Over 200 Club New Year New Me Part 11



  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Y'all are making me hugnery talking about chili and ranch beans!! I love chili! I started making my with ground turkey to cut out the fat. Love it!

    I'm not a fan of ground turkey. I mean, there's nothing wrong with it, for sure, it's just a weird personal thing. :laugh: I use 96% lean ground beef in chili, spaghetti, making burgers, etc. 140 calories for 4oz. is really no big. :wink: As someone who has a history of being anemic, I appreciate the extra iron; and at Walmart, it's similarly priced to the 99% fat free ground turkey. You can find the 80% & 93% lean ground turkey cheaper a lot of times, but then it has more calories & fat than the 96% lean beef, so I just splurge on it & pay a little more. I buy 2.25pounds & pay like $3.55/pound at Walmart. If you go to another grocery store, they normally sell Laura's lean beef & it's a bit of a ripoff. I think it's like $5.99/pound!
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    I wanted to share something I came up with when I started my journey and I had forgotten about until I found it a few minutes ago.Remember this girls this is my personal phrase that I came up with and I am sharing it to help you.

    Motivation is just like baths we recommend them daily.Also "If you can't give anything to the game,then don't complain when you receive nothing."
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    Congrats Cris... love the engagement ring, it is beautiful!
    Awestfall... love the quote! So very true!
    Mama.. good luck making the beans... I am sure your husbands office will be full of aroma tomorrow afternoon...

    This afternoon is going pretty well. The sun has been shining since about 9am.. So, we had a snow day here got about 10 inches of snow last night and now we have almost nothing left as it has melted away! Kids are playing basketball outside.

  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Awestfall - NICE PICTURE!

    Chris- your ring is breathtaking! I bet you can't stop looking at it!

    I just did our calculations for the biggest loser and I came in 3rd place. Not bad but I had such a huge loss this week I thought I'd get second at least!

    My interview went very well. I have to figure out how to focus on THIS job now!

    I'll be back later!

  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Uhhhh...I really dislike my scale...So i get on this morning...was not expecting as low as it was so happy about that :)

    I got on 1st 2nd and 3rd time and it was 280.5, didn't belive so i got on a 4th, 5th and 6th time at 281.6, then laid back down got back on for 7th 8th and 9th at 280.6...it is consitent 3 x in a row but then changes...

    But i guess the good thing Is that even the highest 281.6 is a really good # for me :)

    ROFL you gave that scale a serious workout, lildeb!!!
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    As far as the personal trainer dude goes…I think I am gonna go Friday because I am really curious as to what he has to say. He said he wants to push me to my limit and also said he has seen me in the gym on a consistent basis the last few weeks and really likes my determination. So I’m gonna be up front and tell him I can’t afford it right now but if he’s still around in August (I’m moving home to save some money. BOO!) then I will keep him in mind. You are cracking me up saying maybe he wants to hit on me. One of my other friends said the same thing! Who knows! We will see Friday morning that’s for sure!
    I'm goin' with the flirt....................
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    C H R I S _T H A T _R I N G _I S _G O R G E O U S!!!!!!!!!!! :love: :love: :love:

    Another beautiful day in STL! I got my hair cut today and I finally fit in the chair!!!!!!!! :blushing: Losing weight ROCKS.
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Sorry about the bazillion posts in a row. :ohwell:

    check in:
    cals: under slightly
    water: 80
    exercise: 40 + 10 bike; arms; 10 mins pilates (in bed :laugh: )
    proud: I fit into the salon chair and my hair looks great! :blushing:
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Awestfall - NICE PICTURE!

    Chris- your ring is breathtaking! I bet you can't stop looking at it!

    I just did our calculations for the biggest loser and I came in 3rd place. Not bad but I had such a huge loss this week I thought I'd get second at least!

    My interview went very well. I have to figure out how to focus on THIS job now!

    I'll be back later!

    Thanks Mstahl!! Glad your interview went well
  • tiger12gal
    tiger12gal Posts: 68 Member
    Hey everyone! The wedding went great! I will try and post some pictures later. I am going to start MFP up again like I was doing on Monday! Im still wore out from the wedding and all the excitement! I hope everyone is doing well!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member

    Tiger- Welcome back! Congrats again on the wedding! Cant wait to see the pics!

    checking in for tonight 3/24/10:
    calories- over by 32 (I dont count excercise calories)
    water- yes 100+
    sodium- 1299 (maybe higher I think I under estimated but still under 1500):drinker:
    excercise- attempted wk5d3 again...I was able to run for 10 mins walked a bit then ran another 2 mins, over all did 25 mins on the treadmill (12 of it running) and then I also did 25 mins on the bike
    proud- I almost didnt go to the gym, Bobby talked me into going and I ended up doing 50 mins instead of my usual 30

    I am beat, already sore...going to bed!

    Good night

  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Cris - WTG on being 218...that is awesome. Ring is beautiful!!!!

    Littlespy - WTG on the shred you can do it... I am with you on the ground turkey , I tried it but i just don't like it. I eat either 93 96% and still farily low in cals. I used to get laura lean beef but much more exp, but the grocery store here has 93% and like 1/2 the price, i think it is a good comprise, like 160 i think i may be wrong

    Pos - INteresting website. I tried it and i am a spoon shape...really i never heard of a spoon.

    Momma - I can only drink cold cold water...I startted drinking it with some ice and a straw and I am getting more down :) YOu will get that 40 by 40 i know it

    Colorado - Welcome back !!! I have been in the same spot up until the last few weeks....You will do it.

    blue - Yes..my husband thinks i am a bit compulsive :) I don't care though

    Mstah - YAY on the interview

    Tiger - Glad the wedding went well!!!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Check in -

    Cals - 1500 on the dot ...so like 60 cals under my norm cals
    Water - 40 oz
    Exercise - 25 min on ea active on wii and 20 minute walk
    Proud - I am glad i feel soo good and am comitted to do this...i know i am proud about it everday :) but i am.

    Hubby has a job interview tomorrow and hoping it works out , his current job is horrible and really needs a new one...NOt sure what this one pays but hoping it works out and it pays what we need to.

    My little ones surgery on friday, still waiting for the dr to call us hopefully tomorrow with what time her surgery is. Me and hubby are off of work on friday all day.

    My legs are soo sore, not sure if it is from the last 2 days of ea active or the 1 mile i have walked everyday this week...or both...either way i am feeling it
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Checking in for today

    Calories: 1260
    Sodium: 1886
    Water: 13 oz
    Exercise: w3d1 of c25k
    Proud: Accomplished my 3 minute jog! Was very nervous!!

    I checked out that website positively....I'm a freakin pear! GREAT!:laugh:
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Hey everyone! The wedding went great! I will try and post some pictures later. I am going to start MFP up again like I was doing on Monday! Im still wore out from the wedding and all the excitement! I hope everyone is doing well!
    Hold on there, tiger - LOL that sounded funny - I thought the wedding wasn't for another month?!?!?!?!? Did you get hitched over the weekend?!!?!?!??!?! Show off some pics, sister! Congratulations!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Speaking of pears......did you know they are really high in fiber? I had no idea until I saw this website about high fiber foods. Pears are one of the highest fiber fruits. Now, I can't really say much about spoons, lildeb - sorry! :tongue:
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    ok.. so today went pretty well

    Calories.. did well
    exercise 30 mins
    water yep
    Proud.. I managed to complete day 1 successfully!

    Now on to day two....
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Hello Everyone!

    Tiger - CONGRATS ON THE WEDDING! (we've missed you)

    Got home late from work but went to the gym since I missed this morning (worried about being late for the interview). I did week 3 day 1 of the 5K101 - then I realized I was supposed to do week 2 day 3 ... OOPS! BUT I JOGGED THREE MINUTES!!! So I'm going to continue on to week 3 day 2 :bigsmile:

    Checking in-
    Calories - under by about 50 but I'm not THAT exact with portion sizes - and I didn't eat any exercise calories
    Water - did great (work water - room temp - tastes great to me!)
    Exercise - FAST 1 hr walk at lunch - half of it up a long sloping hill OUCH and W3D1 5K101 plus the remainder of an hour walking.

    Proud that we went to the gym and I did my 5K101 when I really REALLY wanted to go out for :love: sushi to celebrate the job that I don't yet know I have :laugh:

    I got a bad review at work today and I told my VP - well... I have been trying to make a decision and you sure are making that easy for me :bigsmile: He didn't seem to feel as happy as I do about that but hey... what can I say... My score was mid-point which is standard for our org so the review won't hurt me but the verbiage he used was horrible. I'll write my response and send a copy to HR and our Senior VP. I will be kind but *cough* direct. My review was chuck full of miss-spellings and grammar issues. YES I know I have those here all the time but uhm... I do spell check at work!!! I'm being petty - OOPS!:ohwell:

    Bluenote- seat belt, court room chair, beauty parlor chair, you are ON IT! And I haven't been to STL since October, before we were friends! Next time I'm meeting up with you!
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Arrgggh, no time for posting or reading today, sorry ladies. I'll catch up tomorrow.
    Check in for yesterday:
    cals - over by about 200
    water - 100oz
    exercise - pilates DVD - 30 mins

    cals - under exercise by about 60 cals
    water - 116oz
    exercise - walking
    proud that I only ate 1/2 a chocolate bar today when I wanted to eat the whole thing. Chocolate is my number one naughty food so that is big for me.
  • jesyka
    jesyka Posts: 141 Member
    Today's check in :)

    Calories-Under exercise by 660
    Water- 81oz...Much better today, though I gotta say I pee more now then I did while I was pregnant!
    Exercise- Went for a 2 1/2 hour walk with my family...pushing a stroller up hill, man I felt the burning lol
    Proud- That I didn't stop our walk after 10 minutes, even though I was tempted to tell hubby to go home and get the car and pick my lazy butt back up :laugh:

    I bought two workout DVDs today so I'm going to add them into my workout regiment. I have a water bed stomach and upper arms that I could flap away with :blushing: Not something I'm all that happy about, time to tone those puppies up!

    I've taken a new route to this weight loss goal of mine. I've taken to become vocal about my weight struggles. I've made it a point to make it public what my current standing weight is, as that extra bit of motivation to myself. It was ALWAYS a dreaded question to answer what my weight was...now it's known and I take comfort in knowing that it won't be staying that way!

    Everyone seems to be doing so great on here!

    I've read all the posts from today [I'm sorry I haven't written to each individually my memory is terrible, however the more I get to know you ladies the better it will be!] and I've heard nothing but successes, whether they are big or small! Keep up the fantastic work ladies, and thanks for being SUCH a supportive group! It's leading to a much more positive outcome :happy: