Over 200 Club New Year New Me Part 11



  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    lildebbie: You are doing great and I am happy for you that you are feeling good about your efforts. More water and less sodium is fantastic. Keep up the good work.

    Jess: The manager requested you to come, so as his quest I would enthusiastically accept all advice and genuinely thank him for taking the time to show you, help you, do what ever... If it turns into a sales pitch for a personal trainer (shame on him) then you can let him know that it is not in the budget, but if it ever is you know where to find him. Maybe he truly is reaching out because he can tell you are serious about your workout, and with the economy the way it is, they have to be happy to keep there doors open with the memberships they have. If he is a good manager he WILL NOT pressure you. Don't fret, go enjoy the workout.

    hajohnson: I hope you win the next lottery! I had a lot of capris, probably more than I needed, because I have been the same size for years. It's like dang, $$ I don't want to spend much because I should be a smaller size next summer. I did find a pair for $4 at the thrift store but is was slim pickings.

    positively: I printed off your yogurt recipe when you first posted it but I can't find where I put it. Do you remember about the date it was so I can print it off again. It took me a long time to find a little carton of plain yogurt, they were all the big tubs. What makes it Greek yogurt?

    Littlespy: In my mind you now have a long user name; littlespy?ohyajlb123:) It there a story to go with why you chose little spy?

    Have a great day all!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Blue -- :smile: :cry: :bigsmile: I'm so proud of you.

    Pos- I'm giving the yogurt another go tomorrow. I bought some more organic milk (why is it that organic milk has an expiration date so far after regular milk? Interesting) and I read several people online recommended Stoneyfield organic plain yogurt to use as a starter because 1. it's organic and 2. it has lots of live cultures. I'm pretty convinced using Fage was the problem last time. Haven't made the paneer yet, but that should be a go tomorrow as well. YAY! I also plan to make your falafel soon. I love your recipes!

    Jess -- Congrats on your c25k success! That's awesome! I think you should go on Friday & just see what happens. If he is pushing personal training, then explain your situation.

    Heather -- That's so great about your boyfriend! You are an awesome influence and inspiration! I was taken aback last week when my bf approached me about tennis. He's so gung ho about it. I just hope he stays that way! He had lost like 20 pounds when I started cooking healthier but he's been buying & eating more and more junk food lately and I think he's put on some weight since his original loss. And congrats on keeping your sodium intake under control!

    Snowflakes -- Yay! Your pants are too big!! Yay!! You get to go shopping! I see that as win-win all the way. No down side there! :smile:

    Momma -- Strawberries, I love them. I especially love them cut up over chocolate frozen yogurt (with live cultures). *drool* Now THAT will satisfy your sweet tooth! :laugh: And you know what, it's actually pretty healthy, too (go for it!).

    Awestfall -- I like the new attitude. :flowerforyou: Enjoy your run!!

    Cris -- Glad you got your ring, can't wait to see pics! Pos is right, Bobby is a VERY lucky man!

    Lildeb -- I also hate my scale. Not so much because it's inconsistent (usually it's not too inconsistent), but because it's being mean to me. :laugh: I think I've gained weight every day this week since Sunday. I'm like 2.2 pounds over what I was then. I haven't changed my ticker because I don't want to claim the 2.2 pounds and then have people congratulate me when I lose it again because I've already lost it like 3 other times before. :laugh:

    So, that being said, it's not looking good for weight loss for me again this week -- I have to lose 1.2 pounds from where I am now by Friday to even break even with 2 Fridays ago to start counting any loss at all. But I predict a BIG loss over the next month. :wink: I have officially kicked up my exercise with 30 Day Shred. My plan is to actually do it 30 days in a row this time -- 10 days level 1, 10 days level 2, 10 days level 3. I'm using the measurements I took last week as my starting measurements & I'll measure again after I complete each level-- just for fun (torture). I love (hate) 30 Day Shred. I am sore all over my body from yesterday -- I even have sore back muscles, and I think those are sore from a workout for maybe the first time ever. My abs are sore, my shoulders, my upper arms, my back, my quads, my inner thighs (what muscle is that?). So, yeah. I'm sore so good. I guess I'll be sore for the next 30 days. :laugh:

    I took my measurements this morning and I think I actually did lose a half inch in some places from last week which is the first time my measurements have noticeably changed in over a month.
    So, yeah, I'm not sitting complacently on these stupid plateaus anymore. This is going to happen whether my body wants it to or not.
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member

    positively: I printed off your yogurt recipe when you first posted it but I can't find where I put it. Do you remember about the date it was so I can print it off again. It took me a long time to find a little carton of plain yogurt, they were all the big tubs. What makes it Greek yogurt?

    My first post on yogurt...

    To make plain ( unsweetened) yogurt + Greek style yogurt ( a very thick yogurt)

    32 oz of milk ( l usually do it with 2% or 1% milk), boiled ( on medium to high heat) in a non stick pot, stirring consistently…to prevent from burning the milk on the bottom of the pot.

    1 tablespoon of plain yogurt put in a small bowl. Store bought yogurt is fine.
    Take a 32 oz empty container with lid (I reuse the store bought container if I ran out of yogurt and had not made any) But you can use any container around the same size…

    After the milk has really boiled( when it frothed up and it looks like it’s going to spill over), remove from stove, set aside, and let cool, but not completely cool….my test is if I can put my finger in the pot of milk and it warm but not hot…that is what you want. You want the milk to be more on the warm side then hot..if it’s really hot it will kill the yogurt mix you are about to add to it.

    The yogurt mix is the tablespoon of yogurt and a couple spoonfuls of the warm milk…mix well…then add the milk to the 32 oz container…then pour the yogurt mix on top and stir completely. Close with lid. Place in a warm place. Leave alone for about 8 hours…it is best to do this in the evening and leaving it over night.

    TIP: I usually plan to make the yogurt in the evening, an hour before I go to bed.. make it, pour it in the container, close with lid, and place it in my oven for heat… the oven ( the oven has to be turned off…but the heat is coming from the pilot light) if you have an electric stove…preheat the oven a little…until it gets kind of warm….then place the milk/yogurt mix and leave it until morning… when you get up and just open the container to see what you created ( you might see clear liquid and yogurt..don’t touch it until you have completely let it get cold…place the yogurt in the fridge until its cold. After about 2 hours..you can eat it..Enjoy.

    SNOWFLAKE: **To make a thicker yogurt…like a Greek style yogurt…let some liquid drain by placing a cheese cloth inside a strainer and putting the yogurt inside the cheese cloth.

    I hope it's understandable...

    And this is what i wrote for Little spy a couple days ago...what ever one you find easier to understand. Good luck!
    Jib or should i say littlespy, I am sorry to hear about your first yogurt exerience. I am going to take it step by step and you see what went wrong.

    for one quart of milk i use 1 tablespoon of active yogurt (storebought if this is your fist time making yogurt)

    Step one: boil milk in a pot, preferable non stick, and consistantly stir until milk boils ( i am not sure what the degrees is but i wait until the milk is rising and about to pour over)..it works every time if you wait until ir *really* boils over.
    step two: wait until milk cools, but not too cool ( the way i can tell is if i put my pinky in the milk and if its too hot..wait a while if it's *hot but tolerable* - that is what you are looking for)
    Step three: take tolerable milk and pour in a contain with a lid. Place tablespoon of yogurt in a small bowl, mix until it loosens alittle, then take a couple tablespoonful of the milk and mix it with the yogurt, incourperate together. NOw take the milk/yogurt mix and mix it with the milk in the container, pour and mix well. place the lid on top and and try to remove the air ( if it's a plastic seal - like an actual yogurt container. i find when i cover the milk with the lid it has air trapped so i remove part of the lid to remove the air)
    step four: place the milk/yogurt container in a warm place ( i usually place it in my oven or toaster oven - since i have electric stove i have to slightly warm it up) and then wrap it with a towel so the heat stays trapped in.

    I hope this makes sense...sorry if not.

    Now for the yogurt that was not sucessful...i have not remade yogurt using the unsucessful yogurt, but if you want to try it again just reheat the milk again but this time until it's hot but tolerable. And then make the milk mix and pour it on top. follow the rest of the steps. If it's still unsucessful make *indian cheese called: PANEER*

    Boil the milk, while stirring add 2 tablespoons of lemon juice and stir until you see curds separate. pour into a strainer lined wiht a cheese cloth. Run some cold water over the curds to wash off the lemon juice...tie the cheese cloth into a ball (really tight ball) so the cheese firms up.then place in in the fridge to finish firming up...the more compact and tight the better. It's like making nock off mazzarella. ( the process should take a couple of hours..depending on the firmness you are looking for).

    I am in the same boat...i hate to waist anyting so i hope the options i provide will help you out.

    Good luuck girl and i hope your next experience will be sucessful :)
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    positivly: Found it. Only milk and plain yogurt?

    You all may think that I am crazy but I don't like shopping for clothes. I HATE trying on at the store and I am the QUEEN of cheap. I do love new clothes so I ramble as though I am confused... This was a great moment to have everything big because I still don't see myself any smaller in the mirror.
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    positively you are quick girl! THANK YOU.. Hugs

    edit: for spelling, bumbling fingers this morning.
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    positively you are quick girl! THANK YOU.. Hugs

    edit: for spelling, bumbling fingers this morning.

    Let me know how it turns out...who knows it might even become addictive...lol
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Wow! Everybody has so much going on! Let me see if I can catch up and if I forget anybody I’m so sorry!!

    Here we go!

    Cris-Your ring sounds absolutely beautiful. Very excited to see it! Your fiancé is a very lucky man. You are a wonderful woman!

    Momma-You are amazing. Keep up your hard work! I don’t usually get teary eyed either until my family or close friends tell me how proud they are of me. My sister has been posting all over facebook about how she is so proud of her little sister.

    Snowflake-Congrats on the clothes not fitting. As much as it sucks having to pay for new clothes you know you wont be wearing long it’s a fantastic feeling!

    Jesyka-Great job on watching your calories and staying just under your goal!

    Lildebbie-I did the same thing last week when I saw 222. I weighed myself about 8 times because I was so happy I couldn’t believe it.

    Awestfall-75 minutes of running! WOW! You are my hero! You are doing so well. So proud of you!

    Littlespy-Great job making healthy choices when you are thrown a curve ball. You are absolutely right, that is what this is all about. You should feel great about your decision and what you are accomplishing

    As far as the personal trainer dude goes…I think I am gonna go Friday because I am really curious as to what he has to say. He said he wants to push me to my limit and also said he has seen me in the gym on a consistent basis the last few weeks and really likes my determination. So I’m gonna be up front and tell him I can’t afford it right now but if he’s still around in August (I’m moving home to save some money. BOO!) then I will keep him in mind. You are cracking me up saying maybe he wants to hit on me. One of my other friends said the same thing! Who knows! We will see Friday morning that’s for sure!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Littlespy: In my mind you now have a long user name; littlespy?ohyajlb123:) It there a story to go with why you chose little spy?

    I wrote a longwinded blog about it on MFP if you really want to know. :laugh:

    And I couldn't find a small carton of plain yogurt, either. I just bought a big tub. I figured it's getting warmer so I'll start making smoothies again soon enough and I'll be able to use the rest of it that way.
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Checking in for yesterday:
    calories: great - didn't even eat many of my exercise calories
    exercise: good - an hour of step at the Y
    water: ok - probably around 68oz ... but need quite a bit more for half my weight in oz.
    proud: that I made good choices at the department luncheon, and didn't snack when I got home from work

    Jess: have fun on Friday with the trainer!
    Blue: I too got teary-eyed reading your post about your good day ... reminded me of why I'm here
    Cris - congrats on the ring! I hope we can see it.

    Everyone else have a great day!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    BUSY BEES!!!

    JLB- Congrats on making better decision, I sure dont trust myself enough to make the best decisions. I know Ill get there someday.
    Heather- so, how foten do you play the lotto? wanna see what our odds are:laugh: Congrats on going back to C25K I know you'll graduate soon. I am so jealous you can run 26 mins...I hope I will sometime soon too!
    Lildeb- awesome job onthe sodium! Thats soo low! good job!
    crispy- the less sodium you consume, the less water you retain and thus a better number on the scale.
    snowflake- yay on smaller stuff! Ditto on the shopping! I hate it hate it hate it, no matter what size I am I just hate spending money!

    Ok girls, so this morning I saw 218.0 on the scale! And thats WITH TOM and I weighed myself before and after I brushed my teeth :laugh: ..and it was 218 both times!!! YAY! I am so close to my April goal!!! I am stunned! :noway: :love: :drinker:

    I am back at work so more time for stalking! yaay!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    ooo and Im looking for camera reviews online so I can go buy one today or tomorrow and post pics up! I wish our old one worked! We had it for less than 2 years and it cost $300...I am so mad it broke after that short of a time and it was so expensive! :explode: :explode: :grumble:

    I also havent taken a pic of my son since Nov...thats how long its been broken :sad:
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Ok girls, so this morning I saw 218.0 on the scale! And thats WITH TOM and I weighed myself before and after I brushed my teeth :laugh: ..and it was 218 both times!!! YAY! I am so close to my April goal!!! I am stunned! :noway: :love: :drinker:

    Good for you! :drinker:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Ok girls, so this morning I saw 218.0 on the scale! And thats WITH TOM and I weighed myself before and after I brushed my teeth :laugh: ..and it was 218 both times!!! YAY! I am so close to my April goal!!! I am stunned! :noway: :love: :drinker:

    This is awesome, Cris! I'm starting to get jealous of your rapid scale success! :happy: You're doing an awesome job! And I'm so freaking sick of this plateau I can't stand it. The whole time I was punching and jumping during The Shred this morning, I just visualized that I was punching & jumping on the stupid plateau -- kicking it's butt. I'm not sure exactly how I "visualized" a plateau, but I felt like it worked to fire me up more about the workout. Even though I was sore I felt like I did better today than yesterday. :tongue:
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    I found a website that calculates your body type/shape. I wasn't sure what my body shape was but after given my measurement and reading the shape..I think my body shape is "Straight." the website even gives cloting options that suits your shape..

    here is the website: http://www.shopyourshape.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=19&Itemid=36

    for those of you who are bored this morning/afternoon...

    post your results..
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Good Morning Girls,

    awestfall 75 minutes of running:noway: wow that is all I can say!!!!!!

    cris, congrats on the ring I look forward to seeing it. Hope the little guy is feeling better todayl!! I assume he is since you are back to work.

    Jess, you have the right idea for that manager on Friday. You are not obligated to anything. Go see what he wants.

    lstpaul, good job at the luncheon. That is always very hard to make the right choices at those big luncheons.

    jlb, love those coller bones. My strawberries are not going to make it to any yogurt. I was able to get 3 out of the whole basket. The boy thought they were candy and as soon as all the girls got home from school they wiped them out.:sad: :sad: :sad:

    snowflakes so glad to hear that your clothes did not fit.

    lildeb, you are doing so good and I am really proud of you.

    jessyka, good job!!! you keep it up and you will reach your goals!

    Pos_ Thanks for sharing great advice and yogurt recipes:flowerforyou:

    Heather, you are always so active and working hard. I know you are going to reach your goals. You are a good influence and a good inspiration!!!

    Blue, if I ever go to St. Louis. I will let you know.

    If you girls are ever in Central Cali let me know!!!!!

    Hey by the way where is our Coloradogirl and Jenn? Glad to see stephanie is back we missed you.

    Well I am off to a good start today. I drank 17 ounces of water with my breakfast. Just have to do that 5 more times. I already have 17 ounces chilling in the fridge. Husband brought me home this drink holder thing. and it is 17 ounces. I like it.
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Ok girls, so this morning I saw 218.0 on the scale! And thats WITH TOM and I weighed myself before and after I brushed my teeth :laugh: ..and it was 218 both times!!! YAY! I am so close to my April goal!!! I am stunned! :noway: :love: :drinker:

    This is awesome, Cris! I'm starting to get jealous of your rapid scale success! :happy: You're doing an awesome job! And I'm so freaking sick of this plateau I can't stand it. The whole time I was punching and jumping during The Shred this morning, I just visualized that I was punching & jumping on the stupid plateau -- kicking it's butt. I'm not sure exactly how I "visualized" a plateau, but I felt like it worked to fire me up more about the workout. Even though I was sore I felt like I did better today than yesterday. :tongue:

    I have no idea how I am at 218 today to be honest. I feel like I havent been working out as hard. I know what you mean about imagining the plateau. I usually picture myself quitting and getting fatter than I was or I hear all those people who told me I cant..that gets me fired up and moving. I think you are doing everything you are supposed to and you will be in onederland so soon! I think the shred will really help, especially if you are that sore!:wink:

    PS- Look how sexy your collar bones look!! :love: You are awesome, and your success keeps me going everyday!:flowerforyou:

    PPS- My plateau last time was at 213lbs...so trust me mine is coming :sad:
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Wow Littlespy you go girl!

    great job Cris! Hard work and dedication pays off :) I'm so jealous..hopefully i will see the scale move this week.
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Good Morning Girls,

    awestfall 75 minutes of running:noway: wow that is all I can say!!!!!!

    cris, congrats on the ring I look forward to seeing it. Hope the little guy is feeling better todayl!! I assume he is since you are back to work.

    Jess, you have the right idea for that manager on Friday. You are not obligated to anything. Go see what he wants.

    lstpaul, good job at the luncheon. That is always very hard to make the right choices at those big luncheons.

    jlb, love those coller bones. My strawberries are not going to make it to any yogurt. I was able to get 3 out of the whole basket. The boy thought they were candy and as soon as all the girls got home from school they wiped them out.:sad: :sad: :sad:

    snowflakes so glad to hear that your clothes did not fit.

    lildeb, you are doing so good and I am really proud of you.

    jessyka, good job!!! you keep it up and you will reach your goals!

    Pos_ Thanks for sharing great advice and yogurt recipes:flowerforyou:

    Heather, you are always so active and working hard. I know you are going to reach your goals. You are a good influence and a good inspiration!!!

    Blue, if I ever go to St. Louis. I will let you know.

    If you girls are ever in Central Cali let me know!!!!!

    Hey by the way where is our Coloradogirl and Jenn? Glad to see stephanie is back we missed you.

    Well I am off to a good start today. I drank 17 ounces of water with my breakfast. Just have to do that 5 more times. I already have 17 ounces chilling in the fridge. Husband brought me home this drink holder thing. and it is 17 ounces. I like it.

    Great you started your day with 17 oz of water...keeep it up girl.

    for some reason my stomach can handle cold water...i have noticed this since last summer. I can only drink room temp. water in the summer and during the winter months i had to put it in the microwave for 30 sec...weird i know. But if i drink it cold i feel it coming back up. sorry for too much information.
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Pos, sometimes I hate the feeling of the cold water in my stomach. I kinda understand what you are saying I just HATE the taste of water unless it is ice cold. I know it has no taste. It does to me

    Okay I have changed my ticker and I have changed my mini goal. I will be 40 years old in 25 weeks and 2 days. I want to lose 40 by 40. That is about 1.6 pounds a week. Not unreasonable right? So I start today. Like I said I have changed my ticker to reflect that 40 pounds so I can see how I am progressing. i hope this will get me out of my slump. My unmotivated slump!!!!!!!!!!!1
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    Ok.. so I am back..smiley-violent037.gif FINALLY.. these past two months have been very difficult. I have managed to loose 2 lbs.. gain 2 lbs and continue that pattern... But at least I have been maintaining and did not put all the weight back on. However, my will power is terrible! smiley-sad009.gif I have not been exercising, eating right, drinking enough water and making time for myself. Instead, I managed to fall back into my old habits, well most of my old habits.

    So, now spring break is over for my kids, my husband is at work (his Monday) and yes.. we get a SNOW DAY.. seriously.. it is melting fast and they probably could have just had a late start day. But, I DID eat a sensible breakfast.... and got on the elliptical.. scooped the WET snow and now am trying to figure out how in the world I managed to get so far off track. smiley-confused004.gif My kids are kids and would rather eat burgers, fries, pizza, cheesy enchiladas and my husband is right there with them. I am just needing some support and NEED to make better decisions like I was 4 months ago.

    So... here I am... Day 1 of starting over and feeling pretty disappointed in myselfsmiley-gen138.gif