PJ's in public?



  • dawnna76
    dawnna76 Posts: 987 Member
    I also don't get the women who wear sweatpants with wording across the backside. Unless your backside is microscopic it doesn't need a billboard across it.

    Ad why is it the ones with the backside billboards usually have ample assets?
  • deanjou59
    deanjou59 Posts: 737 Member
    My opinion is that it is a personal choice. If someone is comfortable wearing PJ's in public, I am okay with that.Then again, I am a pretty laid back person :)
  • Otter1422
    Otter1422 Posts: 162 Member
    I am still somewhat uncomfortable in sweats in public but getting to like that more. Absolutely no PJs for me in public of course I usually sleep in the nude so definitely not going there.

    Of course I have seen plenty of people in public in PJs or sweats and don't judge them just feels wrong to me.
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    I also don't get the women who wear sweatpants with wording across the backside. Unless your backside is microscopic it doesn't need a billboard across it.

    Ad why is it the ones with the backside billboards usually have ample assets?
    "PINK" haha
  • socko6774
    socko6774 Posts: 200
    i thought this thread said BJs in public. i have nothing to add...
  • Manda86
    Manda86 Posts: 1,859 Member
    i thought this thread said BJs in public. i have nothing to add...

    Bartles & Jaymes?
  • kaylinn9
    kaylinn9 Posts: 112
    Well...teenagers are a bit less aggravated by the whole concept. I'm 19 and I have absolutely no problem with it. I've gone outside in my PJs more times than I have in formal clothing.

    Which reminds me, I have to go to the grocery store right now. And I'm still in my PJs.
  • healthyJenn0915
    I honestly see nothing wrong with it! I guess it just depends on how you were raised. I can remember several times growing up where my mom would go down to our little local store on the weekends in her pj's to grab something for breakfast. Every now and again when we are running late in the mornings I will take my kids to school in my pj's. When we lived in a colder state there were several times where either my husband or myself would go down to the the gas station to grab milk or bread at night or in the morning in our pj's and yes dare I say it slippers too!! I don't see why it matters if you are wearing flannel pj bottoms or just a pair of sweats. Both are comfortable and warm!
  • socko6774
    socko6774 Posts: 200
    i thought this thread said BJs in public. i have nothing to add...

    Bartles & Jaymes?

    no , ummm.... wholesale club? lol
  • JustLindaLou
    JustLindaLou Posts: 376 Member
    I will admit, with our annual women's retreat coming up, I have been evaluating my PJs and shopping for a new pair (cuz most of my warm ones are waaaay too big now yay!!) - because the evenings on retreat are one big hilarious pajama party, and if any pictures get taken and posted on Facebook, I wanna be in some cute PJs! (after all I am one of the few single gals in my church ...maybe one of the few single guys will see those pix :wink: )
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    i thought this thread said BJs in public. i have nothing to add...

    Bartles & Jaymes?
    Thank you for your support.
  • beckyinma
    beckyinma Posts: 1,433 Member
    I wear my favorite pair of fleece bottoms from home to the dojo before I open it for classes. If I've been cleaning all day, and started the day in my pj's, I see no point in changing into regular clothes for the 1.2 mile drive from my driveway to the back of a building, just to change into my formal uniform.
  • Nurseblondy
    Beyond tacky in my opinion... my husband is active duty Army and there are a number of military wives that go everywhere in their loud tacky PJ's. They are some of the worst offenders around; so much so, that there is now a dress code on post that bans PJ's in public places among other things like saggy pants and too short shorts. I wish everywhere had a dress code sometimes.
  • obsidianwings
    obsidianwings Posts: 1,237 Member
    When I was a student, I worked in a hotel bar to pay my rent and food - I usually got home about 3am.

    I got up at 8am to get the paper from the local shop (about 5 mins walk across a busy road) If I didn't get the paper, they would be all gone, bought by people who were returning home from church and I looooooved my Sunday paper. Yes, I went to the shops in my PJs and usually wellies as they were easy to slip on and off. After a few weeks, the staff didn't even blink.

    When I got back home, I got back into my still warm bed, spread the papers out and usually went back to sleep after an hour of reading.

    It didn't mean I was lazy or giving up on life or any of the negative things that people have said on here. In fact, it was a perfect way to spend a quite Sunday after a busy week. Sometimes it is a practical solution to a temporary problem, no more, no less.

    This actually sounds like such a wonderful way to spend a Sunday that I cannot deny the charm of wearing PJs in public in this instance. Also, learned the new term of "wellies" for slippers.
    Wellies are gumboots
  • Jezebella123
    On my friends baby sisters birthday we all went to Walmart in footie jammies to pick her up. (Her dad works there). We then put on cute dresses and went to Chippendales looking all hot.
  • stripe97266
    Some pajamas don't look like pajamas. Sometimes I buy pjs and they look so good that I choose to wear them as clothes instead as an outfit. I doubt anyone can tell the difference. Victoria Secret makes them classy. The tops with built in bras. I shower and everything. I don't even sleep in them. I've looked at those nasty Walmart pics and I know that isn't anything like what I wear. Unfortunately, there was a time when I sported a silky pink robe pjs slippers and all walking about two miles mid day with my boyfriend hungover. I really didn't give a crap. I was hungry. Besides, when you look good in anything, why not? Some people actually CAN rock pjs!
  • Lisa1971
    Lisa1971 Posts: 3,069 Member
    NEVER EVER wear pjs in public. Once you do, you've said "that's it, I've given up".

    It's not hard to invest a little effort, people.

    AGREED! Unless you're sick with a raging flu virus or in labor...no PJs!
  • thatonegirlwiththestuff
    thatonegirlwiththestuff Posts: 1,171 Member
    Gym clothes are as low as I go in terms of fashion choices in public. I don't think I've actually seen a person (under the age of 2 or so) in pajamas in public. Then again, I've got this matching plaid flannel set/fuzzy slippers image thing going.
  • Lisa1971
    Lisa1971 Posts: 3,069 Member
    I'm so totally going to get into my PJ's now!:laugh:
  • obsidianwings
    obsidianwings Posts: 1,237 Member
    Some pajamas don't look like pajamas. Sometimes I buy pjs and they look so good that I choose to wear them as clothes instead as an outfit. I doubt anyone can tell the difference. Victoria Secret makes them classy. The tops with built in bras. I shower and everything. I don't even sleep in them. I've looked at those nasty Walmart pics and I know that isn't anything like what I wear. Unfortunately, there was a time when I sported a silky pink robe pjs slippers and all walking about two miles mid day with my boyfriend hungover. I really didn't give a crap. I was hungry. Besides, when you look good in anything, why not? Some people actually CAN rock pjs!
    No, some people just think they can. Those are the people we are laughing at in this thread.