Senior Golden Sneakers ~~~March~~~Welcome all young and old



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Welcome back Gayla. glad you had a good time. Am ansious to hear all about it.
    How is Neil? He is going to have surgery again soon isn't he.

    Jeffrey you are one nice guy/, I have been out walking one time the other day. The rest of the week looks good so Sammy and I will start walking more. Gonna get in the 70's by the week end. That will be nice. Warm these old bones up.

    Sandy, I bet Daisy is ready to get herself back to the park to burn some of that enegy up. How much does she weigh now? Texarkaner is about 300 miles away from us.

    Sandi, How is that detox coming along?

    Phoebe be careful out on the roads.See you on facevook/

    Bariecat, What a good outlook on life you have.

    Barbs, Been missing you.

    Elli, Where are you??

    Beth, Get that running in.

    Time for a break and have a cup of tea before lunch.

  • viliberty
    viliberty Posts: 74
    Nothing special today.....just another day. If things go according to plan I'll get my upper kitchen cabinets painted today. The lowers were easy, but this will involve a ladder, so I'm not too anxious to get started. These old cupboards were installed up against the ceiling, and I am not so tall! Ten years ago I would have stood on the counter and painted up, not so much. LOL

    I read in another post this morning that this is National Pig Day. But no "pigging out, please!"

    I really appreciate all of your encouragement. I thought I wasn't doing so well, but I guess averaging 5 pounds loss a month is OK for me. I was hoping for about 8. Maybe I've watched too much of the Biggest Loser. But of course they have Jillian to YELL at them.. hee! hee! I only have Ralph who says, " I love you just the way you are, let's go have some pie!"

    Have a great day. God Bless! Irene
  • viliberty
    viliberty Posts: 74
    OOPS! Double post, so I will delete this one.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,149 Member
    :sad: :sad: I've been fighting with a nasty cold and didn't get nearly the exercise I wanted but at least got enough to match the food I ate. We're headed for bed early and I hope I sleep off what ails me.

    :flowerforyou: I tried to take a nap this afternoon and was successful for about 20 minutes then Sasha started pushing me with her paw to get me up to take them to the dog park....I'm glad we went but I came home and lay down again for awhile.

    :flowerforyou: My step counter has been getting to only about 8000 steps and I'm just too tired to do Leslie Sansone to get the rest of the steps.......I know, it's temporary.:laugh: :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: This morning we watched the end of the men's curling gold medal game
    what an exciting game.

    :flowerforyou: Gayla, add me to the list of people who want to hear about your cruise, how much fun you had, how much Neil enjoyed it, and anything else you want to share.

    :flowerforyou: Irene, losing five pounds a month is great :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Marie, I'm glad to hear that you're walking again:bigsmile:
    :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: time for sleep, Barbie
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    I was sorry to hear of your family's loss. I hope your niece has lots of support around her.

    You did see that post about National Pig Day. As a matter of fact, I posted it!! The day was actually celebrated on March 1st, but I didnt' get around to putting up the message until Monday evening. Here it is for anyone who missed it:

    Did you know March 1st is National Pig Day?

    Really.....It is. :huh: :noway: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I saw a news story about it earlier today, and forgot to post until now. Below is a excerpt from Wikipedia..

    "National Pig Day is an event held annually on March 1 in the United States to celebrate the pig. The holiday celebration was started in 1972 by sisters Ellen Stanley, a teacher in Lubbock, Texas, and Mary Lynne Rave of Beaufort, North Carolina.[1][2][3] According to Rave the purpose of National Pig Day is "to accord the pig its rightful, though generally unrecognized, place as one of man's most intellectual and domesticated animals."[2] The holiday is most often celebrated in the Midwest.[4]

    National Pig Day includes events at zoos, schools,[5] nursing homes, and sporting events around the United States. It is also recognized at "pig parties" where pink pig punch and pork delicacies are served, and pink ribbon pigtails are tied around trees in the pigs' honor.[2] According to Chase's Calendar of Events, National Pig Day is on the same day as pseudo-holidays Share a Smile day and Peanut Butter Lover's day.[6] The question of whether the holiday is a time to honor pigs by "giving them a break" or to appreciate their offerings (spare ribs, bacon and ham) is an open question......"

    Every day is "Pig Day" at my house. I have three dogs who are known, collectively, as "The Three Little Pigs.":laugh: :laugh:


    I am sorry to hear about your cold. I hope it straightens out so you won't have any problems flying. The change in air pressure can be tricky on the ears if your head is stuffed up. Good luck.

    I have to get some things done, so no long posts tonight.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Irene, so sorry about your niece's husband. :brokenheart: She and her family will be added to my prayers. :heart: Great job on losing 5 pounds in one month. I have been trying to lose 4 pounds for about 6 months. :grumble: I am really trying but evidently I am still not eating right because I do count calories and exercise. Maybe my body just likes this weight. :laugh:

    Barbie, sorry about your cold, hope you are feeling better soon. You better just rest like your body wants you to do, you are so disciplined that a day or two of no exercise won't hurt you. LIsten to mommy. :laugh:

    Barb, I think we have enough Hallmark Days not to honor a pig. :noway: It is funny though and I have seen how intelligent they are on an old Johnny Carson show years ago. :laugh:

    Marie, hope you are having a warm nice day and able to take your walk with Sammy. :flowerforyou:

    Time for me to get up and exercise, I have lots of errands to do today and then I am picking up my granddaugter to take her to her first drivers ed class. Yikes!!

    Have a good day everyone,
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone! You are all just so DOGgone nice!!! I did take a few pictures but am way to techno challenged to share them. Perhaps I will figure it out. Dave put all our pictures on our picture frame and it keeps cycling through them -- I sincerly do not like looking at myself, even on holidays!! I will try to give you an idea of what we did.
    The first day in Miami we stayed at the Hotel Riu which is an ok hotel but not great. The good part was it was right on the beach. My kids found the outside bar immediately (of course) and then we walked along the beach and dipped our feet in the ocean. We found a very nice Cuban restaurant and tried many things that we hadn't tried before. We found that we really enjoy Cuban food as well as the atmosphere. (now I have to look for some Cuban recipes online)

    We were up early the next morning to start our cruise with Norwegian Cruise Lines. I really can't say a single bad thing about it. The only slightly negative thing was a shortage of deck chairs if you didn't get to the pool early enough. It wasn't a biggy and most days we go chairs, otherwise we sat at a table which was also fine. Our kids spent hours in the pool and hot tub with beer flowing constantly. We also spent a fair amount of time in both. Neil loved the pool. He did look like a beached whale getting out but he seemed to think it was worth it. Our other kids were very helpful getting Neil in and out of the pool and hot tub. Dave and I could not have done it on our own. Because the water in the pool was salt water Neil was able to dog paddle all over on his own. We made one huge error in judgement and Neil had quite a big seizure in the hot tub. No ill effects but if I hadn't been sitting next to him he would have been under water in a second. He flopped over on me and it took Dave and Quinn a bit to see something was amiss. They helped me keep him upright and then took him out of the hot tub. He was groggy and had a headache for awhile but after a snooze he was fine. No more hot tub for him after that and in the pool someone always stuck to him like crazy glue. I think that was our only misadventure the whole week although Neil did have one cranky day. He was stressing about getting off the ship to go on our excursion but all went well.
    Our stewards were wonderful, always pleasant and available to help when needed. We had been upgraded us to a great room (for disabled guests) which was quite large. For those of you who have cruised you will appreciate this -- the bathroom was large enough to do a jig in it (if I had wanted to)! There was a pull down seat in the shower which was so great for Neil. We had a balcony and enjoyed it so much for part of every day. Dave was able to get up at the crack of dawn each day to get a picture of the sunrise (I slept). The bed was so comfortable, the bedding great. About the sunrise which I saw only in pictures, it was gorgeous but really doesn't hold a candle to our wonderful prairie sunrise.

    Excursions -- The kids (or adult children as I call them) had a wonderful time kayaking in Roatan, Honduras. Dave went ashore to look around and enjoyed that as well. Neil and I took the opportunity to each have a massage (Swedish for me, Athlete for him) which were over the top expensive but without doubt the best massage I have ever had. Neil was a bit disappointed because the guy told him not to talk which was very hard for him.:laugh: The next day everyone but Neil and I went cave tubing in Belize which they loved. Neil and I played a rousing game of Bingo which Neil enjoyed and it was fine for me. By the last game I had to really work to stay awake so we dozed by the pool for awhile after the game. In Costa Maya we all got off the boat (a pier for us there) and took a tour to see some Mayan ruins which was very interesting on a gorgeous sunny day. We had a terrific guide who made the tour very special. He seemed to take a shine to Neil which was nice. The last day we stopped for the day at a small island in the Bahamas which is owned by NCL. That was a great day, lying in the sun, a swim in the ocean and a BBQ. Neil and I both found the water very cold (pansies) but everyone else happily spent a lot of time in the water.

    Food -- The food was always good and sometimes exceptional. There are so many choices at the buffets that you never try it all. For me the best buffet dinner was the turkey with all the trimmings but others enjoyed the ribs or prime rib more. The salad buffet was excellent and that made a very good lunch for Neil and I when the others were away. We did try several other restaurants and were never disappointed.

    Entertainment -- Most evenings we took in a show, sometimes good, sometimes not. Their singing group was not great but the acrobats and dancers were very entertaining. Neil loved the juggler who was very good. The final night crew show was hilarious. Our kids went on a pub crawl (because they couldn't get enough booze poolside) :wink: and had a terrific time. They went to 6 or 7 ship bars and at each one they played some kind of game. I gather our kids did well at the games. They planned on going to another one the next night but for some reason a couple of them weren't feeling that well. They also went to a couple of wine tastings (may have been one wine and one something else). They put their new knowledge to work as they ordered wine for dinners.

    Neil and I usually had an afternoon sleep which was great for him especially. He was so rested that he actually had very few seizures (my theory). It was slow paced for the most part and we all enjoyed the ship days as much as the excursion days. We all came home with some tans in spite of using a lot of sunscreen.

    Would we do it again? In a heartbeat, all I have to do is save my pennies.

    I am sure that I left something out that I meant to tell you but in a nutshell that is our holiday -- sunning, swimming, eating, visiting, touring, sleeping. No complaints from this group!!

    I still have only read this weeks news so will have to check back to see what I missed.

    Sandy -- Sorry to hear about the baby with so many problems. I will say a prayer for the baby and parents.

    Irene -- Sorry, also, for your niece and family.

    Marie -- Have you had results from your Dr. appointments? Hope all is well.

    Phoebe -- Still working hard as usual.

    Barbie -- Sorry you are under the weather. Hope the cold goes quickly. Dave has one as well and I am hoping he keeps it to himself. I am a bit jealous that you got to watch the Gold curling game and we didn't, no Olympic coverage on the boat!! I was glad that the Martin team won (the team that my cousins son is on). We did get to watch the Canada/USA last hockey game in the hotel Sunday evening. I will keep my yeahs to myself but what a barn burner!! Is that a prairie expression?

    Jeffrey -- You still are making me feel very lazy with all your exercising. Is the race soon?

    Everyone else, take care and keep smiling. Gayla :heart: :smile: :heart:
  • jeffrey71
    jeffrey71 Posts: 432
    Good Afternoon Everyone!

    Well our string of luck continues... My contract has expired with firm I was working with out of Detroit. I cannot say that it was a surprise as they were in reorganization mode and it was only a 90 day contract that I was employed under and it did last 180 days.
    But is still "no paycheck"! I did go to the doctor today that is monitoring my training and all my vitals were excellent. He thinks that the ramped up training is really doing me well. So I am extreemly happy about that! I tell all of you though, those 2 hour all out workouts like last night are killer! I hurt in places I forgot I had! Today is yoga. That always makes me feel great.

    I just got off the phone with Sam and she will be home on Saturday. At least I will be able to spend the week with her. It will probably be the last Spring Break that she will be home for the week. She has grown up on me! Amanda got another day off of school with the snow in Atlanta. She is doing her usual, shopping. Day is working and I am fixing her supper.

    I trust you are all well and happy!

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Oh Gayla, your cruise sounds absolutely wonderful!!!! You made me feel like I was right there with you except I have no suntan. :noway: Too bad about the one seizure in the hot tub but at least you were able to keep him under control and he seems like he enjoyed the rest of the trip. I am so happy you got to do this with your family, I know when I went with mine it was just heaven. :heart:

    Jeffrey, so sorry about your job but I am sure this too you will overcome. Having Sam, this time I mean your daughter, home will be wonderful and now that you have a little free time, it is like a blessing in disguise. :tongue:

    I am off to bingo now, don't wish me luck because it doesn't work, so just ignore saying anything. :laugh:

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Gayla, what fun you much have had. Am so glad Neil had a good time. And no serious problens. really enjoy reading your post.

    Jeffrey, Sorry about your job. But you will find another one .

    Sandy have fun at bingo.

    Good hearing from you guys.
  • jeffrey71
    jeffrey71 Posts: 432
    Hey Sandy!

    Luck! Luck! Luck! ROFLMAO!

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,149 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Welcome home, Gayla, and thank you for the great narrative of your sounds a balance of rest and fun....I'm so glad Neil had a good time with only one "bump" in the road....a lot of people have trouble with hot tubs. I've never had Cuban food so you'll have to tell us about the recipes you find and what you're cooking.

    :flowerforyou: Sandy, you're right that I have trouble taking time off from exercising but last night I lay down in the hide-a-bed and watched TV instead of riding the exercise bike or doing some other sort of exercise. I'm feeling much better today after going to bed at 9:30 and getting up at 7:15.......I still have a bit of a cough but nothing like how dragged out I felt yesterday....I hope you have fun at Bingo:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Jeffrey, I'm sorry to hear about your job coming to an end......I'll wish you the good luck that I didn't wish to Sandy that you'll find something you like really soon.,,,glad to hear that you got a good report from the doctor.:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Marie, you haven't reported on your menu lately......what are you eating these days?

    :flowerforyou: Barb, my head isn't too stuffed up so I should be fine on the plane....we went to Port Angeles today for Jake to look for Skechers Shape Ups shoes for himself
    they didn't have his size but he loved the feeling of walking in the next larger size.........the store we went to had several kinds of jeans in size four so I finally found pants that fit......I am so excited especially since I am off to see some people I haven't seen in years.:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: We're taking our computer with us this weekend and we'll be staying in a hotel with free wireless internet in the rooms so I'll be logging food and exercise and keeping in touch with you.
    :heart: :heart: hugs:heart::heart: Barbie
  • isandi
    isandi Posts: 162 Member
    HI, just a run thru to say hi did not read the post, hope all of you are okay
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hi All,

    I am using my parents' pc to post as I came over after work. My mom's sister up in BC passed away on Tuesday, so I was going to come over anyway to see mom. Mom happened to overdue it exercising, so I came over to swap out the sheets on the bed, and of course caught her already having stripped the bed to "save" me time:ohwell: After I threatened to tie her to her chair, she agreed to sit down and let me do what I came over to do:bigsmile:

    The dogs are here, and since mom is using her walker, they are providing comic relief. They haven't figured out yet that it is best to move to one side when the walker is advancing upon you. They just back up....:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Maybe next time.

    Barbie--Glad you are feeling better, and so nice to find pants that fit "in the neighborhood" instead of miles away.


    Your cruise sounds wonderful. :drinker: :drinker: You should write travelogues!!!:flowerforyou:

    I have to go as I have things to do yet before I go home.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member are a brat. brat, brat brat.......but I fixed you, I won in spite of your good luck on a pull tab. $150 so there!!!!!
  • tobysjrzgrl
    tobysjrzgrl Posts: 34 Member
    Happy March everyone. Just read through the posts. OML. Everybody seems to have a life but me. Maybe I'll have an amusing Hospital story after my knee surgery. Hopfully not their reaction to the rear view from the johnny coat while I'm walking down the hall. Did you know that those things have a new name. They are called "ICU" coats!!!!

    Jeffrey - I have a question. I've been doing the 10 minute island jog on the wii and I get sharp pains in between my shoulders. What am I doing wrong..

    Keep well everyone.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Toby when do you have surgery? And no I did not know they have a new name for those gowns.
    All I can say is they are not very confortable.

    Have a wonderful day.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Barbiecat here is my Menu for today. . I am still on the Met b plan but learning to be a vegetarian now days. I dont used the food chart but except to look things up for we don't count calories.

    Breakfast: 2 scramble egg beaters,1/2 orange, 2 slices of butter toast, coffee with half and half. the orange and toast was my 20 g net carbs20 net carbs

    Snack: cheese stick,walnuts

    Lunch: Egg salad sandwich.,1/2 apple, some roasted veggies, Ice tea20 net carbs

    Snack: Cottage cheese and cucumbers

    Supper: Bulgar Chili, salad20 net carbs

    Snacks: Greek yogurt and 1/2 c strawberries-20 net carbs

    It seems to be ageeing with me. And I like eating this way too. I have never been a big meat eater.And i am on a web page that is helping me to get all of my protein in. And how to eat. I made a big pot of bulger chili yesterday and it was quite filling. And my Blood Sugar is doing fantastic so far. It was 86 this morning the lowest it has ever been in over 20 years for a fasting this morning. I couln't be happier.

    take care. You are one Busy girl
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    hi everyone - happy spring! SORRY - i've been BAD. don't know why i'm having such a hard time. haven't had time to read all the posts - but Gayla, i DID read yours about the cruise. omg - it made me want to go on one! Sounds like you had SUCH a great time and that it was relaxing for Neil and all the other grown kids got to do fun stuff and you and Dave too! Thank you so much for sharing it all with us!
    I can't respond to everyone else right now - busy at work. You're all in my thoughts though.
    I'm going to yoga today - my son's fiance, Katie, is going with me now - getting fit and in shape for the wedding which of course i think she already IS..........Made it to the gym yesterday and back to walking the dogs as well. Don't know WHY i don't seem to be getting my eating back in line! gained another pound this morning:sad: my own darn fault!
    OK - gotta get to work. I'm REALLY going to try and put in all my food and keep up with you guys!

  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    :smile: Hi everyone! I have been MIA because I’ve been out of work with Bronchitis that won’t seem to leave me.:frown: I am going back to work Monday but wanted to drop in to say hi!:love:

    I haven’t had the energy or the motivation to go online and track,:yawn: however I have been careful about my food choices. Today is the first day I feel like doing anything but I get tired easily.:ohwell:
    I haven’t exercised for over a week (again):angry: but my weight has stayed the same.:bigsmile:

    To cheer myself up, I tried on clothes from last summer! OMG!:noway: I can’t believe how big they are! :blushing: :blushing: They’re not ever wearable!:laugh: Some of them were too tight to wear…..and now they look like someone else’s clothes! I tried on some of the clothes I wore 17 years ago, and many of them are fitting! Can you believe how big the shoulder pads were back then???? :laugh: :laugh: Needless to say….I can’t wear some as they are just outdated!:noway:

    I hope everyone is well!:love: I haven’t read the posts yet, just wanted to post so I’m on the March thread.:wink:
    God Bless!
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