Afterlife: Is There Life After Death?



  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    Nope. you get a dirt nap and then you're worm food. I think the concept of an afterlife is just a crutch for people who are afraid of death being an absolute end.

    But why would anyone be afraid of "nothing"? No, I think it is much more likely that a human would be instinctively afraid of "something" that was wild and uncontrollable--like God. "The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom..." :smile:
    Or that humans want to feel special.
  • Bakkasan
    Bakkasan Posts: 1,027 Member
    But why would anyone be afraid of "nothing"? No, I think it is much more likely that a human would be instinctively afraid of "something" that was wild and uncontrollable--like God. "The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom..." :smile:

    The only fear of God comes from Zealots committing genocide based on what God said. It happens over and over in history and even now it is happening. Right this very minute.

    There is nothing wrong with God or the concept of a higher power to help us make sense of "why" but the scumbags who rape, murder, and steal in "his" name are the problem.
  • MrsBobaFett
    MrsBobaFett Posts: 802 Member

  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    Christianity was used by wealthy men to maintain power and control over others. Women were considered to be lower than cattle in the eyes of "God"..... and it's still used to exert power and control over ordinary people who need faith to make it through periods of heartache, loss, trials and tribulations....

    Everything is accidental, nothing is certain.....except death.

    I've almost finished reading the entire Bible and I haven't seen mention ANYWHERE in the Bible that God considers women to be lower than cattle...where do people like you come up this this crap?! ...Read it before you cast judgement on something you obviously know nothing about...
    It says men control over women (Genesis).
    Or that a woman who is raped should marry the rapist.
    Or that if a woman had premarital sex she should be stoned to death (but men can do whatever they want).

    Exactly. Women are property....with no freedom or rights...and if you understand what you're reading, it's all through there....I'm too busy to make this stuff up....

    Using the Old Testament to deny the existence of God is to misunderstand the cultural context of the Middle East. Objecting to the idea that a woman should marry the man who raped her is to leave her starving to death, because no other man would have her after that point. The conditions of the ancient Middle East were quite harsh for women---that part is true. But there is much in the Old Testament law that served to protect the interests of women. The Law of Moses gave them rights that they had not had before that point. Jesus came into that world and women adored and flocked to Him because He insisted that women be treated as equals---much to the shock of the scandalized religious authorities of His day. You should also know that Christians have always been at the forefront of the on-going campaign for the rights of women throughout the world. Christian missionaries are risking their lives in India and Islamic countries as they preach the gospel and work to secure the status of women in those cultures.
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    But why would anyone be afraid of "nothing"? No, I think it is much more likely that a human would be instinctively afraid of "something" that was wild and uncontrollable--like God. "The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom..." :smile:

    The only fear of God comes from Zealots committing genocide based on what God said. It happens over and over in history and even now it is happening. Right this very minute.

    There is nothing wrong with God or the concept of a higher power to help us make sense of "why" but the scumbags who rape, murder, and steal in "his" name are the problem.

    And Christians do this??? The definition of a Christian is not someone who adheres to a religious dogma, but one who follows Christ. He would NEVER countenance such things and He will severely punish those who use His name in vain.
  • coke_bottle
    coke_bottle Posts: 259 Member
    Simply put, no!! Which in my opinion would explain most people's fear of death, and fight for life. In addition I will add that there will be a final day of judgement for both the dead and living. So if you want to count ressurection from the dead to be judged as after life, then yes.:indifferent:
  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    Christianity was used by wealthy men to maintain power and control over others. Women were considered to be lower than cattle in the eyes of "God"..... and it's still used to exert power and control over ordinary people who need faith to make it through periods of heartache, loss, trials and tribulations....

    Everything is accidental, nothing is certain.....except death.

    I've almost finished reading the entire Bible and I haven't seen mention ANYWHERE in the Bible that God considers women to be lower than cattle...where do people like you come up this this crap?! ...Read it before you cast judgement on something you obviously know nothing about...
    It says men control over women (Genesis).
    Or that a woman who is raped should marry the rapist.
    Or that if a woman had premarital sex she should be stoned to death (but men can do whatever they want).

    Exactly. Women are property....with no freedom or rights...and if you understand what you're reading, it's all through there....I'm too busy to make this stuff up....

    Using the Old Testament to deny the existence of God is to misunderstand the cultural context of the Middle East. Objecting to the idea that a woman should marry the man who raped her is to leave her starving to death, because no other man would have her after that point. The conditions of the ancient Middle East were quite harsh for women---that part is true. But there is much in the Old Testament law that served to protect the interests of women. The Law of Moses gave them rights that they had not had before that point. Jesus came into that world and women adored and flocked to Him because He insisted that women be treated as equals---much to the shock of the scandalized religious authorities of His day. You should also know that Christians have always been at the forefront of the on-going campaign for the rights of women throughout the world. Christian missionaries are risking their lives in India and Islamic countries as they preach the gospel and work to secure the status of women in those cultures.
    So knowledgeable, yet you lack the basic understanding of a paragraph.

    Wall of text galore.
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    Nope. This is not a trial run. Make the best of this life. Get out and do those things you want to do, tell those people you care for how you feel. You will not get a second chance.
  • emstethem
    emstethem Posts: 263 Member
    Christianity was used by wealthy men to maintain power and control over others. Women were considered to be lower than cattle in the eyes of "God"..... and it's still used to exert power and control over ordinary people who need faith to make it through periods of heartache, loss, trials and tribulations....

    Everything is accidental, nothing is certain.....except death.

    I've almost finished reading the entire Bible and I haven't seen mention ANYWHERE in the Bible that God considers women to be lower than cattle...where do people like you come up this this crap?! ...Read it before you cast judgement on something you obviously know nothing about...
    They were talking about how women were treated at that time. They didn't mean passages in the Bible. Maybe you should practice what you preach before posting.

    You guys are absolutely right. :) Thank you for setting me straight and helping me to grow as a person. :)
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    Well...the King James Version of the Christian Bible says that "the dead are not conscious..." and that's in Ecclesiastes Chapter 9 Verse 5... Also in Ecclesiastes chapter 12 verse 7 the Bible mentions death: "Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it." ...

    But Jesus told the "thief on the cross", "Today, you will be with me in Paradise..." because of the thief's faith in Him. I think a better translation of the meaning of Ecclesiastes 9:5 is in the NLT which says: "The living at least know they will die, but the dead know nothing." The author of Ecclesiastes, is making the point in the context of this world and its "vanity" and that death comes to all. He very clearly affirms that there is something beyond death when he says, in conclusion, "God will judge us for everything we do, including every secret thing, whether good or bad." Ecc. 12:14 Judgment after death implies that there would be "something" remaining after death.
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    Christianity was used by wealthy men to maintain power and control over others. Women were considered to be lower than cattle in the eyes of "God"..... and it's still used to exert power and control over ordinary people who need faith to make it through periods of heartache, loss, trials and tribulations....

    Everything is accidental, nothing is certain.....except death.

    I've almost finished reading the entire Bible and I haven't seen mention ANYWHERE in the Bible that God considers women to be lower than cattle...where do people like you come up this this crap?! ...Read it before you cast judgement on something you obviously know nothing about...
    It says men control over women (Genesis).
    Or that a woman who is raped should marry the rapist.
    Or that if a woman had premarital sex she should be stoned to death (but men can do whatever they want).

    Exactly. Women are property....with no freedom or rights...and if you understand what you're reading, it's all through there....I'm too busy to make this stuff up....

    Using the Old Testament to deny the existence of God is to misunderstand the cultural context of the Middle East. Objecting to the idea that a woman should marry the man who raped her is to leave her starving to death, because no other man would have her after that point. The conditions of the ancient Middle East were quite harsh for women---that part is true. But there is much in the Old Testament law that served to protect the interests of women. The Law of Moses gave them rights that they had not had before that point. Jesus came into that world and women adored and flocked to Him because He insisted that women be treated as equals---much to the shock of the scandalized religious authorities of His day. You should also know that Christians have always been at the forefront of the on-going campaign for the rights of women throughout the world. Christian missionaries are risking their lives in India and Islamic countries as they preach the gospel and work to secure the status of women in those cultures.
    So knowledgeable, yet you lack the basic understanding of a paragraph.

    Wall of text galore.

    If I misunderstood, apologies to the poster. It is sometimes difficult to follow the train of someone's thinking when a short clip is quoted.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member
    So what does one do in heaven/afterlife? Run around nekkid and sing praising hymns all eternity? I mean, worship is what god wants right, so this goes on for eternity? Clear this up cause inquiring minds would like to know. Don't guess, actually tell me what happens after.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • zombilishious
    zombilishious Posts: 1,250 Member
    Christianity was used by wealthy men to maintain power and control over others. Women were considered to be lower than cattle in the eyes of "God"..... and it's still used to exert power and control over ordinary people who need faith to make it through periods of heartache, loss, trials and tribulations....

    Everything is accidental, nothing is certain.....except death.

    I've almost finished reading the entire Bible and I haven't seen mention ANYWHERE in the Bible that God considers women to be lower than cattle...where do people like you come up this this crap?! ...Read it before you cast judgement on something you obviously know nothing about...
    It says men control over women (Genesis).
    Or that a woman who is raped should marry the rapist.
    Or that if a woman had premarital sex she should be stoned to death (but men can do whatever they want).

    Exactly. Women are property....with no freedom or rights...and if you understand what you're reading, it's all through there....I'm too busy to make this stuff up....

    Using the Old Testament to deny the existence of God is to misunderstand the cultural context of the Middle East. Objecting to the idea that a woman should marry the man who raped her is to leave her starving to death, because no other man would have her after that point. The conditions of the ancient Middle East were quite harsh for women---that part is true. But there is much in the Old Testament law that served to protect the interests of women. The Law of Moses gave them rights that they had not had before that point. Jesus came into that world and women adored and flocked to Him because He insisted that women be treated as equals---much to the shock of the scandalized religious authorities of His day. You should also know that Christians have always been at the forefront of the on-going campaign for the rights of women throughout the world. Christian missionaries are risking their lives in India and Islamic countries as they preach the gospel and work to secure the status of women in those cultures.

    I didn't deny God, I denied religion...Christians as an organized religion have absolutely not been at the forefront of the on-going campaign for the rights of women throughout the world. Just look at the uproar over "ObamaCare"....Catholics are refusing to cover birth control for women...because it goes against religious teachings...but they cover VIAGRA.....women who have children out of wedlock are unable to take communion...but men who have children out of wedlock still can...Missionaries are voluntary servants who are the very people being controlled by this "faith".... I understand they go all over the world to convert people to christianity....but what they are teaching remains seriously flawed. And it's been my experience that the most "religious" individuals are also the most judgmental, closed-minded individuals who are unable to see a perspective other than that which they have been brainwashed into.

    As children, we internalize all of our parents' morals and values, but as we grow, we begin to choose which of those fit with our own personalities and beliefs, discarding those which do not fit and internalizing others gleaned from external sources. Organized religion's "spiritual growth" is the exact opposite of evolutionary maturation. It requires deeper internalization of a specific set of values without choice.

    As long as there are churches like this:

    While people in the world live like this:

    Then I will have a problem with religion...

    Existentialism - everything is an accident. The only thing you can be certain of is death.

    Edit - this is a photo of a family living in AMERICA that was taken in 2010....
  • joycebug
    joycebug Posts: 309
    Just stop dude, seriously.

    If you don't like what someone posts, then don't invade the thread...rude.

    And I'd like to think we come back to make things right... hope I'm not a tree in my next life.
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    Nope. you get a dirt nap and then you're worm food. I think the concept of an afterlife is just a crutch for people who are afraid of death being an absolute end.

    But why would anyone be afraid of "nothing"? No, I think it is much more likely that a human would be instinctively afraid of "something" that was wild and uncontrollable--like God. "The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom..." :smile:
    Or that humans want to feel special.

    No, we ARE special. In all our investigations of space, why is there so little (if any) evidence of other life, let alone intelligent life? If we were nothing special, surely the universe would be teeming with life and so far, our investigations have come up with nada...except here on Earth (although that point is debatable at times). Why is Earth so special? Because we are--just as God said.
  • SeaRunner26
    SeaRunner26 Posts: 5,143 Member
    Dear God, I certainly hope so because life before death has kind of sucked.
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    So what does one do in heaven/afterlife? Run around nekkid and sing praising hymns all eternity? I mean, worship is what god wants right, so this goes on for eternity? Clear this up cause inquiring minds would like to know. Don't guess, actually tell me what happens after.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    God wants us to worship Him because He knows that is part of our being. He made us capable of worship as part of the goodness and humility that He requires. We have Jesus' assurances that one's future in heaven will be glorious--wonderful beyond description. That is enough for me. As for being "nekkid", we are told that we will be "clothed in righteousness" and given white robes to wear (see the Book of Revelation). :wink:
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member
    No, we ARE special. In all our investigations of space, why is there so little (if any) evidence of other life, let alone intelligent life? If we were nothing special, surely the universe would be teeming with life and so far, our investigations have come up with nada...except here on Earth (although that point is debatable at times). Why is Earth so special? Because we are--just as God said.
    Our Solar system (big as we see it) is just a spot in the Universe. Just for reference. Go to the beach and grab a handful of sand. Each grain of sand in your hand would represent a star. That would represent OUR Milky Way galaxy.
    Every beach on Earth still WOULDN'T have enough grains of sand to represent how many stars are out there. We as humans can barely tell if there's life from a few miles away just using our senses.
    We've only just researched what we CAN reach, so to say that just because WE haven't discovered more, DOESN'T mean that other life out there similar to ours doesn't exist.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    Christianity was used by wealthy men to maintain power and control over others. Women were considered to be lower than cattle in the eyes of "God"..... and it's still used to exert power and control over ordinary people who need faith to make it through periods of heartache, loss, trials and tribulations....

    Everything is accidental, nothing is certain.....except death.

    I've almost finished reading the entire Bible and I haven't seen mention ANYWHERE in the Bible that God considers women to be lower than cattle...where do people like you come up this this crap?! ...Read it before you cast judgement on something you obviously know nothing about...
    It says men control over women (Genesis).
    Or that a woman who is raped should marry the rapist.
    Or that if a woman had premarital sex she should be stoned to death (but men can do whatever they want).

    Exactly. Women are property....with no freedom or rights...and if you understand what you're reading, it's all through there....I'm too busy to make this stuff up....

    Using the Old Testament to deny the existence of God is to misunderstand the cultural context of the Middle East. Objecting to the idea that a woman should marry the man who raped her is to leave her starving to death, because no other man would have her after that point. The conditions of the ancient Middle East were quite harsh for women---that part is true. But there is much in the Old Testament law that served to protect the interests of women. The Law of Moses gave them rights that they had not had before that point. Jesus came into that world and women adored and flocked to Him because He insisted that women be treated as equals---much to the shock of the scandalized religious authorities of His day. You should also know that Christians have always been at the forefront of the on-going campaign for the rights of women throughout the world. Christian missionaries are risking their lives in India and Islamic countries as they preach the gospel and work to secure the status of women in those cultures.

    I didn't deny God, I denied religion...Christians as an organized religion have absolutely not been at the forefront of the on-going campaign for the rights of women throughout the world. Just look at the uproar over "ObamaCare"....Catholics are refusing to cover birth control for women...because it goes against religious teachings...but they cover VIAGRA.....women who have children out of wedlock are unable to take communion...but men who have children out of wedlock still can...Missionaries are voluntary servants who are the very people being controlled by this "faith".... I understand they go all over the world to convert people to christianity....but what they are teaching remains seriously flawed. And it's been my experience that the most "religious" individuals are also the most judgmental, closed-minded individuals who are unable to see a perspective other than that which they have been brainwashed into.

    As children, we internalize all of our parents' morals and values, but as we grow, we begin to choose which of those fit with our own personalities and beliefs, discarding those which do not fit and internalizing others gleaned from external sources. Organized religion's "spiritual growth" is the exact opposite of evolutionary maturation. It requires deeper internalization of a specific set of values without choice.

    As long as there are churches like this:

    While people in the world live like this:

    Then I will have a problem with religion...

    Existentialism - everything is an accident. The only thing you can be certain of is death.

    Edit - this is a photo of a family living in AMERICA that was taken in 2010....

    I would be the last person on earth to try to justify the excesses of the Roman Church. Religion has been a deadly force from the beginning. Faith sets itself against religion.
  • darkguardian419
    darkguardian419 Posts: 1,302 Member
    A fear of death with nothing after... helping to promote religion since the dawn of time.

    ETA: IBTL :D
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