Starting P90X/Insanity in February



  • proton77
    proton77 Posts: 409
    wait till you see the second month. it was pretty challenging in plank/push up land, and for some reason it always kills my obliques and there really isn't that much obvious oblique work in it. and then there is this hip opener pose/pulsing thing that i'll just let you wait and discover for yourself lol.

    LOL....can't wait to explore what the 2nd month is about :)
    Ok, last night i had shoulders and arms. i've been using this kind of steping stool to do the chair dips. a couple times in the past, i've kissed the lower step of the stool with my spine just barely. last night i slamed one of my lower vertibrae right on the lower step. made a crunchy, popy sound. sound alone would have made me cringe. it hurts today but i don't hink its serrious. i am going to find a chair instead lol.

    Ouch! I hit my lower back (right above the butt) falling straight from a bicycle one time. I still can remember the sharp pain and the 5 minute of nausea I experienced that day. I took a very long time to recover. Be careful there brother, be careful.
  • proton77
    proton77 Posts: 409
    Hope you all are pushing hard everyday! Don't wish for it, work for it!

    Last night I did pure cardio and cardio abs. Since my wife and sister-in-law were using my man-cave do their Insanity, I had to move my workout to foyer temporarily :) And it wasn't carpeted! I had been working out without wearing shoes so this was kind of a first for me that I have to put on shoes to workout.

    There was definitely more impact because of the tile floor even I had my shoes on. I could feel more impact. However, I was able to somehow push hard and jump higher!

    Well tonight is Plyo Cardio Circuit and rest day tomorrow YAY! I can't wait for the recovery week next week.
  • Cwyman1
    Cwyman1 Posts: 72 Member
    I'm on day 4 of week 3 doing P90X2. It's a bit different that P90X, in that it requires more balance by using a stability ball & medicine balls. But I'm liking it.

    Last year around this time of year I did a hybrid of P90X (strength training only) + running (for cardio). I had great results...lowering my BF% from 21% to 15%.

    Bring it!
  • proton77
    proton77 Posts: 409
    I'm on day 4 of week 3 doing P90X2. It's a bit different that P90X, in that it requires more balance by using a stability ball & medicine balls. But I'm liking it.

    Last year around this time of year I did a hybrid of P90X (strength training only) + running (for cardio). I had great results...lowering my BF% from 21% to 15%.

    Bring it!

    Great job on your hybrid! Keep pushing play my friend!
  • Justjamie0418
    Justjamie0418 Posts: 1,065 Member
    Hope you all are pushing hard everyday! Don't wish for it, work for it!

    Last night I did pure cardio and cardio abs. Since my wife and sister-in-law were using my man-cave do their Insanity, I had to move my workout to foyer temporarily :) And it wasn't carpeted! I had been working out without wearing shoes so this was kind of a first for me that I have to put on shoes to workout.

    There was definitely more impact because of the tile floor even I had my shoes on. I could feel more impact. However, I was able to somehow push hard and jump higher!

    Well tonight is Plyo Cardio Circuit and rest day tomorrow YAY! I can't wait for the recovery week next week.

    I always wondered what it would be like to use a real floor other than carpet, I tried to get the local YMCA to let me use a spare room with a DVD player in it to workout in.. this was when I did P90x... they wouldn't let me though.

    I did cardio recovery.. my legs shook just as bad as last time lol!
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member

    I always wondered what it would be like to use a real floor other than carpet, I tried to get the local YMCA to let me use a spare room with a DVD player in it to workout in.. this was when I did P90x... they wouldn't let me though.

    I did cardio recovery.. my legs shook just as bad as last time lol!

    i always get a little jealous when people say they can do thier workout dvds at the gym. then i think about how i must look during/after an insanity workout. sometimes... there's drool involved lol, there i said it. its not at all a pretty sight and that might actually cause me to hold back lol
  • proton77
    proton77 Posts: 409

    I always wondered what it would be like to use a real floor other than carpet, I tried to get the local YMCA to let me use a spare room with a DVD player in it to workout in.. this was when I did P90x... they wouldn't let me though.

    I did cardio recovery.. my legs shook just as bad as last time lol!

    i always get a little jealous when people say they can do thier workout dvds at the gym. then i think about how i must look during/after an insanity workout. sometimes... there's drool involved lol, there i said it. its not at all a pretty sight and that might actually cause me to hold back lol

    LOL... I wouldn't want to do Insanity workout in the public unless there are others doing it with me.
  • proton77
    proton77 Posts: 409
    Okay, last night I did the last insanity workout for the first month - plyo cardio circuit. Today is rest day. (I can really use some rest).

    Starting tomorrow I'll be doing core cardio and balance for a week before the 2nd month begins.

    Keep digging deep everyone!
  • allysonvb
    allysonvb Posts: 236 Member
    Pure cardio today, did pretty well except the jack push ups, my legs are pretty sore after three days. Tomorrow is cardio recovery- although I'm not sure Shaun T knows what recovery means! By the way, when I plugged this in to MFP, it came out as 666 calories! That's because it's the devil!!! I do like the program so far, though.
  • JSEquestrian
    I just started Insanity this week and was surprised I was pretty able to keep up for the most part. I have to do a few other things for some of the moves due to having limitations from my knee surgery and needing another surgery done. I hope I will be able to make it through the 60 day schedule and lose some serious weight and get my pre-baby body back!
  • allysonvb
    allysonvb Posts: 236 Member
    Thoughts on doing other cardio for recovery day? I'm not talking about rest day, I know that needs to be total rest. I miss my ARC trainer, and would like to do it one day. The recovery day seems the most logical. I'm curious what you all do.
  • proton77
    proton77 Posts: 409
    Pure cardio today, did pretty well except the jack push ups, my legs are pretty sore after three days. Tomorrow is cardio recovery- although I'm not sure Shaun T knows what recovery means! By the way, when I plugged this in to MFP, it came out as 666 calories! That's because it's the devil!!! I do like the program so far, though.

    Awesome burn for sure! Keep digging deep :)
  • proton77
    proton77 Posts: 409
    I just started Insanity this week and was surprised I was pretty able to keep up for the most part. I have to do a few other things for some of the moves due to having limitations from my knee surgery and needing another surgery done. I hope I will be able to make it through the 60 day schedule and lose some serious weight and get my pre-baby body back!

    Modification is important if you already had prior injury to your knees. You for sure don't want to injure it again :) Make sure you use measurement tape to track the inches as well because the scales don't always show the inches lost. Dig deep!!
  • proton77
    proton77 Posts: 409
    Thoughts on doing other cardio for recovery day? I'm not talking about rest day, I know that needs to be total rest. I miss my ARC trainer, and would like to do it one day. The recovery day seems the most logical. I'm curious what you all do.

    Do some stretches and maybe some weight training if you want to condition your muscle.
  • proton77
    proton77 Posts: 409
    Good morning!! I started the recovery week on Saturday so for the past 2 days, I did the Core Cardio and Balance DVD.

    The recovery workout is relatively slow pace than the other Insanity workout. It's also slightly shorter (~ 37 mins). For the most part the workout are pretty easy but each move is done in a slower manner so it felt like it worked on the muscles and core a bit more. I actually didn't break a sweat until after the stretching. The toughest moves were probably the last 2 -- the one-legged leg lift and pulses and the shoulder/arm circles and pulses (can't recall the names).

    Overall, I enjoyed it. I also added P90X ARX in the end to work on my abs a bit more. What did you guys do?
  • allysonvb
    allysonvb Posts: 236 Member
    Thoughts on doing other cardio for recovery day? I'm not talking about rest day, I know that needs to be total rest. I miss my ARC trainer, and would like to do it one day. The recovery day seems the most logical. I'm curious what you all do.

    Do some stretches and maybe some weight training if you want to condition your muscle.
    I decided to do both :) the extra cardio actually seemed to relieve some of the calf pain. I was really sore during Plyo yesterday, so I used a rolling pin afterward to soothe and distribute the LA. My calves have been good to go today. I'm done with week 1, on my rest day, so tomorrow starts week 2!
  • Justjamie0418
    Justjamie0418 Posts: 1,065 Member
    I cross posted this in another insanity group I guess I joined haha,

    OMG!!!!! I did the second fit test and blew that baby out of the freakin water! WOO HOO! and I lost an inch in my overnight (after my rest and day I ate a friggen cupcake.. go figure)

    eta my day1 fit test compared to todays!
    Day one Day 2
    Switch kicks 64 /// 80
    Power jacks 35 /// 48
    Power knees 70 /// 82..I think If I remember right!
    Power jumps 25 /// 34
    Globe jumps 6/// 9
    Suicide jumps 10 / // 14
    Push up jacks 3+15 normal pushups/// 14 PUSHUPJACKS!! and 10 normal pushups
    Low plank 40/// 45
  • proton77
    proton77 Posts: 409
    Thoughts on doing other cardio for recovery day? I'm not talking about rest day, I know that needs to be total rest. I miss my ARC trainer, and would like to do it one day. The recovery day seems the most logical. I'm curious what you all do.

    Do some stretches and maybe some weight training if you want to condition your muscle.
    I decided to do both :) the extra cardio actually seemed to relieve some of the calf pain. I was really sore during Plyo yesterday, so I used a rolling pin afterward to soothe and distribute the LA. My calves have been good to go today. I'm done with week 1, on my rest day, so tomorrow starts week 2!

    That's excellent! I've never used a rolling pin before. Does it help?
  • proton77
    proton77 Posts: 409
    I cross posted this in another insanity group I guess I joined haha,

    OMG!!!!! I did the second fit test and blew that baby out of the freakin water! WOO HOO! and I lost an inch in my overnight (after my rest and day I ate a friggen cupcake.. go figure)

    eta my day1 fit test compared to todays!
    Day one Day 2
    Switch kicks 64 /// 80
    Power jacks 35 /// 48
    Power knees 70 /// 82..I think If I remember right!
    Power jumps 25 /// 34
    Globe jumps 6/// 9
    Suicide jumps 10 / // 14
    Push up jacks 3+15 normal pushups/// 14 PUSHUPJACKS!! and 10 normal pushups
    Low plank 40/// 45

    Woop woop! Someone dug DEEP! :)

    Congrats on the improvement! I can't wait for my recovery week to be over so that I can start the second month!
  • proton77
    proton77 Posts: 409
    Happy Tuesday!! Well, last night was my day 3 of recovery. I again did the core cardio and balance. The shoulder pulses and arm lifts really burned! I tried not to lower my arms during that few minutes and kept telling myself "it's just a few more second...keep at're almost there". The burn didn't get better but it didn't get worse either :) I was able to do it all without taking breaks! I felt great after that and proud of myself.

    After the recovery workout, I did another 25 minutes of P90X shoulders and arms. As I've mentioned previously, I've been experimenting with Purple Wraath BCAA so I wanted to see if it could help me push harder. So far I like the result. I felt that my muscles were ready to go again after a short break. All in all, it was a great workout.

    Hope you all brought it!