Senior Golden Sneakers ~~~March~~~Welcome all young and old



  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    Sorry to hear you have been ill. Glad you can take a trip down memory lane in your closet. BTW, some items can be updated if you just REMOVE those shoulder pads. I couldn't stand them when they were popular, so on some things I removed them as soon as I purchased the item. Usually left them in on jackets, but shoulder pads on a sweater??:noway: Give me a break!!!:frown: :bigsmile:


    Good luck with your surgery. There is nothing wrong with a nice quiet life where you don't have exciting stories to tell. If I didn't have three little doggies, parents to worry about and a propensity for clumsiness, mine would be a LOT quieter!!!:laugh: :laugh:


    Your menu made me hungry so I can see how it would agree with you. Is the bulgar chili recipe available online? I would like to see what is in it.

    If I missed anyone, you are still in my thoughts. I have to get going, still have to get ready for work.

  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Birdie - REST! my friend who works with me and her husband both had bronchitis and sinus infections. he missed 2 weeks of work, she missed about 10 days. And they were on all sorts of medicine! It takes AWHILE! Be kind to yourself. have fun with those clothes! That is the BEST!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Elli so good to hear from you. Sometime we just have to take a break from it all.We missed you. Thought we may have to sick Jeffery on to you and see why you haven't been around. But anyway sood to hear from you.

    Birdie, so sorry you been down in the weather. Glad you are a little better. Am glad all of you old clothes are to big for you.

    see you all tomorrow.
    Love Marie
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone! Today was my work day followed by a night out with the girls, dinner and a play. It was warm in the theater and I had to work at staying awake even though the play was very good.

    Marie -- Sounds like you are enjoying your menu. What a nice added bonus that your blood sugar is so controlled. Way to go!

    Birdie -- Sorry you are not feeling well. Dave, too, has a terrible cough. I thought he was going to cough up a lung last night but he said he felt a bit better today so didn't call the Dr. Bronchitis is not nice!! Get well soon.

    Elli -- How nice to enjoy yoga with your dil. I have a picture of my dil doing yoga on the beach. How she got in that position I will never know. I hope you get to enjoy a family cruise one day.

    Toby -- I hope your surgery goes well. I think I missed the date, is it soon?

    Barb -- Have you healed from your fall?

    Barbie -- I hope you are feeling better and that you enjoy your trip.

    Jeffrey -- I trust you are behaving yourself!!

    Sandy -- Way to go on your win. You really are the luckiest person I know. I should have brought you to bingo with us as Neil really wanted to win. These new fancy things they have where it keeps track of your cards for you is really amazing. They likely have been around for awhile but new to me. The only bingo I usually do is working at them to raise money for sports for the kids! I forgot to mention that my kids entered a Texas Hold'em tournament on the ship (not sure if it is a tournament but for lack of a better word that is what I will call it). Our oldest came in 3rd and won a few hundred dollars which was very nice.

    Take care all and keep smiling. Gayla :heart: :smile:
  • isandi
    isandi Posts: 162 Member
    Hi all,
    Gail, your trip sounded wonderful! What a wonderful review you gave for NCL. Maybe you might consider going to CRUISE CRITIC and posting your review. We are going on NCL also, on the 28th of March...I am not feeling very good about it at this time....we have 5 stops in CHILE including Santiago...I really don't feel right about this and wonder how the cruise line is going to handle it.

    Irene, sorry to here about your DNIL. Prayers and thoughts are with you.

    Jeffery, so sorry about your job, will keep you in my prayers also!

    Barbie, hang in there that is nasty stuff, I lost 12 pounds with mine!

    We finished all the piecing on the quilt yesterday. I laid it out today and will put it together tomorrow. Sunday and Saturday for the borders and then off to Yuma for my sister to quilt it while we are gone on our cruise.

    Had the beginning of a gaul bladder attack yesterday. Am really watching the fat as they will not take it out until I have another attack so this will keep me out of the food on the trip!

    To all of you,Bob,Sandy, Marie,Ellie and anyone I have missed ...
    Have a wonderful day and....

  • tobysjrzgrl
    tobysjrzgrl Posts: 34 Member
    My weigh in day is Friday so I though I'd share. I lost 5 lbs this week. Don't be a hater, I really only lost 1.5 lbs because I didn't tell you all that I gained 3.5 last week. ;) My Bad!!!! I really bumped up the wii last week and I think I was retaining water weight.
    That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

    My Knee surgery is May 11th, Right after I come back from ElPaso.
  • jeffrey71
    jeffrey71 Posts: 432
    Happy Friday One and All!

    Toby I don't know about the pain inbetween the shoulders. Is that the only exercise that you have that issue with? Do you use a heart monitor? If so, is your BTM spiking? And it might be as simple as checking your posture and changing shoes. If it persist I would definately see your doctor. Probably nothing but better safe than sorry.

    Sandy Good for you! Send me my portion for the luck!

    Sandi thanks! I appreciate that!

    Marie I am very happy and proud of you! Keep it up! Those numbers look good.

    Gayla don't you wish you were back on the ship? A few days after any cruise we have had I am missing it soooo bad!

    Barbie get better! Spring is coming!

    Elli good to see you back on line!

    I did a triple workout last night. It was brutal but I did enjoy it. I started with a 7.1 mile bike ride, then with no rest (except a 72 second clothing change, (I have to begin working on transition timing for the June race) then I ran 4 miles (time was about 90 seconds better) then went right to an hour of core strength training. During the bike I held my heart rate (HR) at 120 to 130, during the run at 150-155 beats per minute. That is pushing it for this old man! My heart recovery to 110 was about 3 minutes. Good strong recovery! So I starting to think that I may pull this off! I still have a lot of swim practice and training to get in.

    Sam is coming home tomorrow! Amanda is great and doing fine. I have a couple of interviews coming up soon (I hope) and I am looking forward to those. Outside of that it has been pretty good around here. I more blessing than I deserve!

    Take care!

  • viliberty
    viliberty Posts: 74
    I just learned something I would like to share. I took BENICAR for several years to protect my kidneys from diabetes. It is a tier 2 prescription (costly) so I asked the Doctor if there was something in tier 1 that I could take instead. She prescribed LISINOPRIL (a fraction of the Benicar cost). I developed a horrible continual cough . It was so bad I didn't want to go out into public. It woke me up several thimes at night. Finally, after months of this misery I asked the druggist if any of my medictions could be at fault. He said many people have this reaction to lisinopril. To make a long story short, I went back on Benicar a couple of weeks ago and all the symptoms are now gone. It doesn't affect everyone the same; my husband takes lisinopril with no ill effects. Just thought I would pass this along.

    May take a little trip to Oregon next week. We have a house for sale there that needs a little TLC.

    Enjoyed all the posts. You are a great bunch! God Bless! Irene
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Jeffrey - I'm just not sure about the use of the words "brutal" and "enjoy" in the same sentence! I'm beginning to wonder about your mental health!:laugh: actually, i'm just jealous! i want to be there!!!!!!!!!!!! As you can tell from my ticker i'm actually going in the WRONG direction! Don't know what my problem is!:sad:

    Tobysgirl - wow! 5 pounds! that's AWESOME! congrats! What will you be doing in El Paso?

    I'll try and keep in better touch over the weekend. seems like i'm always running around!

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Uh, no Jeffrey, I still haven't received my share of your winnings, so no splitting with you. :laugh: I agree with Ellie, brutal and fun hardly belong in the same sentence. Are you a good swimmer, how many miles do you have to swim? You really make our generation look great, keep up the good work!!! :love:

    Elli, all you need is a little motivation to get back on track and with your DIL going with you to yoga that seems a step in the right direction. I found that when I wasn't posting food and guesstimating that was the wrong thing to do. I now post all my food even if I am above calories, it keeps me honest and shows me how to eat healthy. Mind you, I do end up eating some things that I shouldn't (why can't I be like Barbie) but it does keep me focused. :drinker:

    Irene, it is funny how some medicines affect us differently. The doctor just gave my husband a new med that knocked all his energy out of him. I asked him to stop taking it and start exercising again and I can see the difference in one day. Sometimes these doctors think a little pill can cure anything. :grumble: Say hello to my son when you go to Oregon, he lives near Portland.

    Great job on the weight loss Toby, whether 1..5 pounds or five pounds it is wonderful. :flowerforyou: You made me remember that I have to make an appointment with my knee doctor. My left knee is bothering me and I would like to go back for those series of shots he gives me every year. I will need a knee replacement one day, but I am stalling for as long as possible. :noway:

    Hope all those that are under the weather have a better day today. The sun is shining here and it is going to be in the 40's. Yeah!! :flowerforyou:

    Now just in case you didn't notice I lost another pound also lost an inch in my waist and my hips. Hip Hip Hooray!!!
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Thank you, thank you, thank you.

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Just a quick reply to Irene--

    I am appalled:huh: :frown: that neither your doctor or your pharmacist saw fit to tell you about this very common side effect of Lisinopril--a dry cough. I had the same problem, and it didn't take me months to solve it--working in a job where I was on the phone all day, that cough had to GO and quickly.

    There are other types of medication that will do the same job as Lisinopril that don't have that side effect. You could do a little internet searching and have some alternatives to ask your doctor about the next time you see him. I am not familiar w/the Benecar you mentioned, but if it is costly, I can certainly understand wanting to find a less spendy alternative.

    Glad you finally solved the coughing problem.

    Have to get up early so bye all for now.

  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Just popping in to say goodnight all (or good morning). I hope you have a great Saturday! Gayla :heart: :smile:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Just read Jeffrey post and it made me think i had a nice workout too. Thanks Jeffrey.

    Hi gayla, up late last night huh! You have always been a night owl tho, I used to always count on you and debra having a nice post for me to read in the mornings. I wonder how she is doing.

    Phoebe, I know you are out on the road somewhere . Have not been on Facebook yet to see if you been there yet?

    Irene, girl you are doing a nice job, Keep it up

    sandi, take care of yourself so you will be ready for that cruise.

    Sandy, Beautuful day here But rain coming back tomorrow.

    Beth, How that running going?

    Elli, Elli so good to see you back.with us

    Bobbiecat , I think I read that you are out of town again. Have fun

    Barbs, How are the 3 pigs doing?

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Hi All,

    Beautiful sunny day today, I think I might take Daisy to the dog park even though I just had her groomed yesterday. :ohwell: She loves it so much and she has such a great time.

    I just did about 90 minutes of exercise so I have gained some extra calories today. I have been doing pretty good with staying under my daily count. I really feel better and I can tell that I am finally getting to where I want to be. :bigsmile:

    Hope you have a great weekend and will check in later.

  • viliberty
    viliberty Posts: 74
    Well.....I didn't do so well this morning! My husband goes to the "Donut Parade" nearly every morning. It is a sugar high hang-out with a high percentage retiree customers, where "everyone knows your name." The maple bars are served fresh and warm and to die for.. Possibly the best treat I have ever tasted. can see why I don't go there with him. But,....this morning we were driving along and he said, "We are going to the Donut Parade. " The inevitable happened of course. I ate half of my day's calories in two delicious maple bars. Methinks Missy Irene will have to do some exercise is she wants any dinner. Ha! Ha!

    Yardwork today! The sun is shining and it is warming up out there.

    Sandy, where is your son. Our house is in Cornelius, about 30 miles west of Portland. My son lives in Beaverton. Lots of relatives in the area. I was born in Scoggins Valley, above what is now Hagg Lake near Forest Grove.
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone! Oh, what a lazy day I have had. Neil and his buddy went out and Dave and I watched some curling. He tried to get my camera card (for lack of a better word although I know there is one) to transfer the pictures to my computer. It will not work but it works on his computer. He finally rigged something up to get them to transfer, now I will have to see if I can send any on!

    Irene -- Don't sweat a bad decision. You know what to do and you are strong, I know you will find your way back to your program. You have done so well. The donut shop sounds amazing and would be a downfall for me as well.

    Marie -- I, too, wonder about Debra and haven't heard from her for quite some time. I think I will drop her a line today. I love that you are enjoying your diet. That is what makes all the difference. Did I tell you that Neil goes in for surgery on Tuesday? I think I did but didn't want to look back and lose the post. He is pumped for a quick and good recovery and I so hope he isn't disappointed.

    Sandy -- The pic. of your granddaughter at the wheel is wonderful. I can remember that day so well myself or the day I actually got my drivers liscence. My Dad died and there was no other driver in the house. My Mom never had good enough vision to drive and my older sister was moving to Toronto to go to University. I was sixteen and it was me or sell the car so I took up the challenge. I love when one persons' present reminds another of their past. I hope your granddaughter enjoys learning to drive.

    Take care everyone and keep smiling. Gayla :heart:

    ed. Wonder of wonders, I did post some pics but they are so tiny it is hard to get much of a look. Is there some way to caption them? The one of the hot tub is Gregg and Sasha in the forefront and Quinn and Marg. behind, Neil is standing beside.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member

    This is my son Bruce and his family, except his wife couldn't get off to come and 2 of his gransons. He has rather a nice large family.

    The reason I posted this was to tell Gayla how to do this if she have forgotten how. Go toPHotobucket I know you used to have it and click on img Paste and copy and after you get it in the body of your post change the img to lower case but leave the { } there Do the first on eand the last one. Is it on photo bucket if not you will have to get it there first.
  • shar140
    shar140 Posts: 1,158 Member
    Just stopping by to say hi and admire all your little dogs! :flowerforyou:
    Not sure how many of you might remember me, but I do remember Marie, Phoebe, and Jeffrey!

    I've been battling a cold the past couple days, but I've still been doing a little but of exercise to keep in shape (hey, round is a shape! :tongue: :laugh: ), because I had an event I had been training for this morning! I participated in the Fight For Air Climb for the American Lung Association - climbing 30 flights of stairs, or 60, or 90! I had signed up for 60, and I wasn't going to let a pesky little cold stop me - I had a medal waiting for me when I finished! (everyone got one :bigsmile: )

    The little old lady (no offense to anyone!!) that was behind me (we had to line up in order of our bib numbers, and the starts were staggered out so there were constantly people going up, and then you got to ride down the elevator) had to have been in her 70s, and asked if I had done this before - I said no, and asked her - apparently she's been doing this for 25 years!! :noway: And it showed, too - in no time, she had passed me, taking the steps 2 at a time!! I was all, :noway: in between huffing and puffing myself. :laugh: But, she is definitely an inspiration - she make it look easy! :drinker:

    Anyway, now I can hopefully take it easy and rest up and recover. I hope you are all having wonderful weekends!
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    I am missing a step with photobucket, sorry, no luck! Gayla
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    ok, i give up! sorry for the double post. Thanks for the info. Marie, not sure why it isn't working for me.
    Goodnight, my friend. Gayla:heart::yawn:
This discussion has been closed.