What have you lost since Jan01/01/13



  • melduf
    melduf Posts: 468 Member
    I can't say how much I really lost, but I'm 4 months pregnant and back to my inital weight (I had put on 5 lbs). The doctor says its normal since I was sick during the holidays (gastro) and I'll catch up later. Oh well!
  • AngelStage
    AngelStage Posts: 24 Member
    I technically started on 1/2/13 because I was sick on the first but I've lost 5 lbs. I didn't find this site until this week though. And I haven't been measuring myself which I need to start doing. This will be the year!!!!
  • Todd08
    Todd08 Posts: 80 Member
    I've lost 6lbs. since 01/01/13
  • I've counted calories and busted my butt at the gym and haven't lost an ounce. :explode: Everybody loses somehting the first week. Talk about discouraging. I'm hanging in there regardless. Hopefully it will go down soon. And the bright side is that it hasn't went up.
  • CassieReannan
    CassieReannan Posts: 1,479 Member
    Nothing yet :cry:
  • 2 pounds only, BUT I've lost 2 inches from my rib cage, 3 from my hips and 1 from each thigh!! I've gone down a bra size and a pants size!!! Wahoooooo
  • Scarlett_Belle
    Scarlett_Belle Posts: 145 Member
    I've lost 6.2 lbs and around 4 inches
  • Bronx_Montgomery
    Bronx_Montgomery Posts: 2,284 Member
    My sanity. Only 17 days in and its still looking like the crap that was 2012
  • Flossie1981
    Flossie1981 Posts: 160 Member
    4lbs lost since 07/01/13 :smile:
  • Scarlett_Belle
    Scarlett_Belle Posts: 145 Member
    I've counted calories and busted my butt at the gym and haven't lost an ounce. :explode: Everybody loses somehting the first week. Talk about discouraging. I'm hanging in there regardless. Hopefully it will go down soon. And the bright side is that it hasn't went up.

    You'll get there just keep with it! And if it is any encouragment I gained 3lbs my first week of doing all that! You're time will come
  • dakitten2
    dakitten2 Posts: 888 Member
    I've lost 4 pounds since Jan 1st which is a pretty decent number since I've been doing this for 15 months.
  • spongeh
    spongeh Posts: 152 Member
    7lbs since the 1st on my weigh in this morning, more than happy with that as I've done NO excercise what so ever. So even if I drop below my target of 2lb a week I'm still on track to hit my goal weight by the start of June :happy:
  • whistlemom
    whistlemom Posts: 1 Member
    Just a few pounds but I'm working on it. BTW I am a newbie on MFP so this is excitng!
  • liannesaut
    liannesaut Posts: 34 Member
    12.5lbs since the 2nd! Going to take my measurements this weekend and start tracking inches every weekend!
  • CurveAppeal86
    CurveAppeal86 Posts: 272 Member
    4.8 lbs :)
  • I have been in MFP for a while, however I have been through a lot of ups and downs. I get excited and focused and loose a few pounds which is when I get over confident and I gain it all back. On December I finally decided that my size 10 pants were getting tighter by the second, and refused to buy anything bigger. I stepped on the scale and I was 158.6lbs, the heaviest I have been (not counting my two pregnancies...LOL). So I am doing a diet of 1200 calories per day. I started in December 17 2012, and I weighed in at 158.8 lbs. I am 5' 3 " so Im not a very tall person. Friends would tell me that I carried my weight really good....but my clothing was getting tighter. I weigh in on Saturdays, but as of last Saturday I was on 148lbs. I got stuck there for two weeks so this Monday I started to add Shaun T with Hip Hop Abs to my workout, and at least 90 resp on my Ab lounge. I weighed in this morning and it is 147.2lbs....but I wont officially celebrate until Saturday when I will make my official weigh in....
  • Tiffm07
    Tiffm07 Posts: 21 Member
    I'm down 4lbs and my pants fit a little better in the waist so I'm happy!
  • dizy17
    dizy17 Posts: 236 Member
    i have lost 12lbs since 1/1/13 :smile:
  • So happy to join this community! I love being around positive people with our common goal... Congrates to all the people losing weight... It's going to be a great year!
  • Rusticana666
    Rusticana666 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm down 4 pounds so far with a weigh in tomorrow.

    Been a bit of a mixed week but hope to remain the same or loose 1 lb at best.