Over 200 Club New Year New Me Part 11



  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Ok, whew, I think I am ready to post. It took me a while to read everything! LOL

    mstahl - I think you did a GREAT job at Mr. Evans' Fine House of Clogged Arteries. Hell, anytime you go there and come out alive you are doing swell. Half of a garden omelet with your preferences is super, in my opinion! :drinker:
    COGirl - great job curving that hunger with, my FAVE as you all know, peanut butter! :love:
    crispy - happy 20th! And many more... :flowerforyou:
    awestfall - first off, you are so beautiful! Second, congrats on that new size, girl! I love that you are rockin' this weight loss thing! :heart:
    lstpaul - so glad to hear your back is doing better! :flowerforyou:
    littlespy - Your monthly weight loss totals are super inspiring! You are a weight loss machine! I also love your never-give-up attitude. :flowerforyou:
    lildeb - 270's, here you come! Gosh, that HAS to feel frickin' AWESOME! I'd jump for joy at 370 at this point! Who am I kidding? I am gonna faint at 399!!! :laugh: I am also praying for the success of the tube inplants for your sweet little one. :heart:
    tiger - WOW - those three weeks went FAST! I swore you still had more weeks, and I do remember you saying you had a three week time span to get it all together! I guess I think a week has 15 days in it! :tongue: AND YOUR WEDDING PIC - Oh my Lord you are so beautiful! Smiling and shining like a new bride should! Your dress is gorgeous and it looks amazing on you! :flowerforyou:

    check in:
    cals: so-so - good on numbers, but my Dad talked me into another darn sodium-laden casino buffet! :grumble:
    water: 80
    exercise: light today - 40 mins bike
    proud: I made very good choices at the sodium buffet! Way better than I did at Christmastime! :drinker:
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    Check in:

    Calories: Under
    Water: yes
    Exercise: big lose workout @ gym
    Proud: I'm logging my foods on this site
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    hi everyone!

    jlb- I agree on the activia being a rip off. I honestly thought they had added something (fiber) to it to make it make you more regular...I guess it was like a fiber pill in yogurt form...so yea its totally not worth it.

    As far as weddings- Bobby and I had always planned on a destination (small) wedding where only our imediate family would attend. Meaning parents and siblings. Our plan was to then come back and have a big party- kind of a fancier BBQ to celebrate with the rest of our families and friends. Neither one of us really like big crowds and we def dont want the whole fancy dinner, first dance , and all that jazz. Its just not our style. But when I told my mom our plans she got really upset and said weddings are supposed to be formal blah blah blah. I am the least formal person youll ever meet! Anyways, I dont even want to think about the planning yet...just going to enjoy being engaged for now.

    momma- your girls sound amazing! I hope I do as good of a job with my kids

    Checking in-
    calories- under by 20
    water- yes
    sodium- 1835
    excercise- supposed to start wk6 of situps but its not looking like its gonna happen, so no
    proud- hmm- that I finally scheduled an appt at the Dr. that Ive been putting off for like years...my mom has been begging me to find a PCP but I always said no. Since I am trying ot be helathier thought I should get a check up...

    Good night all!


  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Those of you who are greek yogurt fans...can you tell me what it is that is diffrent from greek yogurt and normal yogurt?? can you buy it or do you have to make it hommade??

    Those of you getting married good luck with your plans...Hard to believe in another month that i will have been married for 10 years. We had a 1 stop shop as i call it :) it was a chapel type placed that did the cermony, reception, cake, and pictures. Both my sisters have gotten married in the last 2 years (1 divorced already...who other story), 1 really big and one fairly small...all depends on what type of stuff you like :):)

    I have to admit that i went out to eat tonight...but very proud of my choices. I got the hone mustard grilled chikcen sandwich (with no honey mustard) and a side salad which was just lettuce, cucumber, tomatoes, a few crutons, and a little basalmic vingergrete....i studied the menu for like 10 minutes before I ordered anything. Hubby wanted the app/entree/full dessert for 12.99, saying it was a deal and i shot him down several times and made him not get it either.. I am proud of that.

    hubby's interview went well today, he said he had a real good feeling. The guy was even asking how much notice he would need to give, talking about beneifts, vacation and such. THis sounds like a perfect job for him and i really really really hope he gets it. They said they would let him know by the end of next week.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    check in:

    Cals - On target got like 20 to spare :)
    Exericse - 35 min on wii
    Water - 48 oz
    Proud - I made good choices at dinner instead of my usall throwing everything out the window for that bad choice.
  • jesyka
    jesyka Posts: 141 Member
    Check in

    Calories-526 spare
    Exercise-60min walk
    Proud- Bought a new scale, tried it out and I've lost 8lbs this past week!! :D [mostly water weight but at least it's going :D]

    Lildebbie- A good deal doesn't seem like such a good deal when you consider the negative affects of that meal eh, Good job with picking healthier choices :) Glad to hear your hubby's interview went well, here's hoping you get some great news from it!

    Mstahl-Just the way you've described the different ways you can eat greek yogurt makes me really want to try it out!! And if you had meant me, thank you :) I really am loving this site, and this group!
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    :laugh: Yeah jesyka I meant you! sorry!:ohwell: Welcome and I love you're active posting already!

    Greek Yogurt mstahl style-

    I picked up one of the plastic re-usable coffee filters in the coffee isle at the grocery store. It was clipped to one of those hanging poles with little cooking gadgets on it. It uses a plastic mesh filter that can be rinsed off rather than a paper filter. I've seen them with "gold" screen too - any of them will work! Mine is large enough to fit nicely into the top of an empty extra large cottage cheese tub (or Yogurt, or ricotta cheese tub). I fill the filter with plain yogurt and set the tub's lid on top (just rest it there since the filter is in the way of letting it snap on). In about four hours you'll have Greek yogurt in the filter and clear whey in the tub.

    If you leave it longer (forget it like I do) you'll have an even thicker Greek yogurt!

    I flip the greek yogurt into another tub, then add more yogurt ot the filter. The Greek yogurt doesn't stick (much) to the filter so it's super easy to just flip it out and add more yogurt.

    My husband uses the whey as liquid for making bread. He also will drink it- I've tasted it and it's not bad but I wouldn't WANT to drink it. It tastes a little like butter milk...

    Gotta go 5K101!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Weigh in -

    281.7, not as low as i wanted, but i will still take it..that is a weight loss of 2.8 lbs since last week and .98% It is nice to actually show a loss
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    lildebbie.............- 2.8 = 0 .98%
    meokk...............- 0.8 = 0.45%

    Glad I lost but not surprised that it was just a little bit, my exercise was sub par this week and I gave in to some cadbury eggs. Oh those eggs :explode: :grumble:

    Check in for yesterday
    Calories - under exercise, at about 3/4 of
    exercise - 30 day shred and some walking
    water - over 100oz
    proud that I got back into shred mode. I should never have stopped
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Weigh in -

    281.7, not as low as i wanted, but i will still take it..that is a weight loss of 2.8 lbs since last week and .98% It is nice to actually show a loss

    Um, lil deb, 2.8lbs is fantastic, if you do that again this week your number will be in the 270s !!!!!
    I'm proud of you :bigsmile: :drinker:
    And I hope your daughter's operation goes flawlessly today :flowerforyou:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Happy Friday and Happy weigh in day!!:drinker: :bigsmile: :drinker:

    I'm sure many of you are curious about my personal trainer experience. He kicked my ever loving butt!! My legs feel like jello and my abs and back are killing me! OMG!! Almost a 400 calorie burn in about 30 minutes. He did tell me about some specials they are having for personal trainers. He wasn't pushy at all which was great and he was very encouraging throughout the whole process....except he kept calling me ma ma thought that was kinda odd!! So I'm going to play around with some numbers and see if I can afford maybe 3 times a month. I do have a birthday coming up. Maybe I can just ask for money! :laugh:

    On another great note I am sooo close to 40 pounds...my ticker reads 40 and I'm not sure why! I'm 221.4! Soooooo close!! This excites me especially with TOM lurking around the corner! I usually can't lose anything the week before and during. I don't remember how to do the calculations though. Having a brain fart. I think I usually use a website to calculate it and the link is at work so I will post later when I get to work unless someone wants to remind me how! I was 222.4 last week so I lost 1 pound. Check back later! :bigsmile:
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    lildebbie.............- 2.8 = 0 .98%
    meokk...............- 0.8 = 0.45%
    jess41684.........- 1 = 0.45%
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    jess: so glad that he didn't pressure you. Sounds like a killer workout.

    I am only counting 1.4 of the loss this week because I had already lost the other pound earlier in the month. Hopefully for good this time.

    lildebbie.............- 2.8 = 0 .98%
    meokk.................- 0.8 = 0.45%
    jess41684.............- 1 = 0.45%
    snowflakes.........-1.4 = 0.75%
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member

    lildebbie.............- 2.8 = 0 .98%
    meokk...............- 0.8 = 0.45%
    jess41684.........- 1 = 0.45%
    snowflakes.........-1.4 = 0.75%
    Positive................- 3 =1.38%

    The only thing i did different this week oppose to last week was drink 12 -14 cups of water...wow! i am so happy!

    Wow! you gals were busy posting yesterday..

    Thanks girls...i took your advice about hubby and i doing this weight loss thing together...he came home tired from work and i presured him to got walk/run. we went to the park and we walked twice around a small track and he got tired and i ran 4 times around the same track...it felt so good..i bburnt 300 calories...not bad at all!

    litdeb: hope your daughter is well today

    tiger: you look beautiful! congrates!

    momma: congrates to you daughter..we do need more math and science programs for girls...My daughter was accepted in the gifted program ( since first grade), at school, the school takes her out during reading and math because she get very bored and distracts others around her..we recently got an application to a college program..she is only in 8 grade..but if she takes her SAT and if scores well they will pay for education...but i find that she is easily distracted by her friends. the older she get the more she worries what their opinions are and not what she wants..hopefully it's a short phase she is going through!

    About the blackberry/iphone debate, i have a basic phone that comes with the att plan..no internet or text...but my daughter wanted an ipod touch for the longest..she sold her ipod on craigslist to get the Itouch..she recently found one on craigslist 8 gig..3rd generation with everything for $120.00 and if you call apple to create a warrently...that is what she did...now i want one.

    Checkin: 3/25/10
    calories: under by 100
    exercise: walk/run in park
    water: 12 cups
    proud: i didn't eat after my run..even though i was a little hungry

    Have a great day girls!

    EDIT: to add snowflake..we must of posted together..:)
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    First time I've seen a 20? on a Friday! Could this be progress? I've been hovering around 211-212 all week until yesterday when I was 210.6, I think.
    Today I'm 209.8 which is finally a loss I can count because the lowest weight I've counted on a Friday was 210.2 on 03/12!

    lildebbie.............- 2.8 = 0 .98%
    meokk...............- 0.8 = 0.45%
    jess41684.........- 1 = 0.45%
    snowflakes.........-1.4 = 0.75%
    Positive................- 3 =1.38%
    LittleSpy/jlb.........-0.4 = 0.19%

    I'll take anything in the right direction. I think eating MORE is working! :bigsmile:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Now to check in for yesterday:
    Calories: 1721 (YES, 1721 & I still had 600 exercise calories left... and that was with really underestimating my exercise...)
    Exercise: 30 Day Shred lvl 1; 90 minutes of tennis. I was running almost the ENTIRE time. I could tell my boyfriend was so tired. He all but begged me to go home after 90 minutes. :laugh: He's a trooper for sticking it out that long, but I could've played forever. I can't believe how much energy/endurance/stamina I have.
    Water: 11 cups
    Proud: I played tennis. And sure, I sucked, but I didn't *completely* suck. :laugh: I'm proud that instead of getting frustrated with my bf for hitting the ball all crazy to me (rather than not hit it at all & then have to chase after it...) -- sometimes all the way across both courts or all the way out of the fence (which was like 20 feet high), I would just laugh & run to go get it. I hope it was an eye opener for him -- that just because I still weigh more than him doesn't mean he's in better shape. I don't think he quite understood how fit I actually am now until last night (not to toot my own horn, just saying he had no idea -- I was UNBELIEVABLY out of shape 6 months ago). He continues to say stuff like "I'm going to start running" and "I'm going to start lifting weights" and he never starts. I hope this will be the push he needs. I mean, I love him either way but I'd really like to be more active with him because it's something I really enjoy now. Oh and probably the thing I'm most proud of is that when 2 guys came up to use the other court (2 in the same fence), I didn't shut down, I just kept trying & playing & running as hard as I could. I never ever would've done that before. I would've been so embarrassed we probably would've had to leave. But I honestly didn't care if they were looking at me or if they were laughing at me (and of course they weren't doing either). That's so huge for me. I've always let the fear of judgment from others keep me from doing what I want to do. Always. I've had serious social anxiety issues my entire life because of it. Now I don't, apparently. And the thought of that actually makes me tear up. :laugh:

    I realized all 3 levels of 30 Day Shred aren't on Exercise TV on Demand anymore, just level 1. So, I won't be able to follow through with my plan to go through it in 30 days unless I buy it which won't happen unless I find it really cheap (I'm going to look online now). It's a bummer because I was pretty excited about it but I understand they need to rotate what's on that channel.
    So, this morning I completed our weekly challenge & did a pilates video instead. :laugh: That was an experience. I'm not the most flexible person, nor do I have the most balance and although I was able to do most of it, there was one move, which they called the "seal" or something, that even the thought of doing it sent me into fits of giggles. Good thing laughing burns calories, too. :wink:
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    I was actually going to get the activa,it does have some fiber , but then saw the fiber one snack yogurts (50 cals) so got some of that instead, it had 5 g of fiber in it...the activa has that other stuff, maybe i will try it next time.

    Momma - Congrats to your daughter!!! That is awesome.
    lildebbie I love the fiber ones much better than the activias because of the fiber and low calories.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    I don't know about Activia. I think I'm of the camp that thinks Activia is pretty much just a marketing scam. :laugh: I mean, they named their cultures "Bifidus Regularis" and "Bifidus Digistivum" or something absolutely ridiculous like that. Of course all probiotics (the cultures that make yogurt... well, yogurt) aid digestion. :smile:

    I'm also of the yogurt camp that doesn't care for yogurt sweetened with HFCS, sugar, aspartame, and splenda (and all at the same time!! I nearly died when I read the ingredients of the Dannon Light & Fit I used to eat). It's amazing the difference in flavor of yogurt sweetened with sugar/honey instead. And the calories aren't even that much more, either! It's shocking, really. I figure I get enough aspartame/sucralose in the diet soda I can't seem to give up.

    Of course, these are my personal preferences and I'm okay with the fact that many people feel differently. :smile:
    Also, since I've gone greek, I haven't really even given regular yogurt another thought. :wink: It is seriously SO GOOD I have a hard time not eating too much of it. I just ate some as a snack. Then, tonight I'm going to use it instead of sour cream in my mashed potatoes. And then I'm going to eat greek yogurt with CHOCOLATE in it (OMG, it's so good!!!) as dessert. :embarassed: I think I may have a problem. :laugh:

    Tonight is homemade yogurt attempt #2. :embarassed:

    Congratulations Haley!!!!
    I agree I love greek yogurt tooo.And momma congrats to your daughter that is awesome.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Now to check in for yesterday:
    Calories: 1721 (YES, 1721 & I still had 600 exercise calories left... and that was with really underestimating my exercise...)
    Exercise: 30 Day Shred lvl 1; 90 minutes of tennis. I was running almost the ENTIRE time. I could tell my boyfriend was so tired. He all but begged me to go home after 90 minutes. :laugh: He's a trooper for sticking it out that long, but I could've played forever. I can't believe how much energy/endurance/stamina I have.
    Water: 11 cups
    Proud: I played tennis. And sure, I sucked, but I didn't *completely* suck. :laugh: I'm proud that instead of getting frustrated with my bf for hitting the ball all crazy to me (rather than not hit it at all & then have to chase after it...) -- sometimes all the way across both courts or all the way out of the fence (which was like 20 feet high), I would just laugh & run to go get it. I hope it was an eye opener for him -- that just because I still weigh more than him doesn't mean he's in better shape. I don't think he quite understood how fit I actually am now until last night (not to toot my own horn, just saying he had no idea -- I was UNBELIEVABLY out of shape 6 months ago). He continues to say stuff like "I'm going to start running" and "I'm going to start lifting weights" and he never starts. I hope this will be the push he needs. I mean, I love him either way but I'd really like to be more active with him because it's something I really enjoy now. Oh and probably the thing I'm most proud of is that when 2 guys came up to use the other court (2 in the same fence), I didn't shut down, I just kept trying & playing & running as hard as I could. I never ever would've done that before. I would've been so embarrassed we probably would've had to leave. But I honestly didn't care if they were looking at me or if they were laughing at me (and of course they weren't doing either). That's so huge for me. I've always let the fear of judgment from others keep me from doing what I want to do. Always. I've had serious social anxiety issues my entire life because of it. Now I don't, apparently. And the thought of that actually makes me tear up. :laugh:

    I realized all 3 levels of 30 Day Shred aren't on Exercise TV on Demand anymore, just level 1. So, I won't be able to follow through with my plan to go through it in 30 days unless I buy it which won't happen unless I find it really cheap (I'm going to look online now). It's a bummer because I was pretty excited about it but I understand they need to rotate what's on that channel.
    So, this morning I completed our weekly challenge & did a pilates video instead. :laugh: That was an experience. I'm not the most flexible person, nor do I have the most balance and although I was able to do most of it, there was one move, which they called the "seal" or something, that even the thought of doing it sent me into fits of giggles. Good thing laughing burns calories, too. :wink:

    I bought mine at Walmart for $9. Wonder if it would let me burn a copy and send it to you? HAHA!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good morning, ladies!

    I thought I'd check in for weigh in before I get going for my weekend. It's been a lovely morning off with sleeping in an hour later than normal, pb toast for breakfast and finding out that I got my tax refunds earlier than expected. Yay!

    Momma: Congrats on your daughter getting in the trek program; it's awesome she's so interested in math and science because I've never been a math fan. Now I do accounting work...who would have figured? Way to go on W1D1 of C25k! Oh, and your wedding sounds like it was lovely...that's the style I'd want if I ever get married.

    Spy: Way to go on your awesome tennis experience. I'm so glad you weren't worried about others watching you. I understand where you're coming from and realize what an accomplishment that is. I'm glad you were able to "run circles' around your boyfriend.

    Meokk: I burn about 260 calories doing 20 Day Shred level 1 (at 194 lbs. and decent fitness level). When I weighed about 208, I burned about 368 calories. I use 5 lb. weights for everything except the side lunge/shoulder lifts.

    Jess: I'm glad you had a good session with the trainer and that he wasn't pushy. And way to go on being so close to 40 lbs. lost. That's amazing!

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: 533 left over
    Sodium: Over by 318
    Water: 32 oz.
    Exercise: Rode horse bareback for about 30 minutes...great core workout!
    Proud: That my boyfriend talked me out of having a snack last night at 9pm when I thought I was hungry. (I wasn't)

    Last night Nate (BF) said I didn't need a snack and I kept telling him I did, so he asked to what degree was I hungry? I told him just a little bit, like a few crackers. He said, "how about you take your shower first and if you're still hungry, then eat." I agreed. Right before I got in the shower I weighed myself and the scale read 191.6 which is a LOW weight for a night weight. I then yelled that I wouldn't be snacking afterall.

    So, this morning I got up and the scale said 190.0!! I'm super excited.

    lildebbie.............- 2.8 = 0 .98%
    meokk...............- 0.8 = 0.45%
    jess41684.........- 1 = 0.45%
    snowflakes.........-1.4 = 0.75%
    Positive................- 3 =1.38%
    LittleSpy/jlb.........-0.4 = 0.19%
    hajohnson.........-2.6 = 1.35%