Fasting to loose 10 pounds



  • HollyHobbitToes
    HollyHobbitToes Posts: 131 Member
    I wouldn't suggest a fruit and veg fast...once it is over and you start your real diet, your body may not respond may actually end up gaining more weight...

    You really need to find that motivation...that burning desire to be healthy...if you don't find it, you will fail....I know it is is hard for me and I struggle daily with temptation....some days my motivation leaves temporarily but I have the urge to fight in me so I get back on that horse and continue on....

    Sometimes it just takes baby steps....and although a fast of any kind may be tempting because it gives you the false illusion of losing weight, it is not healthy...maybe for some who HAVE that motivation and desire to get healthy, they can do it and then slowly delve into the second phase of the you have a plan past the fast?

    Honestly....everything succeeds best through balance...your body is no different....I know you have a lot to lose and some of us maybe can't understand what it means coming from your perspective, but try to keep your overall well being in need a REASON to lose weight and then the motivation might come...try works for me...maybe see a nutritionist who can give you a diet plan....and someone said, find 10 minutes of motivation and go from steps....all you can do in the beginning is take that first step and then focus on putting one foot in front of the other....

    Try new things....don't rely on the same old same old food every day....and even though you have a spinal injury...can you mve your arms? Any movement can help....all movement burns calories and gets the heart rate pumping....

    In the end you have to try...if you fail try again get back up and go at it again....eventually you will be so tired of failing that you WILL succeed!! Let your story be one of success! Challenge yourself! Daily challenges! Hourly or minute challenges! Prove to yourself that you CAN do it!

    You can't use lack of motivation as an just doesn't cut it in my book....I struggle with it daily but I keep on going....this is my fourth year on this journey....I've lost and gained and lost and gained....I refuse to give up until I've reached my goal and the SCARY part of it is that is when the REAL work starts! So find the motivation or you won't even have the chance to fail......

    End rant ;)
  • IronPlayground
    IronPlayground Posts: 1,594 Member

    Just mean. Please re-read that this is a person with Spinal Injuries and the "just do it" mentality could very well lead to furthering her injury and further complicating her chances to heal herself. Please be responsible while reading a persons post and choosing how you will answer.

    The vast majority of this thread have given her solid advice. She refuses to accept it and is only looking for validation for doing something that will not work in the long run. This does not promote a "just do it" mentality. What it says is to listen to people who are knowledgeable and stop trying to take short cuts.
  • McChubbyruewho
    If you lose weight fast all you need to is stick to a calorie deficit. No need for any crazy stuff. A bit of exercise will help too

    Exercise is really hard cause I have a spine injury, it gets better as I loos weight, the problem I am haivng is I am trying to do this the conventional way but i JUST KEEP RAISING IN NUMBER, SO i AM THINKING IF i START THIS OFF WITH SOMETHING EXTREM IT WILL FINALLY CLICK AGAIN, 10 POUNDS FOR ME ISNT ALL THAT MUCH

    (sorry I didnt realise I had caps lock on hahah any way 10 pounds really isnt much for me, I have lost that in a week before with a normal diet and exercise plan

    Thank you for your support =)

    I usually have to start off with something a little "extreme" myself to get myself in the frame of mind to lose weight . Fruits and veggies are wonderful, filling, and as long as you're not putting too much salt on them, you should do great! I've done a fruit and veggie diet myself (I don't consider it a fast as I've done those too and there is a WORLD of difference) and as for feeling good while you're doing it, stick to as many raw fruits as you can. Some veggies are better for you slightly cooked and some are best raw. If you' re overcooking them, you will feel drained and your body will be telling you to stop before you really intended. Good luck!
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member

    Just mean. Please re-read that this is a person with Spinal Injuries and the "just do it" mentality could very well lead to furthering her injury and further complicating her chances to heal herself. Please be responsible while reading a persons post and choosing how you will answer.

    I think your implicit encouragement of the OP to malnourish herself is mean and irresponsible.

    And I find it preposterous that you are somehow trying to defend her from the notion of a good diet and appropriate exercise.

    Just absolutely preposterous.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    If you lose weight fast all you need to is stick to a calorie deficit. No need for any crazy stuff. A bit of exercise will help too

    First answer is the best. Simple honest and to the point. Reminds me of all those prom dress shopping escapades with my mom, where I ended up buying the first dress we saw, after hours of searching the entire mall.
  • McChubbyruewho
    Why did you post the topic if you didn't want advice? It sounds like you've already made up your mind, which is fine but you're wasting peoples time on the forums if you don't listen and justify your actions. A lot of people on this site have had the amazing success you're striving for so why not listen?

    I wanted to hear from others who have done this
  • McChubbyruewho
    All right well thank you for everyones input....

    me not taking your advise doent mean I dont appreceate it, thank you.

    I am going to try this, and if I have favorable results and it causes me to get on this weight loss journy again I am going to post a BIG OL I did it post lol, other wise bychance I will slink away into the back round with my 300 pound self lol time will tell

    We're mostly lol'ing at the fact that you want to try something that has already failed for you. If it worked before, you wouldn't be here. But have it. It's your motivation you're killing, not ours.

    you miss read what I have posted I have never done this before, I lost weight normally restrecting to 2000 to 1500
  • pspetralia
    pspetralia Posts: 963 Member
    TDEE (No higher)

    <---Set Cals here somewhere

    BMR (No lower)

    ^^^this!! No fasting needed!
  • McChubbyruewho
    I do appreciate your attitude and not becoming defensive, so thank you. I edited my post but for some reason it didn't stick.

    As someone else said, motivation usually doesn't just happen. You have to START. Fake it until you make it. Make smart decisions for the next 10 minutes. Repeat. Repeat again.

    You've got a lot of can'ts in your vocabulary. A lot of excuses that are pretending to be as reasons. Maybe you just don't want it bad enough yet. That doesn't make you "bad" or a "failure"... but it might mean you're not ready to do what's necessary. I hope that changes soon for you. It will occur if the pain of staying the same outweighs the pain of change.

    You're young, smart, have a lot ahead of you. You mentioned others that have been successful with this approach. I'm not sure how you define success. If your only goal is to lose 10 - then yes, maybe you can have success with this approach. If it's to get into a groove that can help you lose 100... this is not the way. I really think it comes down to how you view eating and increasing your activity. That's my problem with your scenario - not will it hurt you to do it (No, it won't for a few days). My problem with it is that it continues an "easy" approach instead of what you need to go the long haul.

    I'm getting off and packing up my soap box now. :-)

    lol yea my problem is I don't want it bad enough right now and thats what is scaring me, I cant see an end to were I will take this lol, I am going down a very destructive road and I figure this is simple, just dam it only eat fruits and veggies, and let this get me started, if after a week I don't loos 10 pounds I will stop

    Speaking from experience, this is sounding a little blamey and she is already blaming herself enough. To the OP, I would try reframing your post as a question, go ahead and ask it again in Motivation or some other board and make sure to ask for people with experience with spinal issues or at least some other debilitating injury to weigh in. I guarantee you, you will get more focused answers, probably more compassion, and if not at least any kick in the pants answers will be coming from people in the same boat as you, so you can take their advice to heart.

    hahah I think your right, I guess I wasn't as stright forword as I meant to be, I was like dame wheres all the support lol. thank you =)
  • McChubbyruewho
    All right well thank you for everyones input....

    me not taking your advise doent mean I dont appreceate it, thank you.

    I am going to try this, and if I have favorable results and it causes me to get on this weight loss journy again I am going to post a BIG OL I did it post lol, other wise bychance I will slink away into the back round with my 300 pound self lol time will tell

    If this doesn't work for you, don't slink. Come back, ask for advice and take it. Find people who've made some of the same mistakes and had the same problems, make friends with them, and use that support. Perseverance will win out eventually. Look at success stories.

    thank you =)
  • djc315
    djc315 Posts: 585 Member
    o.k. So got on the scale today and it was up 2 more pounds, I am once again the heaveist I have been EVER and I pushed that numer up too =( I am not fare away from 300 and thats scaring the shnit out of me!

    I just seemed to have lost all my desapline, and its hard to work out cause my back injury (I still do as much as I can) soo I have to do something here so I was thinking about doing a fruit and veggie fast until I loose 10 pounds just to get this dame ball rolling, any body eles done this before. I am thinking it would only take like a week, I loose weight fast

    if you lose weight fast, then just eat 1500 calories without movement. or 1200. I have lost 30 pounds just by restricting what I eat, I eat about 1500 a day.
  • For_the_Last_Time
    For_the_Last_Time Posts: 136 Member
    How about we make a deal? Eat at MFP recommended calories for 2 weeks and see how much you drop in weight? I bet it will be close to your 10 pound number. The first week you will put out big numbers because of losing water weight anyway even without the fast. :flowerforyou:
  • SeahorseDolphin
    All right well thank you for everyones input....

    me not taking your advise doent mean I dont appreceate it, thank you.

    I am going to try this, and if I have favorable results and it causes me to get on this weight loss journy again I am going to post a BIG OL I did it post lol, other wise bychance I will slink away into the back round with my 300 pound self lol time will tell

    We're mostly lol'ing at the fact that you want to try something that has already failed for you. If it worked before, you wouldn't be here. But have it. It's your motivation you're killing, not ours.

    Preach! I honestly don't know how people can still think this will work. If you can't restrict while eating normally what makes you think you can fast! I guess the logic is just above my head.
  • KristysLosing
    If you're gaining weight it's because you're eating more than needed. You don't need to fast, you just need to cut back some calories.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    not to be offensive but you need to read what I wrote lol, I know how it works my problem is motivation

    If you are having a tough time just eating fewer calories, how are you going to be motivated enough to fast? That makes no sense to me. As others have pointed out, you'll probably put the weight back on once you start eating again.
  • McChubbyruewho
    How about we make a deal? Eat at MFP recommended calories for 2 weeks and see how much you drop in weight? I bet it will be close to your 10 pound number. The first week you will put out big numbers because of losing water weight anyway even without the fast. :flowerforyou:

    its not that I want to fast to loos weight persay but to gain self control and motivation, I heard others say that fasting helped them with that. thats what I need really bad, and right now I cant seem to say ok thats enough, I am scared! I dont want to be 300 pounds, I fugure after a couple days of only eating fruits and veggies I will feel so much better, my spine will feel better cause I will be lighter, and I will have the motivation to carry the rest of this healthyfuilly at like 2000 cals a day
  • sheilapie
    sheilapie Posts: 40 Member
    gastric bypass surgery is a very serious surgery, and not done just to jump start a diet... everyone on here has given you very good, sound advice... it really does sound as though you have your mind made up.. so after the fasting, and when that week is over, then what?? i know you truly believe that after the first week, somehow someway you will have the motivation to do it the right way and eat sensibly... im just not hearing that from you... please listen to everyone on here.. they have all been through this, you are not the first to think this way, and take it from people that are older and more experienced than you are.. please do this the right way and dont starve or fast... no doctor worth his weight in salt will advise you to do this. please take care of yourself the right way!
  • McChubbyruewho
    All right well thank you for everyones input....

    me not taking your advise doent mean I dont appreceate it, thank you.

    I am going to try this, and if I have favorable results and it causes me to get on this weight loss journy again I am going to post a BIG OL I did it post lol, other wise bychance I will slink away into the back round with my 300 pound self lol time will tell

    We're mostly lol'ing at the fact that you want to try something that has already failed for you. If it worked before, you wouldn't be here. But have it. It's your motivation you're killing, not ours.

    Preach! I honestly don't know how people can still think this will work. If you can't restrict while eating normally what makes you think you can fast! I guess the logic is just above my head.

    cause my mother did it, its like a kick in the butt, last year I lost 30 pounds doinig it healthy I know I can do this, but this time around I am haivng a hard time so this would be the kick in the but, also it would be eazier cause instead of telling my self no more, I just stick to healthy fruits and veggies,
  • McChubbyruewho
    gastric bypass surgery is a very serious surgery, and not done just to jump start a diet... everyone on here has given you very good, sound advice... it really does sound as though you have your mind made up.. so after the fasting, and when that week is over, then what?? i know you truly believe that after the first week, somehow someway you will have the motivation to do it the right way and eat sensibly... im just not hearing that from you... please listen to everyone on here.. they have all been through this, you are not the first to think this way, and take it from people that are older and more experienced than you are.. please do this the right way and dont starve or fast... no doctor worth his weight in salt will advise you to do this. please take care of yourself the right way!

    I had a doctor that told me once since I love fast food just stick to eating one meal a day, tht was back when I was 15 so theres no telling what doctor will say lol
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    This is going to sound mean, but I swear it's meant with sincere hope you'll pay attention.

    I've been where you are. 300+lbs and not sure how to force myself to start. This isn't about 'motivation' or 'discipline' (seriously, that's how it's spelled. Just for future reference). This is about you not wanting to lose weight and looking for any excuse you can find not to try. This ridiculous fasting idea is just another stall tactic for you to NOT do what needs to be done to lose weight. It's BS to say that you have no discipline in one breath and say that you'll fast for a week with the next.

    If you want to exercise you'll find a way. There are chair exercises on youtube. Waving your arms around and moving your body on a chair will burn calories. You just don't want to do it.

    In fact, I lost the first 50-60 lbs on diet alone. Once I got more mobile I was able to move around more and attempt real exercise.

    Take the week that you were going to fast and use it to figure out why you don't want to lose weight and why you are avoiding doing what you need to do. It will do you more good in the long run and you'll get further.

    If you DO try the fasting,I wish you luck. When you realize what a bad idea it was send me a friend request. I'll still be here... losing weight.
  • bonnieellison96
    bonnieellison96 Posts: 50 Member
    My top weight was also 300 lbs. I know all too well the cycle of binging, self-loathing, promises to do better, then failing and figuring I just "couldn't" do it. I am the master of ALL excuses to not get healthy. I started my weight loss with a lean protein/green veggies detox (dr approved, that is really important!), and lost 4 lbs of water weight. 4 lbs, and was hungry all the time, cranky, and felt like crap. It was NOT worth it and did NOT help me. Not saying it doesn't help anybody, but when you're used to eating junk, your body tends to freak out when you just take everything away. You NEED healthy fats and proteins to function. Even vegetarians and vegans don't survive on fruits and veggies alone, and fruits are overrated, they have a TON of sugar and should be eaten in moderation when you need to lose a lot of weight. I switched to the Paleo philosophy of eating, and dropped 8 lbs like it was nothing, again, it's not true for everyone, but you WILL NOT lose weight long term by depriving yourself of nutrition and food. Your body needs good fuel in it to "reprogram" your metabolism and help you function. There's no magic cure, and if you have the discipline to eat ONLY fruits and veggies to lose what will probably amount to water weight, you have the discipline to cut back on the'd have to during the fast anyway, right? You can do it, you just have to decide that you want's hard and frustrating, but nobody can do it for you <3

    Adding that I'm still doing Paleo and having success, mostly because I'm putting GREAT food in my body now, and I eat all the time! =)