Over 200 Club New Year New Me Part 11



  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Y'all are making me very nervous on the pilates! LOL
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You all have been busy busy busy today!!!!!!!!

    Thanks for reminding me that I need to drink at least 100 pounds of water:laugh: How am I ever going to walk around with an extra 100 pounds of water in my belly:laugh:

    You guys are too funny!!!!! 100 ounces is probably just as hard for me to get down as 100 pounds would be!!!! Drink your water Momma.

    awestfall, lets make a pact with each other. We are NOT going to over eat this weekend. I too am suffering from this type of behavior. Work my butt off all week over eat all weekend. So lets make a pact NOT to over eat this weekend. We can do this

    cris, sorry about the baby!!! Ear aches are the most terrible. I feel so bad for the little ones when they are going through that.

    meokk, I did some of the pilates moves that I could remember. I engaged my powerhouse and it was mad at me!!! I love these leg lift things from the video they feel so good to me. So I did those as well. I only did about 10 minutes worth because that is all I could remember or at least that is all I wanted to remember:laugh:

    lildebbie I am right there with you on the water. Having a hard time getting it down.

    Katie, welcome to our group:flowerforyou:

    mstahl, size 14:bigsmile: Simply amazing and I am sure they were sexy tight!!!!

    My calories are up too high today. I have not had a chance to exercise and I have eaten like I exercised so guess I am taking a bike ride when the 13 yo gets home cause she will ride with me!!!!!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Whoa, increasing the water consumption when I can barely get 64 oz. down in a day would be a real challenge. The bummer is that the water in the drinking fountain at work is gross, so I'd have to bring 6 bottles with me to get 97 oz. of water in. I think I'd be floating away. I chugged down my 64 oz. yesterday before 4:30pm and had to go to the bathroom every twenty minutes. My coworkers were probably wondering what was wrong with me, or they thought I really wanted to get out of being productive for the day!

    For me, having to drink less water would be motivation for losing weight. Then again, even at my goal weight of 150, I should be drinking 75 oz of water...yikes. I have some serious hydration work to do.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I just got back in from a long walk on my lunch break and I feel fantastic! Work has seemed really stressful lately with all of my coworkers being out of the office so much (we've had so many people lose loved ones recently it's scary) and with training (our state is in the process of implementing a HUGE universal accounting & administration system that is completely different from anything we've ever done before -- and if you're thinking this all sounds super exciting, you're right :wink: Not). I'm the only one in my department AGAIN this afternoon. I was the only one here all morning yesterday. There are 6 people in my deparment (payroll just merged into us). I know next to nothing about payroll and I don't have access to most of their programs & information yet this afternoon, ALL payroll questions are being referred to ME. That's in addition to all of the other questions about things I have no idea about because my other 3 benefits people are out of the office. :indifferent: It's a good thing I'm good with the pulling answers out of my rear end thing. :tongue: Anyway, it's GORGEOUS outside. Perfect weather, IMO. 60 degrees & just a couple fluffy clouds in the super blue sky. Breezy, but not way windy. Just awesome. Ahhhh... And now I'm back sitting in my grey 9x12 cubicle. In all fairness, it is the, as one of my ee's put it, "cadillac of cubicles." :laugh: Now that I think about it, this cubicle is actually 27 square feet bigger than the bedrooms in the condo I owned downtown a few years ago in college. :noway:

    meokk - I believe it was cris that posted about water a few weeks ago.

    You're scaring me about the pilates, too. I've never done pilates but I did see there are several videos on Exercise TV on demand so I'll try one of those. Maybe I'll get up extra early tomorrow morning & do it after the shred (THAT sounds like fun, right?).
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Just getting around to checking in for yesterday and reading everyone's comments ...

    checking in for yesterday:
    calories: under by 100 ... WOOHOO! that is great for me on a low exercise day :drinker:
    exercise: 15 minute walk
    proud: that I stayed under on calories
    water: not so hot ....

    All the water talk has got me motivated to fill up my bottle again ... I need to get better at that. We went out for a department lunch and I made some good choices (1/2 chicken salad sandwich and cup of sup instead of the burger and fries that I wanted). Step went well this morning at the Y ... I still feel a little twinge and stiffness in my back, but I'm being very careful when exercising, hopefully tomorrow night I can do turbo kick. If not I will try to find a pilates workout on cable 'on demand'.

    Have a great day/evening everyone!
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You all have been busy busy busy today!!!!!!!!

    Thanks for reminding me that I need to drink at least 100 pounds of water:laugh: How am I ever going to walk around with an extra 100 pounds of water in my belly:laugh:

    You guys are too funny!!!!! 100 ounces is probably just as hard for me to get down as 100 pounds would be!!!! Drink your water Momma.

    awestfall, lets make a pact with each other. We are NOT going to over eat this weekend. I too am suffering from this type of behavior. Work my butt off all week over eat all weekend. So lets make a pact NOT to over eat this weekend. We can do this

    cris, sorry about the baby!!! Ear aches are the most terrible. I feel so bad for the little ones when they are going through that.

    meokk, I did some of the pilates moves that I could remember. I engaged my powerhouse and it was mad at me!!! I love these leg lift things from the video they feel so good to me. So I did those as well. I only did about 10 minutes worth because that is all I could remember or at least that is all I wanted to remember:laugh:

    lildebbie I am right there with you on the water. Having a hard time getting it down.

    Katie, welcome to our group:flowerforyou:

    mstahl, size 14:bigsmile: Simply amazing and I am sure they were sexy tight!!!!

    My calories are up too high today. I have not had a chance to exercise and I have eaten like I exercised so guess I am taking a bike ride when the 13 yo gets home cause she will ride with me!!!!!
    Ok agreed no overeating this weekend or any other weekend for that matter
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    here are some tidbits I got online about the importance of water in weight loss and healthy lifestyles:

    "The kidneys cannot function properly without enough water. When they do not work to capacity, some of their load is dumped on the liver. One of the liver's primary functions is to metabolize stored fat into usable energy for the body. But if the liver has to do some of the kidney's work, it cannot work at full throttle."

    "Drinking an adequate amount of water every day is the best treatment for fluid retention. But when your body is given less water than it needs... it perceives the shortage as a threat to survival and will begin to retain every drop. Water reserves are stored in extra-cellular spaces (outside the cells). This water can show up as swollen feet, hands and legs."

    'The best way to overcome the problem of water retention is to give your body what it needs — plenty of water — only then will stored water be released.

    If water retention is a constant problem for you... excess salt may be to blame!

    Your body will only tolerate sodium in certain concentrations. The more salt you eat, the more water your system retains to dilute it. But getting rid of unneeded salt is easy — just drink more water!

    As the water is forced through the kidneys, it will remove the excess sodium.

    Over weight people need more water than thin people. Larger people have larger metabolic loads. Since we know that water is the key to fat metabolism... it follows that the over weight person needs more water to metabolize excess fat.

    Water helps to maintain proper muscle tone... which in turn, aids proper muscle contraction and prevents dehydration. It also helps to prevent the sagging skin that usually follows weight loss. Shrinking cells are buoyed by water which plums the skin and leaves it clear, healthy and resilient.

    Water helps rid the body of waste. During weight loss, the body has more waste to get rid of, and all that metabolized fat must be shed.

    Again — water helps flush out this waste"

    So everything I said in my initial post about water wasnt 100% accurate but I had the right idea, lol, hope this helps!


    This was the original and excellent entry from Cris on the topic of water
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Check-in: 3/23/10
    Calories: over by 200 calories, but way under my exercise calories
    exercise: 1 hour of elliptical and 30 minutes of treadmill 4.0 mph
    water: yup! 14 cups (112 oz) and counting...
    proud: i didn't eat that biscotti...did i mention i LOVE carbs... I can't eat it...i can't eat it...please don't eat it...resist it..

    Have a great evening everyone! Tonight is Biggest loser and I am not sure if i will log on after this post
    Btw, i have to make more yogurt...i am running out like crazy...but that always happen during the warm months..lol

    now i am leaving...bye girls :)
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Hee hee- NO. You have to drink 100 lbs or more of water every single day sister!

    I have to admit I had the same thought when I first read it. Boy would THAT flush me out! Water toxicity!

    Half your weight lbs -number - in oz. So if you're 200 you need 100 oz. of water :) It is motivation to lose weight eh?

    Half my weight in ounces!?!!?!?!?! Somebody better call the Culligan man!!!!!! :noway: Better yet, leave me his truck!!!!!! :laugh:
    I don't think St. Louis HAS 200 ounces of water for me! ROFL Oh wait, yeah, we have the Mississippi and the MIssouri rivers. :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: I better start dippin'!!!!!!
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    bluenote you are hilarious. You crack me up every time you come on here. I love your post. Don't ever leave us!!!

    Today is HOT it is almost 80* Don't get me wrong it gets much hotter around here anywhere from 100-110 during the months of July and August and we usually start getting warm around this time of year but it seems to be bothering me this day. I am sluggish and tired and just want to sit around. I am forcing myself to clean my house. My children have all lost their minds and have been messing my house up daily. Today they will find their minds and help me clean. I HATE for my house to be dirty. I can not relax if my house is a mess. To top it all off I am lazy today!!!!

    Today I bought some delish strawberries or as my ryry says strawbreezy's and hopefully they will satisfy my sweet tooth. Hope everyone has a wonderful rest of the day.
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Thanks, momma! I missed my calling when I forgot to mail in my app to clown school!
    Strawberries! Ooooh! A sign that better weather is upon us!!! Yum!

    I am going to post a little something I posted on the 300 thread, because I want to thank you all for putting up with me during this crazy weight gain phase I've been going through the last week or so. Plus there is no other people on the planet that can understand and appreciate my sentiments more than you gals. You're the best! Here goes:

    I had a GREAT day! The sun is shining in Lou, and the temp is 65! I think God did this because I am on vacation, and I've been sort of down here lately. :heart:
    I went to my diabetes doctor to pick up my Byetta medicine - he gives me free samples, thank goodness!!!. Mind you, the staff has not seen me since that first month of diagnosis, when I also started faithfully coming here to MFP (in October). The nurses were shocked! They said they almost didn't recognize me!!!!!!!!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: I threw them off because I flew up the flight of stairs with both legs (I just started using my bad knee the last few months) and I looked "wonderful" and "so different" (their words! but OK mine too!). Girls, let me tell you how GREAT I felt!!!!!! I went back to my car and cried for ten minutes, with the sun beaming down onto my face!!!!!!!!!! I am so grateful I am getting this billionth chance to live again!!!!!!!!!!!!! :love:

    So whenever we feel like we are losing the fight, remember back to when you began, and count the million things you can do NOW that you couldn't do back then. Then look up at the sun, count your blessings, know that God is with you on this journey, and smile. :bigsmile:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Thanks, momma! I missed my calling when I forgot to mail in my app to clown school!
    Strawberries! Ooooh! A sign that better weather is upon us!!! Yum!

    I am going to post a little something I posted on the 300 thread, because I want to thank you all for putting up with me during this crazy weight gain phase I've been going through the last week or so. Plus there is no other people on the planet that can understand and appreciate my sentiments more than you gals. You're the best! Here goes:

    I had a GREAT day! The sun is shining in Lou, and the temp is 65! I think God did this because I am on vacation, and I've been sort of down here lately. :heart:
    I went to my diabetes doctor to pick up my Byetta medicine - he gives me free samples, thank goodness!!!. Mind you, the staff has not seen me since that first month of diagnosis, when I also started faithfully coming here to MFP (in October). The nurses were shocked! They said they almost didn't recognize me!!!!!!!!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: I threw them off because I flew up the flight of stairs with both legs (I just started using my bad knee the last few months) and I looked "wonderful" and "so different" (their words! but OK mine too!). Girls, let me tell you how GREAT I felt!!!!!! I went back to my car and cried for ten minutes, with the sun beaming down onto my face!!!!!!!!!! I am so grateful I am getting this billionth chance to live again!!!!!!!!!!!!! :love:

    So whenever we feel like we are losing the fight, remember back to when you began, and count the million things you can do NOW that you couldn't do back then. Then look up at the sun, count your blessings, know that God is with you on this journey, and smile. :bigsmile:

    This just put a big smile on my face!! You go girl!! :bigsmile: You have come a long way! So very proud of you! Glad you are feeling great today!! :drinker:
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Thanks, momma! I missed my calling when I forgot to mail in my app to clown school!
    Strawberries! Ooooh! A sign that better weather is upon us!!! Yum!

    I am going to post a little something I posted on the 300 thread, because I want to thank you all for putting up with me during this crazy weight gain phase I've been going through the last week or so. Plus there is no other people on the planet that can understand and appreciate my sentiments more than you gals. You're the best! Here goes:

    I had a GREAT day! The sun is shining in Lou, and the temp is 65! I think God did this because I am on vacation, and I've been sort of down here lately. :heart:
    I went to my diabetes doctor to pick up my Byetta medicine - he gives me free samples, thank goodness!!!. Mind you, the staff has not seen me since that first month of diagnosis, when I also started faithfully coming here to MFP (in October). The nurses were shocked! They said they almost didn't recognize me!!!!!!!!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: I threw them off because I flew up the flight of stairs with both legs (I just started using my bad knee the last few months) and I looked "wonderful" and "so different" (their words! but OK mine too!). Girls, let me tell you how GREAT I felt!!!!!! I went back to my car and cried for ten minutes, with the sun beaming down onto my face!!!!!!!!!! I am so grateful I am getting this billionth chance to live again!!!!!!!!!!!!! :love:

    So whenever we feel like we are losing the fight, remember back to when you began, and count the million things you can do NOW that you couldn't do back then. Then look up at the sun, count your blessings, know that God is with you on this journey, and smile. :bigsmile:

    I do not get teary eyed about weight loss. This made me teary eyed. Thanks for reminding me why I am doing this. I was starting to fall off the wagon and getting drug behind. I could almost feel myself letting go. You made me want to hop back on and grab a hold tight. I am proud of what you have accomplished and I thank you for sharing
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    blu - That is awesome!!!! it is always nice for other peopel to notice it in you :) and especially to go on on and on...Just think when you go next time :)
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Bluenote, I'm crying a little bit as I write this. You are amazing. :flowerforyou:
    I am so very a happy that you had a happy day.
    Next time you visit I bet those nurses won't even recognize you!!!!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Bluenote: like Meokk said...YOU ARE AN AMAZING PERSON:flowerforyou:

    My children are looking at me type wiht tears running down my face because of you post...ya i am a sappy person..sorry...

    Thanks bluenote for reminding me all the ups and down i faced during this journey:heart::flowerforyou:
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member

    Half my weight in ounces!?!!?!?!?! Somebody better call the Culligan man!!!!!! :noway: Better yet, leave me his truck!!!!!! :laugh:
    I don't think St. Louis HAS 200 ounces of water for me! ROFL Oh wait, yeah, we have the Mississippi and the MIssouri rivers. :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: I better start dippin'!!!!!!
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    You gals are killing me. For years I have believed the 8 - 8oz. glasses of water was good. Floating...We don't have a water bed but I'm afraid that we will tonight.:blushing:

    Had a good news, bad news moment today. I got out the bin of summer pants and the good news is that they are all to big. The bad news is none of them fit. :laugh:

    Have a great evening.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member

    Half my weight in ounces!?!!?!?!?! Somebody better call the Culligan man!!!!!! :noway: Better yet, leave me his truck!!!!!! :laugh:
    I don't think St. Louis HAS 200 ounces of water for me! ROFL Oh wait, yeah, we have the Mississippi and the MIssouri rivers. :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: I better start dippin'!!!!!!
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    You gals are killing me. For years I have believed the 8 - 8oz. glasses of water was good. Floating...We don't have a water bed but I'm afraid that we will tonight.:blushing:

    Had a good news, bad news moment today. I got out the bin of summer pants and the good news is that they are all to big. The bad news is none of them fit. :laugh:

    Have a great evening.

    Snowflakes - congrats on all your pants not fitting.
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    blue- I also got teary eyes reading your post. You are so amazing and we are so blessed that we have you on this journey with us. Thank you!:flowerforyou:

    checking in for 3/23/10:
    calories- under by 150
    water- working on it, it was harder being at home and getting it in
    sodium- 1540
    excercise- did about 10 mins of pilates, bike 13 mins, treadmill 10 mins (w5 redo did not go well couldnt even get 3 min jog in- i blame lack of sleep) and I still have to do my sit up challenge exhaustion test
    proud- that I went to the gym even though I was dreading it...excercise has been tough for me lately

    I had my weigh in at the gym for the BL - I was 222lbs my waist was 41 inches, and my body fat was 41%. I am so embarrassed but it was good motivation. I have to get out of this excercise funk Ive been in. I felt so strong before and so motivated...now I am feeling dread before a workout and just overall lazy. Im still doing it but not with the same enthusiasm:frown:

    On a happier note- I GOT MY RING TODAY! Its 3 stones round shape and I love it! Its bigger than I thought Id get but its what Bobby (BF) wanted to get me...

    Ok, getting ready to watch biggest loser and do my sit ups!

  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Checking in for today

    Calories: 1321..I'm guessing...we had Jasons Deli catered in and they don't have nutritional info for their catering mean WTH!?
    Sodium: 2728...I picked something comparable...
    Water: 112 oz and counting
    Exercise: W2D3 of c25k and 15 minutes on the bike. Going to start week 3 tomorrow. I'm nervous!!
    Proud: I sat a Snickers bar on my desk today and resisted temptation all day...and resisted the brownies my manager kept stuffing in my face today (he is a bad influence!)

    Hope everyone had a great day! It feels good to be back in town and back on track today!