5 Truths about weight loss and people in general...



  • DorkothyParker
    DorkothyParker Posts: 618 Member
    But you can keep off excessive weight without devoting gobs of time to working out. You won't be a fitness model, but one can be healthy by moving more and picking up an active hobby. I think telling people they need to spend 2 hours in the gym 5 days a week is a bit demoralizing.
  • Alex
    Alex Posts: 10,149 MFP Staff
    Dear Posters,

    I wanted to offer a brief explanation for the locking of this topic and a reminder of a couple of our community guidelines that aren't being as respected in this topic as I think fitting for our MFP Community:

    1. No Attacks or Insults and No Reciprocation

    a) Do not attack, mock, or otherwise insult others. You can respectfully disagree with the message or topic, but you cannot attack the messenger. This includes attacks against the user’s spelling or command of written English, or belittling a user for posting a duplicate topic.
    b) If you are attacked by another user, and you reciprocate, you will also be subject to the same consequences. Defending yourself or a friend is not an excuse! Do not take matters into your own hands – instead, use the Report Post link to report an attack and we will be happy to handle the situation for you.


    2. No Hi-Jacking, Trolling, or Flame-baiting
    Please stay on-topic within a forum topic. Off-topic or derogatory remarks are disrespectful. Please either contribute politely and constructively to a topic, or move on without posting. This includes posts that encourage the drama in a topic to escalate, or posts intended to incite an uproar from the community.

    This topic as a whole has become divisive. When polarization of this kind happens topics will almost always be locked.

    The original poster has received a significant amount of feedback and the conversations can continue via personal messaging or within a group.

    Thank you for your understanding and help in keeping MFP a supportive, friendly community.

    MFP Community Manager
This discussion has been closed.