Over 200 Club New Year New Me Part 11



  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Awestfall - I've been around 186 all month. As you see I totally celebrate my lows but I'm ignoring my highs. I was 191 the other day. I know I can't gain ten pounds of fat just by eating up around my maintenance a couple days. OK I ate over 3000 calories one day but STILL not going to make a ten pound gain. No way. Not going to happen! Stop focusing on those random high water weights and focus on your lowest numbers a week!

    Is it time for a family meeting? To talk about how you feel badly with your allergies and you are busting your butt to lose weight and that when you're feeling week you really need your family to be there to help you? I bet your husband or oldest daughter could make dinner a couple times a week! When my grandsons were 10 I taught them how to roast a chicken (slather it with olive oil, Italian seasoning and salt substitute and put it breast side down in a 375 oven for thirty minutes, turn it over using wads of paper towels and let it go another 15 then have mom check the temp) I also showed them how to take frozen veggies and add a little water and steam them in the microwave. Sure they're messy but they could roast a chicken and serve it with steamed CA blend! Not bad! Instant sugar free pudding deserts are easy - as is boil-n-bag brown rice!

    Asking your family for help is a GOOD thing- it teaches them to be supportive, and it also is good for you to ask for support. It's good to have your family learn that it's healthy to ask for help before you HAVE to have help. (see somehow I'm guessing you don't like to ask for help?)

    You are working harder than anyone I know, and you deserve to see the results you're working for. Don't let life sabotage you and don't let you sabotage yourself by exhausting yourself.

    :smooched: :heart: :heart: Love yourself and be proud of all you are doing cause we sure are!!!:bigsmile: :smooched: :heart: :heart: :smooched:
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Hi Awestfall,
    OK it is IMPOSSIBLE that you gained 7 lbs of fat in 3 days !!!!!!!
    You would have to have eaten 24,500 extra calories over the weekend to accomplish that :laugh:

    Please remember that fatigued muscles retain water as well as the sodium etc....
    You have been doing so much exercise that I know you must be losing inches even if the scale is your enemy .
    Oh, maybe it's the scale !!!!! Mine is so fickle, if I lean to the left I weight more than if I lean to the right :bigsmile:

    Welcome to Katiemae, you will love it here
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Awestfall -- Listen to me very carefully.


    I'm not even joking. Throw it away now.

    Now, if you're just whining, I understand, and we're all here to listen. But if seeing your weight fluctuate honestly bothers you as much as it seems like it bothers you, I think you are doing yourself a horrible disservice by ever even stepping foot on a scale. You're awesome! Didn't you just run 4 miles the other day? Could you do that a month ago?

    I'm still struggling with my weightloss stalling, too. I do understand where you are.
    Though, when I'm really honest with myself, I can see some good reasons I'm not losing as much as I think I could be. I'm not nearly as dedicated to exercise as I was a few months ago. I miss a workout here and there, probably 2-3 seperate workouts a week at this point -- that adds up to a lot of calories not burned. Plus, I don't think I'm eating as many fruits and veggies as I was before. I feel better when I eat more protein, so I guess that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make right now. Also, I let myself slip a lot more -- I had unplanned Chinese food this weekend. The weekend before that I had Thai food and a sandwich from a local place. That's eating out 3 times in like 8 days. I NEVER would've done that 4 months ago. My bf keeps buying chips -- I'll occasionally have a few (like half a serving) -- NEVER would've done that, either. I can't freaking keep my finger out of the stupid jar of peanut butter. I actually had to stop buying Peanut Butter Co. peanut butter because I have made it very clear to myself that I can't have it around and be responsible about consuming it! :laugh: But, the thing is, that's how this will be for the rest of my life. So, maybe I'm being a little less strict with myself, but I'm still being healthy overall. I just have to keep in mind that since I'm being more lax with myself, I can't expect to keep losing weight at the rate I was before, especially when it's compounded by the fact that I have significantly less weight to lose than I did when i started. I'm not trying to insinuate you may be unconsciously having these same types of issues & that's why you're not making much progress. I'm just giving and example of what I'm doing to come to terms with this plateau which has happened just 6 pounds after the last one.

    Today I started 30 Day Shred. Amping up my exercise intensity and changing the muscles I've been using. I'm going to start *trying* to eat more cleanly, adding in more fruits in veggies in place of other carbs like potatoes & pasta more often. I've already increased my calories for the 2nd time and since I haven't gained any weight since doing that over a week ago, I think that was the right decision so far.

    We're doing this.
    Everyone who has been here for a while -- LOOK AT OUR TICKERS! We're *awesome* and I'd venture to say we're one of the most successful groups, in terms of pounds lost AND support, on MFP! I really think we are!

    Edit: Wow, and when thinking about all of the horrible stuff I do now that I didn't do a few months ago, I realized one huge thing that I did a few months ago that I don't do now -- FAST FOOD! I haven't eaten it... like.. at all this year. The last time I ate any fast food was Christmas Eve when my bf talked me into a fast food chicken sandwich because I was so busy making dinner (it was one of those clean & cook all day days). 3 months without fast food -- not because of self-restraint, but because I haven't wanted any. That's real and lasting progress you can't see on a scale. :wink:
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Well, I lost four of the six I gained over the binge week. Which goes to show you that there is NO WAY that was fat.
    Awestfall, I am going to post some info that I was given on another thread. It makes total sense and comes from a med student. I was crabbing over my six pound gain over last week, saying that I drink my 64 oz. of water, etc., all the right things and why is it so easy to put on but will take me a month to get off, and here is how she responded:

    "Several things...the 64oz is an estimate of what amount of water you need to replace what is lost in a day. So, in reality, you need to drink more than 64oz.

    Also, to truly gain 5lbs of fat, you'd have to ingest 17500 extra calories in those 3 days. When you binge on the extra carbs (I assume you aren't being naughty by eating half a cow) you hold on to that until your body does something with it. Meanwhile as that glycogen is store in your liver, so is the water with it. Plus, it can take a bit to flush the extra salt and such out as well.

    Or, if your naughty times are with things lacking fiber, you could be retaining that extra food down south. The new fiber from your healthy time will clear that out. "

    I hope that helps. It sure calmed me down. Now, am I still disappointed in myself for the binge? Yes. But that is part of life and I have to spin forward. I personally am upping my water to 80 oz. a day this week and adding fiber to my goals.
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    To add to Bluenotes advice about water, I've been drinking at least 100oz per day because I read elsewhere that you need 1/2 your body weight per day. It seems to be working for me. After the first 2-4 days by body adjusted to the new water intake and now it can't get enough. I have the feeling of thirst all day long because my body just loves getting that water!!
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    Oh holy pilates!!! I did the for beginners version and my core is feeling muscels that I didn't know I had and by the end of the leg lifts I had a charlie horse in my left calf.:sad: :sad: I was surprised at the lifts that I was able to even just a little bit. :drinker: This is a great physical challenge meokk. If we keep this up, will be toned, sculpted, babes. Good luck everybody, we are strong.
  • jesyka
    jesyka Posts: 141 Member
    WOW! Need to drink half your body weight in water :| That's about 14 glasses of water a day for me....New motivation to get this weight loss DOWN! Less water to drink :laugh:
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Awestfall - I've been around 186 all month. As you see I totally celebrate my lows but I'm ignoring my highs. I was 191 the other day. I know I can't gain ten pounds of fat just by eating up around my maintenance a couple days. OK I ate over 3000 calories one day but STILL not going to make a ten pound gain. No way. Not going to happen! Stop focusing on those random high water weights and focus on your lowest numbers a week!

    Is it time for a family meeting? To talk about how you feel badly with your allergies and you are busting your butt to lose weight and that when you're feeling week you really need your family to be there to help you? I bet your husband or oldest daughter could make dinner a couple times a week! When my grandsons were 10 I taught them how to roast a chicken (slather it with olive oil, Italian seasoning and salt substitute and put it breast side down in a 375 oven for thirty minutes, turn it over using wads of paper towels and let it go another 15 then have mom check the temp) I also showed them how to take frozen veggies and add a little water and steam them in the microwave. Sure they're messy but they could roast a chicken and serve it with steamed CA blend! Not bad! Instant sugar free pudding deserts are easy - as is boil-n-bag brown rice!

    Asking your family for help is a GOOD thing- it teaches them to be supportive, and it also is good for you to ask for support. It's good to have your family learn that it's healthy to ask for help before you HAVE to have help. (see somehow I'm guessing you don't like to ask for help?)

    You are working harder than anyone I know, and you deserve to see the results you're working for. Don't let life sabotage you and don't let you sabotage yourself by exhausting yourself.

    :smooched: :heart: :heart: Love yourself and be proud of all you are doing cause we sure are!!!:bigsmile: :smooched: :heart: :heart: :smooched:
    Thanks Mstahl!! I guess I forget sometimes that its ok to ask for help when your sick.My allergies have been horrible and I feel so tired and run down because of them.My allergies have cause my voice to disappear and its slowly coming back but on top of that I have poison oak and am highly allergic so taking meds for my allergies and trying to do housework and running the children everywhere is really running me down.Thanks so much for reminding me to ask for help.I love you gals
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    To add to Bluenotes advice about water, I've been drinking at least 100oz per day because I read elsewhere that you need 1/2 your body weight per day. It seems to be working for me. After the first 2-4 days by body adjusted to the new water intake and now it can't get enough. I have the feeling of thirst all day long because my body just loves getting that water!!

    I have read the same thing about how much water we need to drink and i have been drinking about 12-13 cups a day..between 96-104 oz a day...

    I made a promise to myself to drink 16-24 oz of water before i have my first cup of coffee. I also found out the i am not as hungry as i was before maybe because i am full from all thewater...it also helped my skin..i am not applying lotion as much as i was before because it's not as dry as it was before...and last thing i noticed is i lost one pound because i increased my water intake...it not much of a loss but i have been on a stand sitll for a month..

    I am not sure if all that i have experienced was from me increasing my water but that is the only thing that i changed in two weeks.

    Much sucess to all and STAY POSITIVE~!!!
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Awestfall -- Listen to me very carefully.


    I'm not even joking. Throw it away now.

    Now, if you're just whining, I understand, and we're all here to listen. But if seeing your weight fluctuate honestly bothers you as much as it seems like it bothers you, I think you are doing yourself a horrible disservice by ever even stepping foot on a scale. You're awesome! Didn't you just run 4 miles the other day? Could you do that a month ago?

    I'm still struggling with my weightloss stalling, too. I do understand where you are.
    Though, when I'm really honest with myself, I can see some good reasons I'm not losing as much as I think I could be. I'm not nearly as dedicated to exercise as I was a few months ago. I miss a workout here and there, probably 2-3 seperate workouts a week at this point -- that adds up to a lot of calories not burned. Plus, I don't think I'm eating as many fruits and veggies as I was before. I feel better when I eat more protein, so I guess that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make right now. Also, I let myself slip a lot more -- I had unplanned Chinese food this weekend. The weekend before that I had Thai food and a sandwich from a local place. That's eating out 3 times in like 8 days. I NEVER would've done that 4 months ago. My bf keeps buying chips -- I'll occasionally have a few (like half a serving) -- NEVER would've done that, either. I can't freaking keep my finger out of the stupid jar of peanut butter. I actually had to stop buying Peanut Butter Co. peanut butter because I have made it very clear to myself that I can't have it around and be responsible about consuming it! :laugh: But, the thing is, that's how this will be for the rest of my life. So, maybe I'm being a little less strict with myself, but I'm still being healthy overall. I just have to keep in mind that since I'm being more lax with myself, I can't expect to keep losing weight at the rate I was before, especially when it's compounded by the fact that I have significantly less weight to lose than I did when i started. I'm not trying to insinuate you may be unconsciously having these same types of issues & that's why you're not making much progress. I'm just giving and example of what I'm doing to come to terms with this plateau which has happened just 6 pounds after the last one.

    Today I started 30 Day Shred. Amping up my exercise intensity and changing the muscles I've been using. I'm going to start *trying* to eat more cleanly, adding in more fruits in veggies in place of other carbs like potatoes & pasta more often. I've already increased my calories for the 2nd time and since I haven't gained any weight since doing that over a week ago, I think that was the right decision so far.

    We're doing this.
    Everyone who has been here for a while -- LOOK AT OUR TICKERS! We're *awesome* and I'd venture to say we're one of the most successful groups, in terms of pounds lost AND support, on MFP! I really think we are!

    Edit: Wow, and when thinking about all of the horrible stuff I do now that I didn't do a few months ago, I realized one huge thing that I did a few months ago that I don't do now -- FAST FOOD! I haven't eaten it... like.. at all this year. The last time I ate any fast food was Christmas Eve when my bf talked me into a fast food chicken sandwich because I was so busy making dinner (it was one of those clean & cook all day days). 3 months without fast food -- not because of self-restraint, but because I haven't wanted any. That's real and lasting progress you can't see on a scale. :wink:
    Thanks Jbl!! You always set me straight.And to clarify my post it was just a whine because I know it will come back off.I just really need to learn to control myself on the weekends.I do so well during the week and then boom when the weekend hits it all goes down under LOL.I like to see the numbers on the scale good or bad because it keeps me in check of what I am trying to do for myself and on top of that it motivates me to do my exercise for the day.But again thanks so much for the reminder of eating healthy and feeling good about what we are doing for ourselves.Like I said I was just whining a bit but I am totally over it now lol.By the way you are looking amazing.61 pounds is something to be proud of.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    LittleSpy: I love your explanation of your behavior changes because I'm seeing myself do the same thing. I'm a bit less regimented because I'm focusing on the things I KNOW I can change for the rest of my life. Working out like a maniac seven days a week is not sustainable for me considering everything else I have going on. However, trying to eat healthy with an occasional slipup or high calorie dinner is sustainable long term because I'm happier, healthier and sexier. I think sometimes we forget that the changes that we're making need to be comfortable changes for the long term or we will only find ourselves back where we started.
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Geeeez you ladies were chatty!!!

    1. Never brush your teeth before a weigh in...you'll weigh less I promise:laugh: Get all nakey, go to the potty (Im a mom remember) then weigh yourself.:wink:
    2. Yes, def drink half your weight in water. I consume 110-120oz a day

    My son has a right ear infection so I am home from work. Im exhausted from takign care of him, we are up most of the night and hes extra cranky and whiny. I hope the meds he got today help him out, the poor kiddo is miserable and so is mommy. Since he is home I dont think we are going ring shopping today:sad: I think it will be too much of a hassle.

    Jess- congrats on getting to week 3! The 3 mins are all mental as heather said...just pump yourself up all day for it and say you can do it and it will be a piece of cake! Good luck!

    I also slowed down with my intensity. I still have a good 70lbs to lose but its hard to be so strict. I have let myself have more treats and no excercise days then I would have a month or two ago. I do want to get back on track but things are so hectic right now...I hope to be able to get back to it soon. But right now I have a sick 1 yrs old, and PMS putting me down:sad:

    I am going to try to do some pilates while my son is napping...sorry I havent been able to keep up with the posts! i miss you girls though!


    PS- I have my BL weigh in tonight, I am scared...
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Oh and Heather- CONGRATS ON 3RD PLACE! I THINK THATS GREAT!!:drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • MariSama44
    MariSama44 Posts: 340 Member
    What's all this drink half your weight in water stuff? So now I have to drink 15 gallons of water every day? WTF? :noway: I'm assuming you guys mean get your OZ of water up to whatever half your weight is right?
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Hee hee- NO. You have to drink 100 lbs or more of water every single day sister!

    I have to admit I had the same thought when I first read it. Boy would THAT flush me out! Water toxicity!

    Half your weight lbs -number - in oz. So if you're 200 you need 100 oz. of water :) It is motivation to lose weight eh?
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Mstahl - WTG on the size 14's..that is awesome, soon they will be comfortable for you :)

    I think i am absolute the worst one here on the water ...I am really trying though i really am...this week i am doing better than i have done in the past. 1/2 my weight i need like 140 oz, oh my....

    I am doing good today thought already had 24 oz before lunch...

    speaking of that i think my lunch is ready...be back later tonight :)
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    WOW! Need to drink half your body weight in water :| That's about 14 glasses of water a day for me....New motivation to get this weight loss DOWN! Less water to drink :laugh:

    I know, it sounds insane when you first hear it. I'm getting about 13 glasses per day but trust me, it really does wonders for your skin, weight, digestion, hunger. It is worth it.
    The first few days I was peeing every 5 minutes but that had slowed down a lot. I have to go more often than I used to but it is not excessive.

    Somebody, maybe it was Little JLB Spy ?? put up a good posting a few weeks ago about water intake. I'll try to find it
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Hee hee- NO. You have to drink 100 lbs or more of water every single day sister!

    I have to admit I had the same thought when I first read it. Boy would THAT flush me out! Water toxicity!

    Half your weight lbs -number - in oz. So if you're 200 you need 100 oz. of water :) It is motivation to lose weight eh?

    Ah yes, Good job Mstahl understands me !!!
    I'm cracking up right now.
    I meant to say that you should drink half of your body weight number in fluid oz per day.
    You weigh 200 lbs, you drink 100oz
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Oh holy pilates!!! I did the for beginners version and my core is feeling muscels that I didn't know I had and by the end of the leg lifts I had a charlie horse in my left calf.:sad: :sad: I was surprised at the lifts that I was able to even just a little bit. :drinker: This is a great physical challenge meokk. If we keep this up, will be toned, sculpted, babes. Good luck everybody, we are strong.

    Seriously, right Snowflakes? :sad:
    Great job doing the challenge!
    I am quote sore this morning, the Windsor woman is mocking me.
    It was tough, there were a few moves I couldn't even attempt but I can see how your body would change if you did this regularly.
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    I just did my pilates....no bueno....it was a 20 mins work out I got through about 10 mins of it! OUCH! In my defense I dont think it was a beginners one! (or at least I hope not!)

    Still gotta do my exhaustion sit up test and hopefully will make it to the gym to give w5d3 of c25k a try


    I think I'd max out on a gallon of water (128oz)...there is such a thing as too much water
