim suit for this year or the one from last year.......I hope those last pounds get going in time for the warm weather.

    :flowerforyou: Irene, glad you're home safely after your plumbing adventure

    I'm loving the signs of spring and the promise of more walks in the afternoon. :heart: :heart: hugs:heart: Barbie
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    It is another beautiful day here although they are talking snow over the weekend.:explode: After my meeting I am hoping to take Daisy to the dog park so she can run and play. :love:

    Barbie, line dance sounds like fun, glad you weren't tempted by those brownies. That is one thing I am good at doing, not eating sweets. :happy: Of course I gave them up for lent so when I go for Easter Brunch I will probably go straight to the dessert table. :laugh: I did buy some new swim shorts and swim tops, not that I enjoy wearing them but I do like the sun and I do like to take my grand daughters to the pool. :blushing:

    Ouch! Marie, I got pinched by that devil. Sorry, did not wear green yesterday. I know I should have but since I am not Irish I sort of feel that would be cheating. When I was a kid those of us who were Polish or Italian wore red on St. Josephs day so we had our own day as well. :laugh: City kids, what can I tell you??

    Elli, glad you are going to the doctor, it could be possible your thyroid is under active. I am going to presume you are watching your sugar and carbs like a good girl. But you have been complaining of nausea, so it is best to get a check up. We don't want anyone getting sick on us. :noway:

    Gayla, hope each day is better for Neil and that he will get to wear regular shoes in the near future. :bigsmile: Isn't it nice to see the green again, it has been a long cold winter. :grumble:

    Jeffrey, more prayers are coming your way. :heart:

    Beth, Birdie, Barb, Phoebe, Jake, Ellen, Sandi, Irene and anyone else I missed, hope you are all well and just busy.

    Have a great day!!


    P.S. By the way I changed my ticker but since my weight is 131.6 it is still saying I need to lose 3 pounds. But I did lose .4 pounds so I am proud. :bigsmile:
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Sandy! that's AWESOME that you lost .4 pound! When you get down so low its HARD!!!!!!!! It seems like if i'm not losing, i'm GAINIG. the maintaining is so difficult! I lost the pound i gained yesterday - but i'm not putting it on my ticker yet. I've been WAY too sporadic! We've had 2 days close to 70 and we're in a snow warning starting tonight at midnight!

    Jeffrey - hope you and your family are all right.......

    Barbie - your dancing always sounds like so much fun! Once again i'm impressed at your willpower - to avoid the brownies!
    I'm fixing dinner for everyone tomorrow night and i'm doing fruit for desert at least.........

    Marie - i had salmon last night! with asparagus. I've found doing salmon in the microwave works really well which is very unusual for me. I don't "cook" anything in the microwave - just use it to heat stuff or defrost. The salmon comes out really good tho - not at all dry.

    So my PA said maybe i have allergies, and some acid thing going on in my stomach?! She's not concerned about my thyroid 'cause those numbers were fine 6 weeks ago when i went for my annual. It could be stress - business is very scary right now. Anyway - she gave me some stuff to take.......i'll be better! hopefully i can go to yoga this afternoon. we'll see!

    Have a happy thursday everyone!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hey Sandy and Elli. Snow!!!!!!!!!!!! enjoy it.
    Sandy , Dancing a happy dance for you. Good girl.
  • viliberty
    viliberty Posts: 74
    I'm trying to get my house all in order. I want to "create" something, but I'm not one of the people who can sit in the midst of chaos and be creative. As a consequence, I get very little "creating" done, because I don't get everything else done to my satisfaction. If I make it, I think it will be aprons, potholders or finish one of the many quilt tops I've done.

    Spent some time reading posts. It is always a blessing to see what you are all doing and being encouraged to keep on keeping on. I went shopping yesterday to replenish my healthy eating supplies. Oranges are one of my staples. So good to finish off a meal or have for a bedtime snack.

    We finally have some beautiful sunshine. It is still chilly out, but so pretty. Soon I will be walking outside again.

    Take care. God Bless Irene
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone from snowy Saskatchewan!! If I were being truthful I would tell you that the snow is already starting to leave but I wasn't thrilled to wake up to a white covering. The radio said it was icy on the highway but it turned out they were fine. Work went by quickly and I got home in time to change Neil's dressing and call his doc. His foot is still red and there is some sloughing on one of the incision lines. It is not draining as excessively as it was yesterday so am glad for that. Likely by 10 tomorrow morning when we see his doctor it will look great but that's the way it is. Neil had a terrible day today while I was at work. I think he was staging a mini revolt that I went to work and refused to eat, wash, etc. He is happy as a clam now and watching his show. I have chosen to ignore it.

    Barbie -- I admire you so much for turning down the brownies. Even though they are not my favorite treat I would have a hard time resisting.

    Sandy -- Yahoo! .4 is huge when you are close to goal!! You will get there girl.

    Elli -- I am so glad you got yourself checked out. I was worried about you. I hope you are good as new soon.

    Marie -- Snow!! Are you being sarcastic? Be careful, we will send some more your way! :wink:

    Irene -- Good girl, getting creative. Enjoy your creativity. I want to turn part of one of my flower beds into a herb garden. I should be working on planning that as it won't be long before I need to buy the plants. It is always good to put our creative side to work.

    Take care everyone and keep smiling. Gayla :heart:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Gayla, Don't you dare send any snow down her. I notice the peach trees are blooming now on Sammy and I walk this morning. But we usally get one more freeze around Easter. And Sat. morning could be it. I haven't planted anything yet but turnips and they have not come up yet.

    I bought me a pair of garden shoes at least that whats is on the tag. They look like clogs to me, But they are pretty confortable. I have so much trouble with my feet and ankle swelling up So it helps that. 5 dollars a pair. What a bargain. I go Monday to pick up my new Diabectic shoes. I get one pair a year on my insurance.

    Everyone have a good nite.

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