Why girls shouldn't lift weights like men - disgusting hey?



  • Im_NotPerfect
    Im_NotPerfect Posts: 2,181 Member
    I'm ignoring all the stupid, judgy comments on this thread.

    I just stopped by to say you're both hot, and if you two made porn, I'd buy it.


    Double Ditto! :love:
  • Nefetete
    Nefetete Posts: 343 Member
    Wow I can’t believe how freaking judgmental some ppl are. She looks absolutely amazing and the amount of effort it must have taken to achieve that is commendable. If nothing else it shows strength in character.

    Maybe I am slow, but why is the breast implant such a big issue. There are a lot of females that get breast implants for various reasons, will you judge them too. It in no way takes away what she was able to accomplish by weight lifting, which is what the original post was all about.
  • iulia_maddie
    iulia_maddie Posts: 2,780 Member
    Why are people talking about her boobs?
    She looks great, and in my opinion a body like that speaks volumes about her strenght and determination. Mind over matter, she turned her body into what she wanted it to be.
    To all the people on here saying "i don't want to loo like that". Don't worry, you won't.
  • Qskim
    Qskim Posts: 1,145 Member
    I hope Yo is ok and not reading all this...good luck Yo in competition..it's your interest, your hard work, you've inspired a lot of people...you deserve to do well! You look great. Next training session my PT is going to be delighted. I'm not going to sook about her making me lift heavier (actually I don't sook but it's hard In a good way lol). I'm not under any delusion I can look like you but I'll be an even better me! Thankyou.
  • NovemberJune
    NovemberJune Posts: 2,525 Member
    I think she looks great. :smile: And I didn't notice boobs until I read a bunch of replies. I saw legs, abs, shoulders. I wish her the best in her competitions!

    Oh yea I meant to say I think the title drew out the crazies. Maybe "Female weight lifting results" would have been better but eh that's just me :wink:
  • danasings
    danasings Posts: 8,218 Member
    To that one woman who commented about being superficial and spending too much time in the gym...

    It doesnt take as much time as you might think...try educating yourself.

  • danasings
    danasings Posts: 8,218 Member
    I'm ignoring all the stupid, judgy comments on this thread.

    I just stopped by to say you're both hot, and if you two made porn, I'd buy it.


    Double Ditto! :love:

    And yes again!!
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    FWIW, I think your fiancé looks awesome! While I don't aspire to be so defined I am looking to lift heavier weights.

    ^ ZOMG SHE GETS IT!!!!

    all my faith in humanity = restored with style

    *note there is no sarcastic font here, because I mean it.

    I actually can't wait until I can get some heavier weights and start lifting again! Though what I was doing before was what is typically prescribed for women to lift...
  • WillLift4Tats
    WillLift4Tats Posts: 1,699 Member
    Bumping to read this ridiculous hilarity later on. But for now, Yo, you look amazeballs, and OP, you're also amazeballs for training and supervision. Great job to both. And thanks for the inspiration! :drinker:
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    Agreed. She is OBVIOUSLY awesome and hardworking and obviously has a good Yoda as well.
  • shellyc7182
    shellyc7182 Posts: 261 Member
    1. Super hot. I mean really.
    2. I just started New Rules last night, and even though I left the gym feeling like my limbs were made of Jello, I can't wait for my next round tomorrow. Hell yeah for heavy lifting!
    3. Not if, but WHEN I lose weight, I know my boobs will cease to exist. So I will be getting implants. Please judge me now!
    4. Rock on, lifters!
  • paulaviki
    paulaviki Posts: 678 Member
    She looks great!

    I'd love to see a 'before' of her though, to see what she looked like before she started lifting, just out of interest!
  • XDiet_SlayerX
    You will just become super hot and tone. Don't worry about the bulky look. Do what ever the hell you wanna do and forget about the outside voices they are just NOISE!
  • aimelee
    aimelee Posts: 216 Member

    You may not need them after your next kiddo. I thought I would need a boob job after my first child and then my 2nd they actually got a little bigger and stayed big then my 3rd came along. Yes I breast fed all 3 kids for the first 6 months. WHen I had my first baby at 25 I was a B cup but went down to an A. After my 2nd I went up to a C cup. After my 3rd I'm now a DD. So glad I didn't get the implants after my first like I had wanted. Now I long for my smaller breasts. These things just get in the way and make it harder to sleep and get a nice blouse to button up. My husband says he married me with a flat chest and could care less if I lost them again while losing weight..which by the way has not happened.

    please god let this happen to me! :tongue:
  • 19kat55
    19kat55 Posts: 336 Member
    Bump, Yo looks amazing! If only I had not waited so long!
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    Yo in September -
  • bearwith
    bearwith Posts: 525 Member
    Everybody needs to do some resistance training. You just need to decide when to stop. Even some men look ridiculous when tey go too far.
  • gxm17
    gxm17 Posts: 374
    Lucky me.

    Actually, most of my comments have been responses to people quoting me. My main point has been that bodybuilding does reduce breast size, same as marathon running. Less body fat especially at elite levels means smaller breasts for most women. I haven't typed the word "dude"or "gross" (until now) as has been insinuated elsewhere.

    You called her a cartoon character, a caricature, and said her success was empty.

    You said more than enough.

    That's not quite in context but yes, I don't think her physique is a realistic representation of how bodybuilding affects a woman's shape: Because it's not. And I question what the point of bodybuilding is if the end result requires surgical augmentation. My question isn't directed to the OP, it's a general question, and a rather important one given that lifters are constantly insisting that bodybuilding only enhances the female form. And, FTR, I didn't invent the natural/enhanced bodybuilding debate, it's been around for quite some time.

    And my comment about empty success was related to competition, like Lance Armstrong, did he really win all those Tour de France titles? Apparently not. So while I wish the OP much success with her upcoming competition, IMO, it would be about as meaningful as Armstrong's wins. Sorry if that's too frank for you but I really don't see the reason for competing if you aren't using your natural ability. Obviously others disagree, but I have yet to hear a compelling argument from them other than "you're mean" or issuing silly "challenges."
  • Yo_Lazarov
    Yo_Lazarov Posts: 56 Member
    Hello everyone, :smile:

    Thank you for your comments and feedback. It has been one incredible bedtime read after a long day on duty. :smile:

    Your comments have been humbling and motivational, indeed.

    Brought a tear of happiness in my eyes, so I had to stop for a moment.

    Matt and I are very happy to receive such an amazing support and well wishes. We are both humbled and delighted to have you by our side in this personal and amazing journey.

    On our Team Wild Facebook page we post everything from videos of our training, to regular updates on my progress and condition. As you probably know we post my current condition review every Sunday, so if you would like to have the first row seat to my preps progress feel free to join us. We welcome you with open arms.

    I also appreciate I am not everyone's image of 'perfection' - whatever that represents to one, nor do I strive to be. All I do is pursue my dream and share it with you, if you would like. You may chose to give of our day kindly and respectfully and share your own progress and goals with us, or continue in your path.

    Both Matt and I thank you for all your input and look forward to hearing your thoughts!

    You can find our Team Wild Facebook Page here: https://www.facebook.com/pages/TEAM-WILD-Matt-Wild-UKBFF-Gaspari-Rep-Yo-Lazarov-The-Newbie/416793921724418?ref=hl