

  • ohiomomof2
    ohiomomof2 Posts: 78 Member
    Hello all!

    Grandmallie – I hope that you can figure out how to find the foods you want while sticking to your budget. It’s definitely a balancing act; I hope your DH can support you in your efforts.

    Dee Dee – yuck is right – sounds like you have all of the symptoms of a nasty cold or sinus problem. Here’s hoping that the doctor can fix you right up!

    Brenda – great goals! I am taking some of those steps now but may steal a few of yours as well. I’m sorry to hear of your nerve issues and hope that this is a short-term situation.

    Laura – totally agree with the point you made about logging food before you eat it. I do that, especially if I am considering something I don’t normally eat. It has really helped me to make good decisions.

    Katla – if I’m going to gain a day, I would prefer that it be on the weekend!

    Jodio – I’m sorry to hear that you’re feeling down and missing your parents.

    Jo – safe travels and enjoy your grandbabies!

    Barbie – I like the idea of your gratitude list. I’m definitely a person who tries to stay grateful for what I have but I like the idea of making an inventory.

    Better run; was at work late and have things to get done before bedtime. Have a good evening!
  • KNAMsMum
    Hello one and all!
    Hope this finds you logging in and drinking lots of water. I had time tonight to read page 11 of this thread and it really is great to hear what everyone is doing in their lives. It is amazing all the ups and downs we experience as we journey along; however, isn't it great that we can support and inspire each other.

    *Barbie Cat - I too am very resistant to adding more prescription drugs to my life. I had to go to my doctor today to have a "chat" about my LDL cholesterol. To my surprise I have levels that are just under the top allowed amount. I am eating better than I ever have, eating more raw foods thanks to my vitamix, and at the time of the blood test I had lost almost 30 pounds! So nothing is happening yet on the drug front but I plan to cut down in my meat intake especially red meat.

    Thanks to you all for your comments, ideas, and experiences. It certainly has helped me and my MFP experience.

    Sara in freezing Toronto (again!)
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,385 Member
    Sara - I remember reading that even if someone is doing everything possible, if they are predisposed to high cholesterol, it'll be high.

    Well, we went out to dinner tonight to Denny's. I got the senior grilled chicken, steamed broccoli, my quick add calories are for the salad (I didn't get the cheese or croutons on it and didn't have any dressing) and the other side of veggies -- a bit of celery, tomatoes, and cuke. I only had water to drink, and when Vince had dessert, I just had a cup of tea. So I think I did pretty well.

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening.

    Michele from NC
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,069 Member
    I am back after 2 long business trips. Normally, I am a careless eater on the road, however MFP and all of you are having a positive impact on how I live, think and eat everywhere, every day. I didn't post religiously, but I chose food and did Jillians Yoga Meltdown every other day with a heightened sense of accountability. Came back from the first trip with a 1 pound gain. Just got back from a second trip, with that pound gone :happy:

    To my fellow Coloradans all others in the path of the new storm, stay safe.

    Rori from the snowy foothills of the Rockies
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: I started my day with a gratitude list of all the healthy qualities I have been blessed with to clean up my thinking that was so negative yesterday……a gratitude list always brings me back to right thinking.

    :flowerforyou: Renny, there may be some connection between your training for the race and your not losing weight for awhile……muscles that are working hard retain fluid, new muscles are developing, many other possibilities……just continue your good habits and you’ll find changes on the scale and off.
    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

    :flowerforyou: Barbie - gratitude list. such a fantastic thing to practice, thanks. And thanks about the possible connection between the exercise and weight loss. I know I have much better food choice habits. and I just want to keep learning.

    @Sara in Toronto - I am also trying to (yet again) see if I can reduce my cholesterol meds (am on the highest dose possible). In the past - no matter what I ate, exercised, lost weight or whatever - made a stitch of difference, thanks to genetics (thanks mom and dad) :grumble: :grumble: What a disappointment. I want to keep trying the best I know how, although sometimes I totally derail and give up :grumble: :grumble: But I am thinking that Michele is right.

    Meanwhile (back at the ranch), I had a much better day today. Had a pretty good sleep and am trying to get hold of the book "The Plan" by Lyn-Genet Recitas. She was on dr. Oz show. She wrote a book and explains how certain foods don't agree with you. One area I noticed pertains to the thyroid. Heck, I have Hashimoto's disease!!! So, guess what, I am VERY interested. Is some of the - very healthy - foods I am eating not good for me? Need to find out.

    Vancouver Island, BC
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Happy Hump Day! Today was our last day of clinical for this course and the students were sad to say goodbye to the residents at the home. Hopefully tomorrow the snow won’t get bad until noon-ish so we don’t have to cancel clinical and find a way to make that up. One of you guys talked about getting a new face and skin care system, so guess what I did today? I spent 1 ½ hours and over $600 on face “lotions and potions”. The saleslady was a nursing student in another college, and we kind of bonded. It was really pretty fun, but the system is so complex I needed written instructions for what to use when. LOL Well it will keep me amused at least! Tonight I did the elliptical and some wii.

    Mary: Begone sugar demons!!

    Carol: you should find this thread under community, and your topics. When there are 500 posts, Barbie posts a link to a new thread, so be on the watch for that. I wonder how many calories jumping cow pies burns???

    Sue: sending get well wishes to DH!

    Barbie: I’m so sorry your bone scan results were bad. I hope the doctor can find a way to treat it and keep it from progressing.

    Liz: I’m sorry your knees are hurting so badly. Do you have medications you can take?

    OMG I just woke up after falling asleep over the laptop! I had better get to bed despite not responding to all of you. Everyone! Get better! DHs, DDs, DSs, grandkids, neighbors, friends! Everyone stop being sick. We need to take control over all this illness! Take care everyone and thanks for being here even if I am zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz *pop* ooops snoozing again. See you all in the morning! Take care, Meg
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Did a quick scan of the posts, but got home from work about 9:30p, so uggh.... just going to have some oatmeal and go to bed! Didn't do well on water today nor did I get to the gym. Crazy week thus far and I hope it changes tomorrow!!!

    Barbie - sorry about the bone news. At my 2011 physical I received similar news, but went for a second opinion and found the first results had been read wrong.

    G'night to all,
    Gail in metro ATL
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Good Morning,

    @Meg -- wow have I been there falling asleep over the laptop. Hope you can get some good rest in there.
    @Barbie - I like doing gratitude lists they really help.
    @Gail hang in there.
    @Rory sounds like you handle your. Business trips well. Good nsv.
    @Dee hope you feel better soon.
    @Michele sounds like you did really good at Denny making healthy choices

    Still hurting no I don't have any meds for knees if keeps up will go to the Doctor.

    Going to bed now.
    Have a good Thursday everyone.

  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    :flowerforyou: :explode: :angry: :mad: :noway: :cry: The news about the bone scan was terrible…..I thought it would be bad when she wanted me to come into the office instead of just mailing the results…….my numbers have gotten worse---not quite to osteoporosis but to osteopenia ….she doesn’t’ know why it should have gotten so bad because I’m doing everything right and she agreed with me that it’s not fair (I’m doing all the things I should be doing---weight bearing exercise, calcium, vitamin D)…..she ordered some more lab tests to check on some other possibilities….I know I’m whining but I haven’t done that in a long time. She did say that because of all the exercise I do that I have better balance and will be much less likely to fall. Jake fixed me a great supper and then washed the dishes and I feel better already.:bigsmile:

    Barbie - that is not nice at all! At least you know that you are doing absolutely the best that you can to help yourself. Having a supportive Jake will help too. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: x
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member

    Amanda -- So sorry to hear you feel out of sorts... but still able to see the positive side... that beautiful blue sky... and London... forgive me as I live vicariously through you! My DD is spending part of her Spring Break in London (the other part in Rome!) We were talking yesterday about the sights she should see.... Do you have any favorites?

    Tammy in Va Beach
    Hi Tammy - how long will your daughter be in London for?

    There is so much to do, but I will put across a couple of suggestions.

    If she's going to the theatre, tell her to try to see The Woman in Black - it's fantastic on stage.http://www.thewomaninblack.com/
    Afternoon tea - The Wolseley http://www.thewolseley.com/champagne-afternoon-tea

    Museums - Natural History Museum http://www.nhm.ac.uk/ and The Victoria and Albert Museum http://www.vam.ac.uk/. They are just across the road from one another, so it's easy to do both. After that it is just a five minute walk from Harrods.

    A trip to Greenwich is definitely worth while http://www.royalgreenwich.gov.uk/site/ and also the big bus tours http://www.bigbustours.com/eng/london/custompage.aspx?id=london_sightseeing_tour&gclid=CKbsntuax7UCFabLtAodI3AA-w is a good way to see lots of sites.

    Other than that, I could go on forever! Let me know if she has any particular interests and I could give her some tips. I used to be the general manager of a hotel in Belgravia, so was used to giving advice.

    Amanda x
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Just a quick update...I have pneumonia:sick: :sad: ! Certainly not what I wanted to hear, I`m on antibiotics now so hopefully I`ll start feeling better soon. Thanks for all the well wishes:heart: ! Maybe I need to increase my dose of Vit. F!

    Have a wonderful day ladies!!! Drink your water :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

    DeeDee in NC
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,798 Member
    Morning Ladies,
    well remember I said I didn't know what was going on just didnt feel right? well woke this morning feeling just awful... sneezing and my head stuffed up.. today is my day off from work but so much to do. I am going to skip the gym today I have no energy but will do all the chores I am supposed to do here. and if Im feeling better I have an exercise video here I will do later.
    going grocery shopping first and have 150 -170 to spend but that is for 2 weeks worth, will try my damndest to get healthy stuff and other stuff for the hubby.. he is a no veggie person,nothing green, he will eat an occasional salad but that is about it..
    we are supposed to be going to a George Strait concert this saterday night but we are getting some crappy weather Saterday and Sunday. so dont know if they will cancel or not..
    So glad to have you ladies to share my weight issues and life issues with:wink:
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Just a quick update...I have pneumonia:sick: :sad: ! Certainly not what I wanted to hear, I`m on antibiotics now so hopefully I`ll start feeling better soon. Thanks for all the well wishes:heart: ! Maybe I need to increase my dose of Vit. F!

    Have a wonderful day ladies!!! Drink your water :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

    DeeDee in NC

    Feel better soon!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • allisonlane61
    allisonlane61 Posts: 187 Member
    I saw this powdered peanut butter referenced on another board, and I thought I'd ask here if anyone has heard of it or actually used it. I am a peanut butter fiend, literally, I make it in my Vitamix and it is my discipline of steel that stops me from swiping my finger through it each visit to the kitchen (I do not have discipline of steel, I just am mindful of that stupid obnoxious morning weigh-in).

    The product is PB2 Powdered Peanut Butter...and it supposedly presses the fat out of it, yet tastes the same (hmmmm, I thought it was the fat that gave it the great taste). Anyway, if anyone uses this, please reply because I'm seriously considering buying it, much as I am not a processed foodie, I could make an exception for 85% reduced fat great tasting peanut butter.

    Jackie in Cherry Hill Outside of Philly
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,156 Member
    I saw this powdered peanut butter referenced on another board, and I thought I'd ask here if anyone has heard of it or actually used it. I am a peanut butter fiend, literally, I make it in my Vitamix and it is my discipline of steel that stops me from swiping my finger through it each visit to the kitchen (I do not have discipline of steel, I just am mindful of that stupid obnoxious morning weigh-in).

    The product is PB2 Powdered Peanut Butter...and it supposedly presses the fat out of it, yet tastes the same (hmmmm, I thought it was the fat that gave it the great taste). Anyway, if anyone uses this, please reply because I'm seriously considering buying it, much as I am not a processed foodie, I could make an exception for 85% reduced fat great tasting peanut butter.

    Jackie in Cherry Hill Outside of Philly

    I use PB2 daily in my smoothie. I also adore PB and buy the Trader Joe's unsalted PB made with just peanuts. Then I pour all the oil out before eating it but still, the PB2 is attractive from the calorie and fat perspective.

    Lin in Central Iowa (waiting for the snow)

  • allisonlane61
    allisonlane61 Posts: 187 Member
    Linder4866: THANK YOU for the review, lol! I make PB in my Vitamix with only peanuts, no sugars, no oils...nothin' but unsalted peanuts. The way it blends, there is no oil on it ever to pour out (I like the consistency when I keep it in the fridge), so this is a huge step for me to buy this powdered stuff, but 85% less fat is very appealing.

    Thanks again, I'm going to try it!

    And enjoy the snow!

    Edit: *sigh...I am not going to try it. They add sugar to it. I pretty much maintain a refined sugar-free eating plan and just can't bring myself to eat it, even though the fat content is so much less. Maybe they'll make one without the added sugar. I do love my Vitamix PB--if only I could figure out how to press the darned oil out of it :)

  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,883 Member
    Sorry to hear so many are under the weather. Hope all are feeling better soon. Just a little humor for the day. I weighed in with my health coach at work today and she said I gained 1.6 pounds according to her scale. The temp outside was 7 degrees and I was dressed to go out and see my horse immediately after that. I had on longjohns, jeans, turtleneck, sweatshirt. Definitely not what I was wearing last month when I weighed in with her. I told her that I didn't think I would worry about that gain, I am sure it was all clothes. But it gave me a laugh because she seemed so concerned and reluctant to tell me that I had gained. Ha! Ha!
    Well it is still really cold and our gravel driveway is an ice rink right now but it seems the big blizzard we were supposed to have has missed us. It has been downgraded to snow flurries and I for one am happy about that. I know that spring will eventually get here, the days are longer already. I drive east on my way to work and the sunrises right now are gorgeous! Healing blessings to all, Sue in SD
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Just a quick update...I have pneumonia:sick: :sad: ! Certainly not what I wanted to hear, I`m on antibiotics now so hopefully I`ll start feeling better soon. Thanks for all the well wishes:heart: ! Maybe I need to increase my dose of Vit. F!

    DeeDee in NC

    DeeDee, I am so sorry to hear this. Once you are well you should ask your doctor for the pneumonia vaccination. DH had repeated bouts of nasty pneumonia for years until he got this vaccination. None since.

    Take care.

  • LucyT4dieting
    LucyT4dieting Posts: 284 Member
    Good morning all,

    Trying to get in more steps. I purchased an Omran pedometer, which is very accurate (so far) for adding up steps, but I'm just not so sure about those kcals. Anyway, I am slowly working on my upper body strength in 20 minute routines every other day. In between, I walk on the Treadmill for 30 minutes. I'm already feeling a bit stronger. It's hard not to push that snooze button in the mornings when it's so cold, but so far, I've been resisting the urge and forcing myself to get out of bed.:yawn: I have to admit, I do feel better once I've done my exercise. I believe it also helps me to make better food choices througout the day.

    :smile: Renny - Thanks for the info on the pedometer. Should have done my homework before I purchased it.

    :wink: Carol - You are in the right place as none of us are 20 year olds. :sad: Start off slow and if you are consistent, you will be able to add a little more each month. Challange yourself, but be careful not to overdo and induce injury. One step at a time will get you there.

    :flowerforyou: Barbie - So sorry to hear about your bone scan results. I have also been diagnosed with osteopenia, but I was only advised to take Calcium supplements. I will say that between losing weight and consistent exercise, I am feeling stronger. I love the idea of a gratitude list!

    :happy: Liz - I have the same problem with hunger at the end of the day. Try eating a healthy snack before leaving work (an apple is great). It takes the edge off your hunger, and by the time you get home, you won't be feeling so hungry. It helps me make better choices for dinner.

    :sick: DeeDee - Get well soon! Pneumonia is nothing to sneeze at! :laugh: lol Take care.

    :heart: Brenda - Thanks for the list of goals.

    :cry: Jodios - So sorry for your loss. My prayers are with you during this difficult time.

    :flowerforyou: Michele - Congrats on your eating out choices!

    :yawn: Meg - Get your rest!

    :happy: Jackie - I tried to PB2 after reading about it on MFP. I ordered it from Amazon,and it is GREAT! Can't say enough good things about it. The taste and consistency are exactly like store bought peanut butter.

    :tongue: To all those in snow - Stay safe while on the roads, and stay in when you can.

    Have a wonderful day, and stay warm....

    Lucy in Delaware:bigsmile:
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Beautiful Snowy Thursday,

    Katla- my commute home took 1.5 hrs last night slow, snowy and a whiny dog made for a stress filled drive:sad: Because it took longer than usual (40 min) exercise didn't happen but my Coconut Pineapple Ice with Rum did and boy did I need it:wink: I so miss the coast ...I'd vote for Astoria anyday:love:

    jodio-:flowerforyou: hoping you are out of your funk soon. I know how hard it is to deal with the parents estates so much paperwork and then selling of the house, it took me 2.5 years to sell my parents house and that was a hugh weight off my shoulders once those papers were signed.

    jo- enjoy that time with the GD's :flowerforyou:

    jmkmom-seeing what could be "if" is good but you might want to set some smaller/shorter goals so that the end of the race doesn't look so far away. I know that I had to have small rewards as I've been losing to keep my head in the "losing game" those pants, that top, that dress all smaller goals that I've reached over the past year:flowerforyou:

    Meg- I love your idea of sending emails...but my problem IS the boss...I copy him to emails sent to me and for some reason he just doesn't get it and he just sends them back to me:noway: and I wonder why I'm so frustrated with my job:grumble:

    Michele- you enjoy that sunshine and warmtj:glasses: Eating and Dennys and keeping thos calories in line...your are amazing:drinker:

    Sue in TX- I have a couple of small freezers that could use a cleaning and sorting like you have done....maybe that will be a project for the weekend:huh:

    Barbie- thank you for the suggestion, no I haven't. I will have to ask hubby to pick a pair up for me at his work:flowerforyou: Enjoy your weekend alone....turkey...yep that sounds wonderful:drinker:

    Sara- have you thought of adding in fish especially Salmon?:huh: I find it's really a great help in the weight loss journey.

    Rori- congrats on your logging and exercising while traveling:drinker: Where in the foothills are you?:huh: I'm in unincorporated Arapahoe County (surrounded by Greenwood Village and Centennial).

    Renny- let us know once you have read that book if there are some foods that we really shouldn't be eating, maybe I'll try and find that book too:huh: Sounds like it could be helpful.

    Meg-so what is the name of the skin care system you are trying out? I use all of the Avon Anew products and I really like them although I'm sure that there is nothing out there that truly stops the wrinkles from coming especially as we lose weight and there isn't the fat to fill in those spots:grumble: Let me see fat:grumble: or winkles:grumble: :grumble: I'm gonna have to go with wrinkles:wink:

    Gail-hoping the crazy week changes for you and that smoother sailing is in store for the weekend:flowerforyou:

    Liz-hoping your knees stop hurting soon:flowerforyou:

    DeeDee-:sad: so sorry to hear you are soooo sick:flowerforyou: {{hugs}} and prayers for a speedy recovery.

    Grandmallie-sorry you are sick:flowerforyou: hoping you get better soon. Boy that is tough when hubby doesn't eat veggies I'm not sure what I would be fixing if mine didn't eat them:huh: George Strait...love him...a couple years ago we saw him with Reba it was the best concert we'd ever been to...was about 5 hrs long:love:

    Jackie-Glad you found out about the PB2 having sugar before you invested in it. But really wouldn't the healthier version that you are making your own with just peanuts be the best:huh: even if it's a bit more calories it's still only peanuts.

    Sue-I'm sure you are right about the clothes being the issue...there is no way to know the exact weight unless you wear the same thing you did last month.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    When I finally got home last night after the commute that will not be named hubby is sick with the ful:sick: I'm hoping he keeps his germs to himself. He's home today and Peanut stayed with him so both are laying around with blankets and sleeping.

    Commute in this morning wasn't as bad as the one home last night, but then I did wait an extra 40 min to leave later so that the roads could get cleared a bit.. The snow is supposed to keep up til afternoon but not much more accumulation about 2.5-3" here but they are saying east of Colorado is supposed to get a whole lot more...those of you out there keep warm and safe.

    I have the scale move another .4 this am so I am only 1.4 awary from my goal. I would be happy just to hold this weight until spring when we start bike riding...I'm still playing with the exercise and calories to find where it tells me that in 5 weeks my weight would be the same as what I'm weighing that day...it's pretty tricky:ohwell:

    I'd best get moving...lots to do...everyone have a GREAT day:flowerforyou: don't forget your water:drinker: then log it, all that food log it too and let's keep moving.

    Laura80111 in Colorado:smile: