What have you seen new year resolutionists do at the gym!



  • RodSuarez
    RodSuarez Posts: 6,309 Member
    "I was told to ask for Christian" says the newbie

    "Christian?" we ask

    "Christian the trainer"

    "You mean Christopher?" we ask again

    "Chistopher, Chistian whatever..." he says

    "I am the trainer" says Christopher

    "I would like a rutine I am new" says the newbie.

    Christopher explains the first exercise.

    5 Minutes later

    "I am DONE my arms hurt" said the newbie and left the gym.
  • 3RachaelFaith3
    3RachaelFaith3 Posts: 283 Member
    "I was told to ask for Christian" says the newbie

    "Christian?" we ask

    "Christian the trainer"

    "You mean Christopher?" we ask again

    "Chistopher, Chistian whatever..." he says

    "I am the trainer" says Christopher

    "I would like a rutine I am new" says the newbie.

    Christopher explains the first exercise.

    5 Minutes later

    "I am DONE my arms hurt" said the newbie and left the gym.

    10 seconds I will never get back... <sigh>
  • PandaBandit19
    Why all the fun poking at resolutionists? Some are really trying to better themselves. I know I will be looked at strange at my university gym because I have little knowledge about the machines. And weakling arms for the free weights.
    BEERRUNNER Posts: 3,049 Member
    I saw a newbie girl pick her camel toe.

    HIalrious dude!!! Hopefully I can see this happen in my gym tonight!!:bigsmile:
  • thebigcb
    thebigcb Posts: 2,210 Member
    Six week online body transformation programme.

    Strict diet, supplement and exercise routine

    D Day is the 15th of FEB
  • thebigcb
    thebigcb Posts: 2,210 Member
    You all with your NEWBIES

    Thyey have to start somewhere, fairplay to them
  • vanessa194
    vanessa194 Posts: 77 Member
    I don't know who are the resolutionist are ...but they are taking up all the damn parking at the gym. :(

    Amen I had to swtich to 6am workouts since the gym is like a damn zoo .. I give it a couple more weeks to go back down to normal .
  • iAMsmiling
    iAMsmiling Posts: 2,394 Member
    Got none at my gym...at least, not at 3:30 AM when I get there. Just the same few crazies that were there before.
  • the_journeyman
    the_journeyman Posts: 1,877 Member
    I've seen them *gasp* working out.

  • ChristyRunStarr
    ChristyRunStarr Posts: 1,600 Member

    This awesomely tanned big brown man was on the treadmill yesterday getting my sweat on when all of a sudden the new year resolutionist next to me who was slowly...vey slowly walking on an incline decided it was a perfect time to make a call on her cell phone..

    5 seconds later she fell off the treadmill in mids of a phone conversation!!! I couldnt help but chuckle just for a second before I helped her up. Another resolutionist was yelling "call 911!!" like there was an auto accident! too funny.

    freaken awesome!!! :bigsmile: I go in the morning so I've noticed it being more crowded (treadmills and such more so than weights which is fine by me!) but I'm sure I'll see something this weekend
  • Songbirdcw
    Songbirdcw Posts: 320 Member
    Hilarious! I've more so noticed what the New Year Resolutionists have been wearing. Especially the women, they've come in with lingerie tops, jean shorts, and even make up. I've also seen a man wearing shoes that he probably wore to church. I have no problem with them being motivated and all, but please get some appropriate gym attire. And it does burn me up how crowded it is. I plan to take a Before pic, and an After pic in September when summer is over. We'll see the difference!
  • DaBossLady24
    DaBossLady24 Posts: 556 Member
    Last night, I was so completely distracted and out of it (stupid, stress), I probably looked like the newbie! I walked to a tricep extension machine and kept trying to figure out how to sit on it with my face facing the back pad, and as if that weren't enough, I kept switching the direction on the ab twist but not getting on it the opposite way, so I did 60 reps on the right side before I realized I had never worked the left. I probably should have just quit right then, but thankfully pressed on and had no more mishaps. Happens to the best of us, I suppose.

    You're not alone, my dear... I got a membership at a new gym and finally hit the weights a couple days ago. They have different clamps for the barbells and I was trying to get my squat form back on par, but the damn clamps wouldn't come off. This one guy looked at me like I was an idiot and just said "it's quite easy, really." as he also struggled to unclamp it. It does happen to the best of us just for a reality check lol :blushing: :laugh:
  • nack_23
    nack_23 Posts: 154
    There is a group of kids, i would say between 18-25 they will do bicep curls for literally 45 minutes then leave.
  • nack_23
    nack_23 Posts: 154
    I saw a newbie girl pick her camel toe.

    HIalrious dude!!! Hopefully I can see this happen in my gym tonight!!:bigsmile:

  • Rambo529
    Rambo529 Posts: 170 Member
    Nothing the resolutionists were doing per-say, but I saw some regulars placing bets last week on who would be there after January ended..made me giggle.

    Oh crap, someone caught us. :tongue:
  • lizzybethclaire
    lizzybethclaire Posts: 849 Member
    holding onto the treadmill
    I don't understand this one.

    I can only guess it's because they don't feel safe running on a treadmill. Fair enough. Once they get used to it, they'll be fine. On the off-chance that they get over-confident, have a video camera running to catch them being shot out the back of the treadmill. :-D

    I am not a newbie, but I always hold onto the treadmill. It makes me jumpy and I have been exercising for two years now! I think people are brave who don't hold onto the elliptical. I am too scared I will fall.
  • darkguardian419
    darkguardian419 Posts: 1,302 Member
    I wasn't expecting to see many newbies at the gym, as I work out on base (one of the few perks of being military).

    I do have to say, the cardio bunnies have multiplied exponentially :( The lifters have stayed about the same... mostly guys I work with/around, and the 2 new guys that were trying to lift were properly educated and shown the way of compound lifts for beginners :D
  • Valera0466
    Valera0466 Posts: 319 Member
    i have seen obviously new people / severly out of shape people working thier a$$e$ off, trying to make a difference in thier health. I have seen these people looking around, trying to figure out what they are supposed to do, and instead of just walking out, in frustration, trying different machines, seeing which ones they enjoy best. i then see these people sweaty, red, and out of breath after putting in a good chunk of time trying to make a change in thier life that might allow them to live a long happy life as a parent / spouse / grandparent / etc... i see these so called "resolutionist" as the same people that the majority of us have been, at one time or another... and if these people fail, just as many of us did in the past, i hope and pray to see them next january, because one of these times, it will stick. thats what i see at my gym!

    Here here!
    BEERRUNNER Posts: 3,049 Member
    There is a group of kids, i would say between 18-25 they will do bicep curls for literally 45 minutes then leave.

    I have this pack of kids at my gym too.....they walk around with their little chests puffed out bwahahaha I remember those days...:bigsmile:
  • the_journeyman
    the_journeyman Posts: 1,877 Member
    I think people are brave who don't hold onto the elliptical. I am too scared I will fall.

    I must have been brave back when I used a gym. 90ish RPM, legs only was my usual elliptical speed.

    The biggest one that bugs me I've seen: People (usually women, occasionally men do it too) walking 3-4 wide on the track totally blocking the entire width, that has a big white line down the middle with JOGGING marked on one side and WALKING marked on the other side that are lost in chatter and completely oblivious to the fact someone is jogging. I've had to stop and way too many times because of that since plowing them over isn't acceptable.
