Alpha male



  • stormtruck2
    stormtruck2 Posts: 118 Member
    Why would you seek out education about firearms? I quess I was projecting some there. When ever I find someting that I don't understand, I seek out education to get a basic understanding. I am an invertent learner. Yes, I do read text books for fun. Currently I and reading Technical Analysis about reading stock charts. You stated that people breaking into homes in Canada are likely to not have guns, but you would be betting your life that that they do not. I strongly feel that a person, the individual, has an unlimited right to self defense. That any force used is justified in the defense of ones life. No one person has the right to take or even threaten anothers one's life. With the breakdown in todays society, what was unthinkable 40 yeras ago is now common place. I work in the law enforcement field, I know what is out walking the streets of the world. I deal with them every day. I can quarantee you do not want to see some of my memories. I pray that you have a completly uneventful life. Too many people do not.
  • sunsnstatheart
    sunsnstatheart Posts: 2,544 Member
    I, and I assume the others that posted about sleeping with a gun, have it in a secure place near where I sleep. It's a child- and thief-proof safe that I can access quickly should I need to.

    I assumed not because they said that's why the sleep on the side closest to the wall, where their guns are. How effective is that?

    "Could you hang on just one second while I get my gun out of my safe and load it with bullets, don't move"

    Then again, not sure what the alpha male is going to protect you with otherwise. Maybe the phone to call the police? "Stand back baby, I'm dialing, I'm dialing!"

    I'm in Canada remember.. even the people committing the home invasions are not likely to have guns.

    In my house, with my family, I'm not looking for a fair fight. To each his or her own.
  • stormtruck2
    stormtruck2 Posts: 118 Member
    Amen on the fair fight. Fighting fair is for suckers.
  • _DaniD_
    _DaniD_ Posts: 2,186 Member
    To each his or her own.

    BACONJOKESRSOFUNNY Posts: 666 Member
    In my house, with my family, I'm not looking for a fair fight. To each his or her own.
    Amen, brother. :drinker:
  • stormtruck2
    stormtruck2 Posts: 118 Member
    Yes. Like I said, I beleive everyone one not disqualified should own a weapon. But I would never stand for someone being required to own one. I respect your position. I suspectI I beleive that you are as wrong as you believe me to be. :smile: And talking can only hepl people understand other peoples positions. No animosity here.
  • _DaniD_
    _DaniD_ Posts: 2,186 Member
    Yes. Like I said, I beleive everyone one not disqualified should own a weapon. But I would never stand for someone being required to own one. I respect your position. I suspectI I beleive that you are as wrong as you believe me to be. :smile: And talking can only hepl people understand other peoples positions. No animosity here.

    I don't think you're wrong at all, if I lived in America maybe I would get some education on guns and get one of my own. Like I said before, it's a difference of life experiences.
  • stormtruck2
    stormtruck2 Posts: 118 Member
    Right now, from where I sit, I can see one person who at age 17 robbed two conveinance stores, shooting the woman clerk in the face at each store. They both were murdered after they gave him the money. Another one raped and killed his 2 year old cousin, when he was 17 I beleive, maybe he was younger. Yup, those are the kind of people I have to work with day in day out.
  • stormtruck2
    stormtruck2 Posts: 118 Member
    And it's not the ones in here that concern me, its the ones like them out on the street and not yet in here. They are in every country around the world. Evil knows no borders.
  • stormtruck2
    stormtruck2 Posts: 118 Member
    And speaking of sleeping in bed together, why do woman have such cold butts and feet?? It's like trying to cuddle with a frozen butterball turkey!!!:laugh:
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    Well this thread went from bad to worse with a quickness.
  • Food4Fuel
    Food4Fuel Posts: 37 Member
    I do, and was taught to as a kid. Why do you assume men don't?
  • stormtruck2
    stormtruck2 Posts: 118 Member
    I didn't think so. I thought we were having a good respectfull discussion, and also a few laughs. :smile:
  • littlepinkhearts
    littlepinkhearts Posts: 1,055 Member
    I didn't think so. I thought we were having a good respectfull discussion, and also a few laughs. :smile:

    I was just checking back on this thread and agree on the above. It's been interesting for sure.
  • stumblinthrulife
    stumblinthrulife Posts: 2,558 Member
    I always sleep closest to the door. Back in my old SF apartment the front door sometimes didn't quite catch properly and would a few hours later click into place. It did it in the middle of the night once and I was half way from the bed to the door - stark bollock naked mind you - before the wife even woke up. If it had been an intruder I'm sure the horrible sight of my hairy naked self bearing down upon them would have been enough to scare them off...
  • fishsticks913
    fishsticks913 Posts: 123 Member
    And speaking of sleeping in bed together, why do woman have such cold butts and feet?? It's like trying to cuddle with a frozen butterball turkey!!!:laugh:

    Ha ha! I've heard the cold feet, but never the cold "butts" Interesting thought ....
  • Beastette
    Beastette Posts: 1,497 Member
    I am an alpha female. He sleeps near the door with his handguns. I sleep near the window with my 12 gauge. Our alpha babies are trained in martial arts and our alpha family will take you all the way down to Chinatown.
  • Lazygal53
    Lazygal53 Posts: 294 Member
    OMG ... thought Taunto was female! :blushing:
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    I don't have any guns. Someone did break into my house, once. Then he climbed into bed with me. I awoke, shook off the confusion, and told him to get the **** out. He reached out toward me, and I slapped his hands away and, again, told him to get the **** out.

    I was calling the police as he was leaving.
  • sunsnstatheart
    sunsnstatheart Posts: 2,544 Member
    I am an alpha female. He sleeps near the door with his handguns. I sleep near the window with my 12 gauge. Our alpha babies are trained in martial arts and our alpha family will take you all the way down to Chinatown.

    LMAO! :drinker: