My husband talks to other women too much



  • Lib_B
    Lib_B Posts: 446 Member
    Just crack down harder. Guys love that. It will bring you closer.

    This, but don't do it directly. Tell him you're too tired for sex, don't feel like going anywhere, things like that.

    These, but be sure to follow it with an ultimatum - you know - your mom or me.
  • Terasome
    Terasome Posts: 3,808 Member
    My husband talks to other women all the time, too. I don't know how to handle this. :(

    You need to tell him that once you were married he was not permitted to talk to anyone else unless it was cleared with you first. :wink:

    Lock him in the basement until he learns the error of his ways :)

    Really though, I'm worried he might like women. You know REALLY like them.

    Are you intimidated by women sweety? I think you need to put him over your knee and give him what for. His actions are absolutely deplorable. How dare he like women at all.
  • simplydelish2
    simplydelish2 Posts: 726 Member
    I think YOU need help! First, once a week is not a lot to have dinner with his sister or to help someone with homework. Sounds like it's your insecurities that are the issue. Fix 'em or lose him.
  • SleepingBeauty12345
    SleepingBeauty12345 Posts: 101 Member
    So my husband has been talking to his sister a LOT. Like every day. He texts her all the time. I will hear a text go off and he will read it and reply without even telling me who it was from, and when I ask he just says it was his sister and they were "chit chatting" and not even tell me what they are saying. Sometimes he even calls her on the phone and talks to her, but the thing is, he almost always calls her to talk to her while he is driving or something, and never in front of me.

    Back before we moved in together he even used to go over her house for dinner a LOT, like ONCE a week. Or go with her and her family to a restaurant sometimes. It is messed up!

    I hate to post this but honestly I am at my wites end here. I really think something is going on but I don't know how to confront him, he just says I am "being jealous" and "stupid". Like he honestly doesn't even know what the problem is. I know I am probably overreacting just a bit but I don't like another woman talking to my husband all the time and I don't know how to make him understand he is hurting my feelings! He likes to talk to other women behind my back too, like his aunt, or he is in school and he emails this girl ALL the time, at least ONCE a week, to ask her about the homework. He let me read his emails because I put my foot down and they were all about homework but I think there is something fishy going on and maybe there were in code. Please help!

    I can't believe you started a topic like this about US! I told you me and my sister are very close. :mad:
  • spozzybear
    spozzybear Posts: 216 Member
    I hope this is a troll simply based on the god awful ways she chose to spell her children's names.

    HAHA I was just thinking the exact same thing!
  • Xxlovinlife2012Xx
    didn't read all the pages so this could be a repeat

    but um how are you 26 and single "Hey everyone I'm a 26 year old single" yet your married ??


    Hahaha!! Busted ... That cracks me up!!
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