Over 200 Club New Year New Me Part 11

Gals I broke and ate pizza this weekend.I have been hoarse and tired all weekend because of allergies but I am feeling a bit better this morning.My weight is up 4 pounds but I am not letting it bother me because I know it will go back down.I know its just because of all the water my body is holding on to because of me being sick. I didn't overeat and I ran yesterday at the park.I ran around the park twice and thats equal to 4 miles and boy was I out of breath but I did it I pushed threw.I hope everyone has a great week and I will check in later.I am off to run for an hour on my elliptical cause its raining


  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Happy Monday everyone.
    Started off this week on the wrong foot but I've already redeemed myself. I slept in 30 minutes instead of getting up to exercise because I stayed up too late last night (3am). Staying up late wasn't my idea, though.
    But, this morning I came into work and was faced with spice cake with caramel icing, vanilla cupcakes, KK doughnuts, Chick-Fil-A Chicken Minis, chips, grits casserole (okay, can you tell I'm in SC yet? :laugh:), and MORE. :noway: There was a ridiculous amount of food for a coworker's birthday. So I walked into the conference room and got a little plate of fruit. We're all sitting at a table (There are about 10 of us in my dept here today) and people kept passing me cake, and I kept passing it on and I intentionally ended up without a piece. Then birthday boy (lol, he's 78 today, yes I said *seventy-eight*!) told me his feelings would be hurt if I didn't have a piece. So I told him I'd have a bite. So he cuts me a HUGE piece of cake. :indifferent: And I ate A BITE. :laugh: And the rest of it is sitting behind me on my desk. I may have another *bite* at lunch but then it's going in the trash. I don't have to eat it just because it's there. I don't have to eat it just because it's there. I don't have to eat it just...
    I came back to my desk and ate my oatmeal & peanut butter so I wouldn't be tempted with any of the leftovers that will be sitting 15 feet away from me all day.

    And you know what? To be honest, I don't even want any of it. Every time someone grabbed a doughnut my mind just screamed "OMG, 300 CALORIES!!" The cake was made with applesauce instead of oil, but that caramel icing is, like all frosting, pure sugar. Chicken minis? Well, sure they're delicious, but worth 80 calories each (and they're maybe 2 bites worth)? Not today. It all just seems kind of gross to me. :huh:
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    GOOD MORNING GIRLS!!! AND Welcome to all the new members

    WOW! What an active group we had here this past weekend?!?!

    First CONGRAGULATIONS to CRIS on your engagement :)

    BLUENOTE: I hope you are feeling better this week...a whole new week and a new beginning. Don't let last week's bad moment mess up what you have accomplished...a 60 pound weight loss...keep it up..I am rooting for you :heart:

    Little spy: wow girl size 4...i don't think i will ever fit a 4...i am aiming for size 8...but it you put you mind to it - you can do anything. lol

    Awestfall: Don't worry about what the scale reads today...you know you followed the plan, with miner setback..but not enough to gain 4 pounds..they will fall off before you know it.

    Meokk: Congrate on being the biggest loser of the week...Not sure about the challenge...I have never tried Pilaties. I will search for pilaties for beginners and i hope it's not hard..lol

    for everyone i missed..sorry...I will check back later..i have to go log in all the food i ate for the weekend...don't worry i was a good girl.
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    Checking in yesterday - Sunday

    Calories- on target
    Water - none :(
    Exercise - raked the yard
    Proud: made a turkey & chicken breast so I can have sandwiches this week instead of deli meat
  • crispy1990
    Gals I broke and ate pizza this weekend.I have been hoarse and tired all weekend because of allergies but I am feeling a bit better this morning.My weight is up 4 pounds but I am not letting it bother me because I know it will go back down.I know its just because of all the water my body is holding on to because of me being sick. I didn't overeat and I ran yesterday at the park.I ran around the park twice and thats equal to 4 miles and boy was I out of breath but I did it I pushed threw.I hope everyone has a great week and I will check in later.I am off to run for an hour on my elliptical cause its raining

    just stumbled on this thread.............. can I join you please :flowerforyou:

    Your post caught my eye....... because I too would like to be substantially lighter come my birthday on 30th July :happy: 50lbs would be awesome but seems a very long way away. I am currently weighing in at 207 and have lost 9lbs so far using this site.
    But have just had a weekend away and although I didn't pig out, i certainly went way over my allowance. :laugh:

    Happy Monday to you all
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    I apologize in advance because this is going to be looong:blushing:

    First of all, THANK YOU SOOO MUCH FOR ALL THE BDAY WISHES AND CONGRATS! Have I told you all that I love you?! I truly feel like you are all my good friends :love: :flowerforyou:

    jlb- Congrats on the cute new clothes in waay smaller sizes. Knowing you, they will be too big for you soon and then you are going to be telling us about buying size 2s:laugh: You made me tear up when you said you teared up about me being engaged. Thats so sweet, thank you! As for the situps and other challenges, Ive been slacking too. Im back to it today thoug :happy: Good luck with all those temptation today!
    mstahl- :laugh: :laugh: about not brushing your teeth before the weigh in. I finally saw a 219 pre and post teeth brushing so I logged it! Congrats on your 30lbs and lowest weight ever! Good luck this week with your BL competition
    meook- yes I am sooo giddy! As for the challenge...lol maybe it was a bad idea turning it over to u...pilates! ugh! Ill do it though!:noway: :laugh:
    Momma- We'll keep you motivated to be looking your best by your bday!
    Awestfall- Wow you ran 4 miles?! Congrats! I hope you feeling better!

    checking in for the weekend:
    calories- over by 72 on sat and under by 10 on sunday
    water- uhm I think I did ok both days but not nearly as much as usual
    excercise- nope
    sodium- 1701 sat and 1615 sun (I think its higher but thats what MFP is saying)
    proud- I did enjoy my bday with some "bad' food like McDonalds, beer, and a cheeseburger at the cook out I went to but I logged it all and managed to not stray too far from my calories. Im also not letting it ruin my week, just gotta work twice as hard this week.

    Tomorrow is my weigh in and measurements for the BL at the gym! Ill let you all know how it goes!

    Oh and I found out that my 5 year college reunion is May 1st..Im bummed cause I'll be like 20lbs heavier than I was at school and I dunno if I even want to go becasue of it...

    Oh, and BF didnt buy me a ring...he wants me to pick it out mtself so we are going shopping for it tomorrow! Yay! :love: :heart:
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Welcome Crispy and all the other newcomers that I missed this weekend!!!

    We'd be glad to have you join us!

    we check in daily with our calories, water in take, excercise, and list something we are proud of. Weigh ins are on Friday and the biggest loser gets to make a challenge for the week. This week's challenge is to try/do pilates!

    Hope to ge to know you better!

  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Gals I broke and ate pizza this weekend.I have been hoarse and tired all weekend because of allergies but I am feeling a bit better this morning.My weight is up 4 pounds but I am not letting it bother me because I know it will go back down.I know its just because of all the water my body is holding on to because of me being sick. I didn't overeat and I ran yesterday at the park.I ran around the park twice and thats equal to 4 miles and boy was I out of breath but I did it I pushed threw.I hope everyone has a great week and I will check in later.I am off to run for an hour on my elliptical cause its raining

    just stumbled on this thread.............. can I join you please :flowerforyou:

    Your post caught my eye....... because I too would like to be substantially lighter come my birthday on 30th July :happy: 50lbs would be awesome but seems a very long way away. I am currently weighing in at 207 and have lost 9lbs so far using this site.
    But have just had a weekend away and although I didn't pig out, i certainly went way over my allowance. :laugh:

    Happy Monday to you all
    You just joined Karen!! We weigh in on fridays and we have weekly challenges ,and we check in daily to show calories for the day,water,exercise,and something we are proud of
  • jesyka
    jesyka Posts: 141 Member
    Hi! I'm new to this thread and new to MFP. I look forward to achieving some great results with this site and getting to know everyone as we all become the UNDER 200 club :)
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    I got up too late to get on my elliptical before going to the gym for my Spinning class - but plenty of time to get to the gym on time. Somehow by the time I smushed my gym bag into the locker and got to the Spinning room it was 6:18 and the door was locked :( I was three minutes late and I have no excuse!

    I went up to the indoor track where my DH was walking and did Week 2 Day 2 of the 5K101 =-) I'm so proud of my self it's silly! :bigsmile: I'm excited every time I jog and no walkers pass me :laugh: The 2nd week is 2.5 minutes of jogging and 2.5 minutes of walking (5 cycles) with a five minutes warm-up walk and a five minute cool-down walk. I pause the program after the warm-up and stretch out before continuing to the first jog - this seems to help make it a little less painful! If I do this on Wednesday I'll be able to move on to week 3 Friday!!! Week 3 is 3 minutes of jogging and 2 minutes of walking (5 cycles) which means I'll have 15 minutes of jogging total that day and that seems CRAZY!

    After the 5K101 program I got on an exercise bike and put in 25 minutes - then hit the showers and changed for work. Considering how exhausted I was after putting in 25 minutes on the bike, I'm guessing I couldn't have managed the 5K101 after an HOUR of Spinning class!

    I'm feeling all queasy now and light headed so I suspect I may have the stomach bug that seems to be going around the office.:huh:

    And on that note I'm going to pack up and head for home - I sure hate burning a day off but I'm not getting anything done here.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Whew, that took a while to get caught up on my reading...

    Sutts, cutejelly, crispy1990 and jesyka: Welcome to our amazing group of phenomenal women!

    mstahl: I'm excited about the horse you're getting for your granddaughter to work with this summer. She will be hooked instantly and she'll probably never want to leave! You and your husband are amazing for giving her such a fantastic opportunity. I didn't do any riding this weekend because it will take me several hours to groom my horse so she's not black anymore (she's supposed to be light gray), so that's on the agenda for this week. Oh, and congrats on seeing the 181 on the scale. Run with it!

    Bluenote: I'm going to reiterate what everyone else said about you belonging here. Even though I originally thought I didn't belong because I've never had 100 lbs. to lose, you all welcomed me and have become my friends. I'm glad to hear you're feeling better after your mani and pedi and I hope that you feel even more amazing after your massage.

    Meokk: I love, love, love the song you wrote. I wish I had creativity like that! And I love the pilates challenge because that would be something I've never tried. Luckily my boyfriend has Comcast, which has a ton of workout videos so I should be able to find one to try.

    Momma2four: It sounds like you have a wonderful husband. I'm glad he doesn't want anyone, even you, saying anything bad about you. He's a keeper!

    Cris: CONGRATS on your engagement! I also became a bit teary-eyed reading it, while my jaw dropped. I couldn't be happier for you! Have fun picking out your ring because you deserve the best!

    Littlespy: I love that you're comfortably in a size 14 now. It won't be long at all and you'll be smokin' hot in size 12s AND be under 200. It's great that you and your boyfriend will be playing tennis together because it's so much fun and can be as serious or as goofy as you want it to be. My boyfriend and I started playing singles tennis together last year, for fun, and will be doing so again this year even though we're both pretty bad at it!

    So this weekend I thought I did better than I actually did because we were active and only ate out once! But, I still managed to go over calories on Saturday, even with the three hours of hiking at state parks. I guess sloppy joes aren't good for me! Oh, well.

    Tonight is the final weigh in for the weight loss challenge and I don't think I have a chance. My weight this morning was 193.2, so not good there. I'm praying that I lost some serious inches with all of the exercising over the past week.

    Have a great day!
  • MariSama44
    MariSama44 Posts: 340 Member
    Wow, I missed a whole lot in two days...I think everyone here deserves congrats and alot of love for being a part of the most supportive and best group on MFP! :flowerforyou: :drinker: Its really great to see everyone supporting one another, especially on the journeys we're taking AT THE SAME TIME as we live our lives and deal with the every day drama. I just wanted to take a moment to say how impressed I am of everyone in this group, how brave you all are for taking on such a big role and responcibility of being healthy and taking care of yourselves, while at the same time being able to juggle obligations to others and the trials of everyday life.

    Welcome crispy, jeskya, Sutts and cutejelly! you're in for a treat, this group is the bomb.

    Bluenote: Sometimes I feel the same way, but you just have to ask for encouragement when you need it. Goodness knows there's plenty of it around here :bigsmile: Us big girls need all the help we can get. whether its 30 or 300 pounds, its a journey none the less and the more support you have the better you'll do. :flowerforyou:

    Cris: OMG I'm so happy for you and I'm so sad that I wasnt on MFP when you announced your engagement! :drinker: Here's to you and your fiance! I'm so happy for you!

    Everyone else, again, way to go and thanks for being here for everonye else. its an important job!

    In other news, I was bad and didnt log this weekend very much..but on sunday I found out that I know when to stop eating now. I know that only one item or one bite is enough for a taste. I dont HAVE to eat 3 buscuits to be satisfied. I dont HAVE to have a whole peice of cheesecake. I dont HAVE to have a huge peice of meat at a meal if I dont feel like it. I can get full on soup and salad and control my eating without much struggling. This is huge for me. I was a notorious overeater when I was unhealthy. Now that I understand what my body needs, I actualy get sick when I'm overstuffed now, where as before I thought it was normal. This is huge for me! :drinker:

    Also, i'm very proud to say I spent some time this weekend going through my closet, both at my parent's house and at my apartment. I found 4 pairs of "new" jeans! and I can even fit a size 20 that I found! Of course they're slightly uncomfortable right now so I'll give it a few more weeks before I integrate that pair into my wardrobe. I'm giving away all my huge pants and old tshirts that I dont want anymore and clearing out space for some SKINNY CLOTHES. :laugh: :bigsmile: Its been truly rewarding to "go shopping" through my old wardrobe and wear things I could only wear back in 2005-6. And even better to say BYE BYE to some dumpy size 26's and 24's! I am so PUMPED ladies! Plus my body has been aching all weekend from a particularly fuffilling gym day on friday! i'm making headway and it feels great.

    That's all for now. I should get back to work. :grumble: I'll be around...
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    *******************WARNING........longwinded today had a cup of coffee******************************************

    Welcome to all of our new comers!!! You are going to love it here. Good morning ladies, I guess I am a little late wishing all my east coasters a good morning so good afternoon to you ladies. You guys are so active in the morning while I am asleep. I get up a 6 a.m. You all have already been to work 1 hour and chit chatting with each other.

    I took all the my babies to school, then I took the little man for a walk. We walked to the park and while he played on the equipment I did laps around the playground itself, Not the park too scared to be that far from my son. Anyways guess what I did!!! I would walk around the playground then I would run half way around. YES run. I would run for about 30 seconds my goal is to build up to what jlb,cris, heather are doing. I am so excited. I was RUNNING. I was applauding myself as I ran or at least my fat was clapping for me.:laugh: :laugh: I am so excited. jlb,cris and heather you have inspired me.

    By the way thanks girls for ecouraging me and I know I can put a big dent in my goal by my birthday in Sept. I know I can.

    Okay ladies, as we begin to embark on this pilates adventure I say "Lets engage our powerhouse" My daughter and I had been doing pilates for a few weeks when I recieved that phone call a month ago that turned my world upside down and we got out of the habit so I am glad to get back into it. Although I must say that every time that instructor says lets engage power house I wanted to kill her.:laugh:

    awestfall, you keep up the good attitude and I am so proud of you for sticking with this. Thanks for getting us a new forum all fresh and new. You are the best and I am so glad you are here.

    mstahl, you will have to tell me about the running program you are doing. Is it a little less agressive than the couch to 5k?

    heather, I hope you lose a ton of inches at the bl contest.

    cris take a pic of that new ring and show it to us. When My husband and I got married we were so poor. My mother inlaw gave my husband a wedding band to give to me that she had. It is just a band with diamonds around it I am not even sure it is really a wedding band, it is very pretty and we could not have afforded to buy it. I bought him a cheap wedding band from wal mart. After we had been married a few years I upgraded his band but the one his mother gave him was just too pretty and nice to want anything else. My husband has kept his cheap little wedding band I paid $75 for in his jewlery box ! Kinda special cause we were so poor at that time and still wanted to be married to each other. Thankfully we are no longer that poor:laugh: :laugh: Don't get me wrong with 4 children we still can't afford anything but at least we are not that poor.
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    I was applauding myself as I ran or at least my fat was clapping for me.:laugh: :laugh:

    Although I must say that every time that instructor says lets engage power house I wanted to kill her.:laugh:

    ROFL Momma!!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Welcome to the best thread on the planet, newcomers! :flowerforyou:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Mari: Congrats on being able to get rid of the size 24 and 26 pants! It's so much fun being able to fit into smaller clothes and even better finding things you used to love and can wear AGAIN! Keep up the awesome job!

    Momma2four: I am so proud of you for running! Thank you for your support regarding my BL weigh in tonight. I'm going to prepare for the worst, so anything will be progress. I sure would enjoy the money, though!

    Cris: I agree with Momma that you need to take a pic of your ring to share with us once you get it! I can't even imagine how excited you must be...waiting six years and being down about your birthday when BAM! he proposes. I just love it!
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    *******************WARNING........longwinded today had a cup of coffee******************************************

    Welcome to all of our new comers!!! You are going to love it here. Good morning ladies, I guess I am a little late wishing all my east coasters a good morning so good afternoon to you ladies. You guys are so active in the morning while I am asleep. I get up a 6 a.m. You all have already been to work 1 hour and chit chatting with each other.

    I took all the my babies to school, then I took the little man for a walk. We walked to the park and while he played on the equipment I did laps around the playground itself, Not the park too scared to be that far from my son. Anyways guess what I did!!! I would walk around the playground then I would run half way around. YES run. I would run for about 30 seconds my goal is to build up to what jlb,cris, heather are doing. I am so excited. I was RUNNING. I was applauding myself as I ran or at least my fat was clapping for me.:laugh: :laugh: I am so excited. jlb,cris and heather you have inspired me.

    By the way thanks girls for ecouraging me and I know I can put a big dent in my goal by my birthday in Sept. I know I can.

    Okay ladies, as we begin to embark on this pilates adventure I say "Lets engage our powerhouse" My daughter and I had been doing pilates for a few weeks when I recieved that phone call a month ago that turned my world upside down and we got out of the habit so I am glad to get back into it. Although I must say that every time that instructor says lets engage power house I wanted to kill her.:laugh:

    awestfall, you keep up the good attitude and I am so proud of you for sticking with this. Thanks for getting us a new forum all fresh and new. You are the best and I am so glad you are here.

    mstahl, you will have to tell me about the running program you are doing. Is it a little less agressive than the couch to 5k?

    heather, I hope you lose a ton of inches at the bl contest.

    cris take a pic of that new ring and show it to us. When My husband and I got married we were so poor. My mother inlaw gave my husband a wedding band to give to me that she had. It is just a band with diamonds around it I am not even sure it is really a wedding band, it is very pretty and we could not have afforded to buy it. I bought him a cheap wedding band from wal mart. After we had been married a few years I upgraded his band but the one his mother gave him was just too pretty and nice to want anything else. My husband has kept his cheap little wedding band I paid $75 for in his jewlery box ! Kinda special cause we were so poor at that time and still wanted to be married to each other. Thankfully we are no longer that poor:laugh: :laugh: Don't get me wrong with 4 children we still can't afford anything but at least we are not that poor.
    That is amazing momma that you ran today.Keep up the great work soon you will be running just like me,cris,heather and jbl.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Happy monday everyone.

    Mari - WTG on getting rid of thw 24's and 26's..hopefully one day i will...I am still wearing my 26's even though they are too big..like feeling comfy..but I am thinking somtime soon i will need to get rid of them

    Momma - WTG On the running around the playgound...I ran in place for 3 minutes today on the wii...does that count as runnning

    jib - WTG on passing all that crud...I guess that is the good thing of me working from home, not celebration goodies...When I was in the office we had a girl who brought stuff ALL THE TIME.

    It was too cold to go walking today so instead i did wii...now i new it was a long time since i have done it but was shocked when my wii fit told me it was 53 days since I had been on last...yes 53.....but on the good side I weighed less (by .9 lbs) than the last time i was on...

    I have about 4 weeks till my birthday and I am determined to be in the 270's before my bday i am i am i am...
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    lildebbie: The important part is not the 53 days you were away from the Wii, but that you're back at it today. Way to go on weighing less than last time, too! You WILL be in the 270s by your birthday because I said so! Well, mostly because we're all here to support you and cheer you on (and because I said so, darn it!)!
  • lucky1ns
    lucky1ns Posts: 358 Member
    Hi everyone, I weighed in at 199 today for the first time since 2008.

    I changed my goal weight from 155 to 163 to make an even 50 lb loss.

    I remember from the last time I lost alot of weight that I sort of set myself up to fail by setting my goal too low.

    I was almost there and was so frustrated that I let myself gain because I figured I was not "there" yet anyway so what difference did it make.

    When actually, I looked and felt pretty good at 8 lbs over goal.

    So this time I am giving myself permission to feel good at a higher weight in order to call it my goal and stay there for awhile!

    Does that make sense?

    Have a good week!