Question for Atheists.

Have you had any unnecessary badgering from people wanting to change you, because they aren't exactly happy about your lack of belief on this website?
A couple of days ago, a woman messaged me and asked me if I had a moment to talk about Christ with her.. (Didn't know I was on .. and I politely told her that I was not interested. When she went on to ask me why, I made the mistake. I told her I wasn't religious, and it's just not something I'm interested in talking about.

That's when the "I will pray for you" comments.. I was polite about it, told her I wasn't interested, and then she started throwing her bibles and crucifixes at me.

Just wondering if you've had any issues on here.
I normally don't talk about what I do or don't believe in, but that was pretty much unavoidable. I'd rather let her know why I wasn't interested instead of ignoring her all together. I figured that would have been more rude.


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