Why the F...!!! Things you seen at the gym



  • albinogorilla
    albinogorilla Posts: 1,056 Member
    The guy who reached down his shorts, readjusted his junk (no big deal so far - not, you know, awesome, but no big deal) and then SNIFFED HIS FINGERS before walking off to another machine.

    OMG. Gross. Grosser than gross.


    yikes........didn't think anyone was watching :-(
  • Selunca
    Selunca Posts: 208 Member
    The guy who reached down his shorts, readjusted his junk (no big deal so far - not, you know, awesome, but no big deal) and then SNIFFED HIS FINGERS before walking off to another machine.

    OMG. Gross. Grosser than gross.


    I think I'm more grossed out by the fact that his ball sweat is all over the machines now.. *hurk*

    People wonder why I work out at home.
  • RECowgill
    RECowgill Posts: 881 Member
    Just before xmas Santa came in to work out. It was an elderly round man who got on the exercise bike for the better part of an hour. He was in full santa gear, hat and everything.
  • suzzann666
    suzzann666 Posts: 334 Member
    It drives me nuts at my gym that the trainers encourage their people to do step ups... on the benches. Seriously, I'm about to lie down where you're putting your dirty feet right now.
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    I go to my gym. I sort of watch what others are doing to see if I can learn something. Sometimes I do... other times I don't. If somebody needs help, I offer it (like the time the young man (16 or so) was trying to take off the 100 lb (45 kg) weight off the leg press machine somebody left on the top rack, backwards so it was like impossible to grip. Unless somebody is doing something that will obviously hurt them, I don't worry about what others are doing. I know enough to know there are a lot of things I don't know so most of this stuff.. quite frankly don't bother me. If sombody is using several machines... OK> as long as they are not hogging them (placing towels and personal items to hold one machine while they move to the other -- that irritates me)... All in all, I am there to improve me. smile:
  • cal_73
    cal_73 Posts: 77
    This morning I was doing close grip bench press and a guy runs over and spots me on my last rep. I had the rep no problem I was just going a bit slow. Sure I've helped people myself but only if the bar actually starts moving downwards towards their chest.
  • orangelobster
    Some girl in my Body Pump class was wearing a tube top and her boob popped out during "clean and press'. That was pretty funny. She screamed too, so of course everyone looked.

    I'm the only guy in class....
  • emmgetsfit
    emmgetsfit Posts: 203 Member
    The guy who reached down his shorts, readjusted his junk (no big deal so far - not, you know, awesome, but no big deal) and then SNIFFED HIS FINGERS before walking off to another machine.

    OMG. Gross. Grosser than gross.


    We have a winner!!
  • RECowgill
    RECowgill Posts: 881 Member
    This morning I was doing close grip bench press and a guy runs over and spots me on my last rep. I had the rep no problem I was just going a bit slow. Sure I've helped people myself but only if the bar actually starts moving downwards towards their chest.

    This would annoy me to no end, depending on how involved he got. Get away from my weights! :wink:
  • vintagesquirrel
    Those who do not know the proper tense in which to use the word seen. They are gym monsters.
  • Nikki582
    Nikki582 Posts: 561 Member
    Just before xmas Santa came in to work out. It was an elderly round man who got on the exercise bike for the better part of an hour. He was in full santa gear, hat and everything.

    That is fantastic :D
  • Stobes80
    Stobes80 Posts: 9 Member
    People wearing denim to the gym. YUCK!
  • cal_73
    cal_73 Posts: 77
    This morning I was doing close grip bench press and a guy runs over and spots me on my last rep. I had the rep no problem I was just going a bit slow. Sure I've helped people myself but only if the bar actually starts moving downwards towards their chest.

    This would annoy me to no end, depending on how involved he got. Get away from my weights! :wink:

    Yeah he basically finished the rep for me. I felt so deprived!

    Another funny thing I saw recently was a guy benching on the incline press with his *kitten* so far off the bench he was horizontal.
  • keith0373
    keith0373 Posts: 2,154 Member
    Mine is hear more than see thing. If you are the cute girl with the nice perfume that is always on the elliptical, please understand that, just because you have headphones on, it doesn't mean that we can't hear or smell your farts . . .
  • teschy123
    My biggest annoyance is the older gentleman at my gym who in his hey day was a body builder and still wears the body builder outfit to work out in I mean tight short short shorts and a tight wife beater that shows all of his chest and then while I am doing my weight training with the free weights he does the chest dance for me UM HELLO I am there to work out not get hit on my a man who is old enough to be my father YUCK YUCK YUCK
  • mareeee1234
    mareeee1234 Posts: 674 Member
    A man running BAREFOOT on the TREADMILL !!!! Ouch..?

    Haha so strange..
  • Temple_Fit
    Temple_Fit Posts: 299 Member
    Guy in underwear doing squats.

    Ha! I once walked into one of the rooms where they hold group classes, when it was empty, and there was a guy stripped down to his whitey tighties flexing in the mirrored walls. I ran out very quickly and very quietly.

    Another one that comes to mind was a guy who loaded up the bar for a bench press, then took a couple folded yoga mats, placed them on his chest, and then bounced the fully loaded bar off his chest several times. Then he put the bar back up.

    :laugh: :laugh: I am in freaking tears
  • ximills
    ximills Posts: 37 Member
    Feeling judged at the gym is why I feel self conscious and wait until midnight to workout so I have the place to myself. Just putting that out there.
  • weightloss12345678
    weightloss12345678 Posts: 377 Member
    A man running BAREFOOT on the TREADMILL !!!! Ouch..?

    Haha so strange..

  • Jennaissance
    Today at the gym I was on a treadmill between these two people:

    1. A man at least 80 sporting booty shorts that said "I'm too sexy for my shorts" on the back.
    2. A women at least 60 using three treadmills at the same time wearing black leather gloves that went over the elbow. At first I thought it was a germaphobe thing, but then she kept removing them and touching EVERYTHING on the treadmill that a person can touch.
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