What is the biggest unexpected surprise after losing weight?



  • Bumping this! Great thread!!
  • Bigstar03
    Bigstar03 Posts: 11 Member
    Mine too..had not thought of it as related to weight loss until now.
  • andy13
    andy13 Posts: 208 Member
    The realization that I was FAT! When I was bigger I managed to convince myself that I looked OK but now when I see old photos I realize how deluded I was.
  • Jerrypeoples
    Jerrypeoples Posts: 1,541 Member
    The realization that I was FAT! When I was bigger I managed to convince myself that I looked OK but now when I see old photos I realize how deluded I was.

    i wouldnt say i was delusional but more along the lines of didnt care
  • Ultragirl2374
    Ultragirl2374 Posts: 390 Member
  • mauigyrl
    mauigyrl Posts: 86 Member
    After a couple years and thousands of dollars trying to get pregnant I decided to hold off and lose weight and focus on myself. 3 months and 30lbs later I found out I was pregnant. Best gift ever.
  • Ultragirl2374
    Ultragirl2374 Posts: 390 Member
    After a couple years and thousands of dollars trying to get pregnant I decided to hold off and lose weight and focus on myself. 3 months and 30lbs later I found out I was pregnant. Best gift ever.

    Best o e yet!! Congrats on the weight loss and the baby!
  • Hopelessone
    Hopelessone Posts: 270 Member
  • I am asked if I am ill or on drugs..lost quite a bit fairly quickly..and all these people telling me to eat a cheeseburger
  • Geeky_Girl
    Geeky_Girl Posts: 239 Member
    Bump for later
  • myfitnessval
    myfitnessval Posts: 687 Member
    for me it was my sex life improving, being cold all the time (ive always thought i ran hot but apparently not lol), having people ask me if i work out, without realizing CHOOSING to take the stairs if its under 4 flights lol, that was a weird one for me, it just became instinct to walk farther or work harder to get in extra burns lol
  • MiniMichelle
    MiniMichelle Posts: 801 Member
    Loving myself again. I love myself more than I ever have... its because I am feeling more comfortable with myself, in my body, and in my clothing. :heart:
  • chiselfuture
    chiselfuture Posts: 42 Member
    I hardly sweat anymore. I use deodorant at probably 1/5 the rate that I used to because one swipe is enough to keep me bone dry all day!
  • robert_gonzalez
    robert_gonzalez Posts: 11 Member
    Great thread...

    For me, losing weight resulted in lots of cool surprises. My sex drive went through the freaking roof, and so did the sex. Having more physical stamina made the sex not only more enjoyable but more abundant and more adventurous. Clothes shopping became fun for me. I would actually try stuff on at the store just to see how things looked on me. And being able to shop in the "regular" person's section instead of the Plus size type section was also a major thing for me.

    Also, like some others have said, I noticed my feet seemed to get a little smaller and I started realizing I was colder more often. I also had an explosive amount of energy and, any time there was time or opportunity, I would go out and walk, run, hike, play at the park with my kids... anything just to be moving. That amount of freedom was probably to coolest surprise of losing weight... just wanting to move all the time.
  • wendybird5
    wendybird5 Posts: 577 Member
    Just curious....for those who have been successful if there is something that has surprised that you never knew or expected would happen? Also, do people in general treat you differently? Are people kinder? Treat you with more respect? Etc...

    The good stuff - lots of compliments, increased libido, my feet shrank, a lot of people say they don't recognize me and people who didn't know me before refuse to believe that I was ever that fat, I get asked for my advice a lot, I actually have size small clothes in my closet that I can wear, I'm still not used to seeing my own reflection- it's just surreal that the girl in the mirror is me, more confidence, more pride and I don't need a mirror to shave my bikini area.

    The not so good stuff - People pay attention more to what I eat and feel the need to warn me that I'm going to get fat again if they happen to see me eating sweets or junk food, a huge credit card bill from all the new clothes I bought without budgeting for it because I was so excited every time I dropped a size, there are some people who still think I need their advice even after losing all this weight, my dating life did not improve in the way I'd hoped it might, some friends don't spend as much time with me now that I've gotten into shape and some of them hang out with me more than before, and sometimes I have nightmares that I'll screw up and gain the weight back (usually right after a binge day or if I'm having a bad day and suddenly keep finding little faults with how I look.)
  • ironmonkeystyle
    ironmonkeystyle Posts: 834 Member
    Apparently, if you're an overweight executive, people think less of you. So, presumably, fit executives are regarded more highly.

    From a recent Wall Street Journal article:

    New research suggests that a few extra pounds or a slightly larger waistline affects an executive's perceived leadership ability as well as stamina on the job.

    "Because the demands of leadership can be quite strenuous, the physical aspects are just as important as everything else," says Sharon McDowell-Larsen, an exercise physiologist who runs an executive-fitness program for the nonprofit Center for Creative Leadership.While marathon training and predawn workouts aren't explicitly part of a senior manager's job description, leadership experts and executive recruiters say that staying trim is now virtually required for anyone on track for the corner office.

    Executives with larger waistlines and higher body-mass-index readings tend to be perceived as less effective in the workplace, both in performance and interpersonal relationships, according to data compiled by CCL. BMI, a common measure of body fat, is based on height and weight.

    While weight remains a taboo conversation topic in the workplace, it's hard to overlook. A heavy executive is judged to be less capable because of assumptions about how weight affects health and stamina, says Barry Posner, a leadership professor at Santa Clara University's Leavey School of Business. He says he can't name a single overweight Fortune 500 CEO. "We have stereotypes about fat," he adds, "so when we see a senior executive who's overweight, our initial reaction isn't positive."

    CCL staff detected the correlation after collecting hundreds of peer-performance reviews and health-screening results from the CEOs and other senior-level managers who participate in its weeklong leadership workshops in Colorado Springs. A pair of university researchers, using data from 757 executives measured between 2006 and 2010, found that weight may indeed influence perceptions of leaders among subordinates, peers and superiors.

    Tim McNair, a general manager at Nazareth, Pa.-based guitar maker C.F. Martin & Co., says he was inspired to make some changes after spotting his "gut" on camera during a recent public-speaking exercise while attending the CCL workshop.

    He wondered whether his colleagues had the same reaction to his appearance, he says, adding: "Would they think, 'If he can't keep his hand out of the cookie jar, how can he do his job?'"

    So the 44-year-old, who says his peers' evaluations were somewhat harsh, recently rejoined the local gym, where he heads after work at least three days a week to run on the treadmill, cycle or stretch. He has also given up double cheeseburgers, steak, ice cream, Coca-Cola and Tastykakes, opting for a healthier diet of grains and vegetables. In four months, he has shed about 25 pounds.
  • nashsheri33
    nashsheri33 Posts: 225 Member
  • Michburrow
    Michburrow Posts: 8 Member
    Bump for later
  • liittlesparrow
    liittlesparrow Posts: 209 Member
    I got more attention when I lost weight.. I was more confident and outgoing too.
  • I freeze all the time but I love my new shadow!!!
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