Did you know your body has a natural fat burner?



  • YAYJules
    YAYJules Posts: 282 Member
    Did you know eating certain genetically modified food or what ever can be fatal? It may cause a reaction with your body? Take my post as you will I DONOT care I just put information out there to get it out there so maybe someone who wasn't doing to well or wanted some kind of guide lines would look at my post and do what they please with it. Also did you know when you eat pasta and bread it all becomes a hard ball in your stomach about the size of your fist?

    You're a troll, right? :noway:

    Even trolls eat food.
  • Maidofmer
    Maidofmer Posts: 908 Member
    Did you know eating certain genetically modified food or what ever can be fatal? It may cause a reaction with your body? Take my post as you will I DONOT care I just put information out there to get it out there so maybe someone who wasn't doing to well or wanted some kind of guide lines would look at my post and do what they please with it. Also did you know when you eat pasta and bread it all becomes a hard ball in your stomach about the size of your fist?

    You're a troll, right? :noway:

    Even trolls eat food.
    not this one
  • jaysonhijinx
    jaysonhijinx Posts: 663 Member
    I'll stick to IIFYM ;)
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    Heres my diet. I have lost several pant sizes eating these. Am I doing it right?












  • Hbazzell
    Hbazzell Posts: 899 Member
    Thanks Tanto, now we are all hungry for pizza and cookies!
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    One problem that happens when people post advice from their nutritionists, is perhaps those rules were specifically chosen for your individual needs, and not applicable to the population at large, which is what your nutritionist should be doing for you. I would hope that when you pay them money they're giving you a custom plan suited to your needs and not just a grab bag of random rules they give everyone. Perhaps the feedback would have taken a different tone if you presented the rules as your own plan worked out for you by your nutritionist and not rules that need be absorbed by everyone.
  • Maidofmer
    Maidofmer Posts: 908 Member
    One problem that happens when people post advice from their nutritionists, is perhaps those rules were specifically chosen for your individual needs, and not applicable to the population at large, which is what your nutritionist should be doing for you. I would hope that when you pay them money they're giving you a custom plan suited to your needs and not just a grab bag of random rules they give everyone. Perhaps the feedback would have taken a different tone if you presented the rules as your own plan worked out for you by your nutritionist and not rules that need be absorbed by everyone.

  • Maidofmer
    Maidofmer Posts: 908 Member
    Heres my diet. I have lost several pant sizes eating these. Am I doing it right?












    high five
  • Markguns
    Markguns Posts: 554 Member
    Why don't you like Apple pie, you singled it out over all the other pies...? :sad: Your "diet" is too restrictive me thinks. Some points are good like avoiding sugar drinks/fruit juice, and I think you mean refined carbohydrates, not high carbs. However, a piece of apple pie wont kill ya! It's a lifestyle, not a life sentence! Most folks on here already know this btw. Why would you post "Your body has a natural fat burner". then fail to state what it is, that tends to take away from the credibility of the post. Not trying to be negative, just stating the obvious. Oh and Taunto stop posting those pictures trying to be true to you moniker! :grumble: :yawn:
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    Wow and 99% of you DID NOT THE ENTIRE POST all you read was the word NO...how pathetic first of all I am a FEMALE READ the entire post before you post your ignorant comments THANKS!!!

    I read your posts.

    I'd kick that "certified" nutritionist in the bidoubies.
    No legumes? What a joke. As are most of te rules you posted.
  • spamantha57
    spamantha57 Posts: 674 Member
    Hey guy with 17 demanding restrictions: You're probably thinking of cortisol smarty. Whatever word you tried to spell isn't even a word.

    And bread & pasta are totally fine. Processed bleached flour bread & pastas are the ones you have to watch out for.
  • Scrimples
    So here is how it works. Your Pituitary Gland, an endocrine gland located next to the brain, controls how this all works. When you body senses stress or danger it releases a hormone called Adrenocorticotropic or ACTH. ACTH in turn tells the adrenal glands, located above the kidneys and also an endocrine gland, releases Cotrisol. Cortisol is a steroid hormone. It is necessary to sustain life. A person's cortisol levels change throughout the day. In the morning when you wake your levels will be at their highest. They will gradually fall throughout the day until they reach a level of nearly non existant at midnight.

    As a steroid hormone it acts on the body like you would expect it too when someone has it in excess. It raises the blood pressure, heart rate, causes muscle wasting, lowered immutability, anxiety, depression, weight gain, insomnia and many other things when there is prolonged secretion. Weight gain caused by excess cortisol is typically located in the trunk, neck, and head. It can also cause a lot of problems as an excess of Cortisol puts your body into a 'fight or flight' response or a heightened state of stress.

    Now a learning moment mostly since I have chronic insomnia and know way too much on this subject. :) >>>>>>

    For some it goes beyond being a little stressed a little too often and those people have a rare syndrome called Cushing's Syndrome. Cushing's is caused by an ACTH secreting tumor. Typically this tumor is located in the pituitary gland and can be microscopic or aplastic and cannot be seen on an MRI. The tumor can also be located in the adrenal glands or even, the least likely scenario, ectopic and most likely somewhere in the stomach or elsewhere in the abdomen.

    Those with Cushing's Syndrome have a distinct cushingoid appearance. They often develop a fatty pad on the back of their neck, a dorsal hump, what is called a moon face, a rounded face shape, weight gain in the trunk and thinning limbs. Often weight gain happens at such fast rates it doesn't seem possible and occurs without any change in diet or exercise. One can simply gain 20 pounds in a week or a month while eating and exercising normally or even actively dieting. It is pretty wild. It isn't a nice disease. It causes problems in every system of the body, slowly, overtime, for most and a lot of them an non-specific and brushed off by doctors until you have 50 or more symptoms and feel like you will be lucky to make it out of your 30's at the rate your going. It is time consuming to diagnose, it is really rare, and unless it is florid (pretty much wildly out of control), you can spend FOREVER doing biochemical work ups. See they have to catch the high Cortisol level and as it fluctuates throughout the day it can be hard to catch the spike. Also, it is now believed by endocrinologists and the experts on Cushing's that there are many more cyclical, symptoms come in random cycles and then diminish, is much more prevalent that has been thought. Therefore someone suspected of Cyclical Cushing's must sit around and wait to test when they feel at their worst.

    I've spent the last year testing and waiting to catch that f-ing high. I've got plenty of high ACTH numbers in multiple biochemical work ups which cause some serious suspicion beyond my symptoms. Yippee right? I'm still terrified it will end up being Cushing's and not some other less horrible endocrine problem problem that doesn't slowly make the body stress itself out until one organ or another gives out.

    End of the educational segment>>>

    So I gave up on just sitting around waiting till I feel like I'm going to die again and went to a doctor who could help me be proactive while I wait. I had ballooned up to 280 pounds by that point, mostly by rapid and extreme gains in short periods, and felt hideous between all of that weight and all the other symptoms. I still feel horrible most of the time as losing weight didn't cure me, but I do feel more comfortable in my body and since cutting several foods I am apparently allergic to fixed a long list of GI symptoms.

    Eating the way you describe is exactly what it took for someone like me. That is the way I eat now when not in a stricter phase of the program I've been put on. It helps that I found out I'm allergic to gluten, dairy, and eggs. It also helped that by eliminating and then slowly adding back in starch and sugars that I know I can't do refined sugar or too much starchy stuff without gains. It makes a great incentive to avoid temptation. Especially helps when you know you'll get really sick if you eat some of it.

    Edit to add... Maybe not exactly like that, but along the same sorts of line.
  • Canderson58054
    Canderson58054 Posts: 132 Member
    OP- I would suggest knowing all your facts before posting advice like maybe the actual name of those hormones, or some scientific studies to support your statement. Also, try those ridiculous 17 rules you posted with some progress since you just joined MFP. If you have sucess and can STICK with it long term, more power to you. As for me, I'll stick with a BALANCED, healthy diet with exercise.
  • furrina
    furrina Posts: 148 Member
    Abridged version is all you need here:

    To lose/maintain weight/fat:

    1. count calories and have a deficit or limit depending on the above.
    2. do a LOT of #8
    3. do very little of the rest of them.

  • sarahmonsta
    sarahmonsta Posts: 185 Member
    Following a routine like that is very unrealistic and setting yourself up for failure. The key to success is moderation, not completely cutting yourself off from practically everything out there. I want a healthy relationship with food, not one where I am constantly guilty if I eat a piece of bread. In conclusion, I say hell no to your no's.
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    Interesting list, I'll contemplate it over my daily ice cream :)

    My nutrition plans once had a pile of no's, I prefer a blanket 'why not?' these days.
  • Tanja_CHH
    Tanja_CHH Posts: 216 Member
    It sounds very much like your nutrition has put you on a primal-ised type of eating. This works really well for some people, especially people with medical conditions or intolerant to certain foods, as it cuts out the primary foods people seem intolerant to. If you want to eat this way and want support it is in idea to go to a paleo/primal only website (marksdailyapple, paleo support group on here or similar) as on here people will only ever tell you, that you are wrong.
  • Scrimples
    These are my personal list of no-no's that work for me and sort of apply to your list. Everyone is bound to be different, but with metabolic disorders and endocrine disorders people tend to do better with watching their sugar and starch intake and overall cutting out a lot of the good stuff that others can more easily tolerate.

    -Mostly whole foods.

    -No gluten (allergy)

    -No eggs (allergy)

    -No dairy (allergy)

    -When eating processed foods choose the ones with the fewest and best ingredients for me.

    -Low starch. If you are going to have an apple pie make it one that tastes great and still fits into your food lifestyle.

    -Eat nutrient dense foods

    -Drink green tea

    -Eat lots of veggies

    -Eat foods that are organic or are non-gmo when I can. I have enough health problems I don't need to make anything worse.

    -Read all labels! That one makes me not want to eat most energy bars, but most lara bars are on my okay list and so are the that's it bars.

    -No soda or soft drinks. For people with problems metabolizing sugary things both full sugar and fake sugars that are in them tend to be a problem.

    -No popcorn. It's corn. Corn and I got a divorce...though we do date in the form of hand full of the fresh stuff now and then.

    -Always remember that foods labeled diet or fat free probably aren't that great for you. Read the label and decide based on the ingredients and how they work for you rather than buy based on the words 'diet,' 'fat free,' or 'sugar free.'

    -No artificial sweeteners like equal or sweet and low. No refined sugar. Choose sweeteners that are lower glycemic or stevia which doesn't affect blood sugars.

    -Use good fats like coconut oil and olive oil.

    -Nuts are a great filling snack that keep me full and I can keep with me for when I get stuck without safe foods and can't get something that won't have gluten, eggs, or cheese in it or could be cross contaminated.

    -Drink lots of water.

    -Listen to your own body and do what works best for you.

  • LazyDaise
    LazyDaise Posts: 48 Member
    That whole post could be simplified to "Avoid processes food and eat plenty of real food".
  • dfquigley
    I break all of those, some in moderation, some quite regularly.

    I've lost like 60 pounds and don't have a whole heck of a lot left to go.