

  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    I`ve read all the posts but don`t have a lot of time this morning. I love that we are such a chatty bunch, our lives are so interesting!!!

    Jmkmomm:smile: I so agree with Jo!!! You are a beautiful woman inside, just let it shine on the outside, that`s what people are going to be seeing!!! And take baby steps to exercise, take a 5 minute walk and maybe the next day you increase it by a minute, and so on and so on....you`ll find that your body will feel so much better with even just a bit of exercise, and before you know you`ll be walking that 1/2 mile with ease. We`re all here to cheer you on!!!

    Renny:smile: I had that same problem last night, although I wasn`t hungry, I noticed Meg talking about eating an apple and I thought, oh that sounds good, I could have an apple, then I thought..wait I`m not hungry, not in the least, I only want to eat that `cause it taste good. I decided it was time for me to go bed.

    Amanda:smile: Good for you rising above it all! She must be miserable herself and trying to spread it around. I just tend to smile at those kinds of people, it does one of two things, changes their attitude (not likely), or really ticks them off (more likely), and I actually could care less which one it is:devil: . Sometimes I can be mean that way:blushing: !

    Lynda:smile: It is nice to have a group of people to work out with, makes the time go by faster and you can encourage each other to keep going!

    I have an early meeting and then a hair appt. so must run now. Hope everyone has a wonderful day!!!
    Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

    DeeDee in rainy and cold NC :sad:
  • tammytylerjones
    tammytylerjones Posts: 109 Member
    I know some of you don't do the gym, but I have signed up and I figure I don't want to throw my money away.I have had my hrs cut at work and being in my early 50's and the way the job market is, if something happens and I have to look for work,weight does play an issue. I know it's discrimination but it does happen. I have to accept the things that I cant change and no one knows the future, so I plug along a day at a time and as I always say everything happens for a reason.:wink:
    And I wipe off the machines before and after each use,I don't sweat all over me except from me

    I totally agree! I work out harder when I'm at the gym... it's just getting myself there that's the challenge. I know I can walk at home, but on the treadmill I can make the incline outrageous and really get my heart pumping... and then I still walk at home anyway, I just don't count it! We are all watching the cuts here in Virginia. It'll hit this area hard. Waiting to see what will happen to DH's job as well... good luck. I hate about the size discrimination, but it's there, I agree... and then we throw our age on top of it all. Ouch. Good luck with your exercise regime!!
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,739 Member
    thanks for the support Tammy, I am having a bit of nerves dont know why but, I gained a lb ,oh well, im still counting food and drinking alot of water so thats a plus.,gonna be busy today at work but it makes the time go by quick...
    I looked at the fitbit website and they are coming out with a new one this spring that is a bracelet,It is 100.00 bucks so I think I will save up for that.. maybe when I hit the 20 lb mark:wink:
    Hope all is well with you ladies today..
  • allisonlane61
    allisonlane61 Posts: 187 Member
    I know some of you don't do the gym, but I have signed up and I figure I don't want to throw my money away.I have had my hrs cut at work and being in my early 50's and the way the job market is, if something happens and I have to look for work,weight does play an issue. I know it's discrimination but it does happen. I have to accept the things that I cant change and no one knows the future, so I plug along a day at a time and as I always say everything happens for a reason.:wink:
    And I wipe off the machines before and after each use,I don't sweat all over me except from me

    I don't think it matters where you work out, just that you work out! And I agree with you on size discrimination. Luckily, I was hired when I was overweight and management did not discriminate based on weight. But it's in the back of my mind too that the business climate is so bad that it isn't inconceivable that someday I'd have to move on. I want my health and my appearance to be credits and not debits.

    My daughter, who is nearly 15, wants us to go back to the gym. She loved it. And catching whatever it was doesn't seem to have phased her in the least. Sadly, she doesn't drive so I've got to find some kind of compromise with her, because I want her training and maintaining her health. I don't want to just drop her off there, so I'm thinking I'm going to have to in some fashion go to a "brick and mortar" building with her...I wonder if I could talk her into classes instead.

    Jackie in Cherry Hill Outside of Philly
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,848 Member
    jmkmomm: Good morning from foggy SD. Do you have anywhere that you can get in the water? I work at a hospital therapy pool and we have several patients with MS who come in to exercise in our pools. They are able to do much more that way and keep exercising longer. One lovely lady came to our pools to exercise for more than 5 years before her MS finally caused her to quit and then it really was a matter of transportation. Just be sure if you use a therapy pool that it is not too warm. Also getting some ideas from a physical therapist can be a good idea. They can help you find the best exercises for you both in the pool and at home. Good luck and keep on keeping on. Sue in SD
  • texasgal22
    texasgal22 Posts: 407 Member
  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    Hi There ~ Hope you are all having a Great Day. As I said recently...I am feeling like I am gaining but haven't changed my eating habits and as you may have seen I work out alot..COZMOSIZE last night along with 20 mins on the tread mill. My next plan of attach is to get back to weighing once a week. I was in some challenge groups in the past where we reported our weight everyweek...I was more focused then. I also need to get back to logging...I really don't want to but it is so easy to go over and not realize. I workout and think it's OK to have that extra helping of popchips or smoothie..peanutbutter etc.

    So I guess this is my accountabilty forum...I will start logging today and my weigh in day will be Friday. Time to get busy here!!!! I need to make some more Pumpkin protein bars and get to the store for fruits and veggies!!! GAME ON!!!

    Meg - You cracked me up making you DH squirm with penis talk :laugh:
    Wessecg - Glad you got a fitbit deal...what great customer service.
    Jodios - Sorry about your Dad :flowerforyou: The same thing happen to me with my Mom...it's hard to go to a service right after having one yourself for a family member...but boy did I know how they felt.

    Speaking of parents passing...today is my Mom's Birthday. She has been gone 2 years now and I miss her more and more as time goes by. My Dad who is parapalegic said he would like to go to the cemetary today so me my Sis and Dad will be taking some time today for that. :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Have a Good Day!!!! Let's keep pushing on this journey!!! IF YOU NEVER QUIT YOU WILL ALWAYS WIN!!!!!!

    Judy - So Cal
  • glendalight
    glendalight Posts: 127 Member
    What a week! what a week! After my wonderful weekend in the mountains, it was supposed to be my week to dig in and catch up. I started my week by inviting the four grands over for dinner, movie and a sleepover -:smile: to give their momma a chance to rest up from the weekend (she has fibromyalgia and had done hair for the wedding!) However, as the evening progressed, I started to feel like a bug was invading my head and nasal passages and started to feel generally yuck! Then, early in the evening, I got a call from my eldest daughter that she had just lost control on snow and ice, swerved into oncoming traffic and totaled her car:sad: My husband was in a meeting out of town, I had 4 kids and she was over 5 hours away!!:explode: Thankfully, she had no major injuries - soft tissue and difficulty moving about. She came here to spend the week in recovery, the flu bug hit me with a vengeance - fever, chills, aches, stuffy head - and I ended the week driving her back to the town she works in - 15 hours of driving on :smile: dry clear roads.(And there is LOTS of snow up there that could have been blowing about!!) I am thanking God for her safety, and for good travelling this weekend, and pray for her continued recovery and all the negotiations,etc with insurance and car purchase that are still ahead.

    Needless to say, the food and exercise were a disaster this week. Comfort food, fast food, sweating it out in bed, driving in the car, snuggled on the couch with tea.....still feeling rotten but it is time to get back to some healthy choices. Heal body....heal!!
    thankful for the good in the week and looking forward to the good in this one!
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy tues.
    we have a winter storm coming thru.!st sleet now snow.
    Have a good one.
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,218 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hi everyone! I’m enjoying my lunch and reading posts. It’s cold and windy here today with maybe an inch of snow coming; why can’t we get a good old blizzard and be stuck at home for a couple of days??? I’m busy trying to catch up on all my grading; I am way far behind. The end of the “semester” really sneaks up on us!

    Last night I worked up quite a sweat on both the elliptical and the wii. I was the family entertainment as I did the advanced level boxing; apparently during the “free box” my butt shakes… a LOT…:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Well I guess I’m glad my fat cells provide something to everyone! I felt great afterwards too!:happy:

    Jodios: I am so sorry for your friend’s loss and the painful memories it stirred up for you. Bless you for going to the Shiva anyway to support your friend. :flowerforyou: Glad my evil-ness made you smile!:tongue:

    Lynda: I think you are right about the voice of failure. Since being here, I have never felt like “well I was bad, so I might as well be really bad.” That kind of self sabotage is so destructive.

    Renny: hope the sandman kept the food urges away!:smile:

    Jmkmomm: I don’t have any words of wisdom for you except I feel your stress and I’m sorry. :flowerforyou: I do think what Jo had to say is right on.

    Jo: great words of wisdom!

    Amanda: a pox on your co-worker!:bigsmile:

    Ohiomom: good news on hubby’s colonoscopy!

    DeeDee: sending virtual sunshine your way.:flowerforyou:

    Grandmallie: oooh a bracelet fitbit? I might look into that too

    Judy: so sorry for the loss of your mother on this anniversary.:flowerforyou: I agree that logging is where the accountability comes in. I too tend to justify eating more when I work out, which is ok if it’s healthy and within goal, but it’s easy to slip right off that edge!

    Glenda: omygosh! I am so glad DD is okay, but what a stressful week and you being sick too! I hope the stress is easing and you are feeling better now. :flowerforyou:

    Jane: stay safe! Where do you live?

    Well, back to the grading grind. I’m not sure how I got so far behind, but gotta catch up! Take care; yoga disaster is tonight’s planned exercise. ..even funnier than butt-shaking boxing! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Meg:drinker:
  • janehadji
    janehadji Posts: 206 Member
    It's snowing again today in Denver. We got a foot over the weekend, so have spent a lot of time shoveling! If my next attempt at photo posting works, it is a picture of my daughter and myself at her wedding rehearsal in August.

    Deb A – Thanks for the photo help! I’ll try it again below.

    Cheryl – It sounds like Fitbit has great customer service. That’s good to know, as I’ve been considering buying one. I don’t have a lot of gray hair, but I do highlight/lowlight it so it isn’t quite so mousy looking!

    Jo from Wales -- Thanks for your wisdom! You’re right, we’re all the same person, heavy or thin.

    Glenda – I’m so glad that your daughter wasn’t more seriously injured. How incredibly scary! And I’m sorry you caught the flu bug.

    Jane in Colorado

  • janehadji
    janehadji Posts: 206 Member
    Nope, it still doesn't work. Even with the tutorial from MFP and making everything lower case. For those who post pictures, what am I doing wrong????
  • allisonlane61
    allisonlane61 Posts: 187 Member
    It's missing the <img src= tag before the http://
  • janehadji
    janehadji Posts: 206 Member
    <img src="http://i1272.photobucket.com/albums/y398/janehadji/51d976c6-8906-4bbf-8fe6-e9e8be3a9893_zps804951de.jpg"&gt;

    <[img src=]"http://i1272.photobucket.com/albums/y398/janehadji/Rehearsal_zpsd09c2a9d.jpg"[/img]&gt;



    I wonder which one worked? We're cropped rather strangely, but here it is! My gorgeous and daughter and not-so-gorgeous self at the wedding rehearsal. The wedding was at the Arrowhead Golf Club, which has a backdrop of towering red rocks.
  • ekafont
    ekafont Posts: 39 Member
    I see a lot of you talking about the FitBit .... what exactly is that? And are there any other monitors that you would recommend - something that tracks calories burned, heart rate, etc. that can be worn on the wrist (I've seen some with a chest strap - don't want to go there). I'd like to keep it at $100 or less.

  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Getting ready to snow again and have had computer problems all morning.

    So just a quick HI to all:flowerforyou:

    Yesterday my back was killing me with sharp pains so no exercise, just a hot pad and to bed early. Hoping for a better evening tonight.

    Oh yes we finally watched the end of Season 3 of Downton Abbey...what a shocker:noway:

    Will try and pop in later if I have time.

    Log, Log and Log somemore:drinker: :drinker: food, exercise and all that water.

    Laura80111 in Colorado.
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member


    Nope. Still not working!

    I went in and played with it and it still won't work...but it looked like you had the one picture in there three times but still couldn't get the first one to show....

    Sorry Jane I tried.

  • janehadji
    janehadji Posts: 206 Member
    Thanks, Laura!!!