Over 200 Club New Year New Me Part 11



  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    cris - glad got your ring :) I am sure it is beautiful.
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Blue- you're amazing! Next time I'm in StL we're going to meet for coffee (no cream no sugar LOL!)!

    Chris - congratulations on the ring - I do believe he might realize just how lucky he is!

    Snowflake - looks like somebody is going shopping! I would recommend the thrift stores since what fits today won't fit in a month or two!

    Mamma - you are doing GREAT and your kids are proud of you and you feel so much better! You are not going anywhere you hear?

    LilDebbie -you are going to keep on shrinkin so shake that thang on your Wii!!!!

    I just got back from the gym - stomach bug is still bugging me so we walked an hour on the nice squishy indoor track. Tomorrow I doing W2D3 of the 5K101 :)

    Calories - under (on purpose- tomorrows the weight in)
    Water - still working on it but I'm doing good!
    Exercise - an hour of walking

    Proud - I wanted Mexican like WHOOO and I resisted! yay me!:bigsmile:
  • jesyka
    jesyka Posts: 141 Member
    here are some tidbits I got online about the importance of water in weight loss and healthy lifestyles:

    "The kidneys cannot function properly without enough water. When they do not work to capacity, some of their load is dumped on the liver. One of the liver's primary functions is to metabolize stored fat into usable energy for the body. But if the liver has to do some of the kidney's work, it cannot work at full throttle."

    "Drinking an adequate amount of water every day is the best treatment for fluid retention. But when your body is given less water than it needs... it perceives the shortage as a threat to survival and will begin to retain every drop. Water reserves are stored in extra-cellular spaces (outside the cells). This water can show up as swollen feet, hands and legs."

    'The best way to overcome the problem of water retention is to give your body what it needs — plenty of water — only then will stored water be released.

    If water retention is a constant problem for you... excess salt may be to blame!

    Your body will only tolerate sodium in certain concentrations. The more salt you eat, the more water your system retains to dilute it. But getting rid of unneeded salt is easy — just drink more water!

    As the water is forced through the kidneys, it will remove the excess sodium.

    Over weight people need more water than thin people. Larger people have larger metabolic loads. Since we know that water is the key to fat metabolism... it follows that the over weight person needs more water to metabolize excess fat.

    Water helps to maintain proper muscle tone... which in turn, aids proper muscle contraction and prevents dehydration. It also helps to prevent the sagging skin that usually follows weight loss. Shrinking cells are buoyed by water which plums the skin and leaves it clear, healthy and resilient.

    Water helps rid the body of waste. During weight loss, the body has more waste to get rid of, and all that metabolized fat must be shed.

    Again — water helps flush out this waste"

    So everything I said in my initial post about water wasnt 100% accurate but I had the right idea, lol, hope this helps!


    This was the original and excellent entry from Cris on the topic of water

    Thanks for finding that to repost, and Cris thanks for making the original post...That's a lot of great useful info there :) I'll be a lot more aware now in making sure that I get the amount of Water my body needs!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Check in -

    Caloris 150 under my norm calories
    Exercise - 20 min on wii ea active and 20 min 1 mile walk
    Water - 56 oz...not quite 1/2 my weight...but lot lot bettter than usal
    Proud - I feel like i have done awesome the last few days and very proud of myself :)

    Oh yes !!! ALmost forgot , i was only at 1300 sodium today, i think that was the lowest i have ever ever had :)
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    My puppy is making me laugh right now because he gets very vocal when he's tired. He's behind me growling at nothing, and barking for no apparent reason!!!
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    mstahl - what do you mean "next time" you're in STL? You've been here before and didn't tell me?!??!?!? WHA????? I would LOVE to meet you! And every single one of you! Hey, wouldn't that be fun if we all met on a cruise or something? LOL OK just wishin'. I'm broke! Plus I hope you're feeling better, mstahl.
    cris - post a pic of the ring! Your online family wants to see!!! I bet it is beautiful, just like you! BF is damn lucky to get you, girl.
    snowflakes - sorry about missing the window when the put-away-pants would fit. Goodwill may just be callin' your small self in!
    lildeb - I am sooo proud of you for that sodium number! Man, that is seriously hard for me to do. Good for you!
    meokk - once I RECOVER from the ten minutes of in-bed pilates I might hunt you down. ROFL Just kidding because it was kind of fun! Oooh my outer thighs HURT. Something's workin'! LOL

    check in:
    cals: a little under, but the night is young...
    water: 80! I have never flushed so much in my entire life! I am NOT kidding!
    exercise: 40 + 10 bike, arm work, plus 10 mins of in-bed pilates!
    proud: that today was a very good day that was a long time a-comin'! PLUS I actually did pilates - in bed! Ha! Sounds like a fortune in a chinese cookie - in bed!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member

    meokk - once I RECOVER from the ten minutes of in-bed pilates I might hunt you down. ROFL

    ME TOOO!!!!

    I'll post a pic as soon as I can, our camera broke so we are looking for a new one...any advice on a good camera?

  • jesyka
    jesyka Posts: 141 Member
    Checking In..

    Calories- 5 under :D though I was 23 over for Fat [do better tomorrow!]
    Exercise - walking 1hr
    Water - 32oz...definitely not enough!
    Proud - That I'm doing better watching what I'm eating...and under my calories :)
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Uhhhh...I really dislike my scale...So i get on this morning...was not expecting as low as it was so happy about that :)

    I got on 1st 2nd and 3rd time and it was 280.5, didn't belive so i got on a 4th, 5th and 6th time at 281.6, then laid back down got back on for 7th 8th and 9th at 280.6...it is consitent 3 x in a row but then changes...

    But i guess the good thing Is that even the highest 281.6 is a really good # for me :)
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Okay I just had to come and tell you all that I just completed w3d1 of c25K! I did 2 count them 2 3 minute jogs!! YAY!! AND......the general manager approached me when I was on the elliptical and said he liked my dedication and wanted me to come talk to him after I was finished. So I did and he wants me to come in and workout with him Friday morning. For some stupid reason I agreed. I immediately regretted it because I'm sure he just wants to sell me personal training lessons and that is something I honestly can't afford. At the same time I'm thinking it might be a good learning experience. My roommate said I should go Friday morning and just tell him straight up if you are trying to sell me personal training lessons I can't afford it and if he still wants to do one workout with me so be it. Thoughts!? I need some advice here!:huh:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    WTG on the 2 3 min jogs, I would go on Friday, you aren't obligated to do anything...if you would feel akward i would just let him know up front and if he still wants to do it then okay.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Check in -

    Caloris 150 under my norm calories
    Exercise - 20 min on wii ea active and 20 min 1 mile walk
    Water - 56 oz...not quite 1/2 my weight...but lot lot bettter than usal
    Proud - I feel like i have done awesome the last few days and very proud of myself :)

    Oh yes !!! ALmost forgot , i was only at 1300 sodium today, i think that was the lowest i have ever ever had :)

    That is so awesome!! Coming down on your sodium like that is a very difficult task!! Kudos to you!! :drinker:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    bluenote-that is so funny you said that about the fortune cookie. My roommate does that too! Just made me bust out laughing!! :laugh:

    lildebbie-I think I'm just gonna go and tell him up front that I honestly truly cannot afford it as much as I wish I could. I can barley afford my gym membership and to put clothes on my shrinking self! I always see him working with random people in the morning so maybe he is just doing it to be generous. WHO KNOWS!? And thanks for the congrats on the jog. I was really proud of myself. I wanted to jump up and cheer right there in the gym like a little girl!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Okay I just had to come and tell you all that I just completed w3d1 of c25K! I did 2 count them 2 3 minute jogs!! YAY!! AND......the general manager approached me when I was on the elliptical and said he liked my dedication and wanted me to come talk to him after I was finished. So I did and he wants me to come in and workout with him Friday morning. For some stupid reason I agreed. I immediately regretted it because I'm sure he just wants to sell me personal training lessons and that is something I honestly can't afford. At the same time I'm thinking it might be a good learning experience. My roommate said I should go Friday morning and just tell him straight up if you are trying to sell me personal training lessons I can't afford it and if he still wants to do one workout with me so be it. Thoughts!? I need some advice here!:huh:

    Jess, congrates on your running adventure! I knew you could do it...before you know it you will be telling us you are running 30 minutes...I am so proud of you :) Keep it up girl!
    About the approach from the grneral manager; i would go on Friday and tell him up front that you can't afford a personal trainer, at this moment, and who knows he probably want to help you out because he can see your determination, to lose weight, all over your faceand he wants to be generous..that's my 2 cent..
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Uhhhh...I really dislike my scale...So i get on this morning...was not expecting as low as it was so happy about that :)

    I got on 1st 2nd and 3rd time and it was 280.5, didn't belive so i got on a 4th, 5th and 6th time at 281.6, then laid back down got back on for 7th 8th and 9th at 280.6...it is consitent 3 x in a row but then changes...

    But i guess the good thing Is that even the highest 281.6 is a really good # for me :)

    Lideb: My scale constantly shows me a different number any time of the day...but my true number is every morning around 7:30 am. If i weigh myself a 6 am....i will either see a loss or gain...but because my routine scale weighing is at 7:30 i stick to that number. I avoild the scale after that because it's down hill. By the end of the day i can easily gain 5 pounds, but i know it's all the water and food i am consuming.
    don't stress about the number, it's how you feel ( inside and out) that counts.
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Cris: Congrates on your ring! I bet it's beautiful! Bobby is a lucky man
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Ok so I am much happier this morning.My weight is almost back to normal .Trying to flush my system out!!! Tons of water yesterday and doing the same today.My weight was up to 238 yesterday and today back down to 233 so a few more pounds flushed out and it will be back to last fridays weigh in.I knew it would be but its nice to see it this morning.Well I am off to go run for 75 minutes cause thats what I did yesterday and then 15 minutes of strength training.I have to say that the strength training is really boosting my running time and I just feel stronger.I can't wait to run that race with my friend this summer.I am training for it right now with running everyday.I love this new me.I never thought I would be able to run again without dying while I was doing it but I am doing it just fine without cramping up or running out of breath.I have been building up to this hour of running for around a year now and now I am up to 75 minutes of running.I am hoping to get up to 2 hours of running but I am not sure my girls will allow me that much free time lol.So excited for what the future holds for my new lifestyle.I am going to look awesome this summer and yes I said this summer.Even if I only get to under 200 pounds by my birthday I will look great.

    Bluenote-I loved your post it made me tear eyed.Thanks for the reminder of why we are here
    Positively-You are awesome.1 hour of elliptical and 30 minutes of treadmill YOU GO GAL!!
    Cris-Can't wait to see your ring pics so excited for you
    Momma- you and I are going to get out of this funk of overeating on the weekends and we are back in this game girl.Keep fighting I know how strong you are
    Jess-So dedicated to your workouts.Go have fun on Friday your not obligated to do anything.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Gotta catch up, but check in first before I forget my numbers... :indifferent:

    Calories: 1441
    Exercise: 30 Day Shred level 1; 40 minute walk; 5 minute stretch
    Water: 10 cups
    Proud: Dinner plans changed -- the manager of the pizza joint offered to buy me a sandwich from like my favorite sandwich shop in town so I could hardly say no. :laugh: Got lean roast beef, lettuce tomato, a little avocado, and a little mustard. Not so bad. THEN, I cut it in half & ate some greek yogurt with it instead of eating the whole sandwich. They're probably 10" subs, so I only ate 5" of it, and I have the other half for lunch today. Real life healthy decisions. Every time I make one, I feel more and more like this is something I'm really going to keep up forever. :smile:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good morning!

    bluenote: Like so many of the others, I got a little teary-eyed reading about your great day. I'm just so happy for you! You crack me up with comments such as your fortune cookie, because we say that in my house too. If I ever get to your area, I'll be sure to let you know. If anyone makes it to the Twin Cities area, they better let me know! Heck, just about anywhere in Minnesota! If I win the lottery, I'm taking all of you gals on a cruise, I promise!

    snowflakes: Congrats on your pants not fitting. I love shopping trips, so have fun finding new pants that fit!

    Cris: Don't be too bummed about being lazy with the workouts. I went through about two weeks of that and then got back on track with renewed motivation. We all have ups and downs and it's okay, as long as you find another "up" soon! I can't wait to see a pic of your ring...it sounds beautiful.

    lildebbie: Congrats on having a low sodium count! I struggle with that daily, so I know what an accomplishment it is.

    Jess: Way to rock the C25K. I knew you would! And regarding the manager, like the other ladies said just be upfront with him and enjoy the workout if he's just being generous. He's not hitting on you, is he? I mean, you are a hottie...

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: 705 left over
    Sodium: 492 left over...huge accomplishment!
    Water: 48 oz.
    Exercise: W7D3 of C25K. I was shooting for starting week 8, but wasn't quite able to make it. I didn't think running for 26 minutes was too shabby considering I haven't run in over a month.
    Proud: That I wouldn't let myself give up on my workout, even when my calves were burning. I'm also proud of my boyfriend who absolutely hates cardio, yet jogged a mile yesterday while his son rode his bike. Apparently, I'm a good influence...who knew?
  • crispy1990
    Wow !!! you guys have been busy while I been sleeping!

    Checking in for yesterday

    Calories 150 under
    Exercise - 30 mins on Cross trainer
    Water - LOTS
    Sodium - Who knows

    hajohnson24 - do you think keeping the sodium low helps? It's not something I have thought about before.

    Snowflakes - Nothing quite like shopping for a smaller size - brilliant :happy:

    Jess - As already posted, I'm not quite sure what C25K is but sounds difficult so way to go, and I think hajohnson24 could be right about the gym manager ! LOL

    Well Ladies love & leave you, back to the grindstone (winning the lottery sounds soooo good)