

  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    There is a happy little bird singing outside my window this morning:bigsmile: , and it`s rainy and cold :huh: , this weather must not be bothering him/her this morning. It sure is bothering me:grumble: , I am so tired of cold and rain and gray, I`ll take cold and sunshine, but I prefer sunshine and warmth! I think I`m annoyed with everything at the moment...I don`t feel good, my calf hurts, I had too much sodium from the canned soup last night..you know you`ve had too much when you wake up in the middle of the night and it feels like you have a cat tongue:angry::tongue:, good thing I took a glass of water to the bedroom, along with extra kleenex! i know there are only 28 days in February...but geez it feels like this has been a looong month:frown: ! Sorry, I`m having my very own little pity party at the moment.
    It is time for me to find something warm to put on and hobble outside with the doggie...ick!
    Hope eveyone has a great day!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!

    Grumpy DeeDee in cold, wet and icky NC
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Good morning guess it's still early enough to say that. Been up since 5:15 just can't stay in bed more than 7 hours. Guess that's all I need. Hope I don't get to sleepy got a feeling I might have grandkids after hockey.

    Got on wii this morning and my stupid foolishness of yesterday did'n't only make my blood sugar go high. But put on a 1 lb on scale. Oh well that was yesterday. And like my favorite song says. Yesterday is gone and tomorrow may never be mine. So that leaves me with today and I will make it a good day. Won't be home to pick today a few hours at the Arena.

    I read all the post.

    Hubby was always kind of a tease but getting worse with age. lol

    This is how my readings went before supper 6.8 two hours later 6 and three hours later 6.1 So guess the pancreas is still working some. But last night I had the apples out of an apple pie didn't eat the crust. And my blood sugars didn't like that gave me an 8.3. So sugar is a no no.

    Well been up for two hours guess it's time to have my scrambled eggs. With mushrooms and a little cheese.

    Linda in Northern Ontario.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,381 Member
    Renny -that's terrible about your eyes. Please let us know what Cosco does. I'd never heard of something like this happening, but I can see how one eye would compensate for the other.

    Had some egg beaters this morning along with some peas. I'll take the rest of the peas with me. From past experience, Picadilly Cafeteria doesn't have much vegetables so I'll take some with me. Will let you know what they do have for an entree.

    Well, the weather channel says it's supposed to be in the 80's today (I promise to do my absolute best to bring some of this sunshine home, DeeDee. But I'll leave the humidity here.)

    Have a great day everyone. I think we'll probably be leaving in about 15 minutes to drive up there.

    Michele from NC now going to Daytona
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,785 Member
    Morning Ladies, Hope everyone is doing well~ I am still feeling yucky this cold is kicking my butt. My DH is calling me a slacker for not going to the gym but I just dont feel up to it,I dont want anyone else getting sick and I dont want to get sicker~if that is a word...I did take nyquil last night and slept 12 hrs.. guess I needed it, dont know how much I will get done around the house but need to do something.. the DH is working and will be home at 9:30 we have to check in on my FIL and then go out for pizza and then George Strait tonight, cold or no cold im not gonna miss that.. I am sticking with my 1200 cal. diet even though im not at the gym and I know its gonna be rough when I go back but I paid money and I plan on getting back into the swing of it when I am better..
    I am sitting at my PC now and have to get rest of my pictures off of this and will take this apart and use just my laptop , I have a small computer desk this is on but it does take a bunch of room up in my bedroom, so want to get rid of the clutter... spring cleaning so to speak..
    Hope everyone is well and enjoying there Saterday :wink:
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,785 Member
    just a question cant remember who posted the brownie with wheat bran recipe, but am making them now the smell heavenly~ what was the calorie count and portion size?
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • 50ishFoodie
    50ishFoodie Posts: 82 Member
    Hi, all!
    Just skimmed the last couple days of posts; will try to catch up with you all later. Needed to vent a bit about my crazy week. Managers in town from Philly and Atlanta all week. The person in charge of one department apparently dropped the ball on a hugh project and then tried to throw a couple of people (who have actually been doing the work) under the bus. Result - she's out, and I'm in. Her duties were handed off to me and the other two. Have a March 13 deadline to complete 16 videos, and the scripts need to be rewritten. No process was put into place to check for accuracy, and she gave the client far too much creative control. Half of my other duties are being spread out among others, but I still have 2 other multimedia projects coming due on April 1 and April 15. All that, plus a 3-day court trial and a week's vacation in Florida. I am a mess of stress.

    On a good note, I managed to make relatively healthy food choices this week, but since a lot of the choices were food that was brought into work for lunch meetings, I got far more sodium than usual. Feel bloated today, and the scale was not kind to me this morning. Exercise was only a memory this week - except for the trek between train and office. I even ran one day. Hip did not appreciate that.

    So, hoping that I'll be able to process everything and get centered over the weekend. Definitely time for some yoga...

    Welcome to all the newbies, and thanks all for just being here.

    Jane in SLC
  • 50ishFoodie
    50ishFoodie Posts: 82 Member
    :ohwell: I could try to explain, but I won't do a good job. It seems that my trip to the eye doctor today uncovered the fact that I was looking through an imperfect looking glass: i.e. wrong prescription; the fault of both the doctor and Costco. The only reason why I coped was because I have opposite eyes, one far-sighted and one near-sighted. Which means the one made up for the other, and I got so used to it that it was never a big deal for the last 2 years!!! HOWEVER, I may get a pair of new prescriptions out of it without too much money. Not sure yet how to take advantage of that yet. Costco is pretty good at customer service and the Doc feels she owes me something too. Any ideas?

    :drinker: Here is the new 1-day challenge (but can be done any day) : http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/902340-veggie-fruit-1-day-challenge-saturday-feb-23-2013

    Vancouver Island, BC - where it is poor weather with rain and gusty winds

    Definitely ask for the new pair, with no or minimal cost to you.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I can't get motivated today at all. Lately I have had insomnia and of course it just ruins the next day. I have Ambien that I don't want to take but sometimes have to. If I take it before I go to bed it helps but if I give up at night while I am laying awake it takes a lot longer to help.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    good afternoon ladies.
    Violet was over last night,grandma didn`t get much sleep.
    Welcome the new people .This is a great group.
    Have a good one.
  • edraper70
    edraper70 Posts: 211 Member
    Hi again, I have really been lurking (and reading the posts) for almost the whole month. It helps so much to get good advice and read about the trials and triumphs here.

    For the first time since I started here I had a bit of a bad week. But...nowhere near as bad as it would have been a year ago. So I consider that pound or two temporary. And now I am pretty much back on track, getting to zumba three times a week and eating correctly.

    Even though I can't seem to reply to individuals, I am thinking of all of you with the health and work problems. Soon it will be spring and things will seem better for you I hope.

    Have a wonderful weekend. Eileen near San Diego
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,785 Member
    good afternoon ladies, just went out for pizza,its my favorite,I did have 3 small pieces and I got veggies on it so hope that works well. getting ready to go see George Strait and I made deviled eggs for tomorrows baby shower. will have to be very good tomorrow and not overdue, im feeling well enough to go to the gym in the morning I think so hoping that works out..
    I hope everyone enjoys there weekend:wink:
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,785 Member
  • allisonlane61
    allisonlane61 Posts: 187 Member
    I did it! I ate sardines.

    I haven't eaten a sardine since I was a child and my mother would stick them still with their little heads attached, dripping in oil, between two slices of bread with mayonnaise. I remember they didn't taste badly, but I just couldn't get past the ick factor.

    In my quest to run the 10 miler in May, I have to bump my protein way up and fat way down (hence the fixation with powdered peanut butter, which, incidentally, I have not yet put behind me), and sardines fit the bill. They are also a great source of vitamin D. If you have to watch cholesterol rigidly or sodium, you may want to research before adding to your food plan.

    If you can find the headless, scaled, packed in water ones, you'll be hard pressed to find a food that packs so much protein, calcium and also iron into its "little body." I put them in a very tasty salad and I can't say I even tasted them at all.

    But at least this time, they weren't staring at me.

    Jackie in Cherry Hill outside of Philly
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Marking my place for later.
    jSue in TX
  • edraper70
    edraper70 Posts: 211 Member
    Michele...I just read about the big accident at Daytona. Praying that you are okay. Eileen
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,381 Member
    grandmallie - listen to your body, it's working hard fighting your cold. Let it do its thing and then you'll get to the gym. Feel better fast. I posted about the brownie and wheat bran. I don't recall the calorie count, etc off hand, but I do have it in MFP's database as "WW recipe from a friend". If you still can't find it, I'll send the nutritionals to you. Let me know if you need them. I ran it thru my Mastercook so that's how I got the nutritionals. They help to curb my chocolate craving in addition all the wheat bran in them makes me drink extra water. I can usually finish 24 or 34 oz with one muffin, then I'm really full. The calorie count in the database is for one of 12 muffins. Have a great time at the concert

    Jane in SC - congrats on making good food choices. My sodium has been high lately and I know it's because I've been having frozen dinners. Need something that's one serving for the condo. I'm not crazy about cooking a full meal down here, don't have all the utensils, pots, etc. So I make do. Have a good time in FL.

    Jackie - jerky is high in protein. Unfortunately, it's also high in sodium.

    Speaking of protein -- went to Daytona today. Before the race we walked around by the trailers. One place was giving out free samples of turkey or beef jerky. Even tho I checked the ingredients, I decided to try the turkey jerky. I've had the buffalo jerky which doesn't have any added sugars etc in it, that I could really taste the sugar in this jerky. At least it was only a sample.

    Eileen - we're fine. Actually, when the accident happened, I was in the mall across the street. But Vince did see it. He said he thought there must have been about 25 ambulances in the infield. Honestly, they probably called for all the ambulances, even if they weren't needed. The ambulances did have police escorts to the hospital. Our seats are something like row 49, the debris went to something like 25.

    We went to Picadilly Cafeteria. I got what they called crab stuffed baked fish. Honestly, I couldn't see any crab at all, it looked like a piece of cod to me. I had a baked potato and mixed fruit (my 2 sides) and the peas and sugar snap peas that I brought with me.

    We'll go back up there tomorrow. Not quite sure what the story was about Danica's not going back into the race. I heard on the scanner that her crew got the car started, not sure why she didn't go back into the race.

    Hope everyone has a great evening.

    Michele from NC
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Hi lovely friends. We had a great day. It was family day so we drove about 150 miles south to northwest Missouri to the Squaw Creek Wildlife Refuge to see the snow geese that are migrating early. We watched thousands of them come in and I swear I really didn’t know there were that many geese in the entire world. We also saw ducks and about a dozen bald eagles. It was absolutely amazing!!! We plan to go back later in the year; we didn’t get to hike too much because the trails were either closed or covered with snow and you couldn’t see them. We did some flat land walking and climbed a very small trail uphill that ended up being about ½ mile.

    Judy: great video, thanks. It does look like fun!

    Wessecg: envisioning you giving up all your size 10s in june! UMMMMMMMMMMMMMM meditating on it! You will make it!

    Jane martin: hope your lab results come back good

    Sue: yes I should take my own advice more often LOL. I’ve played golf in 42 degree weather! I’ve swam outside in 42 degree weather! I’m with you though….I wish I hadn’t LOL

    Jo: enjoy what’s left of your visit!

    Farasgrandau: welcome to our group!

    Lynda; welcome to you too!

    Barbie: I must have you fooled LOL> I work way too much and wish I had more time to spend with family. We do have a family day each month and game night each week, and a parent-daughter day each month too. I have to admit sometimes I don’t want to participate because I want to work, but I know I will regret it later if I choose work over doing those things. My family never did anything together and I really wanted to, so I made it a priority to have these scheduled times so if we don’t get to do anything else during the month, we know we have these dates saved.

    Jmkmomm: that is a horrible dining experience. We have Denny’s here too but they are all really awful.

    Bridgekiki: welcome to our group!

    Michelle; I love mahi mahi. I grew up in Hawaii and ate it all the time. Enjoy! So sorry to hear about the ER experience; hope Vince is feeling better now.

    Renny: good grief! I hope you get the right prescription this time!

    Determined; have fun at that birthday party! Sounds like you have a good plan.

    DeannaHarris: ditto Barbie. It is very helpful to open your diary so other people can give you suggestions.

    Grumpy DeeDee:,. Cat tongue ? That is hilarious, but so descriptive. I know exactly what you mean. Sorry you are out of sorts; I hope that little birdie outside your window cheers you up. Just think; he’s happy if he finds a worm! Take care of that leg. Sending my friend happy thoughts and good wishes.

    LindaC: I converted your blood sugars to our readings and the 6’s aren’t bad at all. Even the 8+ isn’t horrible, but you’re right…you don’t want it that high. It sounds like you are working hard at this…keep up the good work!

    Grandmallie: hope you enjoyed your concert and are feeling better. I think you should take it easy while you have this bad cold.

    Jane: good for you to make the best choices possible. I’ve had that happen too where the food is already arranged and you are a captive audience! Water, water, water!

    Eileen: hi and nice to see you again. Good attitude to say that your little weight loss is temporary and not just go on and really blow it all.

    Jackie: I love sardines, but never have had the ones with heads put together with mayo. BLEH that does sound bad! Well I’m glad you are finding the foods you need to fuel your run!

    Michelle: I just read Eileen’s second post about the accident at Daytona…are you OK? WHEW ok your post was next and I see you are fine. That is good, but must have still been scary if Vince saw it

    Well ladies I’m tired even if we only did get a little walking in….four hours in the car was long! Enjoy the rest of the evening and take care. Meg
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,970 Member
    :flowerforyou: :bigsmile: this turned into a busier day than I expected......dog walking.....laundry.......house cleaning ......a nap with all three pets.....and suddenly it's bedtime:yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn:

    :heart: Barbie
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Energy is at a low ebb right now and I have no idea why. :noway: Well, maybe it is because we're having rainy weather. :tongue: I watched a neighbor outside in a wet suit paddle-boarding this morning, and wondered how she does it, especially in a chilly day with rain squalls and sun breaks. :huh:

    Today there were lovely sun breaks and I did get a little walking in. DH is doing well, and I managed to get the scale to go the right direction this morning:bigsmile: , so I should be jumping for joy instead of getting just a little bit of exercise and then taking a nap. :ohwell:

    DH has permission for light exercise now.:smile::smile: He took a short walk, too, when we drove down to Prescott Beach County Park so the dog could run. Prescott Beach is next to the Columbia River about 16 miles down river from here. It has been awhile since I've seen DH move around so smoothly. :bigsmile: We saw Arctic Swans along the way. :heart: They winter in several ponds beside the highway near Prescott Beach.

    Have a good weekend.

    Katla in NW Oregon