i dont get it



  • nfrewin
    nfrewin Posts: 73 Member
    but its just crazy how people dont realize that its bad, but justify that its not as bad as something else there for its acceptable. if your not fully committed why even bother?

    So, basically, if we aren't going to be perfect than we shouldn't try to improve our health?

    That is quite possibly the stupidest logic I've ever heard.

    Any improvement is better than no improvement
  • MallorieGreiner
    MallorieGreiner Posts: 135 Member
    Because sometimes, I want to have a huge piece of motha effing chocolate cake with the worst additives ever, that's why.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    Didn't know there was a fluoride debate. I thought it was needed for healthy teeth. It's been added to the water I've been drinking for over 40 years, but never heard of a debate.
    you have to actually look. theirs plenty of debate but your not going to find it on fox or cnn.

    No, i get the studies from my wife, the Yale educated Phd in Biology, and they've concluded there are no negative health impacts of fluoride in water. Which studies are you talking about? Again, you are making the claims, you show the evidence.
    well good thing i live right down from yale. so what about how some places are trying to get it passed to put lithium in our water. what about that then? got another witty comback or are people going to learn how to grow up and have a debate without taking something personally.

    I would debate you if you had some legitimate points instead of scare-mongering!
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Fluroride, splenda..this and that will kill you, etc. *sigh*

    Everyone who breathes air dies. Everyone who drinks water dies.

    So should we stop breathing and drinking water too?

    You need to stop being all obsessive about what everyone else is doing and nit-picking and being a fanatic about "healthy food" and live your life. Seriously - relax and enjoy it because if food doesn't get you...a bus might...or air...or water....never know...there could be some alien mutant microscopic bug thingies that are infiltrating us and harvesting our molecular parts without us knowing.... :P
  • BlueObsidian
    BlueObsidian Posts: 297 Member
    Didn't know there was a fluoride debate. I thought it was needed for healthy teeth. It's been added to the water I've been drinking for over 40 years, but never heard of a debate.
    you have to actually look. theirs plenty of debate but your not going to find it on fox or cnn.

    No, i get the studies from my wife, the Yale educated Phd in Biology, and they've concluded there are no negative health impacts of fluoride in water. Which studies are you talking about? Again, you are making the claims, you show the evidence.
    well good thing i live right down from yale. so what about how some places are trying to get it passed to put lithium in our water. what about that then? got another witty comback or are people going to learn how to grow up and have a debate without taking something personally.

    And once again you fail to show any peer-reviewed studies. I take that to mean that you have NO legitimate scientific studies to back up your claims?
  • LittleMiss_WillLoseIt
    LittleMiss_WillLoseIt Posts: 1,373 Member
    I've been ingesting these supposed "poisons" the entire time I have used this site. Strangely, I haven't had a bit of trouble losing. What I want to know is why is there always someone who thinks that it's okay to condemn others for what they are eating. What I put in my mouth has NO impact on you and since it really ISN'T the cause of ALL my problems since I have managed to lose 90+ lbs, then your little mini-rant just sounds like you are being judgmental!

  • roselover58
    roselover58 Posts: 96 Member
    but its just crazy how people dont realize that its bad, but justify that its not as bad as something else there for its acceptable. if your not fully committed why even bother?

    baby steps. To some, to fully commit is overwhelming.

    Also - the media, as well as the government tends to give mixed messages to the public. What is bad today was not considered bad last week/month/year/decade. As some have previously stated, moderation is the key. Are grains bad for you? Yes, when you eat it at every meal. In a 'perfect' world, one would not eat grain. Very hard to do in this world. Is milk bad for you? Yes, but it is everywhere, and it toted to being good (we are the only mammals out there who drink milk after being weaned, and we drink other species' milk).

    I could go on, but suffice it to say, moderation in everything. Stay away from stuff you don't like/makes you sick, and let the others figure it out on their own. Each journey is separate.
  • MidwestAngel
    MidwestAngel Posts: 1,897 Member
    I've been ingesting these supposed "poisons" the entire time I have used this site. Strangely, I haven't had a bit of trouble losing. What I want to know is why is there always someone who thinks that it's okay to condemn others for what they are eating. What I put in my mouth has NO impact on you and since it really ISN'T the cause of ALL my problems since I have managed to lose 90+ lbs, then your little mini-rant just sounds like you are being judgmental!

    I ♥ you
  • Ramberta
    Ramberta Posts: 1,312 Member
    How about you worry about your own journey and others will worry about theirs.

    You could have plucked the words from my own head ;) exactly to the point!
  • ubermensch13
    ubermensch13 Posts: 824 Member
    Didn't know there was a fluoride debate. I thought it was needed for healthy teeth. It's been added to the water I've been drinking for over 40 years, but never heard of a debate.
    you have to actually look. theirs plenty of debate but your not going to find it on fox or cnn.

    No, i get the studies from my wife, the Yale educated Phd in Biology, and they've concluded there are no negative health impacts of fluoride in water. Which studies are you talking about? Again, you are making the claims, you show the evidence.
    well good thing i live right down from yale. so what about how some places are trying to get it passed to put lithium in our water. what about that then? got another witty comback or are people going to learn how to grow up and have a debate without taking something personally.

    I'm trying to have the debate, but you continue to claim all this evidence as to the harms of "unnatural" foods, and yet you have not provided one peer reviewed study. What does living in New Haven, Ct have anything to do with the expert testimony of someone with a Phd in biology?
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    Didn't know there was a fluoride debate. I thought it was needed for healthy teeth. It's been added to the water I've been drinking for over 40 years, but never heard of a debate.
    you have to actually look. theirs plenty of debate but your not going to find it on fox or cnn.

    No, i get the studies from my wife, the Yale educated Phd in Biology, and they've concluded there are no negative health impacts of fluoride in water. Which studies are you talking about? Again, you are making the claims, you show the evidence.
    well good thing i live right down from yale. so what about how some places are trying to get it passed to put lithium in our water. what about that then? got another witty comback or are people going to learn how to grow up and have a debate without taking something personally.

    i live next to a garage. does that make me an expert on cars?

    look, you are obviously wrong. just cut your loses and let the thread die. get your own eating issues under control, and then you can quietly roll your eyes at people putting in 7 splendas in their caramel macchiato.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Didn't know there was a fluoride debate. I thought it was needed for healthy teeth. It's been added to the water I've been drinking for over 40 years, but never heard of a debate.
    you have to actually look. theirs plenty of debate but your not going to find it on fox or cnn.

    No, i get the studies from my wife, the Yale educated Phd in Biology, and they've concluded there are no negative health impacts of fluoride in water. Which studies are you talking about? Again, you are making the claims, you show the evidence.
    well good thing i live right down from yale. so what about how some places are trying to get it passed to put lithium in our water. what about that then? got another witty comback or are people going to learn how to grow up and have a debate without taking something personally.

    Whoa. Before you start telling people to grow up, I'd check your attitude. Chill. Seriously.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    but its just crazy how people dont realize that its bad, but justify that its not as bad as something else there for its acceptable. if your not fully committed why even bother?
    So because I eat the occasional splurge item and use Splenda here and there I shouldn't have bothered? How thin is the air up there on your high horse?
    You should not have - because losing those 137 lb (well done btw) had absolutely no benefit to you health wise due to that Splenda you occasionally had did it? :wink:
  • 3RachaelFaith3
    3RachaelFaith3 Posts: 283 Member

    I'm trying to have the debate, but you continue to claim all this evidence as to the harms of "unnatural" foods, and yet you have not provided one peer reviewed study. What does living in New Haven, Ct have anything to do with the expert testimony of someone with a Phd in biology?

  • LaurySch
    LaurySch Posts: 277 Member
    all im trying to say is that there is always a natural better alternative. i never said cut out all sugar, or dont eat fats. make it be good fats,there are plenty. i just had a piece of chocolate, but a natural one. at 88% for more of a health bennifit. i get treats all the time form the natural market down the street, cookies and cupcakes that are made from unbleached unprocessed items.

    I think the people who have already said 'mind your own beeswax' are saying what I'm thinking. But your own reply is worth looking at - I think you have your answer if you would just look hard enough.

    You go over other diaries or judge people at the food court and see them eating things that you would never choose, yet you have NO WAY of knowing if they really wanted to have 2 cheeseburgers but made the choice to have only 1. Maybe they really wanted to have the banana split for lunch but went for the sub with extra mayo instead. How can you know? Maybe the lady who is eating the salad hasn't eaten for 2 days because she is afraid to gain half a pound if she has a taco.

    I pick friends on MFP because they believe they are making healthier changes and because they encourage me to do the same. I don't ever comment on diaries - don't even look at diaries because I have no way of knowing. I carry enough guilt about some of my choices, I don't need a friend to add to that - and I sure don't want to discourage someone because they aren't doing things the way I think they should.
  • amili045
    Didn't know there was a fluoride debate. I thought it was needed for healthy teeth. It's been added to the water I've been drinking for over 40 years, but never heard of a debate.
    you have to actually look. theirs plenty of debate but your not going to find it on fox or cnn.

    No, i get the studies from my wife, the Yale educated Phd in Biology, and they've concluded there are no negative health impacts of fluoride in water. Which studies are you talking about? Again, you are making the claims, you show the evidence.
    well good thing i live right down from yale. so what about how some places are trying to get it passed to put lithium in our water. what about that then? got another witty comback or are people going to learn how to grow up and have a debate without taking something personally.

    flouride debate or not the point of this site is about support. Your way isnt everyones way. Its not about the debate...its how you presented it as an accusation. You put yourself on a high horse from the get go. Maybe take a few psych courses at yale and learn to be more sociable before you start a 'debate' as you call it.
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    Have a little compassion, changing bad habits is HARD.
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    Well.. health is more then losing weight. I'm way healthier then a lot of my friends who weigh less then me and there are those who weigh more then me and are healthier then me. of course you can lose weight and still eat junk. Creating a calorie deficit is all it takes. If you're trying to get healthy it involves way more then losing weight. that's one small aspect of it. Of course having crap once in a while won't hurt you in the long run, but having it often will, even if you are losing weight. that's the point. why are you gonna complain that you can't lose weight or you feel like crap when you eat crap all the time? No one is perfect. No one eats completely clean. But if you eat the fried fatty crap, don't complain when you get sick, can't lose weight or feel like crap. Right? Of course those responding here are not the ones complaining.

    Any anyway.. if I am eating that crappy i'll gladly let people point it out.
  • peaceloveweedandveggies
    Didn't know there was a fluoride debate. I thought it was needed for healthy teeth. It's been added to the water I've been drinking for over 40 years, but never heard of a debate.
    you have to actually look. theirs plenty of debate but your not going to find it on fox or cnn.

    No, i get the studies from my wife, the Yale educated Phd in Biology, and they've concluded there are no negative health impacts of fluoride in water. Which studies are you talking about? Again, you are making the claims, you show the evidence.
    well good thing i live right down from yale. so what about how some places are trying to get it passed to put lithium in our water. what about that then? got another witty comback or are people going to learn how to grow up and have a debate without taking something personally.

    I'm trying to have the debate, but you continue to claim all this evidence as to the harms of "unnatural" foods, and yet you have not provided one peer reviewed study. What does living in New Haven, Ct have anything to do with the expert testimony of someone with a Phd in biology?
    just as much as it being yale does. yale is a joke,im sorry.yes,its a godd school but its also a breeding ground for hate.
  • MicMar66
    MicMar66 Posts: 186 Member
    I think the people who have already said 'mind your own beeswax' are saying what I'm thinking. But your own reply is worth looking at - I think you have your answer if you would just look hard enough.

    You go over other diaries or judge people at the food court and see them eating things that you would never choose, yet you have NO WAY of knowing if they really wanted to have 2 cheeseburgers but made the choice to have only 1. Maybe they really wanted to have the banana split for lunch but went for the sub with extra mayo instead. How can you know? Maybe the lady who is eating the salad hasn't eaten for 2 days because she is afraid to gain half a pound if she has a taco.

    I pick friends on MFP because they believe they are making healthier changes and because they encourage me to do the same. I don't ever comment on diaries - don't even look at diaries because I have no way of knowing. I carry enough guilt about some of my choices, I don't need a friend to add to that - and I sure don't want to discourage someone because they aren't doing things the way I think they should.

    I like you!!

    Lost the quotes when I deleted the stuff up the top I didn't agree with. :)
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