

  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: You know I just LOVE:love: Fridays,

    Meg-Congrats on that loss:flowerforyou: Even being sick all your hard work is paying off and being at a new low is the reward:flowerforyou:

    Linda-hope your levels after your dinner were what you were wanting:flowerforyou: Sounds like you have a busy few days ahead of you, enjoy.

    Rori-what kind of make up did you get? $200 all at once sounds like a lot, but when you have the Avon Gal come to your office once a month and I only buy what I need for now...after a year I'm sure that my dollars are so much more:noway:

    Brooke in Colorado....where in our wonderful state are you:huh:

    cheryl- I did miss you on this group, but since I saw that you were still logging your food I knew you were still around and probably busy like the rest of us...we do care :flowerforyou:

    DeeDee-sounds like you need to take it easy and give your total body a rest so it can heal:flowerforyou: Don't try and rush to get better sometimes taking it slooowwww is the best.

    So last night hubby was wanting pizza for dinner (not on his diet but I'm not the food police) at least he got thin crust and could I say NO?:blushing: of course not....it had too much sodium and fat but I did love it:blushing: Now today I will push extra water and be careful about what I eat. I also put on my new smaller clothes to keep me mindful of what I'm putting in my mouth:wink:

    I have plenty to get done in the office but I'm determined to be out of here on time so I can play before hubby gets off work. I will try and get in a good workout too. The commute was back to normal last night and this morning I just wish it would give us a big storm so I could stay home for a day or two ....it would help the plants and I could do some fun stuff at home:ohwell:

    Everyone have a good weekend. Remember to drink your water then log it, move your body and log it and all that food get it in here:drinker:

    Laura80111 in Colorado:smile:
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    DeeDee - what the heck? Why are you doing squats when you have pneumonia??

    My quick gratitude list:

    I have enough hay to feed my horses for a couple more months (hay is hard to find)
    I have a job that gives me so much flexibility that I can manage the work/life balance easily.
    My job pays me way more than they should.
    My husband adores me.
    My children are alive.
    Although I've gained 3 pounds back I am still a size 10 (although I'm back into the abnormal BMI)
    The $1200 a month we pay in child support will end in 3 months and 10 days. :drinker:

    Jodio - now two of us want to know where your daughter goes to school.

    Tammy - We didn't get any scary amounts of snow today - in fact since my daughter had a ski trip today it was perfect. I had to drop her off at school early with her stuff and actually made it to work earlier than usual. Oh, and is your daughter going to London? Mine went last year and loved it.

    So today I hit 160 again :noway: My goal was to get out of the 150's but I guess I should have been a little clearer by what I meant :laugh:

    This is it. I will be back to losing this week. No way am I going to go to Amvets and ask for my clothes back :tongue:
  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member
    Good morning, ladies -

    and a happy Friday to all! I hope those in the mid-West are having fun getting their calorie-burning with the snow shovel! My project from heck is based in KS - I was on a call yesterday morning - they were getting snow at a rate of over two inches/hour. They already had people stuck in the parking lot - at 9am, trying to get out. We are currently high and dry out here on the East Coast and only expecting rain if anything. We had an amazing red sunrise today though.

    Nothing too much to report here - my mom was released from the hospital yesterday after lots of testing. They finally determined there is nothing wrong with her heart and they didn't see any clots. They think it might have been a bad case of acid reflux so they have her on an intensive treatment with Prilosec.

    My sister comes home tomorrow after driving all over CO. I think she's glad - and we're picking her up at the airport and driving on to Atlantic City to see Matchbox Twenty - squee! We're both excited. The boys are coming along to a) pay for the hotel rooms and b) gamble, duh, and c) make sure no guys make off with their gals :wink:. :drinker::bigsmile:

    Diet and exercise are pretty good these days - most days are good with an occasional treat - more the exception than the rule. I'm still exercising about six days a week, with another week of Combat, then moving to a P90X/Combat hybrid. So far I've lost another few pounds while doing the extra cardio workout but the changes to my body shape have been tremendous. I'm really happy with the results.

    I hope the weather warms up soon - I'd really like to start getting outside and walking and working in the yard. In other words, I guess I'm ready for winter to be over.

    Cheryl, I read your gratitude list and love it. LOL at getting out of the 150s :laugh:. I catch myself feeling a little tired of "dieting" but really most of the time I'm just thirsty. I tell myself all the time I need to keep water with me. It's almost always part of the issue if not all of it.

    I think things are going to start slowing down for me (finally!) soon and I'll be able to catch up with everyone. In the meantime, keep moving!


  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Tammy: We have several different climate zones in Oregon. Washington does, too. I live in northwest Oregon and our rainfall is similar to nearby Portland, about 37 inches annually. Astoria gets just over 67 inches and Burns gets just over 10 inches. Elevation and mountain ranges play a big part in local weather. Today is rainy, but it has been dry lately.

    Katla in NW Oregon
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :flowerforyou: I've been wearing my pedometer lately. It showed over 500 cal burned by the end of the day yesterday, based on number of steps (~10,000), length of my stride and weight. mmmm, interesting. It makes a big difference for me to go out for a brisk walk at lunch.

    Today, DH is babysitting 18 month grandson. Unfortunately, I have to go to work. My time will come; 3 years, 3 months, 1 week till retirement.:happy:

    Going for an eye check up this morning.

    Have a great Friday. I must remember to post the new veggie challenge tonight.

    Vancouver Island, BC
  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    Wonderful Friday morning to you lovely ladies!

    Laura80111 - I am in 80903 Colorado Springs :smile: I too :heart: pizza and indulged with my DH this weekend (just did more time on the stationary bike). Like you, I keep my "skinny clothes" handy to remind me of my goals on this journey.

    I am inspired by you all to begin (again) my gratitude journal. It seems too easy to get stuck focusing on the things that aren't working the way we want them to versus putting energy into that which we do have and that which we can accomplish. Thanks to all of you who've posted, what a terrific and timely reminder :happy:

    Brooke in Colorado
  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    Happy Friday YIPPEEEEE~

    Sara ~ Cozmosize is like bootcamp...we push heavy sleds (boxes) kettlbells, ropes, TRX, lots of crazy stuff...oh don't forget burpees, jumping jacks mountain climbers and more. The class is never the same. I will post a video of it :bigsmile:
    LuAnn ~ Welcome...just jump in this tread is full of GREAT people!!!!
    Barbie ~ Thanks - yep a life lesson indeed :wink:
    Wessecg ~ Wow you graditude list is AWESOME!!!

    Well I am feeling stuck...I need to refocus on my weight loss!!! Since September I have put on 10#....I work out 5-6 times a week. My habits have changed sooo much over the years. I don't eat fast food..I used to have it almost every day since I am on the road for work, I workout, and am always looking for new healthy things to add to my shopping cart! With the Warrior Dash a week from tomorrow I feel ready..HOWEVER in January I told myself I would be down 10# and I haven't gotten close...honestly I really didn't even try :sad: I am having hot flashes like crazy!!! I started Amberen 3 weeks ago...I hope something gives soon. I have a trip to Palm Spring in May...I simply have to reach that 10# goal by then!!!!!! I know I can......time to get back to looking for positive quotes.
    DISCIPLINE IS REMEMBERING WHAT YOU WANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :happy: We can do this!!!!!

    Any snack or recipes ideas welcome. Anyone on Pinterest??? I just tried creamy broccoli...steamed broc with garlic hummus melted over it...YUMMY! I also want to try Qunioa...is that how you spell it??? I pinned a Quinoa mac and cheese that looked good.

    Take this day and make it GREAT!!! Try a new hike, exercise video or class you have been thinking about this weekend! You guys ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :heart: :bigsmile:

    Judy ~ So Cal
  • lua620
    lua620 Posts: 31
    Happy Friday all. I found this thread late last night and was too tired to post so here goes. I'm a 50 y/o divorced mom of 2 fabulous daughters 29 & 34. Each have blessed me with a grandson C is 17 months and H is one year on 3/2/13. They are the loves of my life. "If I knew grandchildren were so much fun, I would have had them first"----author unknown.

    I took of 40 #'s about 5 years ago and felt great then life got in the way and 20 #'s crept back on. So here I am starting the journey again.

    I've been reading to try to catch up on the posts and get familiar with you all, WOW great goup! I think I'll do myself a favor and just go back a week, I'm sure I'll catch up eventually.

    Have a great day everyone!!!

    Hey: what does "bump" mean?

    SW: 175
    CW: 173
    GW: 150-155
  • jodios528
    jodios528 Posts: 379 Member
    Hi everyone and happy Friday. :love:

    I'm so glad we only got a few inches of snow. Our flight is still on time so we only 12 hours away from seeing our DD. :heart: She goes to Carnegie Mellon in Pittsburgh. She is in the theater school studying design - she wants to become one of the people who creates the sets the actors live in. We are going out to see Spring Awakening - which she worked on.

    She really wants us to take her to this burger place she heard about. Both my DH and I just hit another milestone so I'm less worried about this weekend - I'm taking a maintain don't gain (vs. trying to lose) approach to our trip. I'm only 6 lbs from my overall goal. As long as I don't undo all my hard work I'll be happy! Since I didn't get to go shopping as a reward for passing my first milestone I now get to buy 2 things when I take my DD shopping since I now have 2 milestones behind me - DH is a bit nervous about letting the two of us loose in my DD's favorite store :laugh:

    Meg - congrats on the weight loss. So great that you stuck with it and reaped the benefits :wink:

    Katia - we all need a day off from exercise - I took mine yesterday and felt so much strong getting back to it today. Hope your energy rises as the day goes on :yawn:

    Cheryl - I was wondering where you were! Glad you're back. Hang in there and don't give up - the weight will come off :bigsmile:

    Robin - hang in there. :grumble:

    Dee Dee - please nap. We are all sending our good thoughts for you to get better. You can catch up once you've gotten some much needed rest :sick:

    grandmallie - hope we didn't hear from you because you are resting. hope you feel better soon too:sick:

    Lu Ann - welcome...you found a great group of ladies :heart:

    Lenligogirl - enjoy the warmth and sun :glasses:

    Tammy - we went to Ireland and London last year too and loved it. Our DD was able go with us (DS had to work) and she loved the V&A museum. Have your daughter at least visit the food halls at Harrods - just tell her not to go upstairs :laugh:

    mwheatcraft54 - I'm so jealous - enjoy the concert. Glad to hear your mom will be okay. I'm in complete agreement with you about loving the changes I'm seeing in my body since I started this. I feel not only trimmer but stronger and more confident. :smile:

    Hope everyone has a great weekend! :heart: :smile: :love: :flowerforyou: :drinker: Jodios
  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    Hey: what does "bump" mean?

    Welcome Lua620! When you see a thread you want to return to later (to read, post or whatever) you "bump" and it will then show up in your "my topics".

    Happy Friday to you as well :happy:

    Brooke from Colorado
  • allisonlane61
    allisonlane61 Posts: 187 Member
    Powdered Peanut Butter Update (can you tell I really went all out to tackle this one?):

    Did some research on brands, and found an organic one at Wegmans called Betty Lou's Just Great Stuff Peanut Butter, Organic. It is "naturally sweetened" with organic coconut sugar, which does not contain any coconut (it's produced from the sap of the coconut palm flower which is lower on the GI than regular sugar).

    That being said, I find it too sweet, but I'm going to use it anyway for the next 10 weeks until the race on May 5. I have to boost my protein (way, way up), and LOWER MY FAT (and it's gotten to where I'm already exceeding it by lunch, but it's all good Omega-3 stuff, but yet...).

    I think this is a good compromise and I'm willing to sacrifice eating something this sweet for getting rid of 7 grams of fat (in only .50 oz of my peanut only Vitamix PB). I also like that it's all organic.

    So, hopefully, this will help someone else here. Oh, the texture and taste (aside from the sweetness) are very good and I'd say not quite as good as my PB, but a decent substitute.

    BUT, this weekend I am going to try pressing oil out of my own peanuts and making my own. As you can see, the obsession has not ended.

    Jackie in Cherry Hill Outside of Philly
  • lua620
    lua620 Posts: 31

    Hey: what does "bump" mean?

    Welcome Lua620! When you see a thread you want to return to later (to read, post or whatever) you "bump" and it will then show up in your "my topics".

    Happy Friday to you as well

    Brooke from Colorado
  • lua620
    lua620 Posts: 31
    Thanks for clarifying. :smile:
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Hello all you wonderful ladies,

    Thank you so much for all the good thoughts and well wishes.:love: It really does help. I know I will survive this nightmare but it still really takes it toll. I plan on writing my complaint this weekend outlining specific incedents and documenting witnesses. It won't be fun but it must be done. :grumble:

    Everything else is status quo. Just going thru the grind. I look forward to getting back to living again instead of just getting by.

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter
    From the blustery PNW
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Hello all my vitamin F pals! No snow day here…boooooo…but it is beautiful. We got our 8” of snow, but it’s the light and fluffy kind, so it equals out to about ¾ of an inch of precipitation. We did get a late start at 10, which was just in time to start my class. I’m going to spend the afternoon researching renal trauma and have to get that chapter written this weekend! I am way far behind in grading too. UGH. Tomorrow we are going to a wildlife refuge in Missouri, so that will use up that day. Does anyone have the secret to a longer day?:tongue:

    Last night was game night and DD#2 picked a movie. She wanted to see Bridesmaids, but it’s not out on our system til march, so we watched Flight with Denzel Washington. Oh yum, by the way. :love: What a great movie! He is such a good actor; the slightest change in his eyes or expression says so much.

    Sandy: using coupons is a great idea. I do that plus the price matching at walmart. Without being crazy about it, I can save about $50 a month that way.

    LindaC: You should be able to have nice meals even with diabetes! You just have to dole out the carbs in a consistent manner. Let me know how that blood sugar was! I have such a fun image of you dancing to a good tune! What is that saying? Dance like no one is looking!:happy:

    Colleen; I bet those little girls were beautiful and fun to see.

    Rori: you are a woman after my own heart. Mascara…+++++ $200 who knew? We are so worth it!

    Brooke: great thoughts!

    Katla: sometimes we need those low energy days. I think it’s our bodies telling us to slow down and rest.

    Cheryl: of course we missed you! And the horse! Glad to see you again! Did you get your part of the storm? I can just picture you going to the AMvets asking for your donation back! :tongue:

    Judy: aren’t those hot flashes miserable!!!1

    Gail: you were getting this storm too, weren’t you?

    Renny: Oh, my do I need to take your thoughts and incorporate them into my own life. I need to slow WAAAAAAY down and just appreciate what I have. I am so bad at that. I plan for where every air molecule is going to be!:bigsmile:

    LuAnn: welcome!

    Barbie: I hope being there for your friends doesn’t wear you out!

    Liz: sending good wishes for hubby to get well and extra good wishes for you not to get sick! :flowerforyou: What IS it this year?

    DeeDee: I sure hope you didn’t pull something or tear something. Be careful!

    Tammy: sounds like you have a fun weekend planned! Enjoy!

    Lentigo: I’m like you; I’d like some days without thinking about or planning food.

    Laura8011: Last night DH went out in the snow storm to get me pizza because I was craving fat! I thought after my loss it would be ok to indulge. Well, the pizza was awful and I didn’t eat much of it. Obviously it was a leftover from lunch. :angry: I called and got the money back!

    M: so glad you mom is ok. Glad you rode out the storm without problem.

    Judy: you are so right that the key to discipline is looking at the long term picture and knowing clearly what you want. We all have these plateaus and times where we really don’t care ….it does pass. I hope your hot flashes pass too!

    Jodios: so glad you flight didn’t get cancelled or delayed. Have a great trip and spend all that money with DD!

    Jackie: your search for powdered peanut butter has been interesting to read. I honestly have never heard of it until here, I am not into smoothies or protein shakes, so it’s new for me. It does sound like it has some possibilities though! I’m anxious to hear what you decide after you have used it a while.

    Robin: take a deep breath and know when you are writing your complaint and feeling stressed that we are all here for you cheering in your corner! :flowerforyou:

    Well I best get busy and do some work here. I’d like to leave a bit early. Take care! Drink up! Meg from snowy but sunny Omaha.:drinker:
  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    Hello again....here is a you tube of what we do in Cozmosize. The instructor has trademarked the name. He is the one with the long blonde hair at the beginning...he likes spiderman...I think he wants to turn us in to spiderman with some of the moves we do. It;s a great workout..always different. You will get a glimse of me 3/4 in on ropes..ponytail and headband walking in and back :glasses: I should have sucked it in!!!! We don't do rings...I think he was showing off with star students...also I haven't done push ups on my head with the TRX....yet :laugh:

    Enjoy it's only 3 minutes :heart: :heart: :heart: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ntqx8pKxrUo

  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    Positive Power - that's looks like one of the Biggest Loser workouts.

    Megblair - don't envision me asking for my clothes back!! Envision me giving them my size 10's by June!
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    TGIF~~got up early to do a fasting labs this am.Woke up to 3 in of snow.Roads were slick.
    DeeDee- think your body is telling you something.
    Welcome any new members.
    Get well wishes to anyone or their loved ones who are sick.
    Have a great fri.
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Got up and put on my workout clothes at 7:30 - guess what it's 3:24 and no exercise yet! However, I will do it before dinner. Suppose to play golf but we're wimps and cancelled because it's 42 today.
    Rori - great job eating healthy on your business trip. That is really a challenge.
    Michele - You did really well at Denny's. Did you look at the menu before you went?
    Meg - you're the nurse, sounds like you should advise yourself to get some sleep. You'll heal faster!
    DeeDee - so sorry you have pneumonia and hope you're taking a probotic or yogurt with those antibotics. Wish we had know that last year when DH got really seriously ill with C Dif from an antibotic. Is you leg any better?
    Jackie in PA - enjoying your obsession with peanut butter. It's hard to only eat one or two TBspns. I do have PB2 chocolate and it's a good replacement but not really like the "real" thing. My friend mashes up banana and mixes it with PB2.
    Sue in SD - I was thinking you might start stripping off layers of clothes. You're a confident woman to not let it bother you.
    Laura in CO - I'm still a long way from my ultimate goal but I was wondering if that is how you determine your calories to maintain. WW never put me through maintance so I have no clue how do go about that.
    Jodios - double fun - getting to DD and going shopping. Enjoy your time together.
    Robin - sorry about the stress you're going through at work but want you to know I'm so proud of you for sticking up for what's right. Once you've filed your complaint, you'll feel better. Remember sometimes when a window closes a door opens.
    Meg - Hooray for you! That is awesome. Hope you enjoy your weekend.
    Jo - sounds like you're having loads of fun, did you ever say where you are visiting?
    Grandmallie - Ditto the coupon idea. Also, I but large packages of ground turkey and low fat beef and make up huge pot of homemade spaghetti sauce. I usually can freeze 6 or 7 servings. Goes a long way.
    Colleen - the daddy/daughter dance is a big deal for my DGD's. Bet it was fun to see the little ones.
    Katia - I was thinking only someone from Oregon would say it is dryish. We visited your state a couple of years ago and loved it. When you have low energy and food doesn't help, rest!
    Cheryl - I missed you! There are so many posts and so little time to respond to everyone. You're right being less than 150 is way better than more than 150! Bet they sold your "big" clothes so get back and track and under 150!
    Brooke in CO - shoveling a few times a year is a small price to pay for living in the Springs.We lived there 9 years when DH was stationed at USAFA. Loved it!t
    Barbie - one of my friends whose dr told her she was too thin fell at Christmas time and broke her hip.The dr said because she was so thin she fell so hard on her hip bone and shattered it. Please be careful !
    DeeDee - take a nap!
    Tammy - as they say in TX, that's a two fer. Two events and one cleaning. Have fun.
    M - good to "see" you again and good news that your mom doesn't have any heart issues.
    Renny - you really are counting down the days until retirement! Besides not having to go to work, one of the best things about retirement is taking a bubble bath at 4 in the afternoon if you want!
    Judy - everyday MFP gives you a do-over. A fresh clean diary to make good food and exercise choices. You can do this.
    Lua620 - welcome. Come back and tell us something about YOU.

    OK holding my breath that this all goes well. BTW my afternoon snack is a Granny Smith apple that I baked. It smells so good.
    BBL to see what's up.

    Sue in TX
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    I am going to use that. Every day is a do over!!!:flowerforyou: