If you drink or eat this....



  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    There was once a squirrel that lived outside of my house. One day, I accidentally ran over that squirrel. Since that day, I have dropped 45 pounds. Squirrels cause you to hold your pounds. If we kill all of the squirrels, we will be a fit society once again.

    This sounds legit.
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    Aspartame is made up of 3 main ingredients- Phenylalanine, Methanol, Aspartic Acid. A 3-ounce portion of chicken contains about 1000 milligrams of phenylalanine and 8 ounces of skim milk has about 400 milligrams but a 12-ounce can of diet soda contains about 90 milligrams. Considering I eat 6 or 8 chicken breast a week easily, I don't think my 2 to 3 Diet Pepsi's are anything to scare me away from drinking it... If you have a condition like Phenylketonuria then by all means you should work to avoid it. The ADI for aspartame is 50 milligrams per kilogram of body weight so an adult would have to consume about 20 cans of diet soda a day and the ADI has always had a built in buffer so even if you went over it would not be life threatening but you have a serious issue if you are consuming 20+ cans of soda a day. Again in moderation I just am not buying into the fear mongering... But to each there own... Best of Luck...
  • LaSutopia
    LaSutopia Posts: 1,195 Member
    Ive been telling this to my friends and family for so many years. It took some time for me to narrow down what was making me so sick and i finally figured its aspartame as well as other synthetic sugars. But aspartame is definitely the worst. Its straight up poison.

    Im sorry that happened...Thanks for posting...I imagine you are about to get mocked and made fun etc for believing that this stuff is bad. Even when it happened to you...:( sorry

    She won't get mocked or made fun of. She had a personal experience and made a personal choice. If you came on here and said you've chosen to cut aspartamine from your diet, no one would have mocked you. But when you come in preachy and holier than thou/fear mongering attitude, people will ask you to get off your high horse. To each their own.

    Im sorry if it seemed that way to you...I was not preaching not fear mongering...I just shared an article that I found. No need to get all upset, I am not judging anyone...I don't care personally what you decide to do in your own life..it is your life...so get off my case.
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member

    And to those who are advocates of diet soda, would you give it to your baby? And if not, why not?

    Oh c'mon!

    I like beer too, I wouldn't give that to a baby. Doesn't make it poison.

    Some of us don't like to cut things out of our diets that we enjoy if we don't have to. And saying that something is lethal, when it's not, is just fear mongering. Don't act like "I don't know why people are making a big deal of this."

    It's the equivalent to yelling fire in a rather crowded theater. You're telling people that something the majority of us ingest on a regular basis can kill us. It's a big claim. Big claims need to be backed up and supported with evidence. Not just posted and followed up by "hey whatever man, your funeral."

    actually alcohol is poison...you wanna tell my mother (that I never really knew) who died from cirrhosis of the liver from drinking to much from the age of 13 to 34...and yes the dr's and science said that was the cause of her cirrhosis, that it is not bad for you?...YES...moderation is everything and having a glass of wine HAS been shown to have positive effects on you...and your casual beer drinking may not harm you noticeably but your liver is having to process something that it was not made to and that is just the truth...but that is the same truth with any medication we injest and a host of other things...I wil not stop taking my OTC meds just like you will not stop having your beer...but we can be responsible and informed . No you probably wont die from it and if you like it then that is your right. sounds like you are responsible about it but it's not my business what YOU do....I can however put the information out there for you to do with it what you want....

    But 20 people have put the information out there for us to do with what we want. You just wanted to be the harbinger of material we've already seen dozens of times before and have your name as the author of an overdone thread. It's called doing a search.
  • LaSutopia
    LaSutopia Posts: 1,195 Member
    If man made it, don't eat it....

    Ding ding ding.

    I suspect that this would make farmers the world round very unhappy.

    oh come on....processed not grown....I am sure she meant packaged processed things..why so nit picky?
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    Aspartame is made up of 3 main ingredients- Phenylalanine, Methanol, Aspartic Acid. A 3-ounce portion of chicken contains about 1000 milligrams of phenylalanine and 8 ounces of skim milk has about 400 milligrams but a 12-ounce can of diet soda contains about 90 milligrams. Considering I eat 6 or 8 chicken breast a week easily, I don't think my 2 to 3 Diet Pepsi's are anything to scare me away from drinking it... If you have a condition like Phenylketonuria then by all means you should work to avoid it. The ADI for aspartame is 50 milligrams per kilogram of body weight so an adult would have to consume about 20 cans of diet soda a day and the ADI has always had a built in buffer so even if you went over it would not be life threatening but you have a serious issue if you are consuming 20+ cans of soda a day. Again in moderation I just am not buying into the fear mongering... But to each there own... Best of Luck...

    Meh... see post below.
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    actually alcohol is poison...you wanna tell my mother (that I never really knew) who died from cirrhosis of the liver from drinking to much from the age of 13 to 34...and yes the dr's and science said that was the cause of her cirrhosis, that it is not bad for you?...YES...moderation is everything and having a glass of wine HAS been shown to have positive effects on you...and your casual beer drinking may not harm you noticeably but your liver is having to process something that it was not made to and that is just the truth...but that is the same truth with any medication we injest and a host of other things...I wil not stop taking my OTC meds just like you will not stop having your beer...but we can be responsible and informed . No you probably wont die from it and if you like it then that is your right. sounds like you are responsible about it but it's not my business what YOU do....I can however put the information out there for you to do with it what you want....

    The information you put out is false and intentionally misleading. Making it not information at all, but lies and fear mongering. People can not make educated choices if they're being told bad information.

    That's where people like myself and others come in to refute what you've said. You may not like it, it may hurt your feelings, but it's important that people know the truth.
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    Ive been telling this to my friends and family for so many years. It took some time for me to narrow down what was making me so sick and i finally figured its aspartame as well as other synthetic sugars. But aspartame is definitely the worst. Its straight up poison.

    Im sorry that happened...Thanks for posting...I imagine you are about to get mocked and made fun etc for believing that this stuff is bad. Even when it happened to you...:( sorry

    She won't get mocked or made fun of. She had a personal experience and made a personal choice. If you came on here and said you've chosen to cut aspartamine from your diet, no one would have mocked you. But when you come in preachy and holier than thou/fear mongering attitude, people will ask you to get off your high horse. To each their own.

    Im sorry if it seemed that way to you...I was not preaching not fear mongering...I just shared an article that I found. No need to get all upset, I am not judging anyone...I don't care personally what you decide to do in your own life..it is your life...so get off my case.

    Not fearmongering? The title of your thread is "IF you drink or eat this..." and then in the first line had the statement "sometimes fatal". Seriously, if that is not fear mongering, I really don't know what is. I'll get off your case when you stop spouting nonsense.
  • SmartWhatever
    SmartWhatever Posts: 718 Member

  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
    If man made it, don't eat it....

    Ding ding ding.

    I suspect that this would make farmers the world round very unhappy.

    oh come on....processed not grown....I am sure she meant packaged processed things..why so nit picky?

    Honestly? It's been suggested it's just how I was born.
  • cmcollins001
    cmcollins001 Posts: 3,472 Member
    OMG!!! You're so right!!! Look what happened to me!!

  • LaSutopia
    LaSutopia Posts: 1,195 Member
    I love how lot of you are trying to disprove something I found online with something you found online....hilarious...since when did snopes.com become certifiably 100% truth and never untruth..........look people, all I am saying is that it's bad for you just like a lot of other stuff out there is bad for us and that whether or not it makes you noticeably sick or not, it is good to know what you are putting in your body, good or bad...If you wanna drink it you go right ahead and do that....IM NOT. And if you wanna throw a hissy fit cause I put some information out there then thats fine to....I don't care. I am going to keep trying to better myself and inform myself and I welcome any information you may have on any subject...I will look in to it if I feel the need to and then make my own decision about it....I really don't see why some of you have to be so ugly...It really only reflects on you.

    We're not throwing a hissy fit. You posted information, we're questioning it's validity. Isn't that what you're recommending people do in the first place?

    No one is being ugly. But not everyone is going to agree with you. ESPECIALLY when you post skewed articles without the facts to back them up. YOU posted it. Take responsibility. We do not have to agree with you just to be nice.

    no you do not have to agree with me to be nice and that is what i am asking from you....Sarcasm however is never intended to be "nice" and it is never helpful....if you don't see the sarcasm here then Im sorry..but its here....Im not super sensitive and I don't really care...I was just pointing out that there really is no reason for it. And you are right...I did post it...some one shared it with me and I read it and I looked up a little more about it and it supported things I already knew and I wanted to share it....you can find information to support or disprove just about anything you want online...I have read several things you all have posted and I still say that Im not going to drink it. I think it taste like crap and I still believe that it is not good for you....just cause they say it is SAFE does not make it good for you...at all.....in fact go look up how many bugs or what not can be in something and it still pass as SAFE. It might not kill me but I still don't like the idea....and while I will never be able to know or avoid all the things in life that are not safe or not good for me I can try my best. Really people use your own best judgement. That's all any of us can do. Thanks for your input.

    No one is telling you that you have to use it, but don't tell us not to.

    Or at least don't tell us not to and not expect criticism.

    I NEVER told anyone not to, I only asked (even said please) that you not use it! In fact I said SEVERAL times over and over that I WAS NOT TELLING anyone what they should do and was NOT judging them...only caring about the health of others and putting out there some information I found, and that I think its a good idea not to........AND IF YOU WANNA BE SO DANG picky about it, I never said the information I found was the cold hard truth, just that I personally see truth in it from life experience as well as others and that I chose not to use it! Don't sit here and put words in my mouth and then call me on the injustice of it.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    OMG!!! You're so right!!! Look what happened to me!!


  • tiffanymariebrown
    tiffanymariebrown Posts: 10 Member
    I cant consume anything with aspartame in it. It makes me feel sick to my stomach and sometimes causes vomiting.
  • chocl8girl
    chocl8girl Posts: 1,968 Member
    OMG, we will NEVER make it out of life alive!!!

  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    I love how lot of you are trying to disprove something I found online with something you found online....hilarious...since when did snopes.com become certifiably 100% truth and never untruth..........look people, all I am saying is that it's bad for you just like a lot of other stuff out there is bad for us and that whether or not it makes you noticeably sick or not, it is good to know what you are putting in your body, good or bad...If you wanna drink it you go right ahead and do that....IM NOT. And if you wanna throw a hissy fit cause I put some information out there then thats fine to....I don't care. I am going to keep trying to better myself and inform myself and I welcome any information you may have on any subject...I will look in to it if I feel the need to and then make my own decision about it....I really don't see why some of you have to be so ugly...It really only reflects on you.

    We're not throwing a hissy fit. You posted information, we're questioning it's validity. Isn't that what you're recommending people do in the first place?

    No one is being ugly. But not everyone is going to agree with you. ESPECIALLY when you post skewed articles without the facts to back them up. YOU posted it. Take responsibility. We do not have to agree with you just to be nice.

    no you do not have to agree with me to be nice and that is what i am asking from you....Sarcasm however is never intended to be "nice" and it is never helpful....if you don't see the sarcasm here then Im sorry..but its here....Im not super sensitive and I don't really care...I was just pointing out that there really is no reason for it. And you are right...I did post it...some one shared it with me and I read it and I looked up a little more about it and it supported things I already knew and I wanted to share it....you can find information to support or disprove just about anything you want online...I have read several things you all have posted and I still say that Im not going to drink it. I think it taste like crap and I still believe that it is not good for you....just cause they say it is SAFE does not make it good for you...at all.....in fact go look up how many bugs or what not can be in something and it still pass as SAFE. It might not kill me but I still don't like the idea....and while I will never be able to know or avoid all the things in life that are not safe or not good for me I can try my best. Really people use your own best judgement. That's all any of us can do. Thanks for your input.

    No one is telling you that you have to use it, but don't tell us not to.

    Or at least don't tell us not to and not expect criticism.

    I NEVER told anyone not to, I only asked (even said please) that you not use it! In fact I said SEVERAL times over and over that I WAS NOT TELLING anyone what they should do and was NOT judging them...only caring about the health of others and putting out there some information I found, and that I think its a good idea not to........AND IF YOU WANNA BE SO DANG picky about it, I never said the information I found was the cold hard truth, just that I personally see truth in it from life experience as well as others and that I chose not to use it! Don't sit here and put words in my mouth and then call me on the injustice of it.

    And herein lies the insidious nature of your post. YOu used the words please, in fact you presented it only as a plea to help all the unsuspecting victims of aspartame. But then there was the wording of the post:

    --You could die eating or drinking it, you "explain" why it's dangerous,

    --Methanol toxicity mimics, among other conditions, multiple sclerosis and systemic lupus, multiple sclerosis is not a DEATH SENTENCE, Methanol toxicity is!

    --Unexplainable depression, anxiety attacks, slurred speech, blurred vision, or memory loss you probably have ASPARTAME poisoning!

    --(Oh and you did tell us what to do) STOP drinking diet sodas and be alert for Aspartame on food labels!

    --It is far more likely to make you GAIN weight!

    --etc, etc, etc...

    Using the word 'please' does not mean you won't be criticized for what you posted.
  • LaSutopia
    LaSutopia Posts: 1,195 Member
    No I wont stop drinking diet soda.. Thx for your concern :smile:

    no problem...I like your shirt. :)
  • Thomasm198
    Thomasm198 Posts: 3,189 Member
    Aspartame is made up of 3 main ingredients- Phenylalanine, Methanol, Aspartic Acid. A 3-ounce portion of chicken contains about 1000 milligrams of phenylalanine and 8 ounces of skim milk has about 400 milligrams but a 12-ounce can of diet soda contains about 90 milligrams. Considering I eat 6 or 8 chicken breast a week easily, I don't think my 2 to 3 Diet Pepsi's are anything to scare me away from drinking it... If you have a condition like Phenylketonuria then by all means you should work to avoid it. The ADI for aspartame is 50 milligrams per kilogram of body weight so an adult would have to consume about 20 cans of diet soda a day and the ADI has always had a built in buffer so even if you went over it would not be life threatening but you have a serious issue if you are consuming 20+ cans of soda a day. Again in moderation I just am not buying into the fear mongering... But to each there own... Best of Luck...
    It would be over 57 cans for me. No way will I be able to drink all that. I would be swimming. :noway:
  • n0ob
    n0ob Posts: 2,390 Member
    Nope, no soda period. This is a clean eating non GMO and organic household.

    And you realize that whey you consume has acesulfame potassium and sucralose right?
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    Aspartame is made up of 3 main ingredients- Phenylalanine, Methanol, Aspartic Acid. A 3-ounce portion of chicken contains about 1000 milligrams of phenylalanine and 8 ounces of skim milk has about 400 milligrams but a 12-ounce can of diet soda contains about 90 milligrams. Considering I eat 6 or 8 chicken breast a week easily, I don't think my 2 to 3 Diet Pepsi's are anything to scare me away from drinking it... If you have a condition like Phenylketonuria then by all means you should work to avoid it. The ADI for aspartame is 50 milligrams per kilogram of body weight so an adult would have to consume about 20 cans of diet soda a day and the ADI has always had a built in buffer so even if you went over it would not be life threatening but you have a serious issue if you are consuming 20+ cans of soda a day. Again in moderation I just am not buying into the fear mongering... But to each there own... Best of Luck...
    It would be over 57 cans for me. No way will I be able to drink all that. I would be swimming. :noway:

    Maybe my numbers were off. It might be 53 cans for me then.