Relationship dilemma all due to my weight



  • sed1217
    sed1217 Posts: 228 Member
    DumpdumpdumpdumpDUMP. Don't bother psychoanalyzing him. Let him pay a therapist for that for the next 30 years or so.
  • chubbygirl253
    chubbygirl253 Posts: 1,309 Member
    Get out now. He's an *kitten*. There are too many men who would love you without changing a single thing about you. They would never pick you apart. From the way you chew your food or pick at your fingernails, someone out there will teach you what unconditional love is. No one is perfect, but to someone who really truly loves you, you are perfect. And I suspect if your self esteem is as good as you think it is you woulda left the first time he made one of these comments. If I ever found out my fiance is not attracted to me it would be a total game changer. Could I go from thinking he worships my entire body, chubby and flabby parts and all, to being critical and maybe even repulsed by it? No, we could not recover from that.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    This is my final post on this. Promise. Going to play some Age of Empires. But what I am getting from you women, is that I should just forego the bigger women, and ignore them so that I do not hurt their feelings down the road when I cannot get it up anymore. If I find myself in this situation, I must keep the peace by never saying a word, and constantly going back and forth in my mind between finding sexual attraction and losing great intimacy, because any word that points in the direction of 'you need to lose weight' will be totally and completely demoralizing and destructive.

    that seems to be the consensus (but a few of us have suggested differently :wink: )

    but then when that happens there are posts made about 'why am i invisible?" i'll honestly say i dont envy you guys when it comes to dating women because some b*tches be crazy :laugh:

    i also dont quite understand when someone knows they need to lose weight but then their partner says "you need to lose weight" people get pissed. it's like, you already knew you needed to lose weight so it's not like they are telling you anything new. why expect someone else to be accepting of your own body when even you can't be?

    also here's another thing to throw out.. some guys have issues with overweight women's bodies because some overweight women have issues with their bodies. so for instance if you're going on and o about how fat you are, rejecting every compliment, going to bed dressed in a flannel old lady gown, refusing to have the lights on during sex because you're ashamed, refusing certain positions because you don't want to be seen , etc all of that will eventually remind of your overweightedness
  • jmill342000
    If any of his comments were regarding your health rather than strictly your appearance, I would say maybe he does love and truly care about you, but all he seems to do is criticize in a hurtful way. If he doesn't love all of you now, then he really doesn't deserve you when you reach your goal. It sounds like he'd find some other flaw to bring up anyway. Good luck with your decision!
  • newjourney2015
    newjourney2015 Posts: 216 Member
    If he beats you before you get married he'll beat you harder after you get married. Yes, verbal abuse is a beat down with words instead of a fist! I would recommend trying some of the above mentioned advise and see it how it goes. But keep both eyes wide open if you decide to go in. Good luck!!
  • gwenmf
    gwenmf Posts: 888 Member
    No. Just no. The dilemma isn't your weight, it's his mindset and his alone. I'm glad to hear that you're secure and confident as you are because you are already and were so even at your highest weight, deserving of someone who can love and accept you in whatever situation you may find yourself. It's one thing to wish for a healthy life for someone you care for but to place conditions on whether love is given based on weight and looks alone, is a recipe for failure sooner or later. We each obviously have an "ideal" person who we would wish to find but perfection doesn't exist and even if it does for a moment in time, it'll likely not stay true over the long haul. We change, we grow and life throws things at us that can take away that "perfection" at any given moment. Only you can decide what you are and aren't willing to accept but I'd encourage you to think carely before investing too much time and energy trying to meet another's expectations. I wish you the best.

    Extremely well said.
  • corn63
    corn63 Posts: 1,580 Member
    This is my final post on this. Promise. Going to play some Age of Empires. But what I am getting from you women, is that I should just forego the bigger women, and ignore them so that I do not hurt their feelings down the road when I cannot get it up anymore. If I find myself in this situation, I must keep the peace by never saying a word, and constantly going back and forth in my mind between finding sexual attraction and losing great intimacy, because any word that points in the direction of 'you need to lose weight' will be totally and completely demoralizing and destructive.

    In my eyes, she is not fat. He is hecka tall, but I think she is okay. About 40 lbs under me. But she should talk with him and strike a balance. If they can do that, the relationship will survive. If not, then it wont. Some women know how to use those comments as motivation, and WANT to improve themselves for the one they love. Penis size is nothing we can change. That is genetic. But we can make ourselves more appealing to the other person. It is much more than cosmetic. It shows devotion and desire.

    We are all here for the same generic reason of losing weight. We want to lose the weight just as much as the people next to us want to lose it as well. I wish all of you a great journey on your way to being in the best shape of your life!

    There is a HUGE difference than being supportive while not being happy with your spouses appearance and there's just being a straight jerk. This guy is a jerk. He's essentially telling her "I don't find you attractive and this is your fault because you're fat." HOW IS THAT OKAY in any English? That's not okay. She's said that she's spoken to him on many occasions about his way of talking to her and his feelings and he's told her "That's how I feel". He's entitled to his feelings but she's entitled to walk away and that's exactly what she can do. And should do.
  • gypsyrose64
    gypsyrose64 Posts: 271 Member
    First let me tell you this... I love your exotic look! You are beautiful!

    I know you love him, but I can only tell you from experience. This behavior doesn't improve once expectations are met.

    I married someone exactly like your guy in my 20's. Everything about "us" was wonderful except he was never satisfied with my body. I was 120 lbs when we married. I wasn't muscular enough. I gained to a comfortable 130 after we settled into married life(I'm 5'5") and the comments continued. I killed myself at the gym to stay thin. My housekeeping slacked off because I was at the gym too much. I got pregnant. I won't even tell you the heartache he put me through for becoming "fat and gross" while pregnant. He wouldn't have sex with me unless he spent an hour watching porn first, and then tell me it was my fault for not looking more like the women on the porn.

    None of this happened was a gradual decline of respect that was never high to begin with. If a man tears you down from day 1 over things beyond *his* control(ie: your weight), he will always look for something to blame outside of himself. If he had integrity, he'd walk away if he feels so negatively about your body.

    I realize you made up your mind to stay positive and see where it goes. I urge you to quit accepting negative comments from him. Tell him it's unacceptable, and he can either A) get the frick over it or B) let the door hit him on the way out.

    He can have his thoughts and feelings, but YOU do not have to take ownership of those thoughts and feelings. It's like someone tossing poop at you and you choosing to open wide to swallow it. REJECT NEGATIVITY of others. It's their problem. Don't make it yours.

    Loving someone is not molding them into your ideal! Being loved is not walking a tightrope trying to meet other's expectations!

    Sorry for the rant, but it hits close to home for me.
  • chubbygirl253
    chubbygirl253 Posts: 1,309 Member
    DumpdumpdumpdumpDUMP. Don't bother psychoanalyzing him. Let him pay a therapist for that for the next 30 years or so.

  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Just one more thing - for those of you giving kudos for this guy being honest - you're all blind. In one breath, he's saying he doesn't know if he can spend his life with her because of the way she looks and in the next breath he's saying he's not shallow.

    Really?! He's not honest, he's rude and he's an idiot who has no clue what he wants in a relationship. The man has issues.
  • meadow_sage
    meadow_sage Posts: 308 Member
    It doesn't sound like you are a good fit.
  • tsdaughe
    This is my final post on this. Promise. Going to play some Age of Empires. But what I am getting from you women, is that I should just forego the bigger women, and ignore them so that I do not hurt their feelings down the road when I cannot get it up anymore. If I find myself in this situation, I must keep the peace by never saying a word, and constantly going back and forth in my mind between finding sexual attraction and losing great intimacy, because any word that points in the direction of 'you need to lose weight' will be totally and completely demoralizing and destructive.

    In my eyes, she is not fat. He is hecka tall, but I think she is okay. About 40 lbs under me. But she should talk with him and strike a balance. If they can do that, the relationship will survive. If not, then it wont. Some women know how to use those comments as motivation, and WANT to improve themselves for the one they love. Penis size is nothing we can change. That is genetic. But we can make ourselves more appealing to the other person. It is much more than cosmetic. It shows devotion and desire.

    We are all here for the same generic reason of losing weight. We want to lose the weight just as much as the people next to us want to lose it as well. I wish all of you a great journey on your way to being in the best shape of your life!

    There is a big difference between being in a long term relationship or marriage with someone and after many years telling them you love them and will continue to love them but you are concerned about their health, weight due to decrease intimacy. Its another thing to tell someone you love them but due to their weight, "curves" etc you don't see being with them forever. So why get in the relationship to begin with? Also there is a huge different between bringing these things up in a long term committed relationship then bringing it up during the first few months of being an exclusive couple. That's the difference.
  • now_or_never13
    now_or_never13 Posts: 1,575 Member
    I know this isn't what you want to hear but he doesn't really love you. Get out now. He is clearly shallow and a liar so why trust him and spend more time invested in a relationship that will go no where?

    When a person loves you they love every part of you... they don't just love parts. Why spend the rest of your life with someone who doesn't love everything about you?

    If I were you I would be having a conversation with him. Why does he feel this way? Why does he say he's not that shallow but than brings it up again? Why does he think you should lose weight for him but he can keep smoking?

    You can't lose weight for anyone but you.

    Don't be with someone who expects you to be something different.

    If you stay and lose the weight.. what else will he decide he doesn't like? It isn't just about the weight. Get out while you can and before it gets even harder to.

    If he's not physically attracted to you how can you be sure he's faithful?
  • meadow_sage
    meadow_sage Posts: 308 Member
  • arains89
    arains89 Posts: 442 Member
    I didnt read through the responses but this guy is a ****. I would leave him and I am ALWAYS the one saying "work it out". My boyfriend would love me and think I was beautiful at 800 pounds. Its important that he support you in wanting to lose weight but telling you you need to so he is attracted to you is disgusting. Especially when you were the way you are when you met.
  • meadow_sage
    meadow_sage Posts: 308 Member
    I know this isn't what you want to hear but he doesn't really love you. Get out now. He is clearly shallow and a liar so why trust him and spend more time invested in a relationship that will go no where?

    When a person loves you they love every part of you... they don't just love parts. Why spend the rest of your life with someone who doesn't love everything about you?

    If I were you I would be having a conversation with him. Why does he feel this way? Why does he say he's not that shallow but than brings it up again? Why does he think you should lose weight for him but he can keep smoking?

    You can't lose weight for anyone but you.

    Don't be with someone who expects you to be something different.

    If you stay and lose the weight.. what else will he decide he doesn't like? It isn't just about the weight. Get out while you can and before it gets even harder to.

    I totally agree!!!!
  • LauraDotts
    LauraDotts Posts: 732 Member
    There is nothing on earth worse or more lonely than being in bed every night with someone who is not physically attracted to you. Singleness is much better.
  • Josalinn
    Josalinn Posts: 1,066 Member
    My boyfriend has been point blank with me about my weight. He told me that if i got to a certain size/flab level that he would not be physically attracted to me anymore. I get that. I have told him the same thing.

    He recently commented that I gained a lot of weight (and i had over the holidays, 9lbs). It sounds harsh but it was needed. On the other hand, he doesn't harp on me.

    There was a time when he was trying to help by asking me every day if i had worked out and how many calories i had eaten and how much i weighed. That did not work out at all! I was depressed and self hating, and gained more weight, like you! We modified our communication to commenting on over all look.

    I if you are truly in love and want to keep in this relationship, I would tell him to keep it to himself because he is making it worse. Encourage him to encourage you! Whats the saying? "If you don't have something nice to say...?" I know it is hard because you get all that negative, and it is a boulder sitting on your shoulders and it makes it all the more harder to progress down this path of weight loss/body image.

    Better yet! Make him put $5 into a savings account every time he is negative to you. When you hit your goal make him spend it on you! Dinner, clothes, SHOES!!!!!
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,306 Member
    That's not very cool. I'd be turned off by a guy like that. you can always lose weight..but he needs a personality transplant.

    Enjoy the relationship and sounds to me like the red flag you feel is very very valid. listen to your instincts..they're spot on.

    I suggest you save your long term love for a good man who loves you no matter what. ..that is what the long haul is all about. It also pertains to other things in health..and money..things that come and go in a marriage..and blind love is what gets you through.
  • now_or_never13
    now_or_never13 Posts: 1,575 Member
