Over 200 Club New Year New Me Part 11



  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    My 13 yo daughter was just accepted to tek trek. Not sure if you are familiar with it. A womans group which I can't remember their name it is like aauw or aawu I don't know. Anyways they are college educated women who work in the math or science field and they sponser 7th grade girls to go to tek trek which is a Girls Science camp and the girls live on a college campus for 1 week they do all kinds of science and math things like you would at a science olympiad. My 16 yo went when she was a 7th grader. They live in the dorm for a week with a room mate. It is just so fun and exciting. It is suppose to keep girls interested in the math and science fields because they usually fall away from that type of major as they get into high school. Not my girls my oldest wants to be an aeronautical engineer and this one wants to be a doctor and even the little one wants to work in some sort of science type feild. That is their dad's doing he has always kept them interested in science and history. Anyways as you can tell I am really excited for her. She doesn't know yet. Yay Haley!!!!!!

    By the way Haley had to first write a paper as to why she should go, the school selected 5 of those girls who get to move on to the interview process with the womens group. She then went to an interview her and I and today she was selected. Yay Haley again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Sounds like I need to try this activia!

    meokk-I didn't even think of going on Safari! GOOD IDEA! I shoulda thought of that last weekend when I was stranded in Tulsa with no internet.

    Tiger-You looked beautiful in your dress!! Not to mention you were glowing!!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    I was actually going to get the activa,it does have some fiber , but then saw the fiber one snack yogurts (50 cals) so got some of that instead, it had 5 g of fiber in it...the activa has that other stuff, maybe i will try it next time.

    Momma - Congrats to your daughter!!! That is awesome.
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    My 13 yo daughter was just accepted to tek trek. Not sure if you are familiar with it. A womans group which I can't remember their name it is like aauw or aawu I don't know. Anyways they are college educated women who work in the math or science field and they sponser 7th grade girls to go to tek trek which is a Girls Science camp and the girls live on a college campus for 1 week they do all kinds of science and math things like you would at a science olympiad. My 16 yo went when she was a 7th grader. They live in the dorm for a week with a room mate. It is just so fun and exciting. It is suppose to keep girls interested in the math and science fields because they usually fall away from that type of major as they get into high school. Not my girls my oldest wants to be an aeronautical engineer and this one wants to be a doctor and even the little one wants to work in some sort of science type feild. That is their dad's doing he has always kept them interested in science and history. Anyways as you can tell I am really excited for her. She doesn't know yet. Yay Haley!!!!!!

    By the way Haley had to first write a paper as to why she should go, the school selected 5 of those girls who get to move on to the interview process with the womens group. She then went to an interview her and I and today she was selected. Yay Haley again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Congrats to Haley! (and to you) :drinker: That sounds like a terrific program ... my 16yo wants to be an engineer ... but do you think I can get her to sign up for 'Exploring Engineering Careers' camp ... nooooo, she picked 'Culinary Arts' because none of her friends want to do 'Exploring Engineering Careers'. Oh well. I'm glad that they have so many programs that encourage girls in math and science.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I don't know about Activia. I think I'm of the camp that thinks Activia is pretty much just a marketing scam. :laugh: I mean, they named their cultures "Bifidus Regularis" and "Bifidus Digistivum" or something absolutely ridiculous like that. Of course all probiotics (the cultures that make yogurt... well, yogurt) aid digestion. :smile:

    I'm also of the yogurt camp that doesn't care for yogurt sweetened with HFCS, sugar, aspartame, and splenda (and all at the same time!! I nearly died when I read the ingredients of the Dannon Light & Fit I used to eat). It's amazing the difference in flavor of yogurt sweetened with sugar/honey instead. And the calories aren't even that much more, either! It's shocking, really. I figure I get enough aspartame/sucralose in the diet soda I can't seem to give up.

    Of course, these are my personal preferences and I'm okay with the fact that many people feel differently. :smile:
    Also, since I've gone greek, I haven't really even given regular yogurt another thought. :wink: It is seriously SO GOOD I have a hard time not eating too much of it. I just ate some as a snack. Then, tonight I'm going to use it instead of sour cream in my mashed potatoes. And then I'm going to eat greek yogurt with CHOCOLATE in it (OMG, it's so good!!!) as dessert. :embarassed: I think I may have a problem. :laugh:

    Tonight is homemade yogurt attempt #2. :embarassed:

    Congratulations Haley!!!!
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    littlespy-I did c25k week 1 workout 1 and I am out of breath sorta. I did it backwards though I ran 90 seconds and walked 60.:embarassed:
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Thanks for the congrats everyone.

    Lstpaul, your 16 yo and mine sound a lot alike!!!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    littlespy-I did c25k week 1 workout 1 and I am out of breath sorta. I did it backwards though I ran 90 seconds and walked 60.:embarassed:

    Wow, momma! I'm so proud of you! If you can do it backwards like that, you should probably just try week 2 next time! I think it's jog 90sec walk 2min. :smile: That's really great! It's such an awesome program.
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Maybe I will try that. The only reason I did it today is I needed to get some exercise in for today. My original plans fell through so I decided I would try it. I really enjoyed it. It was really a lot easier than I thought it would be and I like the idea of taking breaks by walking. I still walked rather brisk too. I may just start week 2 on Monday.
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Tiger, you look gorgeous!!

    Hmmm, that reminds me I still have a lot of planning to do.....
    Cris, you set a date yet? I don't even have a firm date yet for the real wedding.
    we are having a fake wedding too!! I'm from England, am I the only foreigner in the group?, so we are doing a non-legal fake wedding in England first then our real wedding at home in October.
    I live in the US btw and moved here when I was 14 so I'm as much American as I am English.

    So Cris, get ready, this is becoming a lot of work...
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Tiger, you look gorgeous!!

    Hmmm, that reminds me I still have a lot of planning to do.....
    Cris, you set a date yet? I don't even have a firm date yet for the real wedding.
    we are having a fake wedding too!! I'm from England, am I the only foreigner in the group?, so we are doing a non-legal fake wedding in England first then our real wedding at home in October.
    I live in the US btw and moved here when I was 14 so I'm as much American as I am English.

    So Cris, get ready, this is becoming a lot of work...


    You ladies are crazy! :laugh:

    Bf and I agree we are going to elope. Plain and simple. :smile: I would have a freaking meltdown with all the stress and attention of a wedding so I'm impressed you guys not only can handle it, but WANT it! :smile:

    We may have a big party when we get back. Most of my friends seem to be like that. The married couple we hang out with got married at the courthouse. They don't even have/wear wedding rings (and they're both lawyers so trust that they can afford them!).
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    I got married on my mother in laws property under a huge oak tree. My mil found some old chandelier from a yard sale and put flowers and lacy material so that there would be a point like a gazebo under the tree for us to stand. She made my bouquet we went to the court house got a lisence asked my moms preacher to come out. Told all our bros and sis to show up. (and my best friend) Got married ate tuna sanwiches and ham. Then went to Reno for the night. It was such a nice calm and peaceful wedding. But I think it has to be your style to keep it simple. I really enjoyed it. We had planned on going to to Reno and gett ing married at one of those wedding chapel they have in NV. and the mil asked us not to. She said please do it here I will plan everything. She did a wonderful job. The hubby always asks if I feel I was cheated out of a big wedding. I don't. I like my wedding. But my little sis had the big wedding and she loved it so I think it just depends on the people getting married. Good luck with your wedding girls Just wanted to mention the hotel in Reno probably costed more than my wedding:laugh: :laugh:
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Hey little spy,
    Yes, I must be crazy, I never wanted a wedding really at all and now I'm having two !!!!!
    Neither will be traditional in any way but still it is a bit painful
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    Congrats to your daughters Mama.. that is awesome.. my daughter got into a program similar to that in 6th and 7th grade. This year she is in all pre AP courses and is doing well. It really does open doors for the girls when they get a little older!

    Weddings... I agree with mama when it comes time to weddings... It is your special day and what should matter is what you want. So, if you want the simple wedding or want to elope or if you want a HUGE wedding or something in between you should go for it!

    Today is going well although my cravings are hitting me hard this afternoon. So, I had a 45 cal slice of bread with a tbl of peanut butter.. yum. now on to the water water water and hopefully that will hold me over till dinner in about 3.5 hours.
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    All of you who have done the 30 day shred.....how many calories do you think your burned?
    I don't have a HRM so just guess based on others calorie burned ranges found on various MFP posts.

    I'm starting the shred again because I want LittleSpy collar bones :laugh:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    All of you who have done the 30 day shred.....how many calories do you think your burned?
    I don't have a HRM so just guess based on others calorie burned ranges found on various MFP posts.

    I'm starting the shred again because I want LittleSpy collar bones :laugh:

    I would burn about 250-300 calories in the 20 mins.
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    Pages and pages of posts to catch up with this group today. What an amazing group of women you are. You each are strong wonderful women. Been doing well with calories and exercise so hoping htat the scale will wpeak kindly in the morning. Tomorrow there is no school, it is the last day of the quater. Wow this school year is going so fast. Hope you all have an enjoyable weekend.
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Hello all!

    I had breakfast with my husband at Bob Evans before work -I ate half a garden omelet. Doesn't that sound healthy? LOL - not. But at least I had them go light on the cheese and I had the sauce on the side! For lunch I had my normal breakfast - Greek yogurt with maple syrup and half a cup of Caramel fiber one. BUT it's Thursday night and the gang's coming over! I'm making "garden Chicken" which is just grilled chicken breast with lots of veggies under a blanket of melted cheese. I'm not going to have the cheese on mine and hope for the best!

    I stopped for fresh basil on the way home and found the grocery store filled with fresh strawberries! YUM! Dessert (with Greek yogurt of course!)

    I've read everything today just never had a chance to comment! JesAka(is that It? Can't look back!) I love that you joined our group and you fit in so well!

    Just a fast walk at lunch 45 minutes, for me so far today - gotta go get dinner ready before the guests arrive!
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member

    Can someone give me the recipe for homemade GREEK yogurt? I would so appreciate it!
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    I just checked my weight logs and if the 216 is REAL then I will ahve lost 12+ lbs this month! HOLY@$#^%!:noway:
    Holy schmolies that is GREAT, cris! :drinker: