

  • LucyT4dieting
    LucyT4dieting Posts: 284 Member
    Good Monday morning all,

    I've been trying to post for days, but just when I get caught up with reading, something comes up and I don't have time to post myself. Then I come back and there's MORE to read! I treated myself to a hot stone massage on Friday. I had two gift certificates, so the balance wasn't too expensive. It was amazing! After upping my exercise, my tired muscles really appreciated the soothing heat and full body massage. It was the most relaxation I've had in a long while. But, back to reality! I'm trying to watch my portions because that's where I have a problem. I could easily put away two or three helpings of food without realizing it. That's where MFP comes in. It's teaching me to conrol my portions by showing me how many calories are in each serving. It's a slow process to train this old brain, but I'm hoping that you CAN teach an old dog new tricks.:laugh:

    :noway: Renny - That was one BIG mistake! Not sure if it could have done harm to your sight, but I sure hope you get compensated for it. Congrats on your future granddaughter!

    :flowerforyou: DeeDee - Spring is coming, so cheer up! Sending hugs your way.

    :noway: Jackie - Sorry, but I don't think I could get a sardine past my lips under any circumstances. You are WAY more dedicated than I am.

    :flowerforyou: Michele - Get well wishes go out to you for Vince. I hope his asthma is under control.

    :laugh: bjmcg - I got a shower the other night and put on my PJ's to go down and watch TV. I had my pedometer on my PJ's, and when I woke up the next morning, it was still there!

    :smile: Cat - I tried dieting on my own and couldn't seem to keep the loss going for any length of time until I found MFP. You will get loads of support and information on this site. Welcome and keep coming back!

    :explode: Janie - It's OK to vent. Hopefully, getting it out will help to put those bad feelings behind you so you can start fresh. You can DO THIS!

    :drinker: Grandmallie - I'm with you on not wanting to go overboard to lose weight. Some of the people on this site are fitness freaks and some are into "clean" eating to the max. Everyone of us is different and that's the beauty of this site. You can personalize it to work for you. I want to be healthy, but I also want to enjoy my life. I do not plan on giving up my meat, carbs, sweets, etc. but I HAVE learned to eat these things in moderation. The good news is, I've lost the weight and feel so much better! As for exercise, I do want to keep moving & get strong, but I'm not willing to push myself to the point where I'm in pain every day. I recognize that my 60 year old body cannot perform (and is never going to look) like a 20 year old body. My motto is EVERYTHING IN MODERATION!

    :happy: Judy - Congrats on the new car purchase! Doesn't it feel good?

    :brokenheart: Laura - That happened to me too! Lost 3 years worth of pics and was heart broken. Now I back mine up regularly on a flash drive. It's easy and cheap.

    Well, that's all I got for today. Thanks for the Vitamin F and enjoy the rest of your day.:heart:

    Lucy in Delaware:bigsmile:
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,884 Member
    Cheryl: Sorry you lost your Fitbit while riding but I think it is awesome you were able to ride. A friend and I found a cell phone one day when we were riding in a corn field. We were able to find the owner through the contact list. My riding right now is limited to the indoor arena where I board because it is just too icy outside but spring is coming and my long time friend and riding buddy and I are headed to the Minnesota Horse Expo in April. Yeah! Have fun and keep well. Sue in SD
  • janehadji
    janehadji Posts: 206 Member
    I'm back from Mexico, and having a hard time getting back to logging. I'm just feeling lazy! I was sick almost the entire trip... I came down with a flu bug the first night there, so that wasn't much fun.

    I'm trying to figure out how to post a photo. I just opened the photobucket account and uploaded some pictures, but the URL's that I'm pasting here aren't turning into pictures when I post. Please ignore any odd posts as I try this!

    Jane from Colorado
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    Ok Jane, is that you with the blond hair in these photos? If so you need to get off of the over 50 board immediately!!!:happy:
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,799 Member
    I know some of you don't do the gym, but I have signed up and I figure I don't want to throw my money away.I have had my hrs cut at work and being in my early 50's and the way the job market is, if something happens and I have to look for work,weight does play an issue. I know it's discrimination but it does happen. I have to accept the things that I cant change and no one knows the future, so I plug along a day at a time and as I always say everything happens for a reason.:wink:
    And I wipe off the machines before and after each use,I don't sweat all over me except from me
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Jane- I think your pics will post if you change the IMG to img at both the beginning and end.
    Deb A from CNY
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,385 Member
    grandmallie - glad you had a good time at the concert.

    The book I got is titled "Coach yourself Thin". It'll probably take me a while to read it. Not that it's hard, I just have a few craft projects that I really want to do.

    The fan on the refrigerator got stuck, Vince fixed it but 2 of the screws that hold the plate on over the fan are rusted so he needs to buy them. We'll just leave them in the freezer so when we get down here again, that'll be a reminder to do that.

    Well, Vince needed 2 tires. He ordered them Friday and was told they'd be there by 12. So we got to Daytona shortly after 12. They didn't get there until 2:30. On top of that, I can't believe how long it took to get them put on! Then, his low pressure indicator came on for one of the tires. They filled the tire with air and by the time we were pulling out of the parking lot, it was already down 2lbs. So...back to Sears we go. They did fix it, but we really expected we'd be home by around 3 or 4, didn't get home until after 5.

    Did yoga and then a step class today. Tomorrow I'll do a body pump workout on utube and then take a spin class. That's the PLAN.

    The PLAN is for us to leave here Thurs. So Wed. will be spent doing laundry and cleaning the condo.

    Jackie - good luck on your run

    Judy - congrats on the new car

    Jo - have a great time with your friends

    Laura - you get to see that!!! Wow!!!! That's all I can say

    Lucy in DE - Oh, Vince's asthma is well under control. He was saying how he uses his inhaler so infrequently, it usually expired by the time he needs it again. So that's why he didn't even think to bring it. I'm with you on the eating, I want to have a good relationship with food, I'll have A BIT of candy or cookies, things that really don't do much for me. But it's usually just A BIT. It's weird, tho. I'd really rather have veges than a roll. Well, veges are good for you

    Cheryl - suehn gave me an idea. When you get a new fitbit (I don't know how large or small they are), can you possibly somehow put on it something to identify it as yours, like a contact phone number?

    jane from CO - sorry you were sick in Mexico. What a bummer!

    Hope everyone has a great evening.

    Michele from NC
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    Putting my name and contact information on my fitbit is a good idea. As it was there was a Mexican guy with two horses he was about to ride when I went back to search the parking area and some of the trail so I asked him to keep a look out for it on the trail and gave him my phone number. (I thought maybe my black fitbit might stand out on the snow on the trail - needle in a hay stack I know).

    On a positive note I emailed fitbit and told them I'd lost it and they let me buy the newer better model for half price. Yaaayyyy!!!
  • bjmcq
    bjmcq Posts: 304 Member
    Still not quite up to full thread reading, home with terrible bug, feel awful...this would be my third cold.flu since November...
    any suggestions for strengthening my immunity are welcome!

    Have a good few days

    BJ, Swo
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Hi to everyone! Hope you all had a great Monday;. I finished the urology chapter with a bang! The last section was on trauma of the penis and *kitten* and I loved telling DH all about it and watching him squirm. I’m evil, I know!

    Renny-grandma-to-be: congratulations! You sound delighted!

    Cat: welcome and come back often!

    Janie: keep your chin up…February will be gone before you know it!

    Mary: get to feeling better soon!

    Jane: so sorry about your friend’s cat. They are real babies to us cat folks!

    LuAnn: that is a rough schedule. Planning will be the key!

    Katla: great news on the weight and size loss! Good for you!

    Wessecg: that weight will be gone soon! The horse your daughter is riding is a beautiful color! Very striking

    Jodios: glad you are home safely and had a good visit

    Jolene: get to feeling better soon!

    Liz: take care and stay well

    Michele: did you enjoy the race? It sounded kind of interesting with the finish

    DeeDee: I did get the urology chapter done! YAY Another thing off my plate! Still have lots of test bank chapters to do plus the textbook chapters.

    Tammy: great question about the terrible food. Honestly, I think it’s sodium.

    Jackie: I guess I’m what you call a fair-weather hiker. I haven’t done anything too strenuous, but I do enjoy hiking on trails and can go up to 10 miles. I’m not into going when the weather is bad though. Mostly I like shorter trails in parks and taking picnic lunches.

    Judy: hope you love the car!

    Jo: enjoy your dinner and the company

    Cheryl: the bird migration here is fabulous. In a couple of weeks literally all the cranes in north and south america will be here…sand hills cranes, blue cranes, green cranes. It’s amazing!

    Janehadji: so glad you are back safely but I’m sure sorry you were so sick! WOW the photos are wonderful. You look so young! Your daughter is gorgeous! Thanks for sharing!!!

    BJ: vitamin C?

    Well that’s all that’s in me tonight. I’m pretty tired so heading to bed after my little snack. Take care all, Meg
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Putting my name and contact information on my fitbit is a good idea. As it was there was a Mexican guy with two horses he was about to ride when I went back to search the parking area and some of the trail so I asked him to keep a look out for it on the trail and gave him my phone number. (I thought maybe my black fitbit might stand out on the snow on the trail - needle in a hay stack I know).

    On a positive note I emailed fitbit and told them I'd lost it and they let me buy the newer better model for half price. Yaaayyyy!!!

    Yay! I'm glad they're helping you out. It sounds like a good company. You'll have to figure out a strategy to keep the new one safe from riding mishaps.

    Katla in NW Oregon
  • jodios528
    jodios528 Posts: 379 Member
    Finally caught up on the thread after a tough day. My good friend just lost her dad and I went to the Shiva to pay my respects and be there for her. It was all still so fresh for me (less than 2 months since my dad passed) seeing her and her family in so much pain. I went out for tea after with a good friend and that helped shift my mood.

    Well at least I had a healthy day and the scale wasn't too mean to me after my indulgent weekend visiting my DD (and eating and eating and eating!!!) I was only up a 1/2 lb and hope I can take that back off if I have a good week.

    Has anyone read Cooking Light Healthy Habits? I just got it out of the library and started reading it but haven't gotten too far. Its all about recognizing how hard it is to change your habits and asks you to adopt one new healthy habit a month (12 total habits like eat more veggies, cut out sodium, etc. so year long plan). For each new habit they have strategies to help you. One bit I thought was very interesting is that they found people with a support system like MFP are more likely to be successful - good news for us huh?

    Renny - love the quote

    Jolene - feel better

    Liz - hope the family is recovering

    Cat - yoga can definitely be a work out. I teach classes that are gentle but also ones that will bump up your heart rate and make you sweat. Yoga is like that - you can make it what you need it to be

    Tammy - thanks for the book reco. I love to read and like to try out new authors and titles. I'm always open to suggestions

    Jo - your girls night out sound like fun - have a blast

    Laura80111 - you live in paradise. Just a thought on the pictures...any chance they are still on your camera. I'm very lazy about deleting them off...only when its full and I have to do I bother

    Judy - congrats on the new car. Hope you enjoy tooling around in it. Also, I'm very impressed you can flip a tractor tire

    Lucy - lucky you...I love hot stone massages

    Jane - feel better..so sorry you were sick during your Mexican vacation

    Cheryl - great news on the fitbit replacement cost. what is a fitbit by the way so many of you talk about them

    Meg - you are evil. you made me smile at the end of a tough day so thank you

    I can hardly keep my eyes open so I'll sign off now and catch up with you wonderful ladies again tomorrow. Jodios
  • 50ishFoodie
    50ishFoodie Posts: 82 Member
    Hi, all!
    Quick check in. Found I was stress eating this weekend. Made a pumpkin spice cake and after a couple slices decided to put it into the freezer after one last slice tonight, Brought only veggies, berries and yogurt with me to work, so getting back on track.
    Will respond individually when I have a few more minutes.

    Thanks to all for your support. Great to have this lovely support.

    Jane in SLC.
  • lynda3y9
    lynda3y9 Posts: 62 Member
    so glad i found this board...i can relate to so many things people are saying here. It's been some time since i have been serious about the weight loss and this site is really helping me keep that little voice of failure at bay.

    a group of 3 other women and i have banded together and working out together a few times a week - including a trainer once a week. I am finding it hard to fit it in otherwise but hoping that gets easier the more i do it. I so easily forget how much i actually like the way i feel after a workout so trying to remember that on those 'i don't want to' days.

    logging food is very helpful as mentioned above .... it really does make you think about putting something in your mouth that you have to actually put down. Also so encouraging to see some fall off the wagon so to speak and not have it make them feel defeated.....and WINE too!

    i bought a vitamix and love it....really helps in getting fruit/veggie count up.

    so many around here are sick as well.... been a very nasty flu season that seemed to start in November! Hope everyone feels better quickly.

    and i thank Meg for the laugh too :-)

    i thought of so many things to comment about while i was reading ......but too many by the time i got to the end!

    Lynda from BC
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :tongue: Trying to keep from snacking tonight, while watching the Biggest Loser - of all things :noway: :noway: . I really want to keep going with being under my calorie goal for the day. And today I did not have a chance to workout, so it makes sensible eating even more important.

    I better go to bed, because once I am in my bedroom, there is less temptation to go to the kitchen and find something to eat. :noway:

    till tomorrow!

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    How does one get over the 'I am turning 63 in a week and my face is sagging from the weight I lost' feeling. Losing that 20 pounds was like pulling teeth. And I have at least 50 more to go. With my MS I can't exercise right, walking 1/2 mile at the mall is very hard to do. I am beginning to look old and I don't like it. I have big bags under my eyes now, My face is sagging. HELP
  • nanasorchid52
    Just quickly getting my morning fix of Vit F but just had to reply to Jmkmomm .

    Losing weight is so good for you, but doesn't change who you are! Good friends and family describe your personality. I went out with a group of friends last night - we are all shapes and sizes and all over 60. Thinking of them I think some are funny, some clever, some witty, some wise ..... The list goes on. But never do I define them by their looks. Even if they lose weight, it may make them healthier and perhaps confident, but they will still be those old dear friends.

    I catch a glance in a shop window and wonder who that old woman is!! But I am still young inside please don't worry about things you can't change!

    My lines are wisdom and laughter lines!!

    Keep smiling - the lines don't show as much!

    Must dash - looking after GS this morning while mum goes to blood sweat and tyres exercise class! Training for her 2nd half marathon! Me - I am just playing! He gives the most amazing cuddles- just snuggles into the crook of my neck!,

    UK Wales
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good morning ladies

    A very quick drop by today. Horrible woman at work is really making my life miserable. Grrr. I will do my work and rise above it.

    Love to all.
    Amanda x
  • ohiomomof2
    ohiomomof2 Posts: 78 Member
    Morning, all!

    Life continues to be busy, busy so I've had time to scan posts but no time to write detailed response. I'm hoping the pace will slow a little bit so that I have time to more fully engage here AND to get more exercise into my schedule. I've been missing that the last week or so and I feel it!

    I did want to mention that DH had his colonoscopy yesterday and put me to shame. He drank the prep stuff without flinching - he has a cast iron stomach and apparently no taste buds whatsoever! The good news is that his scan was totally clean and he doesn't have to go back for 10 years. We are feeling virtuous here since this was a biggie for both of us - put it off for a few years and then worried that we had put it off.

    Have to run so I can get ready for work. I hope everyone has a wonderful day!