

  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :flowerforyou: Just read this quote of wisdom:

    "Life is like dancing. You don't always know what you're doing, but you just keep moving until you figure it out."

    Good night!

  • jolenec1
    jolenec1 Posts: 110 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    I see everyone is busy as always. I am feeling cruddy. I have another upper respiratory infection. I will be on my way to the doctor bright and early in the morning. I am really hurting in my back between my shoulders and my cough is not productive. I think I have some nasty brand of bronchitis. Nothing a couple of shots of antibiotic won't cure I hope.

    I have not been in the mood or had the energy to exercise. Lately, my inner fluffy girl has been on a rampage and I have to get her under control. I am really feeling out of balance this month. I hope March proves to be much better.

    see you all soon.

  • edraper70
    edraper70 Posts: 211 Member


    I was soooooo happy to be able to ride today. It was 36 degrees, sunshiny and no wind. It was wonderful. The horses behaved and we rode for over 2 hours. A real bummer though, I lost my fitbit on the ride. I am devastated and am in fear that I won't be as driven without that constant little reminder on my hip telling me I haven't walked my 10,000 steps or haven't climbed my 10 sets of stairs. And I certainly don't have another $100 to get a new one.


    [img]http://i314.photobucket.com/albums/ll436/wessecg/ My daughter[/img]Trail2013Rousty17sm_zps1f5bf83d.jpg
  • edraper70
    edraper70 Posts: 211 Member
    Wessecg...I was trying to quote and accidentally hit reply...sorry.

    But, what I wanted to tell you is to contact the Fitbit customer service. I have heard of them replacing lost Fitbits either free or for a small fee. They replaced mine when it stopped working. Several people on MFP have had the same great customer service from them. Hope it works for you too.

  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    This has been a crazy weekend. My entire family's been sick with the flu except me. So I have been busy taking care of them. DH seems to be on the mend but DD is still sick. But this bug seriously knock them both on their backs. Came on fast very sick. Crazy so its one of those weekends we do what we do and be there for them. It became a very busy weekend. I have read all of the posts but will reply later.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,979 Member
    :flowerforyou: Today was even busier with dog walking, grocery shopping, sweeping vacuuming, bathroom cleaning, and preparing the turkey and all the trimmings.

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: The turkey dinner turned out great and both guests enjoyed it........now Jake and our houseguest are watching the Oscars and I'm half watching them and cleaning up the kitchen and starting the soup with the carcass.......Jake said he would clean up the kitchen but he likes the Oscars much more than I do and I'd rather have a good excuse to be up and down.so I told him that I would do it.

    :flowerforyou: welcome to all our newest community members.....I hope you find the encouragement and support from these lovely women that I found.....I need to get together with all of you every day.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Saving my place for later. Everyone have a great evening.

  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Ok, I know I gained 3 pounds, but I promise I do not look as fat as I do in this picture. Even my face looks fat here. Oh well, my horse looks good.

    I was soooooo happy to be able to ride today. It was 36 degrees, sunshiny and no wind. It was wonderful. The horses behaved and we rode for over 2 hours. A real bummer though, I lost my fitbit on the ride. I am devastated and am in fear that I won't be as driven without that constant little reminder on my hip telling me I haven't walked my 10,000 steps or haven't climbed my 10 sets of stairs. And I certainly don't have another $100 to get a new one.

    I lost mine after having it for only 48 hours. I emailed them and they replaced it free and quickly. It was a while ago, so I don't know if they still are doing that, but it would be worth a try. Good luck!
    Deb from CNY


    My daughter

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,385 Member
    bjmcq - congrats on getting the FitBit. Even tho I don't have one, so many people on here talk highly of it so I'm sure you'll really enjoy it. So glad you found it after "losing" it.

    LuAnn - can you cut a recipe down? Frozen veges. Rebel had some great suggestions.

    Rebel - even tho I don't have any grandchildren, my neighbor had a little girl and I bought her a gift. It was so much fun shopping in the infant girl department. Oh, cottage cheese is also high in protein as are eggs. I like quinoa, too. Isn't that sort-of high in protein?

    Cat - welcome, can't wait to learn more about you.

    janie - glad the tests came back normal so evidentally there isn't anything really really serious wrong.

    Mary from TN - feel better fast

    jane - how horrible about the cat

    Went to the race. Nothing really spectacular happened. Interesting finish. Afterwards we went to Picadilly Cafeteria for dinner (yes, again). Had what they called cajun baked fish. I honestly thought it was the same thing like I had yesterday -- baked cod. When the girl was giving it to me she then heaped this butter stuff on it. She was about to put more on when I told her "no more" and asked for a clean dish so I could put the butter in that. I really didn't want it. I was entitled to 2 sides and a roll, I just got mixed fruit for me and corn for Vince and a roll for Vince. Then I had my sugar snap peas and some asparagus. Even with the fruit, I had my pear. Don't think I did too shabbily.

    suebdew - please don't call me organized taking my food to the races! In actuality, it's that I'm more lazy than anything else. Lazy you ask? Well, the seats are REAL REAL tight there. When someone goes by, I have to stand on the seat. The main reason I take my own food is so that I don't have to leave my seat. Problem comes in when I need to go to the bathroom, tho. The fortunate thing is that our seats are the top row, so if I stand up I'm not blocking anyone behind me.

    Cheryl - oh no, you lost your fitbit! What majestic horses you have. Maybe (hopefully) you'll find your fitbit. Doesn't it come with some sort of holster? I thought it did

    jodios - you might very well see a loss on the scale. It takes our bodies a while sometimes to catch up with itself. So if you are wonderful this week, you might see a gain. Don't despair, it's just mother nature taking its sweet old time. You'll see a loss

    Going to go to WinnDixie to get a paper and ask which gas station we can get the gas at, go to yoga and then a step class. On the way home stop at the post office, come home and make myself some eggs and finish up the peas since I know I'll be real hungry. Go up to Daytona and go shopping a bit more. Didn't exercise these past few days, but I'll get back on the bandwagon. Went to Books a Million (they didn't have "The Carb Lovers Diet") but did get a book about changing your mindset. I forget the exact title and the book is down in the car. But the race wasn't rained out.

    Is there a way to close out your diary from your phone? Last night I didn't see where I could do that so I closed it out this morning.

    Renny - the other day we went to WalMart. One thing I wanted to get was a newspaper. It was something like Thursday but they still had Sunday's paper. I asked and they only charge me 50 cents for it. Hey, I'll probably get that much back on the coupons alone! So I'd ask at Cosco, the only thing they can say is "no" and then you're no worse off than you are now.

    Jolene - feel better fast. Sending good thoughts to you.

    Here's hoping everyone has a great day.

    Michele from NC
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Michele:smile: LOL at Vince`s plant dying just because you looked at it :laugh: . I dated a guy that was so good with plants, he took several of mine home to nurse back to health, he went out of town for a week and had one of his neighbors come in to water his plants because he knew they would die if I did it:laugh: , sounds like we have a lot in common!!!

    LuAnn:smile: I cook for just me and sometimes it`s hard. I don`t really like leftovers and I don`t freeze a lot of things either. I just usually buy 1 chicken breast, 1 steak etc. etc. I go to a grocer that has a meat counter and you can buy as much or as little as you need, I`ll buy a couple of sweet potaoes, a turnip or two, a squash or zucchinni, a bell pepper, a handfull of green beans, needless to say I`m in the grocery store usually 3 times a week. I have a hard time knowing ahead of time what I want to eat. I`m not really a cook either:frown: , some of the ladies here have great recipes too, which has really come in handy for me!! Barbie has a great apple squash soup recipe, it makes a lot but I share it with my brother and sister in law when I make it, I make a carrot soup and it makes just enough for 2 servings, stirfrys are good for one serving, I`ll try to think of some more and let you know later!

    Renny:smile: Congrats!!!! Love the quote!

    Meg:smile: Did you get all your writing done???

    Cat:smile: Welcome!!! Come in often and chat with us! This is a great group of women!

    Janie:smile: Love your new profile pic! I hear ya about the February funk:grumble: , only 3 more days and we`re into March...YAY!!! Hopefully longer days and warmer temps will boost our moods!!! What kind of test did you have,Thyroid? They can be tricky,especially if it`s on the low side of normal! Have you had a Vit.D test done?

    Mary in TN:smile: Hope you get to feeling better:flowerforyou: !

    JaneM:smile: Sorry about your friends cat:sad: !

    Grandmallie:smile: Just put the overeating day behind you and start fresh today! Drink lots of water:drinker: !

    Katla:smile: Congrats on smaller pants:bigsmile: !!!!

    Lynda from bc:smile: Yay for the weight loss!!! Make sure you`re drinking enough water:drinker: , it really does help!

    Sue:smile: I don`t like wind either:grumble: , should be able to add it as extra exercise..lol:laugh: !

    Cheryl:smile: Yikes... I would be lost without my FitBit!!! They have the Ultra on sale now, I think it`s around 79.00 or so! Sounds like you had a wonderful day riding! Beautiful horses with equally beautiful riders!!! You do not look fat in that picture!

    Jodios:smile: Sounds like you had a good time with DD! Congrats on the new clothes! Just get back on track today, it`s not like you have those weekends every weekend! Thanks for the positive wishes, I got them!

    Jolene:smile: Good to see you!!! Hope you feel better soon!!! My inner fluffy girl throws temper trantrums a lot, I just do my best to ignore her...she likes cake:devil: :laugh: ! I`m hoping March will be better too!!!

    Eileen:smile: that`s good to know about FitBit!! Thanks for the info!

    Liz:smile: Hope everyone feels better soon!!! Take care of yourself too!!!

    Barbie:smile: Glad Jake is home! Sounds like a yummy dinner!

    Ack...it`s after 7am already:noway: ! I am going to my training today, I plan on just walking in the parking lot and not on the trails, that way if I get too tired or have a coughing fit, I can at least sit in my car. I`ve got to do something, my body likes to move and I`ve rested way more this past week than I have in a long time, the feet are itching to move!!!

    Have a great day ladies!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!!

    DeeDee in NC
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,799 Member
    morning ladies
    well back to the gym today~OY getting back into it is tough ,but I did an hr and will work myself back up to an hour and a half.I did put the semi bad eating day behind me and will eat pretty clean today..
    It was a wonderful weekend overall, George Strait was awesome!!! and the baby shower and the people there was spectacular.. I am truly blessed to have such wonderful friends.. we were talking yesterday,how odd it is that we all grew up together and now our children are having children.Even though we are scattered through out the country when we see each other we take up right where we left off.
    At the gym I was watching one of those infomercials about (insanity) the workout..I cant ever see working out that hard to lose weight,I know I will lose it but I don't want to totally sweat like a pig to do it...am I the only one thinking that?:noway:
    well off to work in a few hrs and have to get the DH dinner and lunch ready for tomorrow. Enjoy your day my friends:flowerforyou:
  • tropicpalm
    tropicpalm Posts: 39 Member
    I don't like to push to the point where I want to cry! I started doing yoga again and I am so happy I did! People think it's not a workout, but it most definitely is! I walk and lift weights on my own at home, too. I like to dance to burn some extra calories, too. I have tried going to the gym, but it seems that every time I do, I get sick! Plus, I hate seeing people sweat all over the machines and not clean up after themselves. UGH!

    It's slow going for me. Insulin resistance, low thyroid and other autoimmune issues interfere, but I am not giving up this time! It's not a race, it's a way of life, right? :-) I have added a weight loss meditation to my daily routine and I love it! It puts me into the right frame of mind to eat the right foods and enjoy moving my body.

    Here's to a good week, Ladies!

  • tammytylerjones
    tammytylerjones Posts: 109 Member
    Good morning friends!:flowerforyou:

    Just read through the posts and glad to hear that most everyone is on the upswing... February has been a long month for some reason... I hesitate to wish it away though and try to be grateful in the moment...

    I had a busy weekend with a really fun book club meeting on Friday nights (we read Beautiful Ruins if anyone is looking for a great read) and then a Chili potluck here at the house Sunday. It was fun to have the ladies together to watch the Oscars Red Carpet together. It wasn't planned, but all of these 50 something women couldn't resist turning it on and critiquing. Let's just say we're a tough bunch, and I love it that we can rewind at any moment...
    While it was fun, and really, i didn't OVER eat... what a difference it makes when I have to log it all in on the tracke:noway: r.... It certainly made me realize that before I started logging I didn't REALLY get how many calories I was consuming, even if I wasn't stuffed! I don't regret this weekend's meals because they were oh so delicious, but I felt/feel over compelled to work out harder and drink more water today!

    To be philosophical for a moment... what has our society done to make all the unhealthy foods so unbelievably attractive/ tasty?

    So staying strong, back to the healthy habits and happy to have this thread to be continually encouraged.

    So.... Have A GREAT day and keep smiling!:flowerforyou:

    Tammy in Va Beach
  • allisonlane61
    allisonlane61 Posts: 187 Member
    LuAnn:happy: : I cook for one frequently, and when I cook for my daughter and I, she eats so little that it hardly counts. I eat mainly fresh vegetables, fruits, seafood, and chicken. I will say with your schedule, I’m not sure I could prepare the way I do. Seafood and chicken breast (tenders) cook quickly. I use veggies and fruits in Green Smoothies, which could be prepared in advance for a few days. Fruits are fairly easy to cut up and store in bags either in fridge or freezer. More power to you girlfriend for the schedule you keep. You must have a lot of energy.

    DeeDee:happy: : Congrats on keeping up with the modified training program. It’s good to see you make compromises in the event symptoms appear. I can only remember how sick I got when I relapsed because I did not do precisely what you are doing.

    Barbie:happy: : Glad your husband has arrived home safely. I now find myself craving a turkey dinner. Wouldn’t be so bad if I didn’t crave mashed potatoes and stuffing. Did you end up enjoying your alone time?

    Michele from NC:happy: : Glad your husband is safe. Sounds like he only missed it by a few rows? I do on occasion eat beef jerky for the protein boost, but I have really begun to notice when I eat what is “a lot of” sodium for me, my weight reacts nearly immediately. I seldom use salt, so when I do, my body reacts.

    Jane in SLC:happy: : Sorry you’re a “mess of stress,” but just think how good it will feel when all these projects are done. I am one of those who procrastinate on most things, really pushing deadlines, but then it always works out. They must trust you to have placed all of this in your hands.

    Meg:happy: : Sorry you missed the hiking ‘cause of closed trails. Are you a hiker? After Hurricane Sandy blew through here, before the State Parks were assessed, I hiked in a place that a few days later the trails were closed. It was a mess, it was scary when I couldn’t identify the terrain—and the most exciting hike I’ve ever done.  I had to scramble over/under downed trees that were taller than me, and all the trail blazes were gone. What a rush!

    Cat:happy: : Welcome! You’ll love it here. You sound upbeat and excited. I find these women truly help me keep a positive attitude. Also, I am totally “with” you on the gym. I cannot seem to work up a desire to use one. My daughter and I caught a skin ailment from something there (the dermatologist believes it was the whirlpool) and I’ve been unable to go back since. I do go to a personal trainer in the small gym they own and that doesn’t seem to be so repulsive to me. I guess it just took catching something once to turn me off to gyms forever.

    Mary in TN:happy: : I hope you are feeling better today. Sinus infections are all-consuming…can’t put your head up or down without it running, lol.

    Wessecg:happy: : I think you look fantastic in that picture—athletic, radiant, and enjoying the crispness of winter. You made me want to go horseback riding in the snow!

    Well, I finally found my Nike+ foot sensor for my Sportswatch GPS, as well as my Polar heart rate monitor. I was amazed to see how many calories my 30 min cross training was yesterday, but boy was I sweating. I think to train for this run, I need as accurate stats as possible and to take the training program seriously, not pushing my distances before I’m supposed to and definitely slowing down my pace. The heart rate monitor with the Sportswatch will definitely remind me of this. On a fun note, I’m doing a 5k Run or Dye run on June 15—this is a total “fun run” where you are shot with various color dyes along the route. You come out looking like a colorful Easter egg. My daughter asked to run with me, and then so did her aunt, cousin, and “aunt in law.” It will be a family run.

    Everyone have a wonderful and healthy week! Try to stay motivated. Every day is a new opportunity and as I read somewhere else, “Every Day is a Do-Over” (Credits to whoever said it.)

    Jackie in Cherry Hill Outside of Philly
  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    Happy Monday!!! I am short on time now...my phone just gave me a reminder that I have a conference call in a few minutes!!! I need to get ready for the day ..send a few e-mails then hit the road.

    Busy weekend full of exercise and car shopping!!! I HATE buying a car!!! It took us all day yesterday to get the deal...2 car lots 2 hours of driving..but I now have a new Sorento in the driveway!!! We finally had our Sunday "family Dinner" (it's now manditory the kids are home for dinner on Sunday :bigsmile: ) around 9!!!! I drank wine last night...stressful day :drinker:

    Also yesterday I went to the local Jr College with my race buddies and we ran the track 2 times then climbed the stairs then track & stairs...3 times... It was great...I hate running!!! We then flipped a few tractor tires that were on the side lines...fun.

    Michele ~ Wow you were at Daytona!!??? WOW that was something...glad you are fine...that suck's about Vince! I have asthma and I know that's an aweful feeling..

    I will try to catch up some more later...Have a GREAT DAY with Good Choices

    Judy - So Cal
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy Mon.
    let`s make it a good one.
  • nanasorchid52
    Hi ladies!

    Just a quick catch up with you all after my trip to DD no 2. So great to catch up with them and play with those wonderful GC. Managed to log calories as I was the one cooking to give my D D a break. Scanned your posts quickly, but sorry do not have time to encourage/ comment on individual posts today as I am on catch up.

    However still thinking of you all!!

    Trying to " bank " some calories today as out with girlfriends for a Indian meal tonight. There are about 15 of us and we have been meeting once a month for over 25 years. Sometimes a meal/cinema/speaker/ theatre. No stress just good company. We have supported each other through so much.

    So to you all make the most of each day

    Keep smiling
    UK Wales
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    Blue Sky Monday after totally snowy Sunday:flowerforyou:

    No time to read just marking my place. Our computer at home crashed Friday night and hubby got it up and running last night. I've lost some photos :sad: because I didn't back them up like I should have on the external drive:grumble: :grumble:

    Snowed all day yesterday...my new picture is what I see out of my office window....notice that blue sky:glasses: sun shining but still very cold but oh so beautiful.

    Have a great day all...log, log, and log some more:drinker:

    Laura80111 in Colorado:smile:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,979 Member
    I don't like to push to the point where I want to cry! I started doing yoga again and I am so happy I did! People think it's not a workout, but it most definitely is! I walk and lift weights on my own at home, too. I like to dance to burn some extra calories, too. I have tried going to the gym, but it seems that every time I do, I get sick! Plus, I hate seeing people sweat all over the machines and not clean up after themselves. UGH!


    :flowerforyou: Cat, I have my own reasons for not wanting to go to a gym so I created an at home weight training workout starting with the plan in "Strong Women Stay Young' and adding new things and making changes over time......i have 10 and 15 pound dumbbells and adjustable ankle weights so I can do lot of different workouts......I also read "The New Rules of Lifting for Women" and got some great ideas.....I walk a lot, go to dance classes, and ride the recumbent bike we have in placed in the living room so the rider can watch TV while riding.........I don't like to workout to the point of exhaustion by I believe "If you're moving, you're losing"

    :flowerforyou: Jackie, I loved my alone time but since Jake was bringing his friend home to spend two night I used a lot of my time for preparing the guest room and cleaning house and preparing the turkey dinner. I ate all the goodies with dinner last night but for my snack today had plain turkey and green beans.

    :flowerforyou: Now we're off to take Jake's friend to see the beautiful scenery (mountains and water) where we live:bigsmile:

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    Thanks Jackie for saying I look great despite what I really look like in that photo. Also thanks to those who quoted (Eileen) instead of replying, I liked seeing my horse and my daughter show up on another page :smile:

    Today without my fitbit is sad. I am wearing an inexpensive pedometer that my work supplies but it's not the same. I don't understand the calories burned. After walking almost a mile it said I'd burned 14 calories. Hmmmm. However, when I put in on the aerobic setting and went for my 25 minute walk it said I'd burned 165 calories - so that sounds about right. At least it is counting steps and I can still try to get my 10,000 in. I am determined to drop at least 1 of the 3 pounds I gained to get back to my normal bmi.

    Nanna - that is so cool that you've been meeting once a year with the same group for so long.

    DeeDee, thanks for understanding how lost I am without my fitbit. There are a few for $35 at Target. They don't do sleep or stairs but if it will sync with my fitness I might go buy one of those for now.

    Michelle, the new ones can only be attached with the little holster thingy but I had the ultra that clipped directly on and that's the way I usually used it. My hand goes to hip and checks that it's there all day. I am furious at myself that I lost it on my horse. I know it was when I slid sideways off his back when I had that picture taken. Oh well :brokenheart:

    YoYo (Deb) - I had it replaced when it cracked in two. Don't know if they would replace it simply because I lost it. I did email them anyway though.

    Jolene - happy energy vibes coming your way. Hope you get out of your slump soon :drinker:

    Oh Liz - I hope your turn for the flu isn't next.:flowerforyou:

    Jodio, glad your visit with you daughter went mostly well.

    megblair - I never knew there was an exact time the geese migrated. When I lived in a different area around here, every year what seemed like thousands of crows would descend on my backyard. They would cover every limb of ever tree then hit the yard for a few minutes before taking off and leaving. I sure wish I could have gotten a picture of all those birds in my yard.

    Sundance - where did you go?

    Cheryl from North of Chicago