Why girls shouldn't lift weights like men - disgusting hey?



  • dirtnap63
    dirtnap63 Posts: 1,387 Member
    First off, I just want to say she looks great. Kudos to her for achieving that, I'm sure it wasn't easy.

    I do have a question, and I apologise if this has already been addressed but I didn't read through all eight pages of this thread.

    You say she achieved this look with ZERO cardio, but in the link ( http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/821132-yo-s-successful-carb-cycling-routine-with-diet-and-regime) you provided for her diet just over a month ago, it says she does;

    50 mins of SSCV 4-5 days a week. We will be changing this to HIIT in the new year to see how she reacts to it."

    Did she do cardio before but not now, and if so for how long?
  • cad39too
    cad39too Posts: 874 Member
    Inspiring - gotta up my reps!!!!
  • Aviva92
    Aviva92 Posts: 2,333 Member

    This look was gained with a sharp diet, lifting heavy weights like me (she squats 60kg for 30 reps x 3 sets, 77.5k for 12 reps!) and ZERO cardio.

    Just something to think about :smile:

    looks like she got herself some breast implants as well.
    Bravo for being like the 32nd person to say that. WHO CARES!??!

    i didn't read ahead. WHO CARES!??!

    not to mention that most people already know that lifting weights does not cause women to get bulky, so this thread doesn't tell me anything.
  • This is great! (It would be great to see a before picture... just to compare her progress!)

    But why are people bashing on her...???! Just because you don't wanna look like that doesn't give you the right to dis her.

    I'm surprised more people haven't commended her, because even if you don't like "muscley women" it takes TONS of dedication, determination and fierceness to achieve it. Even if you don't like the way it looks you can still not be an *kitten* because you know how hard she must have worked, and that's impressive no matter what figure you like on a woman!

    Also, I don't think the opinion of people who can't appreciate all her effort matter... so go ahead and complain all you want, she's probably too busy being a bad *kitten* to hear you.

    (PS I love women who lift, I just started last month and I already feel much stronger and waaaaaay more confident!)
  • jenbit
    jenbit Posts: 4,252 Member
    She looks amazing..... I wanna look like that when I grow up lol..... People who wanna hate and talk about her fake boobs are just sad. I honestly think that alot of the women complaining about her chest may have a little boobie envy lol
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member

    why did you put an emphasis on zero cardio like its a bad thing?

    I didn't emphasize it like it is a bad thing - It isn't bad at all for keeping a healthy heart.
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member

    This look was gained with a sharp diet, lifting heavy weights like me (she squats 60kg for 30 reps x 3 sets, 77.5k for 12 reps!) and ZERO cardio.

    Just something to think about :smile:

    looks like she got herself some breast implants as well.
    Bravo for being like the 32nd person to say that. WHO CARES!??!

    i didn't read ahead. WHO CARES!??!

    not to mention that most people already know that lifting weights does not cause women to get bulky, so this thread doesn't tell me anything.

    I don't think they have surgery yet for catty jealous personality extraction, but you should start saving up just in case.
  • julesxo
    julesxo Posts: 422 Member
    Don't bash it if you don't like it. Keep your negative opinions to yourself. Women are the worst with body bashing. Why? Stop it.

    Word. She looks amazing and even if it is not a goal other women want for themselves, who the eff cares? In the other success stories posted on here, you do not see those types of comments. Yet, for some reason, women (mostly) here are putting her success down. I just chalk it up to jealousy.
  • 3RachaelFaith3
    3RachaelFaith3 Posts: 283 Member
    oh yeah, disgusting alright! lol... She looks amazing!
  • _Witsy_
    _Witsy_ Posts: 609 Member

    This look was gained with a sharp diet, lifting heavy weights like me (she squats 60kg for 30 reps x 3 sets, 77.5k for 12 reps!) and ZERO cardio.

    Just something to think about :smile:

    looks like she got herself some breast implants as well.
    Bravo for being like the 32nd person to say that. WHO CARES!??!

    i didn't read ahead. WHO CARES!??!

    not to mention that most people already know that lifting weights does not cause women to get bulky, so this thread doesn't tell me anything.

    :laugh: It it's full of dumb...perhaps stop coming back in and commenting?

    And no, many people have the misconception that women lifting will get bulky. You're the one who's a bit ignorant in this thread, buddy.
  • Vercell
    Vercell Posts: 437 Member
    Well I think she looks great and that is what I am aiming for, why so many haters out there. She worked her *kitten* off give her credit for tha,t dont have nothing nice to say dont say nothing.
  • Aviva92
    Aviva92 Posts: 2,333 Member
    And a boob job... :)
    Why is that relevant? If implants make her feel more comfortable in HER skin, how is that any concern of yours?

    "I want to be all natural" is the response I expect out of those who have an issue with the implants. Well, to those of you that do, do you wear makeup? Use any anti aging creams? Acne cleansers? Hair dye? Nail Polish? Have any tattoos, perhaps? Piercings?

    If so, then you're NOT all natural, so get off the high horse and stop judging her for wanting to be comfortable in her own skin.

    makeup is a lot more safe than breast implants which is actually like surgery. i never claimed i wanted to be "all natural" though.
  • julesxo
    julesxo Posts: 422 Member
    This thread is funny because that chic looks great! I bet there isn't one dude in this thread that wouldn't be thrilled if their girlfriend looked like that.

    You mean they wouldn't say "Gee, I wish your boobs weren't so big and your body wasn't so lean and muscular" Haha.
  • lknorthstar
    lknorthstar Posts: 132 Member
    i will never lift a weight! women with muscles that big are just weird (no offence to anyone)

    But her muscles aren't all that big though. She's lean, but her muscles are very prominent. I guess to each their own. When I think of women with huge muscles, Chyna from WWE comes to mind.


    I agree! Her muscles look great to me! Now Chyna’s are huge, I always said that when I watched her! That is one woman I would never piss off! I just started lifting weights and found out I am a wimp! I will keep lifting though and maybe I can have some nice lean muscles too someday!
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    I agree completely, she has worked hard and I admire her for the hard work she must of put in to obtain this body, but it is definitely not for me. I like the hourglass figure... http://www.moviezadda.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/Kelly-Brook-in-Bikini-1.jpg

    ....and I would never want a six pack or visible muscle or my breasts to look that firm O_O but that is my opinion only and I understand a lot of girls on this website would love to have this figure :)

    Hourglass shape is determined by bone structure, not the amount of fat/muscle on someone's body. She probably never looked very hourglass.
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    First off, I just want to say she looks great. Kudos to her for achieving that, I'm sure it wasn't easy.

    I do have a question, and I apologise if this has already been addressed but I didn't read through all eight pages of this thread.

    You say she achieved this look with ZERO cardio, but in the link ( http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/821132-yo-s-successful-carb-cycling-routine-with-diet-and-regime) you provided for her diet just over a month ago, it says she does;

    50 mins of SSCV 4-5 days a week. We will be changing this to HIIT in the new year to see how she reacts to it."

    Did she do cardio before but not now, and if so for how long?

    Very slow cardio whilst she was bulking she was doing cardio for nutrient uptake - good point :drinker:

    And often the naughty girl missed doing it :laugh:
  • ilovemybuggy
    ilovemybuggy Posts: 1,584 Member

    This look was gained with a sharp diet, lifting heavy weights like me (she squats 60kg for 30 reps x 3 sets, 77.5k for 12 reps!) and ZERO cardio.

    Just something to think about :smile:

    looks like she got herself some breast implants as well.
    Bravo for being like the 32nd person to say that. WHO CARES!??!

    i didn't read ahead. WHO CARES!??!

    not to mention that most people already know that lifting weights does not cause women to get bulky, so this thread doesn't tell me anything.

    Right, so tell me again why you felt compelled to comment?

    Don't worry, i'll wait.
  • Aviva92
    Aviva92 Posts: 2,333 Member

    This look was gained with a sharp diet, lifting heavy weights like me (she squats 60kg for 30 reps x 3 sets, 77.5k for 12 reps!) and ZERO cardio.

    Just something to think about :smile:

    looks like she got herself some breast implants as well.
    Bravo for being like the 32nd person to say that. WHO CARES!??!

    i didn't read ahead. WHO CARES!??!

    not to mention that most people already know that lifting weights does not cause women to get bulky, so this thread doesn't tell me anything.

    :laugh: It it's full of dumb...perhaps stop coming back in and commenting?

    And no, many people have the misconception that women lifting will get bulky. You're the one who's a bit ignorant in this thread, buddy.

    nothing dumb about my post. most intelligent people already know that information.
  • mamasmaltz3
    mamasmaltz3 Posts: 1,111 Member
  • amy1612
    amy1612 Posts: 1,356 Member
    Jeezus some people...if shes got implants she's 'fake', if she doesnt her 'tits are too small', shes too muscular, shes too fat, shes too thin...stop ribbing on people and how they choose to look.
    may not want to look like Dana Lynne Bailey for instance, but damn I respect her hard work, and think she looks awesome.
    For all that women moan about 'what men think of them' they dog on each other far too much, its disgusting. If a women chooses to get implants, its not your right to comment. Her body, her boobs...doesnt mean she worked any less hard to look the way she does. And if you dont want to look the same, or think muscular women are 'weird', keep it to yourself...no-one is saying this is what you SHOULD look like....if you havent got anything nice to say, then you know what to do.

    Matt your fiance looks amazing, thats a lot of hard work and dedication right there. I bet youre both very proud of her