What have you seen new year resolutionists do at the gym!

BEERRUNNER Posts: 3,049 Member
Yes, They are eager to start a new healthier and fit lifestyle. That is awesome!! Slowly working their way into shape and just making fitness a lifestyle is most impressive.

BUT have you seen some of them just try way too hard too fast and burn out?

This awesomely tanned big brown man was on the treadmill yesterday getting my sweat on when all of a sudden the new year resolutionist next to me who was slowly...vey slowly walking on an incline decided it was a perfect time to make a call on her cell phone..

5 seconds later she fell off the treadmill in mids of a phone conversation!!! I couldnt help but chuckle just for a second before I helped her up. Another resolutionist was yelling "call 911!!" like there was an auto accident! too funny.

So what have you seen out there in our packed gyms this time of year!?!!:bigsmile:


  • MidwestAngel
    MidwestAngel Posts: 1,897 Member
    LMAO that is hilarious. I workout at home, but this makes me want to join a gym.
  • SmexAppeal
    SmexAppeal Posts: 858 Member
    LMAO that is hilarious. I workout at home, but this makes me want to join a gym.
    Same here... the only funny person working out is meeeeeeee :)
  • Chief_Rocka
    Chief_Rocka Posts: 4,710 Member
    Nothing too outrageous, but I workout early.

    I did have to assist someone pinned under the bar on the decline bench.
  • Chelsrf
    Chelsrf Posts: 194 Member
    I work out late so I haven't seen anything either but your story was really funny.
  • Tennolina
    Tennolina Posts: 2,413
    That is freakin' hilarious! I haven't seen anything THAT outrageous, but MAN, it's crowded in there!
  • susannahsutton1
    At the end of a spinning class last night, the new chap next to me decided to copy how I stretch my hamstrings at the end, putting his foot up on the handlebars with the other foot on the floor. I am reasonably flexible anyway, but more to the point I am 5' 11" with a 35" inside leg and he was not much over 5' 5".

    He got stuck.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    start. In all honesty the strangest things I've see people do in the gym are usually done by the people who have been there for at least a year.
  • S1NN3R
    S1NN3R Posts: 452 Member
    I don't know who are the resolutionist are ...but they are taking up all the damn parking at the gym. :(
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    LMAO that is hilarious. I workout at home, but this makes me want to join a gym.

    :D I was tempted just for ****s and giggles.
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    At the end of a spinning class last night, the new chap next to me decided to copy how I stretch my hamstrings at the end, putting his foot up on the handlebars with the other foot on the floor. I am reasonably flexible anyway, but more to the point I am 5' 11" with a 35" inside leg and he was not much over 5' 5".

    He got stuck.

  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    That is hilarious.

    I do not currently belong to a gym but I don't recall seeing anything funny come January. I'm a little jealous.
  • SunshineKisses_2012
    SunshineKisses_2012 Posts: 471 Member
    HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA!!! That made me giggle!

    I am one of those New Years Resolutions, however I have had success in the past (two years ago) for the wrong reasons. This last year I quit smoking and went on a spiritual journey that brought me to now where I am actually using the gym membership I am paying for. I know how to take care of myself (thanks to my last successful attempt that I sabotaged myself), and now it is actually FOR myself. :)
  • sblake204
    sblake204 Posts: 458 Member
    I saw a guy walking in eating a Snickers candy bar...Not going anywhere for a while!!!
  • Tennolina
    Tennolina Posts: 2,413
    HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA!!! That made me giggle!

    I am one of those New Years Resolutions, however I have had success in the past (two years ago) for the wrong reasons. This last year I quit smoking and went on a spiritual journey that brought me to now where I am actually using the gym membership I am paying for. I know how to take care of myself (thanks to my last successful attempt that I sabotaged myself), and now it is actually FOR myself. :)

    You GO girl!! :drinker:
  • seskovich
    I haven't seen anything funny but i have seen packs of guys working out together, which can be a pain. A group of 5 or 6 guys taking up a machine is annoying. plus they all talk and take forever.
  • ksemien
    ksemien Posts: 133 Member
    At my gym they are all wearing brand new workout gear that matches from head to toe..headbands, socks, new shoes, matching little bag and towel. They are all so pretty and put together lol.
  • susannahsutton1
    I gave up the treadmill I was on for a resolutionist on Monday because everyone else was pretending not to see him waiting, he was too nervous to ask and I had been on more than 20 mins (as had those other people, I just feel guilt more quickly). I was a bit cross when I saw same chap stuffing his face with MacDonalds on the way home!!
  • _the_feniks_
    _the_feniks_ Posts: 3,443 Member
    Working out in jeans, holding onto the treadmill while on an incline and lifting too heavy. Nothing I don't see the regulars doing.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    Nothing the resolutionists were doing per-say, but I saw some regulars placing bets last week on who would be there after January ended..made me giggle.
  • michelledsmith517
    Saw a guy trying to balance on a Bosu ball while doing kettlebell swings the other night. He decided against it after a minute or two.