Senior Golden Sneakers ~~~March~~~Welcome all young and old



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Going to repeat this post so Gayla can see step by step how pictures are posted, hope it works for her.

    I will try and explain how I got this photo on my post. First I went to and joined their site. Then I uploaded my picture per their instructions. After the picture was uploaded I clicked on the picture and under the picture it has image codes, such as face book etc. there is a place next to it that says more. Clicking on more brings up a new window and a tab that says link code click on that and then go to IMG for bulletin boards & forums. You then highlight to copy and paste the whole code to your post. Once you paste the code you have to make two changes. At the beginning of the code is {IMG} This has to be changed to lower case [ img ] (no spaces I had to add spaces to show you what I meant) both the bracket and the letters have to be lower case. The same at the end of the code {/IMG} has to be changed to lower case and don't forget the back slash.
    [ /img ] again to show you I had to make a space but you do not .
    I finally figured it out after 4 tries but it is important to highlight the whole code and to change to lower case for the picture to show. Good luck!!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    ok, i give up! sorry for the double post. Thanks for the info. Marie, not sure why it isn't working for me.
    Goodnight, my friend. Gayla:heart::yawn:

    By the way Gayla, that hot tub sure looks inviting........ :laugh:
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Jumping in for a quick hello. I'm going back to work tomorrow and I'm a little nervous. :ohwell: Besides the fact that I still can feel the bronchitis and cough a lot.....(after 2 weeks of this) my boss informs me that my desk is like a war zone!!! :noway: :noway: I am a very orderly and organized person and I guess the temp that came in does not share my views. :grumble: I know I shouldn't criticize as I'm sure she did her best.... but being tax season....(and I am the only one who gets all the returns once they are done, and follow them each through the efiling process) I am told that she doesn't even have the paperwork and bookkeeping all in one place but mixed up.... in all different piles.... everywhere in the office!!!:noway: :noway: I'm trying to get myself ready, mentally, and keep telling myself...prioritize...prioritize..... My boss told me what she wants prioritized :flowerforyou: so I need to follow her orders and not look at the piles everywhere! :noway: Yikes!! :noway: I know it's part of my personality....but I am not comfortable until I have everything sorted etc. Then I'm in my comfort zone. :ohwell: I really need to get past this and just plow through the mess well as keep my head on...without feeling overwhelmed or thinking about eating! (As well as not expect to get it all done tomorrow.) Please say a prayer for me to shake this bronchitis, so I can do what I have to!
    My food and water intake has been good but I have only exercised 7 days out of the last 30!
    Nothing I can do about it.:ohwell:
    This is where the serenity prayer comes in helpful.:love:

    "God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
    To change the things I can
    and the wisdom to know the difference".

    To all those who have much more serious problems....please forgive my complaining.:frown: I know it can be much worse!
    Sending hugs to all and to let you know that I may be MIA for a while.
    God Bless!
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member



    Hi everyone. I am trying this once again. I didn't change the brackets so hope this makes a difference, otherwise I did as you said, Sandy. I don't remember having so much problem when I did this before -- hmm, scary.

    Thanks so much to both of you, Marie and Sandy. If the picture shows up it is a picture of Gregg and Sasha. You will see that Sasha is doing some sort of Yoga on the beach. I thought you folks would appreciate that. It makes my back hurt to look at it.

    It is our Telemiracle weekend here which is 20 hours of televised money raising for people who need extra equipment or travel for medical needs. Neil watchesalmost continuously except for the hours he does choose to sleep! I watch off and on and phone in my donation. Some of the entertainment is excellent some not so good but the reason for the event is real and I do admire the Kinsmen for doing this every year. I have had several clients who have benefited from the raised money. So that is how I have been wasting my time yesterday and today.

    Is there no end to washing clothes after a holiday?? I should have taken one day and done it all instead of a load here and a load here. It seems endless BUT the holiday does make it worthwhile. Neil is quite pumped about his upcoming surgery. He seems to think he will be walking 'normally' right away. I hate to burst his bubble but it will take several weeks before he can even weight bear. He is so hopeful to get regular shoes instead of the black boots you see in the picture.

    We are having a gorgeous day. We kindly brought home warm weather and so far no one has thanked me!!! The temperature today is around 30F. Yesterday we had water running in the streets from the snow melting. I know we aren't over winter yet but we sure do enjoy this.

    Birdie -- I am not one you organized folks but do appreciate your anxiety about your desk. My desk isn't the neatest but I do know where things are. A student has been using my desk and it took me a few minutes to 'feel at home'. I hope your bronchitis goes quickly. Dave has nearly stopped coughing now but I do swear I nearly dragged him to the Dr. myself. He figured it was a virus and looks like he was right. He had a terribly sore throat with it as well. So far Neil and I are ok.

    Hope you are all having a great Sunday. If this picture thing doesn't work, my son is coming out today and I will get him to do the hand over hand stuff. :wink:
    Take care and keep smiling. Gayla :heart: :smile:

    ed. ok, this is weird, out of frustration I just picked an old photo and followed the same instructions, as you can see it worked. This is a very yummy salad I made a long time ago. It is in a bowl that my parents got as a wedding gift in 1946. By the size of it you can see people ate less in 1946 than they do in 2010.
    I am not done working on this!! As Arnold would say, "I will be back."
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member


  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    Is that Greg and Sasha in the hot tub??

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member

    Gayla you got some on. great going. Love the sunset. Look like the kids was having a ball. And your salad look so good. And such a lovely bowl.

    Alice and I have been going thru all of my family picture and posting them on our web site for the family. So much fun. We posted a lot of my Mon and dad when we get thru will make a CD out of them. This is a little Bear or us i found in my embrodiry desgn. Haven't made hime yet but plan too. He didn't transfer to good.

    Have a good night.
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone! I feel like I have really monopolized space today. What a time we had getting these pictures up. Gregg troubleshooted for me for at least an hour trying to figure out why I could post an old picture but not the new ones. He ended up moving all the pictures into a new folder and finally they would open up. He worked it out that because the name of the folder had several words with spaces between the program wouldn't recognize them. Very strange but at least I know it wasn't me being completely inept.
    The first picture is Neil and I sitting on the steps of a Mayan Ruin in Costa Maya. Mexico. The next picture is Gregg and Sasha, our Yoga girl. She is an exercise nut and obviously we are not. I did ask Dave if he could touch up my picture and get rid of a roll or two but he declined. The last picture in the hot tub is Quinn and his girlfriend, Margaret. I think they show what a happy holiday really is in that picture. Now I will look for one with Dave in it and I will call it a day for awhile.

    Marie -- You will have a lot of fun with the bear. Thanks for all your help and thanks to you as well, Sandy.



    Whew, that was easy. The top is Dave and Neil and the bottom is all of us except Dave when we got on the ship and obviously ready to start our cruise.

    Goodnight everyone. take care and keep smiling. Gayla :heart:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,149 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :drinker: :drinker: Hi Everybody,
    We have had a lovely visit with a bunch of friends, four restaurant meals, a bunch of rain, cold, and wind, and an evening of watching the Academy Awards with no pets to distract us. Our plane leaves at 10:30 AM so we'll be getting up at 5:30.

    :flowerforyou: We had dinner two nights at the same Thai restaurant where I had the same yellow curry with tofu and potatoes and brown rice. today we also had seaweed soup with tofu so I brought half of the curry home for a bedtime snack and unless I decide to go for a 30 minute walk right now, I'll be over on my calories even with walking to the restaurant and walking the stairs several times today.

    :flowerforyou: Last night we went to Boston Market (they have a brochure with calories,fat, sodium, etc, listed) and the wall signs for ordering tell the calories count for all the items. I had turkey with three vegetable sides and then splurged on the cornbread.

    :flowerforyou: On Friday night we went to Home Town Buffet.......I had a good salad, chicken, green beans and a small piece of fish. I haven't been to Home Town Buffet in a very long:flowerforyou: time and I had not realized how much heavy food they have so there weren't as many choices for me as I had hoped.....some of our friends won't eat Asian food or we would have gone to the Thai place all four nights. for all our other meals we had the Isagenix food that we brought with us.

    :flowerforyou: I miss the pets and we won't get to pick them up until Tuesday morning.:sad: :sad: :sad:

    :flowerforyou: Barb, our Golden Retriever, Shilo, emptied wastebaskets (she especially liked used tissues) so we started having all waste baskets and trash cans behind cabinet doors. And she could find food in any bag or box so we had to be careful not to leave any food in anything except standard high shelf locations in the house. I wish you luck with Bradley.

    :flowerforyou: Marie, Thanks for sharing your menu. I'm glad to hear that your new plan is keeping your blood sugar in check.

    :flowerforyou: Sandy, congrats on losing another pound:bigsmile: Did Daisy get to the dog park?

    :drinker: Jeffrey, agree that brutal and enjoy don't belong in the same sentence about your exercise. My calves and thighs are noticing all the steps I walked this weekend.

    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: That's all for tonight, I'm exhausted.:heart: hugs,:heart: Barbie
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Gayla, love the pictures!:flowerforyou: Makes me want to go on a cruise again!:happy:
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    My goals for March are very practical.
    To get back to work, exercise as soon as the bronchitis goes away and NOT gain weight.
    This would be an achievement at this point, so I would be happy with doing that.
    Have a great week all.:flowerforyou:
    Will post as soon as I can but not sure when.
  • jeffrey71
    jeffrey71 Posts: 432
    Hi all!

    Just a short note. Diane, my SIL, has been given just a few more weeks and will be going into hospice. Last night her mother passed away! It is quite a mess here right now. Day, Sam, Amanda, and I are fine. We will probably be going down to be with Diane and her family soon. I will check back in as best I can.

    Take Care! Smile more than you need to!

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Happy Monday or Not!!

    It is a gloomy day here with no sunshine, thought about going to a casino but too short of time today. :ohwell:

    Since it is my birthday week it started out with a bang yesterday. We went to my step son's for dinner where my 4 year old granddaughter made me birthday signs and dressed up for my "party". They made us filet and lobster as a special treat (good thing I exercised in the morning) and it was delicious. I had no cake since I have given up sweets for lent so unless I did it wrong I was still under calories. :bigsmile: The biggest surprise was in the gifts, a handmade drawing from my granddaughter and a really cool wind chime. As we were talking about the wind chime the bag it came it started vibrating and guess what? The thing I wanted more than anything an IPHONE!!! I was so excited and so happy. They have a business and they supply both me and my husband with a phone so we don't have that expense. It is very generous and saves us the cost of a monthly cell phone bill. :love: Because my husband helps out with the business (and gave his son a loan to start it) and I designed and maintain their web site this is one of the perks, they also pay for our gas, so you can see we are pretty spoiled.
    Now if only the son would find recovery and get get sober, things would be wonderful. (he did behave yesterday and did not drink in front of us).

    Gayla, you figured out the pictures, good for you. You have a great looking family and look so happy together. You took a couple of the pictures off according to your descriptions but with those you have we are able to see you had a wonderful time.
    The rest are in your profile if anyone wants to see them. Neil is having foot surgery but isn't he also having some sort of surgery for his seizures or am I mistaken?

    Birdie, take it one day a time and don't overdo anything. You are so close to your goal and since you need to gain your strength back, don't worry about exercising right now. If anything just walk around the house until you feel better. Tax season is almost done, well maybe not until April 15th, but things should be calming a little except for those last minute people. (like us)

    Marie, aren't family web sites wonderful?? Keeping in touch through cyberspace is just great. I love face book for that reason, it keeps me connect ed with family I haven't even met. My cousin and I both made a family tree web site that goes back to our great great grandparents. It combines all the families from all generations, it is really nice.

    Barbie, Shilo was a bad girl? Glad to hear it , I thought just Barb and I had the trouble makers. I did get Daisy to the dog park and she might be going again today if it isn't too chilly for me. :tongue: When I take my granddaughter to driver's ed I have an hour and a half before picking her up, so I am thinking of taking her then. See the difference in what you eat and what I eat?
    No wonder you lost 70 pounds in a year and I can't lose 3 pounds. Actually I have been watching pretty good, yesterday was an exception. :blushing:

    Jeffrey, hope all is well in Indiana and you are enjoying time with your daughter. :heart: One of these days we will have to meet up at Blue Chip (I have never been there) and do some gambling together, along with Day. :smile:

    Have a fun day everyone, time to play with my new phone and then exercise.

  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hey everyone! What happened to my pictures??? Actaully, Gregg told me that the two may disappear as he rerouted them to a new folder so the old folder where they were taken from no longer exists. I will post the one of Sasha doing her yoga on the beach. There are already pics of Neil and I so I will leave that one alone.

    Jeffrey -- Sorry to hear your news about Diane and her Mom. Have a safe trip, I know it will be a sad one. You will all be in my thoughts.


    Yesterday we watched all our photos and the kids on the Wii. It was a great way to watch them all and we had a lot of laughs.

    Take care and keep smiling. gayla :heart:
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    So sorry Jeff, your post must have been posted before I got mine up and I didn't see it until Gayla gave her sympathies. I too, hope works out, just do the best you can and know that we all care about you and your family. :heart:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Jeffrey so sorry evertthing is happening at once, Has Diana Mom been bad off for while. Hope she is able to handle it. Glad you are going down to help out. Its a sad time. the renunion of the family makes it more bearable Take care of yourself.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member

    Here is an old picture of me and Jerry befor we got married. I think I was 25 years old and Jerry was 21. Ain't Young love grand.

    Sandy I love our web site. Alice and I posted a lot of pictures on our yesterday and found this one.

  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Jeffrey, so sorry to hear about your SIL:sad: and her mother. :cry: Wow, you've got a lot to deal with.:frown: You, and your family will be in my prayers. Hang in there!:love:

    Marie, loving that picture of you and Jerry! It's so nice that we can share pictures. :flowerforyou: It makes me feel like we're visiting each other:laugh:

    Sandy, Happy birthday week!!! :laugh: Sounds like you had a nice time with your family! Hope the whole week is special!:flowerforyou:

    Nice to hear from you, Barbie! But I must confess I prefer Sandy's fillet and lobster to your seaweed soup:laugh: But, seriously, I have never had it.... so I shouldn't judge it before tasting it:wink: Actually, now that I think of it, I have had some kind of salad with seaweed and it was quite good!

    Gayla, if I ever got into the position that your little person was in (on the beach) I'd never be the same!!!!:laugh: :laugh:

    I made it through the day at work, so I am relieved! :smile: Still tons of work to do....but like you said, Sandy, One Day At A Time!!!
    God Bless!!
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone. I thought I would pop on tonight as I likely won't be online for a couple of days or more. Neil has his foot surgery tomorrow afternoon so we have to check him in by 11 am. He is very relaxed about the surgery and only thinking about the outcome. Odd how we can forget pain. He will be going into an intensive observation area for a couple of days following surgery which does make me feel a little more relaxed.

    Sandy -- I think you asked about the neurosurgery for Neil. He will see the surgeon in May and then we will decide. It is odd but his seizures lately seem to be less so we shall see what the decision will be about the vagal nerve stimulator.
    By the way, have a very Happy Birthday!! It sounds like you have been enjoying your special 'week'! You deserve the special attention.

    Marie -- Woohoo (that's a whistle) that is a great picture!! Does it seem like only yesterday?

    Birdie -- It sounds like you handled your disorganized workspace very well. The one thing for sure about work is that it is always there the next day. I hope you are feeling better.

    Barbie -- It sounds like you had a nice time and enjoyed some special treats. Your dedication to your exercise program will insure you against any weight gain. Way to go, girl!

    Jeffrey -- thinking about you.

    Take care everyone. I hope you are all well. Keep smiling. Gayla :heart: :smile: :heart:
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