Starting P90X/Insanity in February



  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    I decided to do both :) the extra cardio actually seemed to relieve some of the calf pain. I was really sore during Plyo yesterday, so I used a rolling pin afterward to soothe and distribute the LA. My calves have been good to go today. I'm done with week 1, on my rest day, so tomorrow starts week 2!

    That's excellent! I've never used a rolling pin before. Does it help?

    i assume he means that, but i guess a rolling pin is basically the same thing though lol. these have much, much more give though, for better or for worse. it claims to "maximize muscle growth', but i mean, its just a massager.

    i feel as though it was instrumental in helping me recover from a chronic lower back over use injury. i also bought one of the 'S' shaped things things that is much more versatile. The rolling pin isn't really going to be effective on every body part because of the design, but when you can use it, it feels SO GOOD!.

    I hear people raving about the foam roller that comes with p90x2 as well.
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    you can also get the rolling pin in different lengths and stiffness (that would probably only be cross brand though the stiffness) to better hit different parts.

    for instance you are going to need a pretty long one if you plan on using it yourself on your back. where as a smaller one might be better for calves.
  • proton77
    proton77 Posts: 409
    you can also get the rolling pin in different lengths and stiffness (that would probably only be cross brand though the stiffness) to better hit different parts.

    for instance you are going to need a pretty long one if you plan on using it yourself on your back. where as a smaller one might be better for calves.

    To be honest, I've never seen a rolling pin before LOL! I've heard about the rolling foam from p90x2 but I haven't started x2 so I don't know how one would use that :)
  • proton77
    proton77 Posts: 409
    Paxfaux just taught me something new!! I didn't know that you could actually create a group on MFP. So I did :)
  • allysonvb
    allysonvb Posts: 236 Member
    Thoughts on doing other cardio for recovery day? I'm not talking about rest day, I know that needs to be total rest. I miss my ARC trainer, and would like to do it one day. The recovery day seems the most logical. I'm curious what you all do.

    Do some stretches and maybe some weight training if you want to condition your muscle.
    I decided to do both :) the extra cardio actually seemed to relieve some of the calf pain. I was really sore during Plyo yesterday, so I used a rolling pin afterward to soothe and distribute the LA. My calves have been good to go today. I'm done with week 1, on my rest day, so tomorrow starts week 2!

    That's excellent! I've never used a rolling pin before. Does it help?
    I saw the fancy rolling pin that was posted and that will work, but I used the kitchen appliance one that I never use- regular old woodn rolling pin. It really helped a bunch! My calves are good, now it's my knees hurting a bit! Did Power cardio and resistance today. Killer.
  • Justjamie0418
    Justjamie0418 Posts: 1,065 Member
    My ankles are jacked..Im not sure what I did, the right hurts more than the left. On the plyo circuit tonight it just gave out on the level one drills. I tried using a brace on the right with moderate support and tape on the left. I had to stop ten minutes early...I was so pissed I almost cried. I drank a core power and iced it took aleve. What can i do? Can i just keep going?
  • proton77
    proton77 Posts: 409
    My ankles are jacked..Im not sure what I did, the right hurts more than the left. On the plyo circuit tonight it just gave out on the level one drills. I tried using a brace on the right with moderate support and tape on the left. I had to stop ten minutes early...I was so pissed I almost cried. I drank a core power and iced it took aleve. What can i do? Can i just keep going?

    If it hurts (and not just soreness), you need to rest. Nothing is more important that having your body ready to go again so don't push it when it's injured. Try to do some light stretching throughout the day and see if it helps. If you insist on doing some workout, you could try cardio recovery..or some moves from core cardio and balance.

    Hope you feel better :)
  • Justjamie0418
    Justjamie0418 Posts: 1,065 Member
    Thanks. They feel better today...the right one was very puffy and swollen last night after my workout. I am just so upset because I hadnt missed a day or pushed pause ever. I'm not losing weight but am losing inches. Im going to try again tonight..ive been icing it and taking the aleve.
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    i'd also suggest rest... but i probably wouldn't follow my own advice if i could stand up.

    consider modifying at least to minimize ankle impact, or skipping moves that cause pain altogether.

    just the fact that you have a brace suggest that you've injured it before, or its something chronic.

    I got an overuse injury in my back from using the elipticall over and over even after it started hurting my back. It took years to recover from this and its still a chronic thing...

    In short, swallowing your pride for a few days and trusting yourself to stay on the wagon is better then risking months/years of frustration and pain during exercise.

    but i def know how hard it is to sit on the bench when everything else is saying GO GO GO
  • Justjamie0418
    Justjamie0418 Posts: 1,065 Member
    I bought the brace and tape last night. I went out before my workout in hopes it would help. *sigh* it just sucks so bad. My husband hates that Im working out because he has no motivation he just says..see i told you you couldnt hack it...your body cant handle insanity. When I know I can do it. Gahhh.
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    oh i see. did the brace help?

    not sure if its something you want to wear if your doctor doesn't tell you too.

    shame on your husband for not being supportive... but if but if you end up getting hurt for real (if you haven't already) your going to feel a lot worse then skipping a week or a few days of workouts.

    but you have comendable work ethic