Over 200 Club New Year New Me Part 11



  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Mstahl - I am sorry you got such a cruddy review. :( Sometimes you need that push that you need to make another decision, hope that other posistions works out for you.

    I think i am nervous about my hubby's interview today than he is :ohwell: :ohwell: :ohwell: :ohwell:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    My morning battle with my scale :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:

    So i woke up at 5:30 (unwillingly since my 3 yr doesn't get the concept of "sleeping in"), and scale was 281.4 (3x in a row)

    THen i came downstairs, sorry TMI ...but took a big poop....THen went to to get a shower ...got on and 280.5 (3x in a row ), then got on again (279.5...yes that was a 27? I was excited) but really how can my weight jump 1 lbs within like 2 minutes. I Understand that it fluctuates throught the day, but like 2 minutes?...I am just ranting i guess....any of the 3 are okay with me of course i love the 279.5..i haven't see an 27? since 2007 and it was going up...since I was like down to 250 after my baby was born when i went back to work in feburary and was like 290 in september of 2007 so assuming someone in between...i am just rambling now, guess i need to get my girls ready for school
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Morning gals just finished my 45 minute run and I will do another 45 later if I feel like it.232 this morning so almost back to normal.2 pounds to go and I will be back to last weeks weight -1 pound extra.Thats what I am hoping for.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Awestfall - WTG on the 45 min run...you inspire me :) maybe one day i can run for more than a minute:sad: :sad:
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Good Morning gals!

    Cris: the ring is a beauty...congrates!
    Tiger: congrates on the wedding!
    litdeb: hope you hubby get the new job... When i did the quiz it told me i was "straight" I knew that ...how did i have 3 kids by a man...but they ment the other straight..the ruler kind...no curves whatsoever...yay me :(
    Bluenote: you alwas crack me up with your posts...love ya!
    awestfall: love the new picture...hotty!
    Mstahl: I hope you got the new job...and i am sorry about the bad review...ignore and don't let it bother you
    Momma: keep doing what your doing...you got this girl!
    littlespy: sorry but i like homepreped ground turkey and chicken over homeprep ground beef....for some reason when i started to like the ground turkey and chicken i started to taste the beef like sand...
    jesyka: Way to on your 2 1/2 hour walk...:flowerforyou: you didn't give up after the first 10 minutes
    jess: don't let the quiz get you down...i will take a pear over a ruler..lol

    I am sorry if i missed anyone...brain blockage...
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    check in: 3/24/10
    calories: under by 100
    exercise: walked / running outside while my son rode his bike + walked/run in the park..with hubby
    water: 12 cups
    proud: I only had 2 bites of red velvet cake and not the whole slice...i am starting to get my willpower back..lol

    hubby and i were talking about losing weight together...we both need to lose like 50 pounds...and start working out together outside since it's starting to get nice around here. What do you all think? Am i setting myself out to fail or will it be good to do this together...he can be very bossy at time. we can motivate each other...
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Awestfall - WTG on the 45 min run...you inspire me :) maybe one day i can run for more than a minute:sad: :sad:
    Thanks lildebbie!! It didn't happen over night it took alot of time for me to build up to 1 hour and more.But I think its part of my daily life now.I seem not to be able to go a day without running now.I LOVE RUNNING!!! Hard to believe a year ago I couldn't even walk up my stairs without being out of breath and now I can run up and down them no problem.Yes I may still be 232 pounds and yes that is fat but I am making myself healthier each and everyday by exercising and eating right.Pretty soon the weight will have no choice but to fall off and I feel like it may be coming pretty soon.
    Positively- I :heart: you girl!! thanks for the sweet comment on my pic.I can tell my face is getting smaller because pictures I have taken a few months before this one my face was alot fatter.This was taken about a week ago.So again thanks makes me feel good.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    check in: 3/24/10
    calories: under by 100
    exercise: walked / running outside while my son rode his bike + walked/run in the park..with hubby
    water: 12 cups
    proud: I only had 2 bites of red velvet cake and not the whole slice...i am starting to get my willpower back..lol

    hubby and i were talking about losing weight together...we both need to lose like 50 pounds...and start working out together outside since it's starting to get nice around here. What do you all think? Am i setting myself out to fail or will it be good to do this together...he can be very bossy at time. we can motivate each other...
    Positively me- I say go for it with your husband .Like you said you can motivate each other.I wish I could get my husband to exercise with me but I will settle for him and my girls eating healthier food choices because I no longer buy junk anymore.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Ok I am changing my ticker back to reflect what I have lost since I started my journey.So when it says I lost 20 or 30 pounds already its just reflecting my starting weight last year.Hope no one minds me doing that.I just keep forgetting how much I have really lost so far.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good morning, ladies!

    Cris: Beautiful ring...and it looks big, too! I love that your fiance (are you used to saying that yet?) motivated you to go to the gym which resulted in you exercising longer than normal. I love that he's on track with you and motivating you to stick with it. Yay!

    Littlespy: I'm with you on the beef vs. turkey thing. I always use 97% lean beef, even when the fattier stuff is cheaper because I just can't stand knowing there's more fat than I needed!

    Blunote: Congrats on getting your hair cut and fitting in the salon chair. That's awesome! You're just wracking up the successes!

    Tiger: Congrats on your wedding. I can't wait to see pics of the beautiful bride (you!)!

    Pos: I did the shape thing, too, and I'm a pear. I never would have thought I'd be a pear but it's funny that the types of clothes they recommend for my shape are what I already wear. Hey, at least I know I'm on the right track. Oh, and I definitely think you should workout with your hubby. Having someone to workout with and keep you motivated is the biggest advantage. Plus, getting outside for those workouts (walking, hiking, etc) will strengthen your relationship because it forces you away from the television and other distractions. My boyfriend and I have seen the benefits!

    mstahl: Way to go on your "accidental" week three workout.

    lildebbie: I say take the 279.5 and run with it, girl! Don't ask why, just own it!

    Awestfall: Your comment about being fat and running makes me go back to the article I read recently that someone overweight and active IS healthier than someone thin and inactive. You're doing all of the right things, so keep it up!

    Okay, now checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: 98 calories over
    Sodium: 802 over
    Water: 48 oz.
    Exercise: Walked the dog with my boyfriend, cleaned out my car and packed for my weekend trip.
    Proud: That my car is now organized, which makes the boyfriend happy!

    Have a great day ladies!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Calories: 1470
    Exercise: 30 Day Shred level 1; 40 minute walk, including a few minutes of swinging & epically failing on the monkey bars. :laugh: I was never able to do those as a kid, either (fat kid)! So, maybe that should be a goal -- I WILL monkey my way across those stupid bars some day this year. Yes, in my work clothes.
    Water: I know it's more than 8 cups, but that's what I have logged. I'm betting it's 11 though, I normally forget to log my last jug full at work.
    Proud: I got up for day 2 of 30 Day shred this morning.

    I woke up today feeling lighthead & dizzy. Not sure what's going on there. I did 30 Day Shred day 3 anyway -- luckily not much balancing is involved. I'm still feeling wonky. I have been known to experience random episodes of vertigo very occasionally -- since I was a kid -- so I think that's what this is. Probably related to allergies/sinus pressure. At least I hope that's all it is. :wink:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Ok I am changing my ticker back to reflect what I have lost since I started my journey.So when it says I lost 20 or 30 pounds already its just reflecting my starting weight last year.Hope no one minds me doing that.I just keep forgetting how much I have really lost so far.

    Mine reflects my weight loss since November, even though I didn't start MFP until after that time. You do whatever you need to do to keep yourself motivated! We're with you!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Ok I am changing my ticker back to reflect what I have lost since I started my journey.So when it says I lost 20 or 30 pounds already its just reflecting my starting weight last year.Hope no one minds me doing that.I just keep forgetting how much I have really lost so far.

    I think I'm going to have to be a copy cat and do the same. Makes me feel better then seeing 10 pounds lost! I like the way 39 pounds looks! It's silly but whatever makes me feel better right? Great idea awestfall!
  • jesyka
    jesyka Posts: 141 Member
    Jess & awestfall- It's still weight lost right? It all adds up and shows the great progress you've made! Definitely deserves to be added on your tickers :)

    Littlespy- Great job on doing your workout even though you weren't feeling well. I wouldn't have had the motivation to do it, that's awesome. Hope you start to feel better soon!
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    ABSOLUTELY you change that ticker to reflect ALL of your accomplishments! Be proud of how far you've come!

    lildeb - when my scale decides to play with my mind I usually take the average of all of the numbers, or the middle one it gives me.

    Girls & boys, do you notice something different on my post? :blushing: I FNALLY HIT 6 - 0!!!!! And this time my ticker is honest! Oh my soul and body that took me three weeks of fighting the same three pounds but I finally did it! I bet it has a LOT to do with being on vacation and not being so stressed out this week. I worked HARD for that ticker! I should re-write Donna Summer's song: "She works hard for that ticker, so hard for that ticker. She works hard for that ticker, so you better treat her right!" :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    check in: 3/24/10
    calories: under by 100
    exercise: walked / running outside while my son rode his bike + walked/run in the park..with hubby
    water: 12 cups
    proud: I only had 2 bites of red velvet cake and not the whole slice...i am starting to get my willpower back..lol

    hubby and i were talking about losing weight together...we both need to lose like 50 pounds...and start working out together outside since it's starting to get nice around here. What do you all think? Am i setting myself out to fail or will it be good to do this together...he can be very bossy at time. we can motivate each other...

    I say if you are both dedicated it would benefit the both of you. It's always easier to be in a relationship with someone who is trying to lose weigh as well. I have learned that the hard way. But I'm not married so it could be different when you are married. But I see it as a positive! :bigsmile: And I am the same way with the turkey. When I go to my parents house now my mom still uses hamburger and it just tastes nasty to me and it makes me feel like crap! It's weird how after going healthy and you try to eat some "junk" food it makes you feel so yucky! :sick:
  • crispy1990
    Hi ladies
    Hope everyone is ok

    Cris - your ring is beautiful :happy:

    Ann - 45 min run is amazing, I can do about 15 at the moment :laugh:

    Bluenote - Your weightloss is awe inspiring and huge credit to you, You should be extremely proud of yourself :flowerforyou:

    Heather - thank you for taking the time to answer my sodium question, I am going to have to work out how to work it out in the meals I cook ( if that makes sense) LOL

    Littlespy - Absolutely beef over turkey mince

    Now for checking in

    Went slightly over yesterday and didn't exercise

    - my excuse is it was my 20th Wedding Anniversary ! and although we didn't go out (we are on Saturday :drinker: ) I did have some champagne !
    Back on track today and feeling good
    Have a good day

  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Ok I am changing my ticker back to reflect what I have lost since I started my journey.So when it says I lost 20 or 30 pounds already its just reflecting my starting weight last year.Hope no one minds me doing that.I just keep forgetting how much I have really lost so far.

    Mine reflects my weight loss since November, even though I didn't start MFP until after that time. You do whatever you need to do to keep yourself motivated! We're with you!
    Thanks Hajohnson you are such a sweetie
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Ok I am changing my ticker back to reflect what I have lost since I started my journey.So when it says I lost 20 or 30 pounds already its just reflecting my starting weight last year.Hope no one minds me doing that.I just keep forgetting how much I have really lost so far.

    I think I'm going to have to be a copy cat and do the same. Makes me feel better then seeing 10 pounds lost! I like the way 39 pounds looks! It's silly but whatever makes me feel better right? Great idea awestfall!
    Totally Jess !! Its all about keeping ourselves motivated and feeling great about the progress we have made.I love see the bigger number right now because it reminds me that I am doing this and how far I have already come in a year.I know 25 pounds doesn't seem like alot of weight to lose in one year but considering that I had lost a total of 47 pounds until I had gained 20 some pounds of that back.I will take keeping the 25 pounds off as a reward and I am working on getting more weight off.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    . When I go to my parents house now my mom still uses hamburger and it just tastes nasty to me and it makes me feel like crap! It's weird how after going healthy and you try to eat some "junk" food it makes you feel so yucky! :sick:

    I won't argue with your tastes, because everyone likes what they like, lol. :happy: But I would like to point out that very lean beef is, in no way, "junk" food. :wink: Maybe your mom is using 75 or 80% lean so it has a ton of extra fat -- If so, I can definitely see how that would make you feel sick! Blech, to too much animal fat. :sick: